The Cult of the White Owl

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The Cult of the White Owl Page 16

by Barbara Lefka

  “Annie get me the coroner’s office quick!” Annie flew into action and nodded to Jake.

  “Doc yes, hello, what are the measurements on the dead man. Alright, yes the one we did not look at, come on I’ll give you that. Did you take his measurements yet? Six feet about three inches and two hundred pounds. Thanks, yeah we will be down tomorrow for a look.” Jake hung up and stared at Murphy.

  “Well is it him, the guy in the photo?”

  “You nailed it, good work. Now all we have to do is identify him. Get back to the pictures, you are breaking the case open single handedly.” Jake patted him on his back as Jake was leaving the office for the night.

  “Where are you going? Do you want me to drive you?” Murphy was concerned, usually Jake was the last to leave.

  “Not that it is any of your business, but I have a date. I will drive myself to my date.” Smiling he left Murphy standing there with his mouth open.

  “I will be damned!” Murphy went back to the odious job of searching through the photos for more clues. He picked up the phone and called Gerda preparing himself for a tirade. Late again, and I was the one who wanted to go home if not early, at least on time.

  I have to get back to pointed hats, masks, and robes and I need to see if I can find anymore pictures of that heavy set man. The one we ignored in the morgue.

  “Hey Phil is that pizza? Good work I am starved. Let’s take five and eat, Phil can you get some cold drinks? Take the money from the slush fund in Annie’s desk. Did you find anything in the photo’s while I was gone Scott?”

  “Yeah one odd thing, this robe seems to be a female.” He said pointing to a robe that had breasts and long blonde hair sticking out from her pointed hat.

  “Is that person the only female? Are their any other pictures of her that you discovered?” Murphy asked studying the picture closely.

  “No, she seems to be ducking the camera, that was the only shot that we found.”

  “Let’s blow up her face as much as possible, yeah I know she is masked, but try to get as much skin as possible. She must be someone special since she seems to be the only woman.”

  “Would you say this is a cult? An all male cult, and if you can believe Doc Smith’s theory; a cult of assassins. So where does a woman fit in? Maybe it’s a guy in drag?” Scott inserted expecting a laugh, but no laughter, Murphy studied the picture further, “No I don’t think so, definitely a woman, I would bet on it.”

  “Well, you are the expert.” Scott kidded. Murphy being far from an expert.

  “Hey guys what did I miss?” Phil asked noting the studious looks on their faces. “I brought the drinks,” he said handing them out and helping himself to a slice of pie. “Who’s in the picture? A woman. That is unexpected.” Phil passed the picture back to Murphy.

  “Where’s the chief, he certainly would be interested in this situation.” Phil said his mouth filled with pizza.

  “That is an understatement. Should we call him, Murph?”

  “This is not urgent. Unusual but nothing that can’t wait till morning. In the mean time let’s get this picture blown up so we can present our findings in the best light, also blow up the heavy set man with the owl on his shoulder. While we are at it enlarge the man in the decorated robes as well. Then we will present it all to the chief.”

  The restaurant Jake chose was warm and friendly, a place where he was well known to the family owners. The decor was red check table cloths and chianti bottles with red candles. Frank Sinatra vied with Dean Martin singing Italian love songs creating a romantic mood for the diners. The waiters spontaneously would stop serving and harmonize with the music for the appreciation of the diners who applauded enthusiastically.

  “This is so much fun Jake, I love this restaurant and the food is wonderful.”

  She squeezed Jake’s hand across the table,” I am so glad I was able to get a ride from the beauty parlor,” she fluffed her hair and Jake smiled. “because now you get to take me home.”

  “I would have even picked you up if I knew you were going to turn out this cute. What did you want to talk to me about hon? Something important?”

  She blushed at the compliment, then got a more serious face. “No, well, yes in some circles it would be very important.” She took a gulp of her drink and plunged on. “I’m pregnant!” She stared in his eyes as she revealed her secret, a secret she had been keeping for three months.

  “How far along are you?” She told him three months.

  “Three months! My God Annie, that means you are not going to do anything about it. You’re to far gone for surgery, or any kind of medication. What are you going to do now?”

  “I’m doing it, I’m telling you. What are you going to do about it?” She thrust out her chin pugnaciously.

  It never entered Jake’s mind that the baby Annie was carrying was not his. They had been intimate from their second date onward. He loved making love to her and he knew she was a virgin when their affair started.

  Annie lived at home with her parents, good solid people, who would be heartbroken to learn their daughter got herself in the family way. She left him only one alternative, “Annie we better get married as soon as possible, I can’t have you running around with your tummy sticking way out and no husband.”

  “Jake you don’t love me like that, permanently. I’m catholic and marriage for me is forever. Are you willing to be with me forever?”

  “Annie, stop making it sound like a death sentence. I care for you mightily and in reality you understand my situation more than any other woman I could be with. Let’s look at the bright side, we created or are creating a new life and you are going to make a terrific mother, the little one could not ask for better. Don’t worry we will go to Elkton, Maryland and get married. We can leave after dinner. There is no time to waste.”

  “No,” she said signaling to the waiter for more drinks. “I am not skulking off to Maryland. I want a church wedding with a white gown and flowers and presents and a reception and the works. I can forego the honeymoon for now, but I want all the rest.” She picked up her wine glass and drank.

  “How are we going to make that happen? That scenario is impossible to carry out under the circumstances. Let’s approach this with some dignity, for God’s sake. We can have a church wedding after the fact, whatever you want. But right now we are going to do it my way, and my way is Elkton. You waited too long to tell me, now I hardly have time to buy you a ring.” Jake smiled trying to make light of the situation. He knew it was mostly his fault they were in this mess, it was because their lovemaking was so comfortable, so natural and every time they climaxed they melted into each other and it was impossible for him to stop the warmth that flowed between them. Maybe he wanted Annie for keeps, subconsciously, possible he thought.

  “If I told you sooner would you have asked me to marry you? Or would you have arranged for an illegal abortion?” She said gulping more wine.

  “Hey go easy on that stuff, your going to make the baby drunk. What do you take me for anyway? I would have done whatever you wanted, including a church wedding that we don’t have time for now.” Jake called for the check and thanked everyone for the good service, threw some money on the table, helped Annie on with her coat and they left the restaurant.

  They walked the few blocks to where the car was parked in silence. Jake had his arm around her and held her like she was china. He was totally overwhelmed by the situation. He was going to be a father. This woman was having his baby, my God, unfathomable. He held the door open for her and she got into the car. Jake got in behind the wheel and pulled her to him. He stuck his tongue deep in her mouth and squeezed her nipples, he felt that she was his. His property! A feeling he never experienced before. She thrust her body hard against his and returned his kiss with passion. He was her man, she wanted him for years and now he was hers. She won.

  “I feel so good. You
have been wonderful to me, tonight. I have been worried to death, wondering how you would take the news, now I can see I should have told you sooner, I should have trusted you more.”

  “I’m taking you home, pack a few things and we will drive to Maryland in the morning and get married. You will have to quit your job and move into my house, yeah, that’s where you will live from now on. What did you think, you would stay at home with mama?” He put the car in gear and drove her home, but kept her close to him.

  She was going to live with and be his wife no lone wolf. His life was changing even as he drove the car to take her home for the last time. His thinking was changing already. He faced many situations in his life but this one scared the hell out of him, not that he would ever let on. He walked Annie to the door and kissed her good night, a long, tender kiss. When right on cue the porch lights started blinking on and off and she ran inside.

  He stepped off the porch and headed toward his car. “The porch lights going off and on didn’t keep her from getting pregnant now did they?” he thought ironically as he got behind the wheel and drove home, still a single man.

  Murphy kept hold of the picture of the only girl in the White Owl organization, plus the beefy man with the owl on his shoulder and the man in the ornamental tunic. He brought them all home with him to investigate further in the morning, but he did not want to leave them behind, he wanted to show the chief personally.

  The case really had him going. The senior detectives always talked about cases that they would bring home, some cold cases that they worked on in their spare time, going over evidence that might have escaped their notice the first time around or the twentieth time. The amazing strides in science gave new life to old cases and even freed convicts when fingerprints or blood work did not mesh. Now they were talking about science fiction stuff like mapping the genome, DNA and something called RNA whatever that all meant. Whatever it was, it would be a boon to law enforcement.

  “Is that you Murphy?”

  “Are you expecting anyone else at this hour, if you are he’s a dead man.”

  “Oh dear you are a riot, it’s just that I have a hard time sleeping when your ‘not home. Are you coming up to bed?”

  “I thought I would bring up a couple of night caps for us. I’ll make them in the kitchen then I’ll be right up, doll.”

  “Don’t make me anything, my stomach is not right and I don’t want to make it worse.”

  “I’ll bring it up anyway, it might settle you. Besides you know I don’t like to drink alone. No bad habits. Here I come ready or not.”

  Murphy had the drinks in his hand and the folder with the pictures under his arm, he leaned over the night stand to kiss Gerda and half of the drinks spilled on her night gown and her. “Whoa, let me lick that off you. Can’t have good liquor go to waste.”

  “Stop you crazy nut, let me get up and change my night gown and dry off. I smell like a brewery.” She pushed him aside and headed toward the bathroom for a wet face cloth and then into her drawer for a fresh gown.

  ”Honestly Murphy I never know what to expect when you get home.” She slipped into her gown and hopped under the covers.

  “Gerda this case is complicated, but it intrigues me. I feel we are close to finding a solution. It is sad when one of our more competent officers in blue, really detective material, was lured to a life of crime and is now paying for it behind bars.” Murphy said sitting on the bed taking off his shoes. He turned to look at her and she was fast asleep her breathing even and steady.

  “Yeah, it is a waste of good officer material to lose Johnny Davis to a criminal like the White Owl, a sadistic murderer like that. What could have turned him? Tomorrow before I do anything else he is going to be interrogated until I get every answer to every question in this whole weird case. My first question being, why? Why the switch? Then, who is the white owl? Murphy turned out the bedside light and closed his eyes.

  “I’ll never get to sleep.”


  Headquarters was relatively quiet for an early Monday morning with very little actively or traffic either coming or going.

  The desk sergeant however had his hands full with an officer in blue manhandling a perpetrator. “Stop shaking the life out of him, officer, and you” he said to the crook, “go sit down while I get your paperwork sorted.” He threw a dirty look at the cop, who made an obscene gesture as he went back on the street.

  “Morning Chief, Murphy. Here is your mail Chief and this package came for you as well. The postman said it was lost in the post office for a while m the wrong box or something.” The desk sergeant put the mail in the waiting hands of Murphy.

  “Let’s go Murphy I have a million things to do before this morning is over.

  For instance; I want to interrogate Davis first thing. A dedicated officer of the law turning to criminal activities and murder, what turned him?”

  “Money probably,” Murphy mumbled to himself.

  Ignoring his aside Jake continued to itemize his list for Murphy; “You will have to question Priscilla and keep her safe. I am sure factions will be after her blood, not really knowing what she witnessed or surmised. The third thing on my list is for you to keep studying the photo’s on the white owl group. They are important. Davis attempted murder to retrieve them and failed. We have them and they hold secrets that we have yet to discover. So you and your men keep digging, something or someone is hidden there.

  Doctor Smith is doing great work in analyzing the blood evidence and any fingerprints that were found. He discovered that we are dealing with a band of assassins from patient scut work. Elementary for him, but impossible for us.

  We solved the newspaper ad and found the new headquarters for the White Owl gang of killers. We got a little lucky there, but we took the shot and it paid off.” Murphy looked up from his notes when Jake stopped talking, “We cannot get complacent, lives are at stake, lives of people we know and care about. A surveillance team must be assembled for the new White Owl headquarters, twenty-four hours. Pick your shifts, only top drawer personnel. Put Burnsey in charge of that team, he will get it done and take some of the responsibility off of you.”

  “Thanks Chief, I was sure I would never be going home till you come back from where ever.” Murphy actually pouted.

  “If you follow my instructions to the letter I believe we can nail the coffin closed on this case and the White Owl will be identified and not just jailed but electrocuted. “

  “Do you want to open your mail and package?” Murphy asked glancing at the pile of letters and the package on Jake’s desk.

  He glanced in the direction Murphy was pointing but ignored the suggestion and went on with his instructions. Jake knew what was in the package and it came too late to make any sense for either of them.

  “Mayor Wood and Councilman Carter have stayed on point. They are going about their business grieving for their loved ones but not doing anything dramatic. They will call us if someone puts the arm on them for blackmail money. So far no calls, right?”

  “Yeah, no calls but these pictures the men and I found last night hold a special interest above and beyond the rest of the album.” Murphy proceeded to lay out the 8 x 10 glossies on the desk for Jake to study. He then walked behind the desk to point out the more salient points.

  “For instance Chief this picture obviously is a woman, the only woman in the group.” Jake interrupted by picking up the picture off his desk to study her silhouette more closely. The draperies of her robe hid most of her figure, but her breasts were full and she appeared slim. Her hair was long, blonde and hanging below her pointed head dress. Her mask hid her upper face but revealed the tip of her nose which was perky, and her lips were full and lush. Her chin was small and rounded and shaped her face in a heart. (or so it appeared). Some thing nagged at him but he shrugged, laying the picture back on the desk, and picked up the picture of the robust
male that the owl landed on and noted the resemblance to the corpse that was fished out of the drink.

  “This must be Richard Smith’s killer, size, weight, and mass all seem the same. I compared it with Doc Smith, and he said it seemed likely but he wants us to do a visual on the corpse and he would like to have the picture.” Murphy saw Jake shaking his head.

  “No can do Murph, he will have to put the corpse on ice till I get back and you will be to busy with your list to go yourself. Reserve this photo for the doc or make a copy. Now what have we here?”

  “I think this is a picture of the White Owl himself. Notice the embroidery on the sleeves and the South Sea Pearl amulet attached to the gold necklace he is wearing around his neck. That necklace has to be worth a bloody fortune.”

  Jake picked up the picture of the elaborately robed leader and surmised Murphy had a point, he could very well be looking at a photo of the White Owl. Jake started to say something to his number one detective when Burnsey burst into the office.

  “Chief, Murph, you better follow me to lock up, there has been an incident.”

  “An incident, what do you mean by that?” He jumped out of his chair and ran after Burnsey. “Not another fire, I hope.”

  “No sir nothing like that. This is worse.” Burnsey was clattering down the iron stairs leading to the jail cells, Murphy at his heels. As they raced for the cell block a loud murmur greeted their ears and banging noise from tin cups on steel bars was adding to the din.

  The jail was in an uproar and the guards had their Billy clubs out trying to quell the noise and restore order. The loud speaker was blaring retribution and no recreation time in the yard if order was not restored. The speaker only added to the cacophony, no one was paying attention to its message.

  When the prisoners saw Jake and his detectives enter the room a semblance of order was restored slightly. The guards were gathered around one particular cell and Burnsey used his muscles to make a path for his chief and Murphy. The inmates stepped aside too reveal, Johnny Davis swinging from an unadorned light fixture in the center of his cell. A leather belt wrapped around his neck. He was quite dead.


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