The Cult of the White Owl

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The Cult of the White Owl Page 18

by Barbara Lefka

  “Only with my brides.” He stated with a twinkle in his eyes.

  “Let’s have champagne with our soft shell crabs, Jake. I really feel like celebrating. This is an auspicious day,”

  It certainly is an auspicious day, a life changing day, who would have thought last week I would be married and expecting a baby. My baby. My wife. I have to keep them safe, comfortable, and loved. Not necessarily in that order. Sacrifice my current life style, not all of it. Let’s be serious, not all of it.

  “Jake what are you thinking, your face is so pensive.”

  “Just thinking how lucky I am, to have you by my side and having a baby all in one package. Here comes the champagne, drink up and eat those delicious crabs, definitely worth the trip, if for no other reason.” He laughed taking a big gulp from his glass.

  “You are in for a big surprise if you think champagne and crab meat are worth the trip. Wait till we go to our rooms and see what is waiting for you.” Annie gave him a broad wink.

  “Why Mrs. Guiliani I am shocked at your innuendo.” Jake laughed. “Waiter check please.”


  After leaving Burnsey to his stake out, Murphy rushed over to Priscilla’s hotel to try and get some hard answers from her and save Jake the trouble.

  “You have left a great deal out of your story.” Murphy confronted Priscilla Smith in her hotel room where she was being sequestered. She was feeling the pressure of being under guard and the strain was making her crack wide open. She was drinking quite heavily when Murphy arrived and started to put his plan in action.

  “I know you were trying to put yourself in the best light possible but now Priscilla it is time you came clean. Let’s start from the beginning. Name the ladies that you were playing games with, drinking with and having sordid affairs with. It is important we get to the bottom of this.” He was at the end of his patience and it showed on Murphy’s handsome face, twisted now into a mask of deep concern.

  “To many people have died, your husband died in your place. Don’t you have any pity. Do you know the name of the White Owl?”

  She wrapped her robe tighter around her as though a cold blast from hell suddenly entered her hotel room and she shuddered to her soul. “I have no idea who the White Owl is, I did not even know there was someone called the White Owl.” She looked at Murphy pleadingly.

  “You are lying. You could not be so intimate with that group both with your girl friends and your lovers without knowing it was a cult. Name your friends living and dead that you were involved with, now!”

  ‘Caterina, Daphne, Sally and me together with Alain Kosonov and Tony McCane. We had a camera club in Tony’s remodeled basement. We took off our clothes an posed intimately with Alain while Tony photographed us in different erotic poses. He said kiddingly he was filming the Kama Sutra. Once or twice another man would join in but he was always masked and robed and pictures were forbidden, it was so exciting in the beginning but than not at all. Later it became scary.”

  “When did it become scary?” Murphy asked sitting on the bed next to Priscilla. He put his arm around her and held her other hand to stop it from shaking.

  “Alain asked us for money and when we laughed that it was us that should be paid, he smacked Cat in the face and told her to cough up or he would show her husband every picture in every pose and also involve the newspapers. The next day Cat arrived with one of the henchmen in robes and gave Alain her emerald ring and she was crying when she handed it to him. He started petting her and kept telling her she was a good girl and he was only following orders. Then he took her into another room telling us he was going to give her something for her nerves and that was the last we saw of her. The next day the newspapers carried the story and picture of her murder on George’s Hill.”

  Murphy poured Priscilla a finger of scotch and kept encouraging her to continue talking.

  “The rest of us were shook up except for Daphne, she looked like the cat that swallowed the canary. She thought she was his special person. He even beat her up in front of us, when she was hesitant to give him her wedding rings. Daphne finally did and he turned on the charm saying he was just asserting his manhood and he wouldn’t hurt Daphne or the rest of us for anything, we just had to obey him. We were his girls. God we were so stupid.’ Looking for love in all the wrong places.’”

  Murphy got up from the bed and dug out his pack of Camels and lit one for Priscilla and himself. She took a deep drag from the cigarette and finished her scotch, her robe loosened around her but she paid no attention, she wanted to get the inquisition over with and go to sleep. The policeman by the door noticed and though he could not hear all she was saying he could see her exposed body.

  Murphy glanced at the officer and saw the expression on his face and turned and saw Priscilla’s breast exposed. He sat back down on the bed and closed her robe and tied it shut with her belt. Decent again, much to the disappointment of the officer, Murphy asked, “When did you confess the whole thing to your husband?”

  “I had no choice I had to drag him into my sorry affair. They wanted more money from me and after I gave them my grand mother’s brooch I had none. Richard said not to worry he would take care of everything and he forbade me from going to the club. That didn’t go over to well. I’m not good at being ordered around by him. Especially since he was never home anyway. So of course I went that evening. It was just me, poor Cat and Daffy were gone and Sally was ail tied up with her new flame, what is his name, can’t remember, anyway she wanted out. She is single and wealthy, they had no hold on her, she told them publish and be damned, but use the pictures that flatter her.

  I was sitting at the bar feeling sorry for myself missing my friends, having a drink alone when Daphne’s husband Joe Carter pulls up a bar stool next to me.”

  “Hello pretty lady can I buy you a drink?” He said.

  “Carter put his arm around my shoulders and sat down beside me at the bar. I told him how much I missed Daphne especially that evening. He agreed with me and said it wasn’t getting any easier. He then asked me where Richard was and I said probably working. Carter then signaled the bartender for another round and he moved us to a booth in the lounge.

  “What evening is this? Is this the evening you lost your husband?”

  “Yes, and there I was playing tootsie with Joe, having a time. He started running his hands over me, saying how lonely he was and how he needed female companionship but he was so shy he did not know how to go about it. He was so miserable, I felt sorry for him. I was enjoying myself, not a thought for Richard.

  Joe and I both lost someone we cared about. I was commiserating with him when he startled me by asking what made me the happiest?”

  “What do you mean?” I asked him.

  “Are you happy here, with me.” He answered.

  “Yes I am, too happy. I better call it a night before I am too drunk to drive home.”

  “He asked me to please stay as I tried to get up to leave, and have another drink with him. So I sat back down, I didn’t really want to leave, truth be told.

  Joe wanted to know when I would see him again and I said whenever he wanted after all he was the widower of my best friend. With that he leaned over and wrapped my hair around his hands and pulled my face close to his. I closed my eyes expecting a kiss, so when nothing happened I opened them and he was grinning at me. He said, releasing my hair and sort of smoothing it down with his hands, “kisses are for another time and place.” With that he left me! I was stunned to see him walk away from me.”

  “Have you heard from the good councilman since that evening.” Murphy asked curious.

  “Just a letter of consolation from his office, nothing personal. Is this nearly over detective I crave sleep.” She yawned mightily.

  “Just one more question, do you have any idea where I might find Alain Kowanov?” Murphy asked getting up off the bed and taking t
he scotch bottle and empty glass away from her and placing it on the bureau across the room.

  “I know he had a retreat up state in the Pocono’s. He said it was the closest to Russia he could get, snow and mountains in winter.”

  “It sounds like he’s home sick. You don’t by any chance have an address?”

  She just looked at him, “That’s all folks,” she said imitating the cartoon.

  Murphy said good night and left an officer in charge of her safety. He was chomping at the bit waiting for Jake to get back and relieve some of the pressure, he was sure all the pieces would make perfect sense to him.

  He debated whether or not to return to the morgue in case he missed something the first or was it the second time he was there, better not. I don’t want to antagonize the old queen more than I have too. Jake said wait for him and this time I am going to listen. The PM downtown is right around the corner and my stomach tells me it is time to chow down, lunch seems to have turned into dinner. No chance of running into Crystal in the restaurant, she is an uptown girl. She is another problem to leave to Jake. She could make a man leave his happy home, and I won’t be tempted.

  Crystal had her back to the door and only turned around when she heard Murphy ordering at the bar.

  “Aren’t you going to say hello, bucko?” Crystal said as she approached the good looking detective where he was leaning on the bar.

  “Sure how are you Crystal? Can I buy you a drink? I did not expect to see you here, so far from the Suburban.” He said standing beside her.

  “They were short handed and Stan asked me to fill in.” There was a tension between them that crackled in the air, but both tried to cover it with small talk.

  “How about that drink?” He asked again.

  “I would rather have coffee and donuts at the diner with you after work.”

  She moved closer to him and he had no room to back up so he sat down on the bar stool.

  “No can do babe, I am working on a big case and Jake is out of town. So no donuts, but a drink is on the table.” He looked at her enjoying himself immensely just being in close proximity to her. Breathing in her perfume and feeling the warmth that radiated from her. Man, he thought she really affects me.

  Crystal looked around at the nearly empty restaurant and shrugged her shoulders and sat down next to him. The bartender put a perfect Manhattan in front of her with two cherries.

  “I haven’t had my dinner yet.” She said as she bit into the sweet cherry and then licked the juice from her lips.

  “Just as a matter of curiosity what time do you get finished here? The place is dead, no customers.” Murphy said looking around.

  So far Crystal resisted the urge to touch him or make contact in any way even though she was dying too. Her eyes however, were wandering over his muscular arms and broad shoulders and she wet her lips with desire. She felt her feelings were mutual although his hands were locked around his glass.

  “The late shift, I am working the late shift.” He pulled her bar stool closer to him until they were finally touching, and he bent down and gently kissed her lips, tasting the cherry juice and lipstick and tongue as she opened her mouth.

  He groaned, she affected him alright, to the roots of his being, but this time he was ready for the sensation and he held her close as she started to slide into him. She looked deep into his eyes, a green pool of desire in which she was drowning.

  “Crystal,” he pulled away from her, “I am starving. I haven’t had anything to eat since yesterday, sit with me in a booth while I order some dinner, for both of us if you want.” He got off the stool and guided Crystal toward a booth.

  “Noo Murphy I have work to do; these girls will report me to Stan as well as look at me. This is not going to happen. You just can’t come in here after being gone for weeks with not one word or call and expect me to jeopardize my job, nooo. Sorry Bucko. What can I get you to eat?”

  His eyes said one thing but his mouth said; “a steak rare and a salad. Bring me a beer, draft and I am sorry Crystal but let me be honest I didn’t know what was going on with you and the chief for one thing,” she shook her head.

  “Wait let me finish, I am married and I love my wife, and I can not be casual with you. You turn me on with one kiss, I am afraid to get to close and I did not expect to see you tonight. The only thing I wanted to do was stay away from you. But after seeing you I know I can’t. So what time do you quit work, and we will go for coffee and donuts.” Murphy kissed her slowly.

  “I work until midnight and I will wait for you or meet you wherever you say. I can’t stay away from you either. So let’s get it on, coffee and donuts sound perfect. I will get your steak.”

  She turned away from him and he patted her on her rear and blew her a kiss as she turned to stare back at him.

  Crystal well trained in the PM’s style, supervised the tablecloth, silverware, and the glass of beer with the exact amount of foam. The steak was served on a pewter tray sizzling on the platter. Crispy, French fried onion rings looked and tasted luscious. Murphy did not even leave a sliver on his plate and washed it all down with the last dregs of beer. He asked Crystal for the check. She sent the male server over with it, while she stayed at her station.

  “What are you doing? Why didn’t you come over to the table?” A puzzled Murphy asked walking over to her station questioning.

  “I thought we had something special, apparently I was wrong. You don’t think I’m special, you think I’m a bimbo. Well I am not and I won’t allow you or anyone too disrespect me.” Her eyes brilliant with unshed tears she turned away from him.

  “Holy Toledo! What did I say? What did I do?” Murphy was nonplussed.

  “If you don’t know Bucko, get lost.” Crystal stared at him eyes blazing.

  Like a revelation the light dawned, “I am sorry Crystal, it was just a love tap, I did not mean anything derogatory. It will never happen again, forgive me.” Murphy was shaken up.

  “Yes I accept your apology but I have to pass on the coffee and donuts, I lost my taste for sweets.”

  “How about a rain check? Tomorrow?”

  “It’s my day off and I have shopping to do. So it’s impossible.”

  “Let me take you shopping, what time and where?”

  “My apartment, in the lobby at eleven o’clock. Don’t be late.”

  “Okay, but where is your apartment?”

  “The Delegate on the parkway by the zoo. Good night Murphy.”

  “Come here babe and let me disrespect you a little” He held out his arms and she walked into them, all forgiven for the moment.

  “Babe I hate to leave; you are the best thing that has happened to me all week. Let me stay with you tonight we’ll get an early start tomorrow.”

  “Good night Murphy.” She pushed him toward the door and walked away to wait on some new customers.

  Murphy got into his car talking to himself. “I think I am one of those people that can’t stand serenity. Apparently I need chaos in my life. Although it was not my fault, I did not know she would be at the downtown restaurant, yeah but you were vaguely hoping, if the truth were known. God I dig her. She electrifies me. I have to be careful, no one can know. Not my wife, and not the chief or anyone in the department.” Murphy was not a deceitful person this was a whole new chapter in his life.

  He headed back toward Burnsey’s stakeout at the old restaurant, the lights were blazing around the site and the scene looked authentic.

  “Hey Burnsey, how’s it going? You sure look professional, this could be a second career.”

  “No thank you man, this job is a killer.”

  “Any luck as far as the occupants are concerned.”

  “What occupants? I feel somewhere in the city there are a flock of robed owls laughing their heads off. I think this is a joke. A red herring.” Burnsey wiped the beads of sweat o
ff his forehead and hands.

  “We can’t do anything about it now, we have to follow the chief’s orders, which are; stake out this place!”

  “Here come our replacements, me and the boys are going for a drink at the bar down the street why don’t you come with us?”

  “Thanks Burnsey, I have an early day tomorrow and I need some shut eye. I am about to call it a night. See you tomorrow.”

  “Hi Tom, how are you feeling? Murphy asked. “I didn’t expect to see you back on the job so soon after your encounter with a pistol butt.”

  “Thanks to my hard head I’m back on the job, thankfully. This job is right up my alley.”

  “Digging sewers?”

  “Nah, going on stake out. Can I get a hard hat?” He laughed.

  Murphy laughed too as he walked away, sending one last glance at the dark and deserted building the men were guarding. He thought it would have been fun drinking with Burnsey and the boys at the local pub, but Crystal. What in hell am I doing with her? He could ask himself that question away from her but when she was in his vicinity, the answer was obvious. He felt doomed.

  He thought about Gerda and the fact he would be seeing her in a minute. She probably would have dinner waiting for him, and good night kisses. Hypocrisy!

  The porch light was on as he clambered up the front steps and Gerda was there waiting at the door, a huge smile on her pretty face. “Hi darling, how was your day? I have dinner waiting in the kitchen, sit down and I’ll get you a beer while I set the table.” She put her arm around him as she walked with him into the living room. He folded into his favorite chair and let out a deep sigh, he was thankful to be home.

  The dining room table was pretty much set. Gerda took care of that small chore waiting for Murphy. She laid out the roast beef and the small round roasted potatoes that he loved, she poured another glass of beer and called him to the table. She poured a glass of wine for herself and cut a slice of roast beef and a ladle full of potatoes for him and pushed her chair closer to his.


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