Reed Family Box Set

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Reed Family Box Set Page 2

by Tyora Moody

  The evidence they gave the prosecution was solid. The women were killed in their own homes by someone they obviously knew and willingly let inside. Jo was able to make a connection to someone all the women had in common in their lives. Maddock’s good looks and charms made it easy for him to entrap the single, career-oriented women. She discovered he liked blondes, especially those who had a striking resemblance to Maddock’s abusive, deceased mother. Witnesses confirmed Maddock had romantic contact with all three victims. That’s where he made his mistake.

  So, who was this?

  Jo turned her attention to Lou, who had just walked in. “Lou, do you have anything for us?”

  “You guys need to give me time on my report. We just sent our findings to the crime lab for further analysis.”

  Pete asked, “You can at least tell us if she has been sexually assaulted.”

  Lou shook his head. “No DNA evidence found.”

  Jo’s stomach did a somersault. This is going to be a difficult case.

  Pete interrupted her thoughts and asked Lou the exact questions swirling in her mind. “What are you thinking? I think we were all surprised on the similarities of this crime scene to Maddock’s victims.”

  Lou looked at Pete. “The victim is young and blond, and yes cause of death is strangulation. But, no need to jump to conclusions.”

  Pete raised his eyebrow. “The perp is about to go to trial in a month. We don’t want to give any ammunition for reasonable doubt to his defense team.”

  Jo shook her head. “No chance for doubt. Maddock was connected to all three of those women. Lou, you helped gather the forensic evidence. There are very clear differences with this vic, right?”

  Lou looked over his glasses at Jo and Pete. “On the surface, it looks and feels the same. But, there are some differences.” Lou picked up the victim’s hands, “She has fibers under her fingernails. I would say she clawed at the same rug she was wrapped in probably trying to get away.”

  “See this?” Lou pointed to some scratches around the side of the ligature on the victim’s neck. “She was trying to claw at whatever was around her neck. It could be a rope similar to what Maddock used. Really, the rope can be purchased at a hardware store or Walmart. Pretty common.” Lou stared at the victim for a moment. “I wouldn’t be surprised if she scratched her killer. We will need to wait on the DNA results from the crime lab though.”

  Jo shook her head. “You’re right. Maddock’s victims didn’t have any signs of this much struggle because he tied their arms behind them. Maddock also put something in their drink to subdue them.”

  Pete spoke up. “How long has she been dead, Lou?”

  Lou crossed his arms and looked at both of them. “When we found her, rigor mortis had set in, that takes two to six hours. It was warm last night so that sped up the process. I would say anywhere between midnight and the early hours this morning is when she died. This woman was alive yesterday.”

  Lou lifted the sheet. “Look at the left side of her face with the bruising and the rigor mortis on this side of her body. Someone hit her on the left here, and connected with her nose. Probably with his fist. She must have been on her left side for some time, possibly during the transport of her body. You can see where the blood settled on her left.”

  Jo responded, “We need to find the original crime scene. Thanks, Lou.”

  Lou nodded. “I’m depending on you two to identify this woman so we can notify next-of-kin. We want someone to lay her to rest.”

  As they left, Pete had a few choice words. “I had some doubts for a minute there. Still, I haven’t seen a strangulation like that since Maddock’s last victim. I don’t want to think copycat, but that detail was released to the media.”

  Jo didn’t believe in coincidences. “I admit it’s crazy that the victim fits Maddock’s m.o., but this is too different. Maddock has been in prison for nine months. I doubt this is a copycat.”

  Pete threw up his hands. “You never know, kid. Remember Maddock is a psychopath. He often manipulated people to get what he wanted. I’m sure he isn’t a fan of that jail cell and is trying to figure out how to become a free man.”

  As they walked out the building, Jo’s thoughts about her husband returned. She needed to go pick up B.J. from her parents’ home.

  Before they reached their cars, Pete asked, “Are you okay? You seem distracted today.”

  Jo wasn’t sure it was best to confide in her partner. Married and divorced twice, Pete had an affair while married to his first wife, interestingly enough with his first female partner. The tables were turned on him with the second wife who had an affair with a doctor. Pete still hadn’t recovered since two of his children were being raised by the man. No, she didn’t need Pete giving her any of his bitter advice.

  “Just an argument with Bryan.”

  “Must have been serious. You never let anything distract you. I hope you guys make up. We need to stay on top of this case or we’re going to feel some pain if the press gets hold of any similarities to Maddock’s victims.”

  Her cell phone buzzed a distinct ringtone, but she ignored it. “There isn’t anything to worry about. Although with her being a Jane Doe, we will need help identifying her. Look, I need to pick up B.J. I’m sorry it’s been an off day.”

  “We’re human, kid. Tell B.J. Uncle Pete says hello. I’m going to check back around the apartment complex and the crime scene before calling it day. People should be arriving home, so I can ask around more. See you at the office tomorrow.”

  After Jo climbed into her car, she looked down at the phone. She already knew by the special ringtone she’d missed Bryan’s call. At least he left a message. She pressed the voicemail button and placed the phone to her ear. Tears sprang to her eyes as she heard his voice. He sounded like the same person, but somehow he’d become someone she didn’t recognize anymore.

  “Jo, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry. I’ve been back to the house to pick up a few things. I’m staying away for a few days. I think it’s the best thing to do. I know you probably hate me right now. Tell B.J. I love him.”

  Sorry! He was sorry. How was she going to explain to B.J. where his daddy had gone? What would she tell her parents?

  Jo wasn’t finished with her questions. She had to know why Bryan started the affair in the first place and what prompted him to end it yesterday.

  Her mind struggled with a memory. She had confessed to Bryan her astonishment at how fast their six-year-old son had grown. With her thirty-fifth birthday approaching, it was like her biological clock had been ticking louder and louder. She loved B.J., but she longed for a girl. Jo told Bryan she was ready to have another child.

  At the time, Bryan’s quietness puzzled her. It was as if he doubted her desire to have another child. It was true Jo had been hesitant for years, wanting just to enjoy B.J. But she never wanted him to remain an only child. She leaned on the steering wheel and moaned, “You were having an affair then, Bryan.”

  Chapter 3

  Wednesday, August 19 at 6:00 p.m.

  Jo pulled her car into her parents’ driveway. She turned the engine off and looked up at the brick home where she and her three siblings had grown up. Jo had always felt overshadowed by her ambitious older sister, Asia. Later when the twins, Cori and Toni, came along, Jo grew into being the withdrawn middle child. It took her some time to convince herself that she could enter the police academy after stumbling around for many years.

  Jo stepped out of the car and walked around the side of the house. She heard her son’s sweet laughter. She paused on the back patio and watched her dad attempt to play catch with B.J. Her son wasn’t too successful at catching the ball. Jo was happy to see her dad, Justice Reed, up and about lately. Many days her dad still seemed depressed about his early retirement as police chief. He retired under a firestorm of accusations. Two white cops were accused of unlawful force against a young African American man in their custody resulting in his death. Even though the mayor had quietly urged
Jo’s dad to retire, it didn’t stop the public’s growing disdain of the police.

  “B.J. is good for him.” A voice behind Jo said.

  Jo turned. Her mom had stepped out onto the patio. “B.J. loves his grandpa and it doesn’t hurt that he is the first and only grandchild. We need to get my other siblings married so they can give you guys a slew of grandkids.”

  Jo’s mother asked, “Are you okay, Jo?” Vanessa Reed knew all of her children too well. Jo and her siblings all agreed it was very difficult to keep anything from their mother. Vanessa placed her hand on Jo’s shoulders. “Why don’t we go inside and sit for a minute. Let B.J. have some more time with his grandpa.”

  Jo followed her mother from the patio into the kitchen, instantly feeling like she was fourteen instead of thirty-four years old. The smells coming from the kitchen felt like home. “Who are the sweet potato pies for? You usually don’t like to bake in the summer.”

  Her mother grinned. “It was a special request. Tomorrow night we’re having the Pastor Appreciation Dinner for Pastor Freeman.”

  “That’s right.” Jo had missed attending Victory Gospel Church last Sunday and was looking forward to going this coming Sunday with Bryan and B.J.

  Bryan has left our home. Oh yeah...and had an affair.

  Her mother asked, “Was Bryan okay yesterday? He had us all concerned.”

  Not able to keep her emotions in check in front of her mother, Jo shook her head as she blinked back tears.

  “Jo, what’s going on?”

  Jo took a deep breath. “I guess I might as well let you know. Bryan left. At least for a few days he said.”

  Her mother’s eyes grew wide with questions. “Left?”

  Jo blew out a breath, trying to hold back the tidal wave erupting inside of her. “It took me pulling my bad cop role, but Bryan admitted that he was busy with his co-worker, which is why he forgot about his own son.” Jo added in barely a whisper, “Busy, so he says, ending an affair.”

  Jo’s mother placed her hand on her head as if to stop a raging headache. “Oh my, Jo. How could he?”

  Jo plopped down in a chair at the kitchen table. “Yeah, I have been asking myself that all day. You know, we found a young woman today whose family may not know she’s dead. I’m trying to do my job and...”

  Her mother pulled out the other chair and sat. She didn’t say anything, just took Jo’s hand.

  It dawned on Jo that her mother knew exactly what this felt like. As much as she loved her dad, Jo still didn’t like the years of pain he brought her mother with his affair. To this day, she still didn’t understand why her mother stayed. The most difficult part of her dad’s affair for her mom was the son born from his mistress. While her mother had learned to accept Jackson, it had been an awkward journey. Jo’s older sister, Asia, still didn’t fully accept their half-brother, but Jo and the twins over the years had grown fond of their older half-brother who they called Jax.

  As she thought of her half-brother, Jo wondered if Bryan had even used protection. She didn’t know if she had her mother’s forgiving heart if B.J. had a new brother or sister in the works from another woman. Jo noticed she had a pounding discomfort in her temples. “Do you have anything for a headache? I’m worn out from thinking too much.”

  Her mother walked towards a cabinet and grabbed a bottle of Tylenol. After handing Jo the pills and a glass of water, she sat and asked, “Jo, what are you going to do?”

  Jo shook out two pills from the bottle, swallowed them and gulped down the water. “I don’t know. Even if the affair is supposedly over now, Bryan replaced me with another woman. A woman who obviously had no regrets about being with a married man. This morning Bryan had the nerve to make me feel like my job was more important to me. I know I pulled some long hours and I get too caught up in cases. He knew that when he married me. He also knows he and B.J., you, dad, my brothers and sisters... Family is everything to me.”

  Her mother shook her head. “That wasn’t fair of him. I don’t know what he was thinking, but I do want you to pray about what to do next.”

  Jo stared at her mother. “You stayed with dad. I know it must have been really hard finding out he had another child with someone else before I was born. Even though I was only three years old when I first met him, I remember wondering where Jax came from and why he didn’t live with us. Jax is only a year older than me and his mother was difficult. Did you stay because of Asia and me?”

  Her mother looked at her. “Mostly. I wanted to give up, many times more than you know. I kept praying about what to do. I felt God leading me to stay and to work it out. His ways are higher than ours, Jo. Despite praying, I still was not truly able to forgive Jax’s mother until her breast cancer diagnosis last year. It was like God was preparing me to be there for Jax when she died.”

  Vanessa looked away and swallowed. “Besides, if I had left your father, we would have never have had the twins. Your sister and brother were born after your father and I renewed our vows. The years before were so painful, but I believe all my children are destined for good things.” Her mother rubbed her shoulder. “Give it time. Pray. And, don’t move too rashly.”

  “Mommy.” B.J. burst forward with Jo’s dad in tow.

  Jo reached out her arms as her son ran towards her for a hug. “Are you ready to head home, kiddo? Go grab your backpack.”

  “Okay.” B.J. ran into the family room.

  Her dad stood by the counter. “I hope one of these sweet potato pies are staying here because I sure could use a slice.”

  Her mother grabbed a towel from the table and swiped it at Jo’s father. “Don’t you think about touching anything on that counter, Justice Reed.”

  Her dad shook his head. “This woman won’t let me have anything.”

  B.J. ran back in. “Mommy, Grandpa is going to have burgers and hot dogs this weekend. Can we come?”

  Jo looked at her mom and her dad. Usually all of her siblings would come for the barbecue feast. Jo wouldn’t mind catching up with them, but now she wasn’t sure she wanted the whole clan to know about Bryan yet.

  Her dad asked, “Jo, can you come? You’re not working this weekend are you? I told you not to let the job take over.” Her dad peered at her a little closer. “What’s going on?”

  The new case loomed in Jo’s mind. “I may need to work. We got a brand new case today with a Jane Doe.”

  Her dad frowned. “A Jane Doe? Those take time, Jo. What does Bryan say about it?”

  Jo snapped, “I doubt he cares.” She looked away from her dad to face B.J. Looking like Bryan’s mini-me, her son’s eyes were inquisitive.

  “Let’s go, B.J. We can pick up a pizza on the way home.”

  B.J. jumped in the air and squealed, “Pizza!” He took off towards the door.

  Jo hugged her mom, “Thanks for the talk.”

  She turned to her dad and hugged him. “Thanks for looking out for B.J. Mom can fill you in, but things may be different for a while.”

  Her dad nodded. “Not a problem. You know we’re here for you. Still be careful, don’t burn yourself out.”

  “I will, but I have a feeling I need to stay on top of this new case.”

  She also needed this case to keep her going. Her heart may be broken, but she was determined to find justice for the Jane Doe they found today. She didn’t want to fail at doing her job at least.

  Chapter 4

  Thursday, August 20 at 9:30 p.m.

  Bryan had been gone for over twenty-four hours. He never called on Wednesday night leaving her with a very perplexed B.J., full of questions she couldn’t answer. She was grateful her mother offered to pick up B.J. and keep him until the weekend.

  After questioning more people at the apartment complex on Thursday, Jo almost welcomed the silence at home especially since she still had no new leads on the case. Despite her circumstances and Bryan’s absence, Jo convinced herself to enjoy the rarity of being home by herself. She called and talked to B.J. and her mother. After
wards, she took a long hot bath and settled into bed.

  The brief window of peace disappeared when Jo recognized the ringtone on her phone. She started to ignore Bryan’s call, but then wanted to hear what he had to say.

  “Hello, Jo. May I speak to B.J.?” Bryan asked.

  Bryan might as well have punched her in the stomach. So that’s how this is going to go? She swallowed before answering. “B.J. is staying with my parents. You can call and talk to him, if my mother lets you. You know they go to bed early.”

  “I guess that means you were working tonight.”

  A surge of hurt and anger struck Jo. “What exactly are you trying to say? You were the one having an affair. Wait, oh I forgot, ending an affair and you forgot to pick up your son. You left our home and didn’t bother to call your son last night, who by the way wanted to know where his daddy was.”

  “I was just making a comment, Jo. I know I’ve messed up.”

  “But you want to blame me. I can hear it in your voice. You will not mess with me about my parenting skills too.”

  Bryan responded with silence on the other end.

  “You know what, I can’t with you. I just can’t. If you were so unhappy with me, you could have been honest. What happened to our promise to always talk to each other? You didn’t have to have sex with another woman.” Jo ended the call, gripping the phone in her hand. She wasn’t sure she wanted Bryan to come back. Where is he anyway? Did he really break up with Alexis or did he change his mind?

  Jo curled into the fetal position and cried into her pillow. She was not a woman who cried easily. Growing up, she was the tomboy and athlete. And to her parents chagrin, she was the rebellious one. Somehow she found purpose following her dad’s footsteps in law enforcement. Always the late bloomer, she found her first love later than most, and that one true love was Bryan.


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