Donut Overthink It

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Donut Overthink It Page 10

by Shantel Tessier

  I once told her that I thought she was inexperienced, and I meant that as a compliment. When I’m done with her, she’ll be a screaming, shaking mess in my hands.

  “What, Hadley?” I ask, pulling my lips away, my fingers picking up their pace.

  “Oh, God,” she cries out as she arches her back, and her lips part, sucking in a breath.

  “That’s what I’ve been wanting to hear,” I tell her as my thumb runs over her clit.

  “Aiden!” She gasps as her body thrashes under me.

  “That’s it. Come on, baby. Come for me. Show me what you look like when you come undone.” I urge her on as her pussy tightens around my fingers, and moments later, she closes her eyes. Her head tilts back, and she makes a sound that sounds like half pleasure, half pain as her body falls apart below me.

  “Gorgeous,” I say in awe of her as she pants, her body shaking. She opens her heavy eyes, looking up at me, and I remove my fingers and then suck her off them. “Fuck, you taste just as good as you smell,” I tell her.

  Her legs shake against my hips, and I crawl off her as she protests. I flip her over, and she gasps when I yank her ass up into the air, unable to take it slow at this moment. I’ll take my time with her next round. Right now, I want my hard cock inside her as she comes again.



  HE LIES ON HIS BACK, AND I LIE on my side, facing him. My hand on his chest, my right leg over his hips. The sun has gone down, but I have no idea what time it is. I just know I am physically exhausted. And mentally drained.

  He shifts to lie on his side facing me, and I close my eyes. His hand slides across my cheek, pushing back my slick hair from my face. “What was Trevor talking about in the elevator?” he asks.

  “Hmm?” I ask, not really understanding what he said.

  “In the elevator the other day. I heard him tell you to remember his offer.”

  “Oh,” I say, not bothering to open my eyes. “He offered me a job.”

  “He what?” he growls, and I frown at his tone but still keep my eyes closed.

  “Tuesday morning when I was late, he told me that if you fired me, he would hire me.” I laugh. “And that he wouldn’t make me across town to get him tea.”

  “Open your eyes,” he orders. And I open them the best I can, which isn’t much. I’m so tired. “You’re not going anywhere.”


  “No, I mean it,” he interrupts me. “I’m not firing you, and you’re not quitting,” he says.

  I nod the best I can and yawn.

  “Say it,” he demands.

  “I’m not quitting, and you’re not firing me,” I repeat, closing my heavy eyes.

  “I mean it, Hadley,” he growls, and then he pinches my nipple.

  I gasp at the shock it sends straight to my pussy. “Okay,” I breathe.

  “Do you hang out with him?” he asks.

  “Sometimes. Down in the cafeteria,” I admit.

  “I want you to stay away from him,” he orders.


  “Stay away from him,” he growls, interrupting me.

  I open my eyes once again to see if he’s playing, but his blue eyes are hard and his lips thin. I lift my hand draped over him and cup his cheek. His facial hair rough against my skin. “I will.”

  He runs the pad of his thumb over my bottom lip, and his eyes soften. “I don’t trust him,” he admits.

  “Don’t trust him with what?” I ask.

  His eyes search mine for a long second, and then he releases a sigh as he pulls his finger from my lips and pulls me closer to him. “With you,” he finally answers, and I feel like he’s keeping something from me, but I ignore it. It won’t matter anyway. Once we’re back at work on Monday, things will go back to how they were before. He’ll be a dick to me, and I’ll try to avoid him every chance I get.


  I finally allowed her to get a few hours of sleep Friday night, but I woke her up Saturday morning with my head between her legs eating her as if I was starving. Then I did her again in the shower that she insisted we needed. But we didn’t leave her place. We didn’t even dry off before I carried her back to her bed and took her again and again.

  Now the sun has gone down, and we lie on our backs, both looking up at the ceiling, breathing heavy, and satisfied once again.

  I hear her cell go off from her nightstand, and I sit up to look over at it as she lies there with her eyes closed, ignoring it.

  “Who is it?” she asks, feeling me shift beside her.

  I frown, looking at her phone. “It says the wicked witch.”

  “Ignore it,” she growls.

  I press ignore and lie back down. “Who is it?” I ask, already having an idea who it was.

  “My mother.” She huffs.

  “Why do you tell people that she is dead?” She’s never told me personally, but I’ve heard her tell others around the office before.

  “Because to me, she is,” she answers, finally opening her eyes.

  “What did she do to you?”

  “I don’t wanna talk about her,” she says, turning on her side to face me.

  I push a few blond strands from her slick face. “And your dad? You said he was dead.” I’ve only ever heard her mention him once and that was to Millie. But he seemed generally excited to see her the other day when he was in the conference room with her mother.

  “He is dead.”

  “But I saw him—”

  “No,” she interrupts me. “That was not my father. He really is dead.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  “Me too,” she whispers.

  I cup her face and lean in to gently kissing her lips. I can’t get enough of her. Her lips, her kiss, her skin. She’s addictive in the worst way. ’Cause she can cause problems for me at work and my everyday life. I should have let her quit. That way, I could have kept her a secret. I’m good at keeping those.

  But I know once we go back to work on Monday, she’s gonna pretend this never happened, and I can’t have that. I gotta be able to have her whenever I want, and her quitting would make things harder for me. I’m being selfish, but I don’t care.

  She places her hands on my chest and pushes me onto my back, pulling her lips from mine. I go willingly, and she gets up and straddles me. I reach up and push her blond her behind her ear as she leans over me. “You’re so beautiful,” I tell her without thought. I’m not usually this kind of guy in the bedroom. Loving. I don’t normally take my time with them or tell them they’re attractive. The women I sleep with already know how they look because they spend thousands of dollars and countless hours to get that way. Caking the makeup on. But she’s not like them, in the best way. She has this natural beauty that just captivates me.

  She playfully slaps my chest and laughs. “Stop.”

  I frown. “Stop what?”

  “Stop acting like you know me.”

  “I do know you,” I tell her.

  She shakes her head, a smile playing on her soft lips. “No, you don’t.”

  “I know enough,” I decide on.

  She crosses her arms over her chest, and it pushes up her massive tits. The urge to fuck them is strong. I think I’ll do them next. “And what all is that?”

  “I know that you will only drink a cup of coffee if it is swimming in creamer.” She snorts. “I know that you have a gorgeous smile. I know that when you don’t think anyone is watching you, you talk to yourself.” Her smile drops off her face. “I know that when you’re having a bad day, you call your best friend, and she reminds you that you don’t need to work for a boss who treats you like shit. I think her nickname for me is jackass. And I know that you have no concept of time.” Her eyes narrow on me. “I know that when you get nervous, you bite your bottom lip. And I know that you never pay attention to your surroundings.” She slaps my chest playfully, and I grab her wrists and hold them to my chest. “I know that your favorite thing to eat, no matter the tim
e of day, is a donut. And I know that no matter how hard you try to deny it, you’ve wanted me as much as I’ve wanted you.”

  She rolls her eyes. “Well, that’s a good guess, considering we’re both naked and in my bed.”

  I chuckle and add, “And I love the smile that plays on your lips when you think no one is watching you.” Her blue eyes look down at me. “I watch you all the time, Hadley. Ever since I walked into your office.”

  “And?” she asks, softly biting her bottom lip nervously. It makes my already hard cock throb with need.

  “And I’ve dreamed of this moment with you every day since then.”

  “Why?” she whispers as if I’ve made her uncomfortable.

  “Why not?” I ask.

  She sighs, trying to pull her wrists free, but I hold them. Instead, I sit up and place them around my neck. Giving her a gentle kiss on her lips, I whisper, “Why not you, Hadley?” I pull back and stare into her beautiful blue eyes. “All you have to do is look in the mirror, and you’d know why I dream of you.”

  “I’ve dreamed of you too,” she admits softly.

  “And which one do you prefer?”

  That gets me a smile. “This one,” she says, leaning in and giving me a kiss this time.

  She parts her lips, and I slide my tongue into her mouth as my hands grip her hips possessively. She moans into my mouth, and I push her onto her back as I hover over her.

  I grind my hips into hers, and her nails dig into my back.

  “Please?” she begs, pulling her lips from mine.

  “Tell me,” I order roughly. My hand goes between her parted legs, and she whimpers when I push two fingers into her already soaked pussy.

  “I need you.” She whimpers when I remove them. Her body sags against the bed, and I smile down at her, loving this side of her.

  Taking my hard cock into my hand, I say, “I need you too, baby,” then give her what she wants so badly.



  MONDAY MORNING WAS ROUGH. I didn’t want to get out of bed, let alone get ready for work. But after Aiden had his way with me, he dragged my very sore body out of bed and forced me to get ready. I tried to remind him that I had quit, and he reminded me that he planned on bending me over my desk today with my skirt up around my waist, and I couldn’t miss that. So here I am, running into the building late once again. He had left and went to his penthouse this morning to get a new suit and said he would meet me at the office.

  “Hold the …”

  I see a hand reach out, grabbing the elevator door, and I laugh at myself entering. But the smile drops off my face when I see the person holding the door is Trevor.

  “Hi, Hadley,” he says excitedly.

  I nod, not really knowing how to act around him since Aiden told me to stay away from him. I wonder what he knows about him.

  “You’re late,” he says with that usual chuckle. “You know you don’t have to get fired to come work for me. You could just quit.”

  I ignore him, and he frowns. “Everything okay?” he asks, turning to face me.

  I nod. “Just a long weekend.”

  His frown deepens as my cell rings in my hand. I have both my hands full holding Aiden’s tea in one and the box of donuts in the other. I move my hand that holds the tea, so I can look at the screen on my phone.

  “It’s him,” he growls, looking it over my shoulder.

  I try to shield it from him while I look down to see Jackass written across my screen and smile. “It is.”

  His brows pull together at my smile, and I quickly wipe it off my face. I’m supposed to act like I still hate him.

  He opens his mouth to say something, but the elevator comes to a stop on his floor. “I would tell you to have a great day, but I doubt that’s possible,” he says and then steps off.

  I get off on my floor and see everyone running around with the usual Monday madness. Bianca stops me. “You’re late.”

  “Yes. I can tell time.”

  “Your replacement was here early.”

  “Shit!” I hiss loudly. I forgot I had called the agency on Friday and told them that I quit. “Is she still here?”

  She shakes her head. “Mr. Kyle sent her home.” She gives me a big smile. “It was quite the show.” She chuckles, causing my chest to tighten. She then grabs the box of donuts from my hand and takes off toward the conference room.

  I hope he wasn’t mean to her. It wasn’t her fault. I barge into his office to find Aiden sitting behind his desk holding the office phone to his ear. I give him an apologetic smile as his eyes look up to meet mine, but he doesn’t return it.

  I set his tea on his desk, and he looks back down at his paperwork.

  I expect him to look back up at me or say something, but he doesn’t. Instead, he talks to the person on the other end of the phone.

  “Okay,” I mumble and walk out, heading to my office.

  I sit down at my desk and turn on my computer. I’m going through my emails when I see one labeled disappointed.

  I go to open it, but my door opens. He steps inside, locking it behind him.

  I close out my emails and sit back in my chair, my arms over my chest. “I’m sorry about this morning—”

  “It’s taken care of,” he interrupts me.

  I bite my bottom lip nervously. “Were you mean to her?”

  “No more than I am to anyone else.”

  That doesn’t make me feel any better. “Did you make her cry?”

  He just stares at me, and I release a sigh. The poor thing. “Aiden …”

  “My tea was cold,” he states.

  I refrain from smiling. “I took my time.” The corners of his lip twitch. “Maybe you need to hire new help,” I suggest.

  He arches a brow, then smirks. “I hate tea anyway.”

  My brows pull together. “You drink it every day …” My words trail off as his smirk grows into a full smile, and he chuckles. I stand, placing my hands flat on my desk. “Are you telling me that I’ve been getting you hot tea for three months, and you hate it?”


  “You son of a—”

  “You’re gorgeous when you’re mad at me,” he interrupts me and walks over to my desk.

  I stand fully, pulling my shoulders back. “You mother …”

  He yanks me to him, and his lips are on mine before I can even finish my sentence. I place my hands on his chest to push him away, but he grabs them and wraps them around his neck.

  I pull my lips from his. “You’re an ass.” My words are breathless, and I hate it.

  He pulls my hips to his, and I whimper at how hard he is. “I know.” His eyes search mine. “Let me make up for it.” He starts yanking on my hair tie that holds my bun.

  Once he gets it loose, he spins me around and bends me over my desk just like he told me he would, and my heart picks up looking at the door of my office.

  “I locked it,” he assures me.

  Then he’s pulling my skirt up to my hips, and I hear him growl before his hand slaps my ass.

  I gasp as I stand quickly “Aiden …” He spins me back around and pushes me face down onto it again. My desk rattles from his force, and my pussy throbs. “They’ll hear us.”

  “Then place your hand over your mouth,” he muses.

  “I mean you slapping my ass,” I hiss, nervous and excited at the same time.

  “I always wondered what these looked like on you,” he says, running his fingers along the lace of my black thigh highs. “My imagination wasn’t even close to the real thing,” he growls.

  His fingers hook into my thong before he pulls them down my legs, and I step out of them. The sound of the zipper on his black slacks fills the room, and my breathing picks up when his hardness presses against me.

  I moan as I push my ass toward him, silently begging for him to take me. He chuckles, taking my not-so-subtle hint.

  I’m soaked.

  He pushes into me, and my face falls onto m
y desk as I bite my inner cheek to keep quiet.

  “Fuck, Hadley, you’re already so wet for me, baby.” He slaps my ass again, and I’m forced to do as he says and place my hand over my mouth to keep from crying out at the feel of him stretching me. He’s so big, and it takes my breath away as he pounds into me from behind like I’m some dirty little secret. And although I should be ashamed, I’m not. I like this side of him. And myself. My body loves how he treats it, and my mind loves the way he fucks with it as well.

  The man has talents that I could have never guessed, and he spends the next twenty minutes showing me. Then he’s straightening behind me as I lie spent over my desk. My already tired eyes heavy and my breathing labored as my body lightly shakes.

  I hear him zip up his pants, and then he helps me stand. He turns me to face him and kisses me softly on the lips as I try to suck in breaths. When he pulls away, he smiles softly at me. “I want you in my office after lunch,” he orders and then walks out, leaving me swaying on my shaking legs.


  “How are you today?” Andrea asks as I sit down in front of her at the donut shop near my office.

  “Good,” I say with a big smile on my face.

  She stares at me for a long second before her green eyes narrow on me. “You did it?” she all but shouts.

  I look around quickly and then shush her. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “You little liar,” she hisses.

  I sigh. “Yes. I gave in. Okay?”

  “Was it worth it?” she asks, arching a brow.

  I feel that smile return to my face. “So much.”

  She laughs and shakes her head. “Well, as long as it was worth it.”

  I look down at my cell when it beeps to see it’s Nate.

  Nate: Thanks for the help Friday night. I’ll see you later today.

  I smile at the fact he has a meeting with Aiden and Asher this afternoon. Aiden was able to get him released, but they still have a long road to prove that he didn’t actually pay for sexual favors.


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