The Cult of the White Owl

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The Cult of the White Owl Page 8

by Barbara Lefka


  “Annie, I can’t believe that these murders are still unsolved,” Jake fumed, “we are still no closer to getting our head into the mind of that madman since we started. The White Owl knows our every move. Does he know or does he surmise like a chess player, if we do this, then this will follow!” Where will his next victim be? Who will she be? Or is he finished? Unfortunately, I doubt that very much, in a way I think he is enjoying himself. No it is not over, in fact if we don’t catch him soon more killings will follow.” He said to Annie, who was going over the model’s testimony. “Annie are you listening to me?”

  She looked up in agreement. “Yes, I hear you.”

  “Murphy!” Jake called in his head detective. “Make a list of Tony McCane’s female customers married to law enforcement officers and local politicians. Confiscate all the photos taken in the studio and at random by his camera men. Did you get the photo of the man we found in both Caterina’s drawer and Natalie’s trashcan?”

  “Yes it is on the wire and in all the squad cars. We will get him if he is in this city. Do you want me to start on McCane’s client list too?”

  “Yes first! Take as many personnel as you need and try to figure out the next victim. Let’s see if we can get a step ahead so we can narrow down the field. Eliminate any ladies that have children for starters or even careers for that matter. Get going!”

  “Gerda is not going to be happy with more overtime.” Thought Murphy as he gathered his team and told them about the info gathering and how long it would probably take. Amidst groans and ‘oh no’s’ he started to shove off for the McCane studio.

  “Hey don’t we need a warrant?” Murphy called into Jake’s office.

  “Not if you ask nicely, after all he did say he wanted to cooperate. Let’s see if he does. But get a warrant as a back-up but don’t show it, only as a last resort. I have my suspicions, vague as they are. Let’s really see if he gives you access without the warrant. Now I need a drink and a fresh pair of ears to sound off too.” He threw a sideways glance at Annie, who ignored him.

  Dusk enfolded the city in a blanket of purples and pinks radiating from the setting sun. The air was clear and the moon was a pale disc in the sky promising a full moon when it became night. Jake mused this was a perfect night for a convertible as he drove toward the suburbs along Wissahicken Drive. His friend Stan was at the PM Suburban and a drink and a steak were on the menu. Maybe more, Crystal would be there and he knew she would be available to him if it came to that. He was open for anything tonight.

  “I probably am a bit depressed as to how things are going with this unfathomable case so far. I need a night off and I am going to take one tonight, by God.”

  The PM Suburban was alive with people, laughing, talking, drinking, eating, and listening to the magical fingers of Mike Grayson at the piano bar, playing Cole Porter his favorite composer, popular with the customers as well.

  Stan was nowhere to be seen, but Crystal came slinking over to Jake and held on to his arm leading him to the vacant seat at the piano bar; her station. After she got him comfortable she left to let Stan know Jake was in the house. Then she went to her service bar and got Jake a double scotch on the rocks.

  Crystal was so obvious in her maneuvering that Jake had to laugh and shake his head. Also he liked the piano bar but not to have dinner. Stan found him sitting and sipping and rescued him to a table away from the bar.

  “Let’s have a couple of steaks Stan I am famished and how about a baked potato with the works.”

  “You got it Jake. I am having the same plus two Caesar salads extra cheese on the side.” Stan gave their order to the waiter who materialized when Stan sat down. Stan then added “and a couple of beers.”

  “What no red wine?”

  “I’m sorry Jake did you want a glass or a bottle of my finest red?” I thought we would talk over dinner not get blitzed. What ever you want, good buddy.”

  “Naaw beers are fine and you are right about talking, I came by to get advice.”

  “The murdered beauties of the politicians, some case. How are you doing with that?”

  “You would not believe how conflicted I am, not because I am doing nothing. I’m moving along with it, but I can’t seem to get all my ducks in a row fast enough. I feel another murder is in the wings, waiting for her cue.” Jake swallowed half his beer and continued to let Stan in.

  “This is not in the papers but I am getting a calling card at every crime scene and even in Helen Wilson’s restaurant, the perpetrator slipped the waiter a C -note to deliver his calling card to me; ‘The White Owl’, while I’m listening to Councilman Carter telling me his wife had gone missing. “

  “How did he know you would be at that restaurant at that time?” Stan asked making room on the table for his salad.

  “Listen Stan that’s one of the easier answers. Most likely the wife told her killer the plans she had with her husband. Possibly pillow talk, but us being there at that exact time? Food for thought.

  Jake started to dig into the steak that was served after his salad, and all conversation stopped for a while. The sounds of good eating and drinking, “A couple of more beers here please,” Jake hailed a passing waiter. “You raised a good point Stan, how did the killer know what time we would be there?”

  “He probably had the place staked out, waiting for Carter to break and call you.”

  After dinner they sat back and lit up. Stan passed Jake one of his Havana cigars and resumed their conversation. He played out to Stan the scenario of the crimes and how they were committed and the fact that Tony McCane seemed to be up to his neck in coincidences, except for the fact that he had perfect alibis. At least on the surface.

  “Did it ever occur to you if he is involved in these murders he might not have been acting alone. He might possibly have an accomplice?” Stan volunteered his opinion again.

  “Son of a Bitch! Of course an accomplice, it probably took two people or more to kill them, dress them and display them. Stan it is always a pleasure to talk shop with you, no offense but your mind is calibrated for crime.”

  “Hey, knock that talk off!” Stan pretended to be offended.

  “Only kidding, but you have given me another angle to think about. An accomplice, maybe more than one. Interesting.”

  “Look whose here Jay, our good buddy’s Jake Guiliani and Stan the man of course. Move over, unless this is a private conversation?” Jack Meyer said exuberantly.

  “It was, but your timing is right on, great seeing you both, Jack, Jay, what are you up too? Trouble no doubt!” Stan greeted the pair and pushed over to make room in the booth. Jake did the same. Everyone shook hands all around and ordered more drinks.

  The laughter and the jive talk got louder and funnier as the men drank and got more comfortable with each other.

  Jack Meyer was a World War II pilot and flew over Burma and Indochina. He was an ace and fearless in all situations. Civilian life was dull for him but he kept busy tinkering with his Swift aircraft and running his used car agency.

  Jay went along with what ever Jack was involved in, he had a perfect case of hero worship and had a trust fund to live as he liked. His plane was a one engine Piper, a piece of cake to fly unlike the complicated retractable gear Swift, capable of flying at speeds of one hundred and fifty miles per hour or more. Jay’s Piper Cub was no contest for the sophisticated Swift aircraft.

  “Hey it’s clear as diamonds in the sky tonight how about flying to Delaware for coffee and donuts. You will love the light coming from the stars on this black night. No moon yet so they are extra bright.” Jay leaned on his elbows enthusiastic.

  “I have an idea, why don’t you set that to music Jay and we’ll dance to it.“ Jack punched Jay’s arm across the table, “Only kidding, friend.” and everyone laughed.

  Stan loved Jay’s idea, “You know Jake that might be a
good idea for you, get up in the atmosphere and get a good handle on the case. Blow out the cob webs and get a different perspective.” Smoke rings passed over Jake’s head from Stan’s cigar. He also loved doing that.

  “Stan you have already given me a new perspective and I want to explore it while it’s fresh in my mind so if you don’t mind Jay I will take a rain check on your offer. Although I would rather ride in the Swift with Jack. What a beautiful aircraft. Not that your Piper isn’t but the Swift intrigues me.”

  “Your welcome to fly with me anytime I go up and your even welcome to bring that gorgeous blond over there who hasn’t taken her eyes off you the whole night,” Jack said pointing to Crystal.

  “Yeah Jake maybe you would like to induct her into the Mile High Club.” Jay challenged.

  “I would like to induct her into something and I might start now, do you mind Stan?”

  “You go for it man she is not doing much work gaping at you. Go on get out of here and have some fun for yourself.”

  Jake slid out of the booth, “Thanks Stan, great seeing you two, stay out of trouble. Have a cup of coffee for me in Delaware. Thanks again for the invite.” Jake said in the vernacular.

  “No Delaware tonight, I’m thinking Atlantic City, what do you say Jay?”

  “Sounds good to me, want to come Stan the man?”

  “Have to work, bring home the daily bread. But I will take you up on it another time. Have a great evening.” Stan slid out of the booth and said goodnight to Jake and Crystal at the door.

  “How about a night cap at my place Crystal, I’ll show you my etchings’”

  “I would love to Jake I didn’t know you paint?”

  “Just an expression sugar, now kiss me here,” Jake said pointing to his cheek as he opened Crystal’s car door.

  “Ohh Jake, I have been waiting to kiss you all over for so long,” and she kissed him on the cheek and then licked his face.

  Jake wiped his face with his sleeve, “I am in for it,” he thought. She is a beauty and hot, a formidable combination. He pulled her to him as he got behind the wheel of the car and ran his hand under her breasts, feeling the weight of them at his finger tips. He did not want to go to far or they would never make it to his place. But she wasn’t stopping, she fondled the muscular contours of his thighs and groped for his penis.

  “Safety first, remember I’m a police detective.” Jake said in a hoarse whisper, ”we are nearly there. I am looking forward to a scotch and a fuck. In the mean time keep your hands busy and light us a couple of cigarettes.”

  Crystal straightened up and adjusted her blouse and opened her bag and shook out and lit two Pall Mall cigarettes extra length, she put the cigarette between his lips and he took a big drag.

  “Thanks doll, now be a good girl and see if you can find a tune or two on the radio.” He squeezed her arm and put the car into a higher gear.

  “I love to go fast and furious. Do you have a siren? Can you turn it on? Look what I found in my purse just for us, scotch!”

  “Save it, we are here. Home sweet home.” He opened the car door for her and she slid off the cool leather seat, her crinoline slips bunching around her thighs as she exited the car. Jake had to admit she was built like a brick shithouse. He hurried her indoors and started kissing her as the front door closed behind them. She was clinging to him as he half carried her into the downstairs guest bedroom.

  He set her down on the bed and started undressing her; blouse, bra (he bent down and kissed her creamy breasts) skirt, crinolines one, two, three CRINOLINES, gawd!

  Crystal was busy loosening Jake’s belt, unzipping his pants and was not the least bit disappointed in his manhood which he quickly inserted into her warm, wet, waiting, 0hhhh.

  ”Ohhh Jake, I want you so much, don’t stop, don’t stop!”

  But Jake pulled out and she climaxed as he massaged her vagina with his hand, he was not taking any chances on an unwanted pregnancy.

  Crystal on the other hand could think of nothing better than to seal her future with a child by the handsome chief detective.

  “Do you still have that flask, sugar? Now I really could go for a swig!” Jake smacked her on her bare rear end as she climbed off him and fetched her flask.

  “Jaaake, was that a love tap? Here baby open your mouth.” Crystal held his head in an embrace as she found his open mouth and poured the liquor down his throat. The scotch spilled on his bare chest and she started licking it with her tongue. He took the flask from her and poured some in her mouth and some down her bare breast following her lead, he used his tongue expertly.

  The telephone interrupted their sex games and he yanked the receiver out of her hand as she started to answer the phone. “Yeah, what’s going on?” He adjusted his position and swung his legs off the bed.

  “Sorry to bother you, but you should come to Tony McCane’s studio and see what we unearthed. It is vital to our case.”

  Jake could understand that Murphy did not want to say too much on the phone especially not knowing Jake’s situation. “Okay send a car I am not fit to drive tonight. l will be ready.”

  “You got it. I’ll be right there.”

  “Crystal get some clothes on, duty calls.” He jumped off the bed and into the shower and started soaping all over.

  The shower door opened and Crystal joined him. “Saving water,” she said by way of explanation. “Did you know there is a drought on?” She laughed as she soaped herself and started to put more soap on Jake.

  “That’s enough Crystal. Game over! I have to meet Murphy outside and drop you off. Where do you live?”

  “That’s okay, my car is at the PM Suburban. I don’t want to take you out of your way since duty calls, big detective. Just drop me off at the cab stand on Walnut and I can take it from there.”

  ‘I say Gwendolyn you are a sport,’ Jake thought, but did not say out loud, remembering the punch line from an old joke.

  The headlights from Murphy’s police car flashed light into the darkened kitchen as Jake put his jacket on and helped Crystal with her coat.

  “Thanks Jake” she smiled up at him, as they joined Murphy in the car.

  “No. thank you Crystal you were just what the doctor ordered. Let’s do this again sometime, with maybe less booze.”

  “Anytime for you Jake.” She gave him a hug and kissed him fervently on his open mouth.

  “Murphy, Crystal wants to be dropped off at the cab stand on Walnut Street and then we can head downtown.” Jake said, handing her a few twenty dollar bills he had ready for the cab fare and she was quick to say;

  “Jake this is too much I don’t want to louse up my amateur standing. I’m only going to the PM Suburban, not Conshohocken.”

  “Scat doll, I have mucho work to do.”

  She waved good-bye to him but he was talking to his second in command, and did not see her wave. But Murphy stared at her legs as she swung them out of the car and he got a gander at her thighs before she smoothed down her skirts. Crystal recognized the look and put it on the back burner of her mind. One seduction a night, please. How ever she was thrilled with Jake and how the evening evolved. She had set her sites on him the moment he walked into the bar.

  That was her job. The consortium of The White Owl paid her good money to seduce him and keep him from becoming too knowledgeable about their schemes. The consortium knew what a bulldog Jake was when he caught the scent. They knew a lot about the workings of the detective bureau, thanks to their informants, and now the consortium sent in Crystal as a major distraction, they hoped. She worked for them in the past and she was the best. She was beautiful, smart, cultured, and a consummate actress. She was bright, she had to be, to act so dumb.

  She tried to find out what Murphy was saying to Jake on the telephone but their conversation was guarded, and she got nothing. But they were heading back downtown, so maybe Tony w
as instrumental in a discovery of something or other. She would have to hurry if she was to make her report to the consortium before the meeting of the full membership.

  The membership of the Cult of the White Owl consisted of men in all walks of life, but with enough money to pay the steep fees the organization required.

  The White Owl Cult offered protection to the law makers and politicians who had careers in law enforcement or in government. They had the most to lose if the secrets of their infidelities or worse were made public. Those men would pay the most for protection offered by the consortium to keep their secrets confidential. Those government officials would pay big money or in kind or forfeit the lives of those nearest and dearest. An example had to be made clear to the rest, so the money would keep on coming into their coffers.

  The White Owl Cult took in a great deal of money from this present situation. The membership was growing fat from the blackmail inaugurated by their new elected leader, the Keeper of the Keys, of course like all killers he had a secret agenda withheld from even his most trusted lieutenants. But the blackmail scheme played in with his planned revenge. His eyes flamed behind his mask at the outrage perpetrated against him. He would make them suffer, they would all pay dearly for duping him. His identity was a mystery, only a few members in the inner circle knew his name, but others tried to guess, to no avail.

  Crystal fingered the pearl talisman in her pocket. It was in the shape of the owl. She had taken it off her neck before her love making with Jake. It might have piqued his curiosity. “It would be very hard to explain” she imagined.

  She had to contain her feelings for him, and not get emotionally involved, but her mind went back to his touch and a tingle went through her loins at the thought. She wet her lips and paid the cab as he dropped her off at the restaurant, now deserted with just one lone car in the back parking lot, hers.

  She put the white owl talisman around her neck, a bona fide member of the organization, put the car in gear and raced to the rendezvous.


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