Slipperless #3: A Billionaire Love Story

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Slipperless #3: A Billionaire Love Story Page 9

by Sloan Storm

  I writhed on the marble like a trapped animal, but without thinking, I angled my hips upwards towards his mouth. Gabe’s hands slipped beneath my ass as he delivered the final hot jets of water inside me. My entire body quaked and vibrated. Unable or unwilling to control the primal urge scratching at me from deep inside, I reached up and grabbed two fistfuls of Gabe’s hair as he licked and sucked me with feverish intent.

  “Ohhh, ohhh, ohhh,” I moaned.

  My hips locked, cemented in place by the flow of desire that bubbled deep within my core. I curled my fingers in his thick locks until I felt the tips of them reach the tenderness of his scalp. The moment grew too big for me to try and hold back, to hang on for just one more instant of slow gratification.

  Instead, I cried out…

  “I’m cumming… ahhh… ahhh… ahhh!!!”

  My body suffered in delight under the deluge of my first water-induced orgasm. Gabe held me in place but allowed my mind the freedom to drift down the stream of bliss. For several seconds, I moved my hips in slow, round circles grinding my pussy against his mouth, until at last I felt it too sensitive to continue, and with a whisper, I begged him for a respite.

  In the immediate afterglow, I looked at Gabe as water from the large shower head peppered his spectacular V-shaped torso. I dragged my fingertips along my body and up towards my breasts, where I paused and squeezed them together.

  Just then, Gabe began to rise to his feet. I lay naked before him, exposed like never before and eager to see what would happen next. Using the shower’s rain as my guide, I allowed my eyes to wander all the way down his chiseled body, until his prodigious gift filled my vision.

  I motioned to Gabe with my index finger and within seconds he moved towards my lips. He lingered there for a moment and as he did, my eyes fluttered closed. Gabe’s mouth pressed into mine and his tongue wasted no time in making its claim. He invaded me with passion and kissed like he meant for me never to forget it. With my head flat against the marble, I angled my mouth up towards his and beckoned him to take all that he cared to and do so with no qualms.

  Just then, Gabe grabbed my ankles and pulled me to the precipice of the ledge. My backside slid and squeaked along the marble until my movement stopped and my ass cheeks bumped against Gabe’s powerful thighs. As it did, Gabe leaned his thighs into my legs and pressed the immense bulge of his cock into the outermost edges of my folds.

  My pussy lips wrapped around it around like a wild jungle plant. A primal ferocity gripped at me in that moment and it took all my willpower not to reach down and pull him inside myself. Literally, my hand shook with the desire to do it.

  Yet, instead of giving me what I yearned for, he gave me what he wanted and began drag the thick tip up and down the length of my pussy. I moaned, cocooned in tortuous pleasure, as Gabe used his cock like a tuning fork and primed me for the instant he’d give his virtuoso performance upon me. He paused long enough for me to notice and then, with a single swift motion, delivered the full measure of his manhood.

  Within seconds, deep, steady blows pulsed in and out of my pussy. With each pass of his shaft between the tight confines of my folds, I shook with pleasure. Inch by tortuous inch, Gabe claimed every bit of me.

  Under the steady warmth of the rain above, I felt once more as if I were in service to him… lost to him. As Gabe slid his wet, hard cock in and out, I felt worshipped. Every grunt from him was a primal tribute to my femininity, every moan a visceral desire to have me all to himself, in every way. My ears filled with sounds of our passion and amid the pillows of steam, I began to feel us melt into one.

  “Mmm, hmm…” I moaned, as Gabe fucked me. “Mmm, hmm…”

  And then, without warning, Gabe’s cadence changed from steady thrusts to a slow, syrupy pulse. The sensation drove me mad. Over and again, Gabe inserted the full measure of his dick inside me, as deep as it would go, until the thick head bumped against my insides. After a brief pause, he would reverse the motion and move it almost all the way back out, leaving only the tip inside me.

  I cooed while I reached down towards him. His hands grasped me at the hips, and as I grabbed hold of his dense forearms, he peered down at me. I offered a lustful smile as our eyes met, but Gabe did not return it.

  Instead, as water licked and rolled across his square jaw, he stared back at me with a sexually threatening gaze. My breath escaped through a small part in my lips just as he yanked me towards him once more. Startled, I dug my nails into his forearms and moaned as he entered into my depths like never before.

  Where moments earlier he tantalized me with control and restraint, now he riveted my attention with the opposite. Gabe angled his torso over me and placed his right palm in the center of my belly. He thrust with recklessness and pinned me to the marble beneath, as all the while my supple flesh rippled in waves of submission.

  I rocked back and forth as his frenetic pace continued, and as it did, I dug my heels into his rock-hard ass and pulled. My senses told me his moment was near. I didn’t want there to be any chance I wouldn’t be prepared to receive all he had to offer.

  And offer it he would, for in the next few seconds, Gabe flung his head back.

  Spray from his wet hair flashed in every direction once again and he stared up at the ceiling for an instant before returning his attention to me. I felt his ass cheeks draw inward with a hard pull and stop.

  A deep guttural moan rumbled in his abdomen, made its way up through his throat and spilled out of his mouth in the form of an emphatic growl. His upper torso lurched forward while at the same instant he began to thrust inside of me with renewed fervor. I gripped at his forearms, made slick by his effort and the ever-present shower steam.

  Gabe’s entire body flexed and bowed as he neared the moment of his climax. Just then, I felt a series of small tremors build, followed next by the deepest and most forceful thrusts yet. Gabe grunted and with a final push, drove the entire length of his cock inside me.

  “Aaaaaaahhhhhh!!!!!” he yelled as he fell forward over my midsection.

  And then, in the next instant, he erupted. Hot ejaculate laced me as his cock descended into my deepest of places. I reached up and clawed his hard backside as orgasm gripped at his body. His dick buried to the hilt, Gabe held it there as jet after jet slipped within me. I raked my nails across his back, and as I did, his head reared up. A twisted mix of pain and pleasure folded his face in delight as the swan song of his ecstasy approached.

  For a few more seconds, he held there, connecting us in bliss. When at last it began to recede, he leaned over and kissed me. As we separated, he helped me to my feet and moved back towards the center of the shower. He soaped and shampooed me from head to toe for at least ten minutes, if not more.

  As we finished, Gabe offered me a towel.

  “So,” he began. “Ready to go sailing?”


  Gabe captained the boat to a spot just beyond the edge of the bay.

  “I thought you said we were staying closer to shore.”

  He winked at me. “Just getting a bit of privacy. Don’t worry, we’ll be fine.”

  As he finished, Gabe tossed the boat’s anchor overboard. I wasn’t pleased with his response nor the fact that we were beyond the confines of the bay. In fact, the water was quite choppy and as the anchor sank to the bottom, I grabbed onto the edge of my seat.

  “You okay?” Gabe said, as he turned back towards me.

  “No! I’m mad at you. You told me we were staying in the bay. And now look! We’re out here with the waves and everything.”

  Gabe stood from where he sat and made his way towards me. After a moment or two, he squatted down next to me.

  “Fiona. Everything is fine, all right? Look, it’s a glorious day out. You don’t have to worry about the waves. They aren’t more than a foot high at the most. Just think of it as if you’re in your car driving down a rolling road. It’s no different.”

  As he spoke, I sensed my death grip ease a bit.

; “Here, look,” he began, turning his back and gesturing towards the clear blue water just beyond the side of the boat. I didn’t budge. After a few moments, Gabe reached towards me and folded his fingers around my forearm. “Come on, Fiona. Come look.”

  I didn’t stand, but instead scooted down the length of my seat in his direction. When I got close enough to the edge to see the water, I stopped in place.

  “This is as far as I go. Right here.”

  Gabe shook his head and chuckled. “Okay. Well, I guess you can still see from there.”

  “See what?”

  Over the next several minutes, Gabe pointed out at least a dozen different kinds of fish as they swam by the sailboat. As he spoke, the sun’s rays licked at my skin. The warmth settled me a bit.

  Just then, a salt-filled gust of sea air floated past my nostrils, and combined with the gentle laps of water against the side of the boat, it helped my edginess begin to dissipate further. Feeling a bit more at ease, I edged closer to the end of my seat, so much so that by the time Gabe turned around once again, I was within inches of him.

  “Oh, hey,” he said with hint of surprise in his tone. “Glad you could join me.”

  I grimaced at him.

  “A barracuda!” he said, pointing towards the water. “Fiona, have a look. He’s a monster.”

  With one hand pressed into the middle of Gabe’s back, I leaned forward, peering over the side. As I did, a long slender fish, pulsed by, swatting its tail back and forth with precision. It shined and shimmered, looking as if it were made of chrome, as the sun’s rays reflected down on it.

  Just then, Gabe pointed to his right. “Another one!”

  I turned my head to look, and a splash of water from a passing swell coated my face. The saltwater burned my eyes, and as I reached up to rub them, my hand collided with Gabe’s. I felt my charm bracelet catch on his wristwatch and then a split second later, I sensed it vanish from my wrist with sickening snap.

  With eyes full of salt, I opened them as much as I could and screamed, “My bracelet!”

  Gabe hadn’t realized he’d done anything.

  “What?” he replied with a tone of confusion in his voice.

  Rubbing my eyes as hard as I could, I yelled, “My bracelet it… it got caught on your watch and snapped free!”

  “Oh shit!” Gabe began. As I continued to try and rid my eyes of the salt, I heard Gabe clamor about the inside of the sailboat. Several ‘um’s’ and ‘ah’s’ later, he’d verified my worst fears.

  “I don’t see it, Fiona. It must have gone over the side.”

  “What?!” I screamed, as I flipped my eyes open at last. The terror that glued me to my seat moments before left my body as I dove towards the side of the boat, looking over it in desperation. The entire vessel listed and Gabe lost his balance, nearly falling on top of me as a result.

  “Jesus, Fiona!” he exclaimed. “Be careful!”

  “My bracelet!” I cried out, ignoring him. “It’s gone!”

  “No,” Gabe replied, without a moment’s hesitation. “We can get it. Just gotta go in after it.”

  Still overwhelmed by the loss, I only half-listened to him as he began to strip away his clothing, starting with his shirt. Slack-jawed, I stared into the water in utter despair. I’d had that bracelet for more than half my life and now, in a fraction of a second, it was gone. It was as if I’d lost my family all over again in a twist of horrifying irony.

  Yet, the entire time I gawked at the passing swells, Gabe continued to remove his clothes, finally kicking off his flip flops. At last, still half-dazed, I turned my head in his direction.

  “What are you doing?”

  Gabe frowned as if I’d asked him the dumbest question imaginable.

  “What do you mean?” he scoffed. “I’m going in after it.”

  I shook my head, “No, no, no. Gabe, please don’t.”

  Yet within a second or two, Gabe looked as if he was about to jump in.

  “Wait…” I said, as another surge of adrenaline hit me. “How long can you hold your breath underwater?”

  “A couple of minutes. Why?”

  “Ohh, I don’t know. I just… Gabe, I hate this.”

  “Well we don’t really have a choice do we, Fiona? If a barracuda happens to see your bracelet sailing towards the bottom, it’ll snatch it up and it will be gone forever. They are attracted to shiny objects. Is that what you want?”

  “No, of course it isn’t, but… I’m worried about you. What if something happens?”

  Gabe took a quick seat across from me, jarring the boat and causing it to rock from side-to-side.

  “Gabe!” I shrieked, as I grabbed on to my seat with every ounce of strength I had. “Please be careful!”

  Gabe ignored me and instead grabbed me by the forearms and pried my fingers loose from the seat beneath me. He brought my hands around in front of my body and folded his fingers over mine. My frantic breath slowed a bit as he held me there for a moment or two before he started to speak.

  “Fiona, you need to calm down right now. Okay?”

  My mouth was so dry, I couldn’t force down a single swallow. I nodded.

  “Here’s what’s going to happen. I’m going to search for your bracelet, get it, and then bring it back. Understand?”

  A million scenarios jumbled in my mind. Nearly all of them wound up with him dead. As I sat there fretting, Gabe stood. It was as if time slowed Gabe’s movement as I watched him. And then, without so much as another word or a look in my direction, Gabe jumped off the side of the sailboat, arching into the water as if he’d been born to do it.

  Thinking quickly, I reached for my beach bag and pulled out my cell phone. An urge to time how long he’d been submerged overwhelmed me. My hands trembled as I groped inside and felt around for it.

  “Oh come on…” I groaned at last. Yanking the bag up near my face for a better view, I finally spotted it. Without wasting a second, I grabbed it, swiped it on, and opened the timer app. As I did, I glanced over the side of the boat. I estimated he’d been under for at least fifteen seconds at this point.

  “Okay, add fifteen,” I muttered as I started the timer.

  As soon as I did, I returned my attention over the side and waited. It wasn’t long before I’d reached an estimated thirty seconds, then forty-five, then sixty. I inched forward, peering over the side of the boat.

  Even though the water was clear, I could only see down about ten feet or so. Gabe said it was at last twenty feet in this spot so straining to see much further probably wouldn’t do me any good.

  At one minute, fifteen seconds, my stomach sank.

  Glancing at the timer, I muttered, “Gabe, what the hell are you doing?”

  Where the hell was he? Oh my God. Oh my God.

  But just as I’d reached a state of near paralysis, I heard a splashing sound to my right. Just then Gabe surfaced, thrashing his head and slinging his long wet hair away from his eyes.

  “Gabe!” I screamed. “Oh, my God!”

  As I spoke, Gabe started to swim back in the direction of the boat. Soon enough, he arrived and gripped onto the side with his fingers.

  “You had me worried sick!” I said.

  Gabe laughed. “You seem pissed right now.”

  “That’s because I am pissed! I thought you drowned!”

  “Okay, okay…” Gabe replied, interrupting me. “Calm down. I’m fine. No luck yet, though. Just came up to grab air, then I’ll go back.”

  “What!” I exclaimed. “No, Gabe. No! I don’t care about the bracelet. I don’t want anything to happen to you. Please. Just get back in the boat.”

  “Aww,” Gabe said with a wink and ill-timed smirk. “So you do care. Huh, Fiona?”

  I thinned my lips at him. “I’m not in the mood, Gabe. Please just get in the boat with me.”

  Gabe shook his head and pushed himself away from the side. The movement of his body created a small wake around his upper torso, swallowing it in foamy blue.

  “Back in a minute, babe.”

  “Gabe! No!”

  But before I could get a second word out, I lost sight of him as the last part to submerge, his toes, vanished beneath the water’s surface. I glanced around the immediate area as soon as Gabe disappeared from view.

  “Where the hell did everyone go?” I stammered. “Where are all the boats?”

  In fact, as I scanned the entire area, I didn’t see a single living soul. What the hell was I going to do if something happened to him?

  Before I realized it, nearly the same length of time Gabe had been down before passed by once again. With each second past the time when he ought to have resurfaced, I fretted.

  Nearly to the point of panic, I stood in the boat, reaching above my head and grasping the sail to steady myself. I traced the top of the water, following each whitecap as it dissipated into foam.

  “Gabe!” I screamed. “Gabe!”

  All of a sudden, from behind, I heard the sound of a great gasp for air. Spinning in place, I caught Gabe as he surfaced once more. I scrambled across the boat to the other side and knelt down near the edge. Gabe gulped for breath as he swam back up to the boat.

  “Gabe, please,” I begged. “You are terrifying me. Please, just forget about the bracelet okay? I’m begging you.”

  Gabe heaved several more breaths.

  “Fiona… Don’t… Worry… About it.”

  “Well I am going to worry about it. I don’t want you risking your life over it. This is crazy! Please get back in the boat.”

  Gabe shook his head. “I think I know… where… it went. There’s a huge patch of sand… down there. There’s nothing covering… any of it. I’m gonna go look.”

  I felt tears begin to well up in my eyes. “Gabe, no. Please don’t, I…”


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