The Cult of the White Owl

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The Cult of the White Owl Page 11

by Barbara Lefka

  “Dear God, we thought it was just a lark, nothing to take seriously, but when Cat was found murdered and then Daffy, Daphne, I got so scared. Of course I was not involved to the extent they were. They had multiple affairs, especially Daffy.” Priscilla wiped the tears away and blew her nose. “I did take pictures with them, after a three martini lunch it sounded like fun plus I was flattered, not to speak ill of Richard but he, he, rarely looked at me that way, for some time The blackmail started directly after, not just threatening to show our husbands but also releasing the photo’s to the magazines and the sleazier papers. We were panicked, our husband’s careers were at stake not to mention our reputations and our marriages. Cat gave up her beautiful emerald ring and Daphne didn’t want to give up anything. She mouthed off to them and they batted her around. Oh not in the face but punching her in the ribs and stomach. She crumbled after that and took off her diamond engagement ring and gave it up.”

  “Where were you when all this was going on? Were all three of you together? Where were they?” Jake repeated quietly holding Priscilla’s hand, not wanting to get her more upset than she already was.

  “Where? I am not sure. We had been partying and it was dark, I remember no moon and the men were masked. We were playing games. The girls, Cat and Daphne and I were together and we were having a hilarious time when we started out. Someone had a bottle of booze in the car and we were pretty drunk. We got out of the car at what looked like an old gothic church, but really Jake I can’t be sure.”

  “For the sake of argument let’s say you’re right, what happened next?” Jake was impatient to get on with it.

  “We went into the building by a side door and I remember a red velvet chaise lounge clearly, because I made for it, the booze was doing a number on my stomach so it felt good to lie down. Before I knew it one of the masked men lay down beside me and started petting me and unbuttoning my blouse and lifting my skirt to my thighs. He kept telling me how beautiful I was, how desirable, I was so flattered I just melted against him, a perfect stranger for all I knew. I looked around to see what the others were doing and they had all disappeared. I heard giggling in one of the rooms off the main one where I was but it was faint and I was busy being made love too. I did not even know who he was and what was shocking in hindsight, I didn’t care. What I wasn’t aware of was; they were filming me.” She started sobbing, “My Richard was murdered because I wanted a cheap thrill, I will never forgive myself.” Tears streamed down her face.

  “Listen let’s take a break, give Priscilla a chance to compose herself, have some lunch and a drink and we will continue after that. How does that sound Pris?”

  At her acceptance they left the room. Annie stayed and ordered lunch. “Chinese okay, Priscilla?”

  Jake, Babs and Burnsey got into the elevator together, “Let’s eat at Bains Deli just around the corner on Chestnut Street. Their sandwiches are the best?” Jake questioned everyone.

  “Fine with me.” Babs said.

  “Me too.” Burnsey made it unanimous.

  They stopped in front of the Bains Deli front window to admire the array of food displayed there looking so delectable and mouth watering.

  “Let’s eat.” Jake said pushing open the glass doors. Laughing they walked in and placed their order at the counter.

  “I feel sorry for Mrs. Smith,” Burnsey said between mouthfuls. “Boredom can be a slippery slope, which she proved and now she has to live with it forever.”

  “Yes she could be the unlucky one for surviving, unlike her so called friends that are blissfully dead with no music to face.” Babs sipped her beer and waited for a reaction. She didn’t have long to wait. The men out did each other defending her.

  Jake won hands down with the question, “Was Richard contacted? Was he offered protection? We can’t ask him due to his untimely death, but maybe his wife may have an inkling. We still have to question the mayor. Was he asked to pay protection? We don’t know how far this has gone, and to what level.”

  “Priscilla was forthcoming with what the other ladies gave up but not what she gave up. What piece of valuable jewelry did she forfeit to the blackmailers?”

  “Good point Babs. Eat up, I have to get back to the precinct to meet the mayor, a lot hinges on his answers.” Jake stood up bill in hand and paid the cashier and asked for a receipt.

  “It is good of you to come over Gerry, I want to keep you involved. I have McCane in interrogation with Detective Murphy, Priscilla Smith in tears with Annie and lurid photographs of all the victims in compromising poses. Except for the maid. Nothing on her as yet.”

  The mayor paled when the pictures were mentioned and it was not lost on Jake.

  “Did you see the pictures? Are they here at the station? Did everyone?” The mayor sat down heavily in the offered chair, and asked the questions that could ruin his life’s work. He groped for one of the cigarettes that Jake tossed across the desk, with shaking hands.

  Trying to compose himself, he lit the cigarette. “I was contacted by a person that called himself the White Owl, Keeper of the Keys. I have received many unusual phone calls while in office, but I paid attention to this one. His voice was sinister and threatening. He was demanding money or kind or else he was going to release incriminating and obscene photos of my wife having sex, to the press.” Gerry admitted, taking deep drags from his cigarette.

  “Did you pay?” Jake was quick to ask.

  “No! You never pay a blackmailer. It never ends, you know that. I basically thought he was bluffing. My wife was always there for me, except when she went to the club with her friends when I was either at work or at a meeting related to work. But when I got home there she was, greeting me at the door. It never entered my mind that she was unfaithful. I never expected them to kill her either, never that. I would have paid anything, forever. They are still demanding money or they will release the photos. I don’t think my career can stand the publicity, but I told them to release them and be damned!


  “Jake, through no fault of mine everything I worked for is ruined.”

  “Not on my watch. I will get this guy and we will clean up this mess. I swear he will burn!”

  Their meeting was so impassioned they did not notice the officer standing along side of the doorway listening to their conversation. As the mayor stood up to leave, the eavesdropper backed away from the doorway and disappeared down the hall.

  Jake accompanied the mayor down the hall, on his way to McCane’s interrogation and said good-bye with a firm handshake and instructions not to do anything without consulting him first. He knew in the minuscule world of city politics a wife exposed to infidelity and murder would end her husbands career. He would never get another vote. Shaking his head Jake entered the mirrored room and listened to a very heated discussion between Murphy and Tony McCane. Both men were standing and in each other’s face.

  Murphy was arguing, “you cannot stand there and tell me you were not involved in some aspect of these homicides?”

  “I am innocent. I was set up by Alain. He’s the one you want, not me.”

  “For God’s sake sit down and tell me the truth. I know you are lying through your teeth. It will go much easier if you tell me what you know. I am sure you didn’t want to be involved with murder, did you?” Murphy asked but then threw in, “only blackmail.”

  “No, God no, it was all a misunderstanding a mistake. I needed the money.

  He buried his head in his hands and looked up startled when his attorney barged in with Jake right behind him, demanding McCane’s immediate release.

  “Have you charged my client with a crime? No, then this interrogation is over. Mr. McCane please follow me and we will get your things and sign you out of here. Please unlock the handcuffs.” The attorney said confidently.

  Murphy looked at Jake, “Release him, but McCane do not leave the city

; under any circumstances. You will be watched. You lawyered up but in my book you are as guilty as sin.”

  “Watch yourself Chief, you could be guilty of slander.” The attorney said as he guided NcCane out the door.

  “Sue me!” Jake said kicking the door shut forcefully with his foot.

  “Let’s see how the ladies are doing. “

  “Chief why did we not book him on blackmail charges? You just let him go.” Jake just shook his head. “Shall I come with you Chief?” Murphy asked Jake’s back since he was the only one who had no lunch.

  “You know you look hungry to me. Why don’t you grab something and meet me back here, we can coordinate later?”

  “ I think he must be a mind reader, three o’clock in the afternoon and no food or drink, doesn’t take much of a seer,’ Murphy thought galloping toward the exit.

  “Hey Murphy where’s the fire?”

  Murphy kept on heading for the door, not answering anyone.

  “Whoa up Murphy, what did you do with the chief?” Burnsey asked meeting him on the front steps.

  “He’s with Mrs. Smith and looking for you.” Murphy lied, and laughed to himself, as Burnsey scampered away. You had to have some fun at this job.

  “Priscilla you seem to have pulled yourself together for the moment, so let’s get to it, if you would excuse us for now,” Jake said glancing in Annie’s direction.

  “Could you bring in some tea,” at Priscilla’s nod, “and coffee for me, hot.”

  “Make that two coffees please Annie. You sent for me Chief?” Burnsey took a position behind Jake.

  “Your friends contributed expensive pieces of jewelry in order to keep their secrets safe, what did you contribute?” Jake looked at her fidget and waited for her answer, ignoring Burnsey’s interruption.

  “A diamond brooch my mother left me in her Will.” Jake immediately stared at her right shoulder, of course the brooch was missing. How could I have missed that knock out? He thought.

  “I did not want it to cost Richard any money for my indiscretions so I sacrificed my mother’s brooch.”

  “Was it insured?” Jake asked.

  “As a matter of fact, it was.” Priscilla stared into Jake’s eyes.

  “That will be a hefty payout, the insurance dicks will be on the case and in my hair. Damn.”

  “But it wasn’t enough, they demanded more and threatened to get it from Richard one way or another.” Her tea came as did the coffee carried by the unformed officer. Annie was not to be seen. Jake noticed her absence but no one else did.

  “I guess I have to square it with Annie, for some reason. Woman, you can’t live with them and you can’t live without them, blast.

  They did contact Richard didn’t they Priscilla and Richard knew about the photo’s and the parties? What did he say or do and why didn’t he get in touch with me? We were more than colleagues, we were friends.” Jake said getting on with the questioning.

  “I begged him not too. I told him it was not just me that was involved but my friends as well. He said he would do some investigating on his own but then the murders were committed and he panicked, but he was going to you the next day. He was killed before he had a chance and it should have been me.” Tears flowed freely from her gray eyes and the men were embarrassed for her.

  “You are going to have to get hold of yourself Priscilla, you are right now our only lead in this whole sorrowful mess. Detective Burns is going to sit down with you and get a written statement. Write down everything that you can remember from the time you met the tennis pro at the club to the present day. By the way did you take tennis lessons from him?” At her affirmative nod he continued, “Write down any secrets the other ladies might have told you over cocktails. Write down every thing no matter how trivial you might think it is. It may be the answer to the whole case. Okay. Afterward you will be taken to your hotel room for a meal and sleep and then we will start again tomorrow. Thank you.” Jake stood up and left the room and headed back to his office,

  Priscilla sat there with her mouth open, but bent her head and started to write.

  “Oh Chief there is an insurance person in your office waiting for you…I told her you would be right along.”

  “Thanks Tom, I am heading that way.” His office door was closed and when he opened it, he could not believe his eyes. His day had just picked up.


  “Hello Jake, I am working on a mysterious disappearance of a diamond brooch. Is it tied up in your recent murder case?”

  “Oh yes, but how did you know?”

  “It’s my business to know especially when the claim is in the thousands as in this case file . The serial murder case The White Owl, the one you and the whole department are working on. The robbery victim is Priscilla Smith the DA’s wife. I am so sorry about your friend Jake I know you were close.”

  “Unfortunately not close enough, he never told me that they were in trouble, Maybe I could have helped. I am very happy to see you Kendra, how is everything going in your world.” Jake made himself comfortable behind his desk as Kendra was already at ease in the chair in front of him. “Can I offer you a scotch,” At her affirmative nod he took out the two crystal glasses and the bottle and poured generous shots for both of them. He lit her cigarette and stared at her with desire.

  “I am glad I am on this case Jake because I wanted a chance to tell you that Sal is back in my life. He and his wife are in the process of a divorce and the Don is living with Elizabeth in his mansion, as we speak. When the divorce is final he will marry her and I will marry Sal and we will return to the South of France to live permanently. We were very happy there and nothing is holding either one of us in the states”

  “I am very impressed Kendra how you land on your feet. No, don’t get upset with me I mean it as a compliment. You have no regard that he is a harden criminal, from an infamous crime family, but none of that matters to you.” Jake shook his head and polished off his scotch and poured another taste for himself and noticed Kendra’s glass was empty and he refilled it for her. He also noticed she was wearing the very big diamond.

  “You forget Jake that when you and I met I was madly in love with him and worried to death that something happened to him.” She sipped her drink, the diamond flashing in the low office light. “Jake I cannot stay longer but I wish it were you and me that were going to the South of France but you never returned my robe.”

  He watched her walk out the door and out of hi life. What robe? He wondered.


  The inner circle of the White Owl consortium was assembled at the church. The candles were lit and wine was being served by the black robed acolytes of the order. The Keeper of the Keys was seated at the head of the long rectangular table playing with his wine glass and chain smoking a quality cigarillo that were made for him in Havana, Cuba.

  “The revolution in Cuba may soon put an end to your cigarillo peccadillo.” His second in command seated on his right side laughed at his own cleverness.

  The White Owl threw him a look that, even though he was masked, was lethal. The truth be told he was seething mad. He nodded to the sergeant at arms and the meeting was called to order.

  The coterie of members put their hands to their chest and chanted the prayer to the white owl who was in her gilded cage behind the Keeper of the Keys. Minerva’s cage was resting on her blanket of South Sea Pearls that every year grew larger and more valuable.

  “A bloody fortune, on a bird.” One disgruntled member muttered.

  “Hush he will hear you.” The only female member at the table whispered fearing reprisals.

  The Keeper of the Keys again looked at the sergeant and the chant to the white owl began filling the room. He banged his staff onto the hard marble floor again with a resounding boom that reverberated around the church. The chanting ceased and a side door opened and a whit
e robed figure supported by two burly black robed men-at-arms, was dragged into the room.

  “This man that you see before you broke our trust, ignored our well- laid out plans made at great expense to our membership and put the whole organization in jeopardy by his stupidity. He disobeyed my direct orders and on his own, killed an important source of income plus left a witness to the inner workings of our consortium, with no chance of redeeming our cash outlay.”

  “It was an unforeseen mistake. How could I know the husband would get behind the wheel of that damned car? With Mr. McCane in lock-up I could not get his help in orchestrating the death of Mrs. Smith, so I used my own methods. I know you said it was arranged but I was bit no a lot uncomfortable. He defiantly folded his arms across his chest and stopped speaking.

  “Are you more comfortable now? This is a free country so you have a right to be heard but now it is my turn. Your crude solution to what was not even a problem to begin with, has cost us money and the scrutiny of Jake Guiliani. You have murdered a high ranking officer of the law. The police will never rest till the killer is apprehended. We, the consortium, I speak for all, will give them their murderer and perhaps that will be enough to save us. Disrobe him and get him out of our sight.”

  The men-in-arms stripped the mask and the robes off the unfortunate man and a gasp went up from the gathered members as he was identified.

  Crystal was not surprised as she recognized the sweating, well built older man that was so rude and abrupt to her in the red velvet bedroom. “Good Riddance, if it isn’t too late to save the organization and ourselves from going to jail or worse.”

  The Keeper, beckoned to the tall, burly figure who seemed to be the leader of the two and whispered in his ear as to what he wanted done to the miscreant. He handed him a note to be placed on the body before his death. The acolyte in black nodded and took up his position on the right side of the victim and helped drag him from the room. His protests of innocence echoing around the vaulted rooms and down the marble corridors.


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