The Cult of the White Owl

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The Cult of the White Owl Page 24

by Barbara Lefka

  “I have been waiting in the precinct for you, I am so snowed in at the DA’s office that it was actually a pleasure to wait, ahh this must be our star witness Crystal.” Babs held out her hand all smiles and Crystal smiled back and shook her hand.

  “It is very nice to know you, I think. I am ready to give you my statement and whatever else you may need I just want to make a clean breast of it all. I want to throw myself on your mercy and for that I hope you can help me at the same time. There is one thing I want you to know at the start, basically I was a prostitute paid to make myself available for Jake and gather as much information as I could for the White Owl, Keeper of the Keys.”

  “For now let’s start there. You combine the Keeper of the Keys and the White Owl in the same breath I thought the white owl was a bird and the Keeper of the Keys was the leader of the cult, is that not right?”

  “Yes the bird is worshiped by the cult membership as a supreme being, a god. The reincarnation of the goddess Minerva and that is the bird’s name Minerva. The only one who hears the bird’s instructions is the Keeper of the Keys.”

  “Are you telling me the bird instructs the man.” Babs was incredulous.

  “Yes and then he passes the instructions to the membership. The instructions, got more sinister and malevolent every year but, we were getting rich and richer and by that time we were all sucked in, to rich to question, to scared to leave. Most members were intrigued with the excitement and danger of a murder/blackmail club and they paid dearly to join. They did not care if the owl landed on their shoulder or their neighbors in fact they preferred the bird to land anywhere else but on them.” Crystal stopped talking and took a deep breath. Millie came in with coffee and chocolate cake.

  “You keep saying everyone gets rich and yet investigating the tax returns of you and other suspects there are no significant increase in tax structure over say, the last 5 years how do you explain that?” Babs questioned.

  Jake knew the taxes and lack of were how the Feds managed to incarcerate Capone and put him away for life.

  “The money was never divided among any of us. I got a small stipend every now and then for specific jobs, but the Keeper of the Keys kept all the money and pearls collected. He gave us a running count every month about our increase n wealth but we never got any of the actual dollars.

  “He should have been called keeper of the keys, pearls, money and every thing else.” Murphy joked, nut no one laughed at his wry humor.

  After coffee and cake the questioning continued, Burnsey stuck his head in the office, asking to help, but Jake told him to check on Wilson at the new headquarters of the White Owl. Jake thought it would be more efficient use of his time. With a sideways glance at Crystal Burnsey left the room.

  “Is Priscilla still in witness protection?” Jake asked.

  “Yes she has 24 hour guards, Why?” Babs questioned.

  “Just a thought, still thinking taxes. Let’s get on with it, by the way Crystal do you have any idea where the owl is kept?”

  “None what so ever Jake.”

  “Such a big bird, and nocturnal. That’s when they do their hunting at night.”

  They all looked at Jake. “Nothing just thinking our loud.’

  “One more thought Crystal, did you ever see the bird leave the church after the rituals?”

  “No, the bird, cage and pearl blanket were always gone before the congregation was dismissed. The altar was bare except for a few droppings.” She answered.

  “Who were the first to leave?”

  “The Keeper of the Keys. We had to bow our heads and raise our arms until a gong sounded somewhere in the building that gave us permission to leave the pews. When we did so, the bird, cage and all including the Keeper of the Keys and his Second in Command were gone. I never thought much about it since that was the way it always was.”

  “No chance of anyone following them? Sneaking out?” asked Murphy

  “No the body guards in black were stationed at each door allowing no one to leave until the gong sounded.” Crystal crossed her legs trying to get more comfortable and put a cigarette into her mouth, Murphy leaned toward her and lit it, she blew the smoke from her first puff away from him.

  “You were sexually involved with the keeper,” at Crystal’s affirmative nod Babs went on to ask, “anyone else in the organization?”

  “The keeper and others wanted me to give my sexual favors to the men the owl landed on to fulfill the murder contract. That only happened one time, it was not a good result and I announced to everyone that particular reward was off the table and not going to happen again. Apparently they agreed because that man bungled the contract and killed the D A instead of his wife, Priscilla.”

  “You mean Crystal the Keeper gave orders to have him executed?

  Crystal looked Jake in the eye and answered straightforwardly “He killed the DA by mistake in a crude and ugly manner, against everything the White Owl stood for and the bird was hysterical and incensed the Keeper to kill him.

  A vote was taken and he was escorted roughly out of the room by the black robes.”

  Jake, Babs and Murphy could not believe the gold mine of information that Crystal was revealing. She was a key player and they had her ALIVE.

  They had her and what a witness she would make for their case against The White Owl Cult, but it was up to them to keep her breathing, this meant stashing her away under guard for her protection. Jake felt he had time to think about her safety, it was still early in the day.

  “Crystal you attended every meeting and were privy to their plans?” Jake asked.

  This was getting dangerous for Crystal and she knew it.

  “Before I answer questions that might incriminate me, I want to know what I can expect by way of immunity from prosecution.”

  “It is not in my power to grant you total immunity for your crimes.” Jake said reluctantly, looking at Babs for clarification.

  Crystal objected to that.

  “They are crimes of a secondary nature, you did not commit them personally but you omitted telling the authorities about what was going to happen and innocent people were killed. So you are equally guilty of murder and blackmail in the eyes of the law and you could burn. That goes for your fellow cult members as well.” Babs explained.

  Tears flowed freely from Crystal’s beautiful eyes and she wept without stopping for what seemed like hours but in reality only minutes had passed. She accepted the handkerchief that Jake handed her, wiped her face and blew her nose then offered the soggy hanky back to Jake who ignored the offer.

  “I witnessed the bird landing on the shoulder of the chosen man that got the contract to kill someone but I never knew who or how or why. That all took place behind closed doors. It was only after reading the newspapers did I guess to myself, that was what it was about, maybe?

  My main job was to watch Jake and get as close to him as possible which I might add was a pleasure.” She smiled at Jake and missed Murphy’s scowl. Crystal blew her nose again and wiped her eyes. She was calm as they all watched her.

  “I have nothing more to say gentlemen and lady at this time. I would like to defer further comment till I have a chance to speak to my lawyer.”

  “Do you have a lawyer Crystal? Would you like the court to provide one for you? You have to understand you are considered a witness in the case against the White Owl or the Keeper as you call him, if you lawyer up now your status will change. Remember your cult members tried to kill you and we are protecting you so if and when the White Owl is caught you can testify against him for a reduced sentence.” Babs calmly explained.

  “Let’s take five and gather our thoughts and let Crystal contemplate her options which in my opinion are nil, Officer,”

  Jake signaled to the new recruit guarding the door in the hall to enter the room and guard the prisoner, {which in reality she was, a priso
ner,} while they took a break. “Keep the door locked and let no one in or out till we return.”

  Babs, Murphy and Jake walked in to the conference room and sat around the long oaken table in very comfortable dark green leather swivel chairs. They lit up cigarettes and there was silence for a moment while they exhaled.

  Jake was first to speak and they turned their heads to listen intently.

  “First as far as Crystal’s accommodations are concerned we will move her in with Priscilla at the hotel.” Babs looked askance, and Murphy shook his head. No one disagreed however. Jake continued, “We already have officers in place and this investigation has cost plenty. The commissioner has been more than generous and I don’t want to incur more unnecessary debt. I would like the rooms bugged before Crystal moves in, something might slip that she would not necessarily tell us but would tell a fellow victim. In a way Crystal was victimized like Priscilla. So round the clock monitoring.

  Priscilla has been dating the mayor and the councilman, Jerry and Carter that has got to stop until this is over and then she can see whomever the hell she wants. It would be doubly dangerous with Crystal moving into the suite with her.” The leather chair creaked as Jake changed position.

  “They could always double date,” Murphy quipped.

  “That will be enough of your humor Murphy I have never been more serious.”

  “Right Chief,” Murphy looked down sheepishly and whispered “sorry.”

  I forget that Murphy isn’t even thirty years old and still can see life differently than I do, and God bless him for that. We make a great team because our points of view differ. Jake thought as a small smile tugged at the corners of his generous mouth.

  “Babs, Murphy let’s get back to Crystal and let her know our plans. I want her to keep thinking she is a witness which she is and does not need a lawyer at this time.”

  They marched down the hall in step and thought when the front desk officer stopped Jake in mid-stride.

  ”Chief, Detective Burns just called to say that there is a lot of activity going on at the Old House Inn. Very suspicious, he said.”

  “Thank you officer, I’ll take care of it.” Jake rushed to catch up with the others.

  When they entered the office the new recruit was lying on the floor half naked. The top half of his uniform was missing and he was semi-conscious, a heavy crystal ash tray lay close to his body also on the floor. Crystal the girl, was gone!

  “Holy Toledo what happened here, where is Crystal? Wake up Mac. What happened here? Where is Crystal? Was she taken or did she knock you out and leave of her own accord? Wake up man and explain.” Murphy kept shaking him and then helped him to his feet Babs brought a chair over for him to sit down. Collapsing on the chair, bleeding from his head wound he garbled incoherently for a minute but rubbing his head he managed, “she hit me …. Hard. I think I passed out but I felt her undressing me. It all happened so fast like lightning. First I went over to give her a light on her cigarette, she asked me to, the next thing I am on the ground.”

  “Call an ambulance for this guy.” Jake said “and get the desk sergeant in here, maybe he saw something suspicious, then send a squad over to Crystal’s apartment, she might have gone home. Move it!”

  “Here we go again, two steps forward and one step back. Damn, the luck. She is in great danger from the cult, does she realize it?” He looked to Murphy for an answer.

  “I am sure she realizes it, but her immediate danger was being locked up, perhaps for a long time.” Murphy lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply. He was sort of glad she had gotten away. Too bad it had to end with her being a fugitive.

  “Put an all points bulletin out for her, she won’t get far.” Babs ordered the officers that were crowding the room. “Get her picture on the six o’clock news we will apprehend her and this time we take the gloves off.” She flounced out of the room and Jake and Murphy were left looking at each other, and the blood on the floor.

  “Its times like these when I miss Richard the most. He at least let me issue the orders and run my own ship. So Crystal is in the wind. While Babs has organized the apprehension of her, we are free to go to Wayne and see what is going on with Wilson and Burnsey. Are you with me


  The street was clear of the sewer equipment and the traffic flowed in their usual pathways. The Old House Inn had a number of cars in the parking lot and two squad cars, but everything was quiet no altercation or commotion.

  Carpenters, electricians, and architects were busy banging, sawing, studying plans and cursing their equipment when in reality it was the lack of competence that was causing the glitches. Restaurant furniture was being moved in on dollies or man power, which was plentiful.

  “Look Chief, no chairs, just what looks like pews. Do you think they are going to put pews around those long plank tables?” Murphy asked Jake as they walked in on the chaotic scene.

  Burnsey and Wilson were arguing with someone that could have been the foreman over some documents spread out on a makeshift table. Jake made his way over to them to find out what was going on.

  “Hey there sir, I am Jake Guiliani Chief Detective of the Philadelphia police force. I see you have already met Detectives Burns and Wilson.” Jake turned to Murphy who held out his hand, “Detective Murphy.”

  “Yeah, you guys are a little out of your jurisdiction aren’t you?” The foreman asked looking at them in some confusion.

  “Oh don’t you worry we are legit,” Murphy shook the foreman’s hand, “what is going on around here and who ordered the renovations?”

  “Looks like I got here just in the nick of time,” Carter said jovially.

  All conversation stopped as the councilman appeared in the room entering as silently as an apparition. The foreman picked up his plans and left the group nodding to his boss as he made his exit.

  Jake looked at Carter askance but lit a cigarette to hide his surprise.

  The officers shifted to make room for Carter at the table and Jake was studying him closely as the hair on the back of his neck vibrated, because in that moment he knew Joe Carter was the Keeper of the Keys, The White Owl.

  Lowering his head to hood his eyes he took a drag from his cigarette and looked around at all the activity, “What’s going on around here Joe?” He questioned casually.

  “Jake good to see you, man. What do you think of my little venture? You are all invited to my restaurant opening next month. I am restoring the building as a world class restaurant in a monastic theme. The tables are made of large wooden planks and the seating instead of chairs I am using pews.”

  “Like in church!?” Wilson exclaimed/

  “Exactly like in church. I discovered them in an old church on the mainline practically abandoned and purchased them dirt cheap. Look at that patina you can’t get that deep color on new wood.”

  The stain glass windows were being put in place in the window frames and a red and blue glow washed over the room, A not unpleasant effect.

  “I wish you luck it must have all cost a fortune.” Jake probed.

  “You have that right, a fortune, but I am building a tribute to Daphne. It is her insurance money that is making it all possible. We already have an extensive guest list for our opening night and we are catering some very prestigious weddings, and bar mitzvahs. Everyone likes the idea of monk clad waiters and wooden bowls for our soup and salad. Back to the basics.”

  “Anyone I may know in the wedding department? Jake questioned innocently thinking of the Don.

  “Can’t give away my client list, now can I? Have to watch out for the competition. So if I might ask, what are you doing here out of your stomping grounds? You are a way’s out of town.”

  “True all true, but we had an alert that a lot of renovations were going on in an area where we just had a stake-out. We were watching this building for a connection with a known criminal
The White Owl, maybe you have heard of him? He played a significant part in the death of your wife.” This time Jake made eye contact and Carter stared back unperturbed.

  “I had no idea. How would I have known. I was kept mostly in the dark as was the mayor. We were just told to act naturally and if contacted inform you, Jake. We have been doing just that. When this building came across my desk for sale it seemed the perfect tribute to my darling Daphne. She was some chef. I am naming the restaurant after her. Saint Daphne’s Kitchen. That should take some stain of sin from its doors. If I can be of further help call on me, but right now I have to ride herd on my foreman. Can’t have him getting lazy.”

  He walked away with a wave of his hand. Leaving the officers looking after him.

  “My God, Saint Daphne’s Kitchen, what a travesty.” Wilson said shaking his head.

  “We have to get back to headquarters. I need to make some calls. Burnsey, Wilson you both hangout here awhile and then follow Carter. Don’t let him see you. If he does peel off and you lose him, we will set up a detail at the precinct. But in the meantime tail him but don’t let him see you.”

  “What’s going on Chief? Is Carter a suspect?” Burnsey wanted to know.

  “Let’s just say a person of interest.”

  When Jake got in the car next to Murphy he lit a cigarette and tried to relax. His mind was going ninety miles a minute as it became clearer to him that in reality Joe Carter killed his wife and the others either himself or by his orders.

  So that is now a given, so my money is on the fact he is catering the Don’s wedding party at his mansion on the mainline. He would have easy access to planting bombs or whatever mayhem he could arrange. So what can I do. I can not pull him in on suspicion without proof. He would be out in two seconds and we would be sued for false arrest.

  “Hey Chief what are you thinking? Your cigarette ashes are falling all over your jacket.”

  “I have just discovered the White Owl’s secret identity.” He brushed vehemently at his jacket, throwing the cigarette butt out the car window.


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