The Cult of the White Owl

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The Cult of the White Owl Page 13

by Barbara Lefka

  “I thought you said fish can’t live in that water, it was polluted.”

  “Carl it was just an expression, now move it, idiot.”

  “Okay, okay just checking.” Carl started the car grumbling to himself that he was not an idiot and drove east to the church to meet the White Owl, still tugging on his ripped shirt.

  The White Owl was pacing, waiting for his henchmen to return with their report. The money that was lost from the debacle of the Smith’s murder was considerable, he thought. Not to mention the possibility that our operation could be in jeopardy. Priscilla is still alive and she knows quite a bit. Will she remember the location of our headquarters? Best not to take chances. We should and will move out tonight after they come back from the job I gave them. They can help carry out equipment and move it to the new building. That is one thing I can control, besides staging the suicide of the murderer, but will Chief Guiliani buy it? That is where Crystal is invaluable plus the spies in the police station, expensive but I can afford it. I do not want to take chances on a slip up by being cheap. Here they come and by the look on their faces a job well done, more money to pay out.

  “We took care of the sucker.”

  “Good work, take a couple of days off and keep your mouths shut or the consequences will be staggering and not just for you. But first move out some of the heavy equipment, silverware, candlesticks, dishes, altar cloths, dining table and chairs.” The White Owl instructed.

  The White Owl watched the men drive away with their burden and started dismantling the church of his personal possessions, not needing their help. Minerva was already in the car along with the cloth of South Sea Pearls. He went to his vault and removed the stacks of bills and put them in the satchel plus the extra pearls that did not get sewn on Minerva’s blanket. Nothing else was visible that he could see. The robes, masks, and hoods all belonged to the members. The White Owl packed his gear into the satchel and took one last look around and left the premises, with regret.

  “I am going to miss this lovely church Minerva and you will too. You soared through the sky light and flew high up to the stars. A glorious sight. We have to leave for a number of reasons but suffice to say we overstayed our welcome. Thanks to that moron we are in mortal danger of hanging by the neck until dead.

  Mrs. Smith is another loose end not to mention Tony McCane, only God knows what he said and what his mind set is right about now. Does he see the writing on the wall? He is a savvy guy he is probably planning an exit.

  “I don’t care I will put the ad in the personal column of the newspapers and gather the flock together and continue till I get my one big score, then my pretty birdie we will leave and they can hold the bag.” He laughed with his owl as they drove to their alternate secret location. “I hope everyone, as previously stated, reads the personals for instructions. We can’t have Guiliani and his detectives getting any closer, can we my beauty.”

  “Hey Crystal,’ Murphy opened his car door and approached her in the dark, deserted parking lot.

  “You scared the wits out of me. What are you doing here Murphy? Did you lose Jake? He isn’t here.” Crystal looked around just to be sure Jake wasn’t near by.

  Not being to sure himself as to why he came back to confront Crystal, Murphy shrugged his shoulder, “i kept thinking when I left you tonight that you might like a drink or a cup of coffee when you quit work, that’s why I came back after my shift ended earlier than expected.”

  “A drink or a cup of coffee?” Glancing at her watch she checked the time.

  “One o’clock in the morning, at this hour coffee sounds good to me. So are you through for the night? No more cop business? Just you and me?” Murphy nodded.

  “Okay sounds good to me. Would you like to take my car? Or shall I follow you?” Crystal asked, looking up at him.

  “No I’ll follow you; the Llanarch Diner okay? They’re open all night.”

  “Sounds good to me, you read my mind, see you there.” God, she thought, if I say ‘sounds good to me’ one more time I’ll puke. I’m not too nervous. What in the world am I going to do with this man? He is far to attractive to just fool around with. He might be an asset or he might interfere with my relationship with Jake, no telling for now. I think I’ll just enjoy myself in the meantime till I figure this out or talk to the White Owl. Come to think of it, isn’t he married? Look at that, he wants me to leave first. He wants to make sure I will meet him. Or is he just being polite?

  “Two coffee’s and a couple of those chocolate donuts, please.” He ordered pointing to the donuts in the glass dome, after they both had gotten settled in their booth by the window.

  Murphy, still under thirty years old, was excited to be sitting across from Crystal and was aroused just being with her. He was not thinking about the case, the murders, Jake, his wife constantly nagging him about his late hours, getting pregnant, children, etc. He was just grateful to be in her company. It was no more complicated than that for now, later he would want more.

  “So Murph what’s the story? Your married right?” Crystal got right down to it.

  “Yeah, so what? This has nothing to do with anyone except you and me. We are just having coffee and donuts, it doesn’t have to go any further unless you want it too, and than maybe I’ll oblige.” He laughed at his own boldness.

  “You seem pretty sure of yourself Bucko.” Crystal was surprised that she was having a good time with the handsome detective. She bit into her donut with evenly spaced white teeth and raised her hand to get the waitresses attention and ordered two more for both of them.

  The waitress brought the donuts and filled their cups with more coffee.

  Crystal started right in on hers with gusto and Murphy could not get over her appetite. “Aren’t you worried about your figure, doll, eating all that sweet stuff so late at night?”

  “What are you the fat police?” You don’t have to worry about my figure, my metabolism is high. I can’t gain an ounce. Lucky, right?”

  Crystal moved her leg under the table till she made contact with his leg, she then rubbed her foot up and down his leg slowly. She could not resist teasing him. He kept his leg engaged for awhile, staring into her dark eyes, then he asked the waitress for the check.

  While Murphy paid the check and was waiting for change, he watched her push against the newspaper stand and dislodge the morning news without paying.

  “I’ll be damned she’s a crook,” and he laughed out loud. “I wonder what other secrets she is harboring.”

  The laughter caused Crystal to turn around and she smiled at him and then ran down the diner’s steps and into her car.

  “Hey hold on. Where are you going in such a hurry?” Murphy made it to the side of her car door before she could put it in gear.

  “Tired, going to bed.” She leered up at him.

  “Alone” He leered back.

  “No, with my cat Alfie. He is a perfect pussycat and he is waiting to welcome me home. Do you know it is two-thirty in the morning?”

  “Let me welcome you home, Crystal. I can make you purr.” Murphy had his hand on the car door handle, not allowing her to pull away.

  “Not tonight my Bucko. Tonight I sleep alone.”

  “Get out of the car and let me hold you first then you can leave.” Murphy opened the car door and helped her off the seat. He wrapped his arms around her and pressed his body close to hers, pushing her back against the door frame until he heard her sigh deeply as she wound her arms around his neck and brushed his hair with her finger tips.

  He used his fingers to open her lips wide and then inserted his tongue deep into her mouth, exploring her teeth, the roof of her mouth and finally her tongue. An electric shock went through him and he staggered back away from her and she crumbled and would have fallen if he hadn’t held her in his strong arms.

  “No.” She gasped still not quite able to control her b
reathing, “I have to go.” She tumbled back into the car and closed the door, she put the car in gear and spread rubber out of there.

  “What have I done?” Murphy thought as he watched her taillights disappear. “What kind of situation have I gotten myself into? I have never met anyone that affected me like this. Let me get home and crawl into my own bed with my wife, my beautiful, safe, Gerda.” Murphy was shaken and scared to the roots of his being never having experienced such raw passion before this encounter with her.

  His car was parked close to the diner steps so he slowly walked over to it. He fumbled for his keys and got behind the wheel. Murphy started the car and backed out into very little traffic. He opened the glove compartment and reached for the Seagram’s 7 bottle inside. Removing the cap, he took a long swig, and then another. The liquor hit his throat like a ton of bricks and warmed his esophagus as it traveled to his stomach. “Man I needed that.” Taking another swig he was well on his way to Mellowville.

  Murphy was staggering a little as he inserted his key into his front door lock. The porch light was on which made him sad, knowing Gerda did not want him to come home to a darken house.

  “Is that you Murphy?” Gerda called down from their bedroom. “I couldn’t sleep. Could you warm me some milk in the kitchen? I was just about to get up when I heard your key.”

  “Sure honey, stay in bed I‘ll bring it right up.” Murphy splashed milk in a sauce pan and turned up the flame. He walked over to the liquor cabinet and poured some Seagram’s in a water tumbler and sipped it while the milk warmed on the stove. He got another glass from the cabinet for Gerda and poured the warm milk into the glass. He poured some milk over the liquor in his glass and added some liquor to Gerda’s milk and left the kitchen with his burden.

  “Here honey, are you feeling okay? I added a little whiskey to your glass and mine.”

  “Mmm delicious.” she smacked her lips together and licked the rim of the glass where a couple of drops spilled.

  Murphy threw his clothes on the chair and climbed into bed in his under shorts, too wiped out to even brush his teeth. But not too wiped out to grab his wife and kiss her and hold her close. “I love you honey. I love your warmth and I miss you so much when I am away from you.” He penetrated her and she held him tighter. They moved rhythmically together from years of practice, but it never got old for either of them.

  “Dear God,” Gerda prayed,” please let me get pregnant from this beautiful night. I love him so much.” She looked at him sound asleep beside her, with a smile on his face, like a contented baby.


  Jake arrived at headquarters feeling invigorated. A long hot morning shower and a good night’s sleep cleared his head and he was ready to take on Priscilla and find out exactly what was going down with McCane. The first officers tailing him should be back at headquarters by now. The one thing he was not thinking of was Kendra.

  There were a number of people waiting to greet him, but Burnsey stepped forward first, with Doctor Smith right behind him.

  “Chief, chief.” Burnsey yelled for Jake’s attention.

  “Chief Guiliani,” Dr. Smith grabbed Jake’s arm.

  ‘Okay follow me into the office,” They started to push ahead of each other, “both of you, now.”

  Annie followed Jake in as well with his coffee and newspaper.

  “That will be all Annie, thank you. Now gentlemen what is so important?

  You first Doc.” Jake chose from seniority.

  “The bodies in my charge have each been killed by at least two different people. and maybe three, a gang.” The doctor waited for the impact of what he said to sink into Jake’s conscious mind.


  “It was obvious from the blood on the shoe that one person a very sick individual, killed Caterina; I deduce that the same person set up Daphne, because the modus operandi were the same; make-up, dress, shoes, roses and message, but not necessarily the same killer. Natalie was different more spontaneous, because she was killed at home. The semen matched the blood found on the shoe and she was killed by carbon monoxide, so I surmised the same perpetrator. Now D.A. Smith was blown to smithereens, no note and no roses, so in my opinion two killers, possibly a three, a murderous gang.”

  “A gang,” Jake repeated. “The White Owl is a gang of assassins? Dr. Smith you also stated that Caterina and Daphne, both died of Carbon Monoxide poisoning, how do you think that was possible?”

  “Still working on it Chief, but that still does not dismiss the fact there are multiple murderers, besides multiple victims.” The coroner finished.

  “That makes sense Chief. I followed McCane to a small abandoned church, that could have been headquarters for the White Owl gang as we are now speculating, it is way out of town on the Main line. The place looked deserted to me, dark and abandoned but he had a key to a side door or it was unlocked, because he went right in. I saw lights come on from my vantage point outside and then minutes later he came rushing out carrying what looked like a stuffed tablecloth. He threw the makeshift sack in the back seat and then jumped in the front seat and drove away fast. I turned my headlights on and followed him. He drove quite a distance away from his home or even his studio. McCane seemed to be looking for something. He found an all-night drugstore and ran in frantically and came out moments later with only a newspaper. I continued following McCane right to his front door. He never even glanced at my headlights right behind his car, just dragged the sack and clutching the newspaper went up his walkway and into his house.

  I thought it was strange that he needed to read the newspaper so urgently that he went out of his way to find an all night drug store, he had nothing else in his hand.” Burnsey shook his head still confused.

  “Did he see you following him?” Jake asked.

  “He was completely oblivious to me being anywhere near him. But from his movements, I would say he was frightened.” Burnsey finished.

  “When you left did you radiophone the department for a replacement?” Jake expected McCane to be watched around the clock.

  “Absolutely, and I waited for his arrival. My replacement was Johnny Davis so he is capable of carrying out orders. But Tom Wilson was there to give them.”

  Jake was pleased with the way things were going. He could see a breakthrough. McCane was the key to solving these murders. McCane, Priscilla and as yet an unknown perpetrator to come forward.

  “I want to compliment you Burnsey for taking the initiative and accepting the tedious detail of shadowing McCane. He is an important cog in the wheel of our investigation.”

  “I know Chief but I am fascinated by this case, from the very beginning. The cold-blooded casualness of the killings, like it was a game or a play. Some sadistic son of a gun is having a time for himself. I would like to stay on it in any capacity.”

  “If you have no more questions for me Chief, I will return to my lab and do some further work in assessing what I have already found. I want to be able to recognize blood and semen types when I come across them in another content.” Dr. Smith left the office as Detective Murphy entered.

  “Sorry Chief I got delayed at home. Did I miss anything?”

  “No, we are just about to start questioning Priscilla. She is here I understand from Annie, in the interrogation room, but I am about to move her to the conference room. I want you, Burnsey and Babs Babinsky in on the questioning. Let’s go.” Jake and his men left the office to join Babs in the conference room. Priscilla was brought in and coffee and pastries were laid out on the console table. Everyone helped themselves and smiled and chatted with each other while they ate their breakfast.

  The conference room was equipped with a magnetic tape recorder. A rather bulky device but effective in getting every nuance from a conversation that plain note taking could not.

  “Shall we all be seated and Priscilla will you state your name, address, and
age for identification?” Jake asked turning the microphone in her direction, and lighting his cigarette, trying to blow the smoke away from the witness. It mattered little as everyone lit up after thier repass and smoke hung like a pall in the room.

  “My name is Priscilla Smith, I950 Morris Park Road, Philadelphia, Pa.. I am 32 years old.” She then sat back and waited for the questions.

  “Do you know or are you aware that your husband, was contacted by the blackmailers to pay a ransom for your salubrious photo’s?”

  “I told Richard that I gave up my Grandmother’s brooch which he knew meant a great deal to me and he would not budge. He would not pay for the pictures. He said there was no guarantee that they would stop there. We would be paying for life.

  “I asked him what if his career was ruined because of my infidelity? He said it would be on my head, but he would still love me no matter what happens.” She sat very stoically, dry eyed, waiting for the next question, all her tears gone for good.

  “Mrs. Smith,” Burns started to ask her a question, but stopped and looked at Jake for permission to continue, Jake nodded. “Mrs. Smith, are you familiar with an old gothic church on the Main Line in Gladwyne, Pa.?

  Priscilla looked at Jake remembering she had told him about a building where the masked men brought them. “I smelled incense and beeswax but I was so out of it, ‘three sheets to the wind’ from booze that I can’t be sure.”

  “Chief I propose we take Mrs. Smith to the church and see if it brings back any memories. Besides it might hold important clues to our investigation.” Burnsey looked at Jake in order to gage his reaction to his suggestion.

  “Time is 9:45 AM and I am ending this recording.” He patted Burnsey on the back and stood up, “You took the words right out of my mouth. I want us all to go. Murphy you drive with me and Mrs. Smith. Burnsey you ride with Babs Babinsky, that is if she wants to go?” Jake left the question up in the air.


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