Savage Vendetta (Fire & Vice Book 4)

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Savage Vendetta (Fire & Vice Book 4) Page 12

by Nikita Slater

  He tracked her to the door of the bunker. She was doing everything she could to get it open. Of course it wouldn't open without a code. It would be a piss poor prison if it did. Realizing her predicament, Jane swung around and watched warily as Vlad approached. She held a small chip of porcelain in her fist and raised it threateningly. Her eyes looked wild, like those of a trapped animal. She must have found a way to break a chip off the toilet in the cell. He was impressed with her ingenuity. He'd had some truly bad men in there before and none had thought to use the toilet as a weapon once the obvious pieces had been removed.

  She looked like a miniature Amazon, ready to take out her enemy. He would’ve laughed and called her fierce expression cute except she had just kicked him in the junk and then cut him up before getting free. To be fair to his ego, had he really wanted to stop her she would never have made it out the cell door.

  "Put the weapon down Jane, I would not be happy if you cut your hand," he snapped, limping toward her.

  She snarled and lunged for him. With a sigh, he grabbed her wrist in one hand and gripped her neck in his other hand. He tightened his grip on her wrist until she dropped the toilet chip. Her wrist would be badly bruised but not broken. He shoved her back until she was against the door.

  "You said you wouldn't kill me!" she reminded him with a pained gasp as his fingers flexed, tightening around her neck. She brought her free hand up and clutched at his steely hold. His long fingers nearly circled her completely.

  "There are other ways, Jane," he said, bringing his face down to hers and resting it against her soft hair while he waited for the throbbing in his groin to decrease.

  "You also said you wouldn't do irreparable damage," she said hurriedly, whimpering as his fingers tightened fractionally. "Or are you a liar as well as a monster, Sitnikov?"

  He continued to breathe deeply, his vision beginning to clear. For such a small thing, she could pack a punch. "Be careful, malysh. You don't want to say things you'll regret. I promised not to hurt you, much. I stand by my word."

  "Then what do you intend to do with me?" she asked, her voice wavering a little. Having seen his prison cell she could only imagine the Boss had an excellent imagination when it came to exacting revenge. His next words confirmed her suspicion.

  "I am going to take you back up to the house and give you the chance the kiss away the pain that you have inflicted."

  Her face paled, "You said no sex until I'm healed."

  He laughed darkly. "Jane, love, I have never seen anyone run as fast as you just did, let alone someone recovering from two gunshot wounds. I would say you have healed enough."

  "I'll bite you!" she said defiantly.

  He sighed and gave her a little shake, bumping her back against the cold unyielding door. "You never give up, do you? I have your very fragile, easily snappable neck in my hand. Believe me Jane, these hands have seen their fair share of gore – and you insist on fighting me still. Threatening to bite off my dick, no less. I don't know whether to slap you or kiss you. I am Russian, sweetheart. I enjoy playing dangerous games of roulette. I am willing to take my chances."

  "Fuck you, Sitnikov."

  His cruel lips stretched in a menacing grin full of sensual promise. "That’s the idea, my love."


  Jane stared up at Vlad and slowly surrendered. She was in his control, living in his house, surviving by his grace and quite literally pinned beneath the grip of his powerful hand. He wanted her. It was in his every word and action. She had fought him, repeatedly, and she had failed on every level. And God help her, she wanted him too. Even as he threatened to crush her and force her surrender, her body melted for him. Her heart sped up and her pussy heated up at the thought of his big, hard body taking hers.

  Slowly, her body slumped against the door, held up only by his grip. She read the triumph in his dark eyes and looked away before she got pissed off and did something they would both regret. Again. Slowly Vlad removed his grip on her throat and ran his hand in a heavy caress down her arm until he reached her waist. Then he took her in a firm grip and held her against his side while he entered a series of digits that would open the thick metal door.

  Jane was grateful for the tall, lean strength of his body. She didn’t think she could hold herself up alone. As they left the bunker she held herself tightly against him, drawing on his warmth and power. She tucked her head beneath his arm, not wanting to see any of his men. She couldn’t explain it. She wasn’t ashamed of her surrender to the Boss, it was inevitable, but she didn’t want to share it with anyone else. Not while she was unsure of where she stood: captive or lover?

  As if sensing her uncertainly, Vlad waved Boris away when the bodyguard met them at the back door. As usual, Boris was able to melt into the shadows with grace and ease. Jane wondered if he had been a ninja in his past life, he was always so conveniently around. Vlad escorted Jane swiftly up the stairs and into the master bedroom. He closed the door firmly behind them.

  Jane’s heart sped up as her bare feet met the plush carpet of the bedroom she had no doubt they would share from this moment forward. Vlad stepped away from her, while Jane swayed a little. She frowned. She had expected him to follow through on his threats once he had her alone in the comfort of his bedroom. Instead, he was standing away from her, giving her the cold deadly stare she was becoming far too familiar with.

  “What now?” she asked defiantly, crossing her arms over her chest and tilting her chin to make up for her lack of height.

  "You know who shot you." It was no longer a question.

  She should’ve known. He wasn’t a successful businessman for no reason. Single-minded mob boss!

  "Yes," she answered, even though she knew he didn't need her to confirm it for him.

  "And you still refuse to tell me."


  He looked more frightening than she'd ever seen him. She understood what must be going through his mind; the woman he considered as belonging to him continued to wage war with him. He stalked forward and, taking a fistful of hair, he pulled her head up to his, forcing her to stand on her toes. She had to grasp his shirt in her fists for balance, his height was so much more than hers.

  "Then I will start killing anyone and everyone you know until I have an answer.”

  She opened her mouth to beg him not to, but he swooped down and captured her lips in a kiss that told her of his anger and frustration. And of his need. He devoured her with every ounce of the obsession he felt for her, forcing her to take his tongue in her mouth and accept his aggressive embrace. Jane responded immediately, meeting his angry passion with a flare of her own. Her body remembered the press of his when he last held her captive in his arms in her tiny apartment above the PI office.

  She reached up and grabbed his shoulders, pulling him toward her since she was unable to reach his greater height. He solved her dilemma by dropping his hands to her waist and yanking her up his body. Jane let out a startled gasp, which he captured in his mouth. He refused to release her lips. He dropped his hands from her hips to her ass and yanked her up against his thighs. Jane opened her legs wide and he immediately pulled her further up his body, wrapping her legs around his hips with strong fingers digging into her thighs. Jane moaned and rocked her hips against him, scraping the soaked crotch of her panties against the jagged zipper of his pants. His erect cock shoved the zipper against her, causing her to moan wildly into his mouth and wiggle against him.

  Vlad's arms tightened around her, turning his grip into a cage of steel. He trapped her against his body, forcing her to widen her legs even more and grind her pussy into the zipper even harder. The small bite of pain as the metal scraped against her sensitive cloth covered clitoris sizzled through her body. She arched her back as much as she could in his grip and started frantically undoing the buttons of his shirt. Once open, she thrust her greedy hands beneath the fabric and ran her fingers over his hard chest, flexing her nails against his heated flesh.

ad groaned and ground his cock against her in a rhythm that made her writhe wildly. She reached up and yanked his shirt back off his shoulders. He twisted his hips in an attempt to help her, but she couldn't get it past his arms. She tore her lips from his in frustration and, ignoring his growl of warning, demanded, "Help me get it off!"

  Vlad turned them around and placing a knee on the bed dropped her backwards, controlling her fall with strong hands. When she was laying on the bed trapped underneath him, he released his grip on her and leaned back to yank his shirt the rest of the way off.

  She stared up at his naked torso in awe. His expensive suits hid the superb condition of his muscular chest. She’d known he was in good physical condition, but she hadn't imagined he would look so incredibly good. A map of a Russian temple surrounded by Cyrillic script was inked across his chest in spectacular display. Several skulls lay at the base of the temple. Two perfect eight pointed stars marked his shoulders indicating his high standing within the Russian brotherhood. Jane reached up to touch the beautiful markings when Vlad noticed a smear of blood on his hand where he had been gripping her thigh.

  "Are you bleeding?" he questioned, his accent thick with barely controlled passion.

  "Just... just a small cut from where I smashed a chunk out of the toilet," she answered, her own voice coming out in a breathless rush.

  To her dismay he rocked back. Jane reached for him with a moan, but he knocked her hand out of the way and began tugging the nightshirt she wore off her body.

  "Vlad?" she gasped uncertainly. His actions had gone from seductive to coldly angry.

  Once he discarded her shirt she lay naked beneath him except for a thin pair of panties. He ran his hands over her naked body lingering on the puckered wound on her arm and again on her abdomen. Once he assured himself those two spots were healing well he continued his perusal. Jane squirmed and finally rolled slightly onto her side and pointed at the long, thin cut on her thigh where she had accidentally cut herself while procuring the toilet chip.

  "There, see, we match," she said pointing at the small cut she had managed to inflict on his side.

  He didn't join in her humour. In fact his body grew rigid and seething anger seemed to roll off of him. He planted a fist in the bed beside her, causing her body to sway toward his arm in the plush bedding, and leaned over her menacingly. Suddenly her position underneath him didn’t seem like such a good idea.

  "You hurt yourself again, Jane, with your reckless disregard for my authority. You need to learn what it is to belong to me if I have to chain you to my bed and have you watched at all times."

  Jane stiffened and would have rolled away from him to get up, but he blocked her, forcing her to lay still underneath him.

  "You're a pig Vladimir," she snapped at him shoving uselessly against his chest. "Let me up, I'm done with you.”

  “No,” he growled, planting his fists on either side of her body and caging her against the mattress.

  Jane balled her hand into a fist and smacked it into his broad chest, trying to ignore the tattoos that drew her eyes. The incredible detail inked into his skin made her want to go over each and every one and demand their story. She knew enough from her years on the force to know that they would all have meanings, some less palatable than others.

  “What are you going to do to keep me here, Vlad,” she demanded. “Lock me back up in that hole? Take away my freedom for good? You could truly make me your slave, isn’t that what you want?”

  He snorted. “It is a thought worth considering, Jane, so you may think twice about pushing my boundaries.”

  “Probably not.”

  He flashed a rare grin and reached a hand down to brush the fine black hair of her bangs off her forehead. She felt the tension in him ease a little with her snappy answer. “Yes, you will most likely continue to annoy me with your stubborn will. What am I to do with you?”

  Jane had few lovers in her past. She didn’t have time for men and she hadn’t really understood the appeal until Vlad had come storming into her ordered world and woken her up. She didn’t know how to show a man that she wanted him physically, but she suspected if she started by touching him he would be quick to take over. Vlad was a dominating, ruthless man who would always demand the role of master. For some reason, as she lay helplessly beneath him, she didn’t mind too much.

  Without meeting his piercing eyes, she reached up with her fingers and traced the bubble of a Russian dome that rounded his flat nipple. When he only sucked his breath in, she flattened her palm against his chest and slowly slid it down his skin, enjoying the feel of hot, smooth muscle beneath her fingertips. His muscles contracted and he gritted his teeth.

  “malysh,” he hissed, “you do not know what you do to me.”

  “I like touching you,” she said, her inexperience beginning to show. She didn’t know how to tease him or ask him what felt good. She could only hope she was doing things right.

  Leaning up on her elbows, Jane wiggled her hips until her face was level with his chest. The ridges of muscle beneath his skin made her mouth water. She pressed her lips against the edge of his collarbone and kissed her way across the slab of his pectoral muscle until she was within nibbling distance of his flat nipple. He went rigid above her and sucked his breath in through his teeth.

  “Fuck, woman!” he swore, capturing a fistful of her hair and forcing her head up to meet his as his lips descended. His lips took hers in a fierce kiss, no longer meant to be punishing, but demanding.

  His hands swept her body as he took over, brushing aside her hesitant touches and returning them with bruising, passionate caresses that seemed to touch her everywhere at once. Jane gasped when he reached down to yank the delicate cloth of her panties down her thighs. She lifted her legs to help him pull them off and arched into the heat of his body as he slid his long fingers back up the side of her naked body.

  Jane reached up, wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled Vlad’s head down to her lips for another fiery kiss. She loved the feel of his firm mouth against her soft one, dominating her with his consuming caress. He growled into her mouth and returned the kiss with as much force as she could have asked for and more. She felt him shifting above her and realized that he was unzipping and pulling off his pants. Her mouth opened wide in a gasp when she felt his hot, bare flesh against her inner thigh.

  He kneeled on the bed above her and took her thighs in his large hands. Jane cried out when his hand pressed against the wound she had accidentally given herself. He slid his hand away from the small cut, but didn’t remove it and then steadily pulled her legs apart. Jane’s heart started pounding and she shifted up onto her elbows so she wouldn’t feel so vulnerable. She stared up into the savage visage of the man who had been her enemy for so many months.

  “I can’t wait for you, Jane,” he said, his accent heavier than she’d ever heard it. His next words were almost apologetic. “I am not a gentle man.”

  He didn’t know how to be.

  Jane reached up and pulled his head down, pressing her face into the curve of his strong neck. She inhaled his erotic, masculine scent and forced her body to relax as he slid his hands beneath her hips. He pressed his cock against her warm, yielding entrance. Jane had never seen him completely naked and she began to suspect he was bigger than she’d thought. She began to tense as her body stretched and burned to accommodate him.

  Jane cried out and arched her head back into the pillows, tilting her hips in an involuntary attempt to escape the fullness. Vlad growled and forced her hips to still beneath his. He kissed a path down her arched neck, to her small breasts and lavished her sensitive nipples with attention. Jane, who was already wild with passion, was soon writhing beneath Vlad once more. She screamed in ecstasy, close to orgasm, simply from the stimulation of his fingers playing with her nipple ring.

  “Ah, that is my good little malysh.”

  Vlad continued to penetrate Jane’s small, tight body until he was completely seated within her. She f
elt the savage control he held over himself and knew it was a concession to her. He didn’t want to hurt her by unleashing the violence, that he was so clearly capable of in their bed. In that moment, a piece of her heart was lost to him. No one in her entire life had ever wanted to protect Jane the way Vladimir Sitnikov did. Even from himself.

  Though it hurt, Jane decided she wanted more of him. She wanted to show him she was capable of matching him. She lifted her legs off the bed and wrapped them tightly around his hips, pushing his cock more firmly into the velvety heat of her pussy. He swore and his grip on her body tightened to the point of pain. He picked her up and pressed her chest to his and dropped his lips against her ear.

  “I’m going to fuck you now, Jane,” he growled. “Hold on to me.”

  When he began to move within her Jane had no choice but to hang on tightly. Though she felt unbearably full of his flesh and surrounded by hard muscle, her body clung to him like a velvet glove. He fucked her as though she were the last woman on Earth, driving into her with such force that she would have been ground into the mattress if he hadn’t been holding her so tightly. Jane threw her head back and allowed her cries to fill the room.

  She felt consumed!

  Caught between pain and pleasure, Jane was almost surprised when her body began building toward an orgasm. She had never before reached an orgasm without clitoral stimulation, yet this was no sensual foreplay she was experiencing, but a mind-blowing ravaging of the senses. Her cries turned to screams as Vlad’s long, hard cock hit her g-spot repeatedly, massaging her in a way she’d never known.

  “Oh my god!” Jane screamed as she came with so much force she arched backwards and nearly fell off of Vlad. He held her by the waist, stretched her legs wide and continued to drive into her, forcing her orgasm higher.


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