Reed Family Box Set

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Reed Family Box Set Page 24

by Tyora Moody

  “You dated?”

  Asia’s face grew warm again. Why did she feel embarrassed? She shrugged. “Let’s just say Adam Locklear can be… I should say he was charming when he wanted to be.”

  “But he still made enemies?”

  “He defended some of the worst criminals. Believe me, your partner will give you an earful.”

  “I can’t wait. Since he wanted to see you, could this be one of the cases you prosecuted?”

  “Could be a new or old case, I’m not sure. Anyone I prosecuted should currently be serving prison time. If someone has had an early release, I would think they would be trying to get their life back. He did say the police had the wrong man.” She paused, thinking she needed to stop rambling. Asia struggled to replay the phone conversation in her head. “I wish I knew what he meant.”

  The detective leaned forward. “You said wrong man? Did he drop any other hints?”

  She focused her eyes on Coleman’s face. The detective had large, warm brown eyes, and he appeared very concerned. Asia blinked to refocus. “Adam hinted that he needed to pass information to me just in case anything went down.”

  “Like his murder? He knew he had information that could get him killed.” Detective Coleman frowned, “Do you think maybe you should be careful?”

  Asia shook her head. “He didn’t say that exactly.”

  “But you don’t know what he was going to tell you.”

  She twisted her fingers. This was not what she needed. “No. He did say he reached out to a client.” Or did he say that? Adam said he wasn’t trying to do anything to get disbarred. But he was nervous.

  Pressure was slowly building around her temples making her eyes water. She took a breath. “I’m really worn out. Can we touch base and compare notes tomorrow? The coffee is wearing off and I don’t have it in me. There’s nothing more I know to share. I need a night’s sleep.”

  “Sure. I’m sorry.” Coleman climbed out of the booth and held out his hand.

  Asia grabbed her empty coffee cup. Surprised, but too tired to ignore the gesture, she grabbed his hand as he helped her rise from the booth. The detective was strong. “Thank you, you’re quite the gentleman.”

  She wasn’t too tired to notice they were the exact same height.

  “You know I just thought of something. I’ve never met them, but Adam has an ex-wife and kids. I want to say he had a boy and girl. They live in Florida. Someone needs to tell them.”

  “Of course. We will contact the family. I’m sorry about your loss. Tonight can’t be easy. I will be in touch tomorrow, Ms. Reed.”

  “Thank you. You have a good evening, Detective Coleman. I hope you’re enjoying your career as a detective. These cases can wear you down.”

  “I’m good so far. I’ll be even better when we catch this killer.”

  Asia smiled as she walked away. She liked his ambition. This early in his career, he just received one of those cases that would keep an investigator up all night.

  Tomorrow she would get answers, but now she just needed to get home.

  Asia didn’t indulge in alcohol too often, but she was ready for a much-needed glass of Moscato. She didn’t know who else would grieve for Adam, but she had a feeling a few tears would be shed by her tonight.

  Chapter 5

  Thursday, November 17 at 2:20 p.m.

  Asia blew out a breath and leaned back in her leather chair. She was tired. More than just not getting any sleep last night, she was worn out from looking through cases she’d prosecuted with Adam as defense counsel. All she could think about was Adam’s words to her on the phone.

  Wrong man. Who did he mean? If she feared anything, it would be prosecuting an innocent person.

  She looked up to see her assistant, Christine, plop down in the chair in front of Asia’s desk. “It’s such a shame, Ms. Reed, that Mr. Locklear couldn’t have just talked to you on the phone. Why do you think he wanted to wait?”

  Asia shook her head. “I have no idea. I do know anytime someone doesn’t trust talking on the phone, the information must be extremely sensitive.” She glanced at the clock on her office wall. “You need to take a break and I definitely need a break. Go grab some lunch. When you get back, you can look through the rest of this list. I will probably head over and see if the detectives came across anything in Locklear’s office.”

  “I hope they have some leads for you.” Christine pushed her blue eyeglass frames up higher on her nose. “Don’t forget to eat something yourself, Ms. Reed. You’re living off coffee today. Would you like me to bring you some food back?”

  “No, I’m good.”

  She watched Christine close the office door.

  I’m really not good.

  She was too frustrated to worry about hunger. Asia ran her hands across her hair. Despite her stress, every hair was smoothly in place. She ran her fingers down her long ponytail and pulled it around to hang across her shoulder. She glanced down at her legal pad where she’d listed her cases. There were so many scenarios surrounding why someone would walk into Adam’s office and kill him.

  Someone could have been nursing a grudge against Adam for keeping a criminal out of jail that she failed to prosecute. The problem with that scenario is there were none. Adam never won a case against her.

  If it was someone she convicted, they were sitting in jail. Unless it was someone recently released. But why would they go after Adam instead of her?

  Asia’s head began to pound. She didn’t like the direction of her thoughts. She leaned across the desk and placed her face in her hands. Adam didn’t want to talk on the phone. If he called her, it had to be information about one of her cases or a case the DA’s office prosecuted.

  How in the world am I supposed to read the mind of a dead man?

  If only Adam had left some type of clue.

  She closed her eyes and lifted her face towards the ceiling. Asia didn’t pray often, but she knew God knew what happened in Adam’s office last night.

  Lord, can you show me something? I’m a little lost here, and I know I can admit this to you. I’m afraid. You know I try to do the right thing. I could use your protection. A little direction would be great too.

  Her eyes snapped open. She looked down at the legal pad again. While she was not the most devout person, Asia took her faith seriously. She wasn’t expecting to see a name written in front of her glow on the page like some special effect in a movie. If only it could be that easy.

  Someone knocked on her office door. Asia jumped, her heart racing. She rubbed her hands across her chest as though she could slow her heart. “Come in.”

  When she saw Brandon at the door, she leaned back in her chair, trying to appear as if she wasn’t slowly freaking out. “Boss, what can I do for you?”

  He stepped into her office. “I think I should be asking you that question.”

  She frowned. Brandon wasn’t one to come walking to your office. He liked to summon people to his office. “I don’t understand.”

  His eyes grew wide. “You witnessed a horrible crime. Against a…friend. Should you be in the office today? It’s not like you ever take any time off. Enjoy your sister’s little one.”

  Asia narrowed her eyes. Her boss was not the touchy feely type of guy, but he was one of a very few people besides her family who knew she dated Adam. And he only knew because he and his wife ran into her with Adam at a restaurant. Up until that night, they’d kept their relationship discreet.

  She stood from her desk. “I’m fine. We had a brief relationship three years ago. History. Adam was a colleague as he was also to you.”

  Brandon forced a laugh. “Glad you came to your senses. And there was no friendship between me and Adam Locklear. I was in the majority that didn’t like him. May he rest in peace.” He looked at the pile of folders on her desk. “If you don’t mind me asking why were you at Adam’s office?”

  “How did you know I was there?”

  Brandon raised his eyebrow. “Captain called this
morning. He wanted to know if you were alright. My surprise because I had no clue what happened last night. I mean I heard about Adam’s shooting on the news, but I didn’t know you found him. That was kept out of the news.”

  Asia nodded. “I’m thankful. I’m sure the DA’s office didn’t need that kind of publicity. We’re still being raked over the coals for our decision to not investigate Officer Lane.”

  Brandon frowned. “Yes, that’s true. Were you still friends?”

  “We had a mutual respect for being on opposite sides.” She sighed and crossed her arms. “Adam had information he wanted to share.”

  Brandon seemed to freeze in place. “What kind of information?”

  “The kind he will never be able to tell me himself unless he decides to haunt me from wherever his poor soul has gone.”

  Both of Brandon’s eyebrows shot up. He stared at her desk again. “You don’t think this information had anything to do with his death?”

  “He called me to let me know he had information I needed to know. I went to meet him last night and found him with a hole in his head. I don’t know what to think, Brandon.”

  Brandon let out a long breath, “This is disturbing, Asia. You know I don’t believe in coincidences.”

  Asia leaned against her desk. “I don’t either. Whatever information Adam had, he mentioned something about having the wrong man.”

  Brandon crossed his arms and observed her. “For what case?”

  She walked backed behind her desk. “Good question. I’m going to see Detective Coleman to see what he’s found out so far.”

  “Detective Coleman?” Brandon frowned. “Homicide?”

  Asia nodded. “He’s new, but his partner is Detective Lamb. I expect more from Coleman. You know Lamb had a chip on his shoulder since Adam’s client, Ethan Consentino, was found not guilty by the jury.”

  Brandon nodded. “I remember. You know there has to be a mile-long list of people who would stand in line to pull the trigger. Adam was ruthless in the courtroom and very well paid. Be sure you start with the grudges. Those who may have openly threatened Locklear.”

  She leaned over her desk and picked up her legal pad. “Christine and I have started several lists. Adam didn’t win any cases against me, but he also didn’t specify it was one of my cases. I’m just assuming.”

  She looked down at the empty coffee cup on her desk and realized she should’ve taken Christine’s offer for lunch. Her body felt weak all of a sudden, though she couldn’t blame her feeling on lack of food. “I need to go grab some lunch and head to the precinct.”

  Brandon pointed to her. “Keep me updated and be careful. We need to find out this information Adam wanted to share. Better to be ahead and not caught off guard later.”

  “I know. Will do.” She watched him walk out before grabbing her bag. Brandon was too much of a gentleman, but she knew the politician side of him would never admit this was making him nervous too.

  Asia picked up her phone and dialed. “Yes, may I speak to Detective Coleman, please?”

  She hoped the rookie detective got a lot further along than she did today.

  Chapter 6

  Thursday, November 17 at 3:13 pm

  Asia slurped the rest of her iced tea and took a breath before throwing the cup in the trashcan outside the precinct. Nourishment was what she needed. It also helped that the temperatures were low 60s and the sun was shining. For about an hour, she’d escaped her inner turmoil. Now she had to head back into reality as she entered the building.

  In homicide, the Locklear investigation was front and center. Detective Coleman stood surrounded by his partner, Detective Lamb, two other detectives from their unit and Sgt. Elaine Maddison. It was good to see Elaine as a new addition to the force. Asia had noticed without her sister on the force it looked like an all-male club. She’d missed seeing Jo here at the precinct. Her sister was one of the best detectives.

  She sauntered over, “Sgt. Maddison, I hope you’ve solved the case with all these heads around the evidence board.”

  Maddison was shorter than Asia, but her muscular stature was intimidating. She wore her long blond hair, now with gray streaks, in a ponytail piled on top of her head. The sergeant, though a woman, could be described as handsome. She granted Asia a tight smile, “Ah, just in time, Ms. Reed. We’ve been expecting you.”

  Two of the detectives dispersed as if they had more important things to do. Asia acknowledged Detective Coleman who returned a slight nod. She turned her attention to Detective Lamb who seemed to keep a permanent scowl on his face.

  “So, bring me up to speed. The DA’s very interested in finding out leads, especially since Adam had information that pertained to the DA’s office. Any persons-of-interest yet?”

  “Besides you?” Detective Lamb cracked.

  Asia stared at him. “Excuse me?”

  Sgt. Maddison cleared her throat. “Detective Lamb is being his usual charming self. Of course, you’re not a suspect. We appreciate your cooperation last night and as you probably know, we were able to keep your name out of the media.”

  “Uh huh. Yes, I noticed that. Thank you.” Asia kept her eyes on Lamb. “I see where you’re going with this though. I’m the one who found him. I’m the one whom he had something to tell. The problem is if I killed him, I did it in vain. I’m still clueless as to what he had to tell me. Don’t you think I should’ve at least gotten my information first?”

  Lamb spat, “Maybe you did and you didn’t like what he had to say.”

  Asia narrowed her eyes. “What’s your problem? As I recall, you hated the man. I would say you have more motive than anyone in this room.”

  Detective Lamb uncrossed his arms and took a step forward.

  The sergeant frowned, “That’s enough, Detective Lamb. If the DA gave the okay for Ms. Reed to join us in the investigation, he has faith in her. Besides, any case where she served as prosecutor could help us narrow down a suspects list. You said the only clue Locklear gave you was you had the wrong man. For what case?”

  Asia eyed Lamb for a few seconds before she shrugged. “I’ve started a list, but we don’t know if it’s about any of my cases. We’re only assuming because Adam reached out to me. Right now, I just finished up an investigation. I’m pretty sure it’s not a past case.”

  Lamb stated, “Because you would never put an innocent man away. That’s never happened before.”

  The older detective had started to exhaust her patience. “You know how this works, Lamb. You guys present a case to us on why a person should be charged and placed on trial. You collect the evidence.”

  Lamb’s face grew red.

  Asia wasn’t trying to throw a jab at him about his past discretion, but he’d asked for it. She continued, “I’m hoping we can find out who Locklear talked to prior to last night. Somebody knew exactly where to find him.”

  Detective Coleman, who’d been quiet finally spoke up. “We were able to touch base with his legal assistant this morning. She will be coming in soon so we can interview her. We’ve been able to piece together some of his activities the last few weeks from her calendar.”

  Asia crossed her arms. “Good, some real detective work is going on.” She snapped at Lamb. “Do you mind us getting down to business now, Detective Lamb, or are you still having thoughts on making this easy to pin on me?”

  Lamb stared at her for a moment. “Rookie, here’s got it. I need a refill.” Lamb grabbed his coffee cup off the desk and walked off.

  Asia knew Lamb hated Locklear, but he was still obligated to do his job. He flat-out didn’t like her because she was a Reed. Jo had complained about run-ins with Lamb too. It all went back to the Ethan Consentino incident which rippled throughout the police force, digging at the credibility of everyone. She hadn’t been assigned to the case, but if she had, Asia would have caught the fact that the crime scene had been compromised. It was those details that a good defense attorney like Locklear relished in finding.

  Asia cou
ld still remember her dad’s, then police chief, anger with Lamb. He suspended Lamb without pay.

  What in the world was Lamb thinking trying to throw my name in the ring as a suspect?

  She turned her attention to Detective Coleman who was observing her. His eyes were warm and seemed concerned. “Sorry about my partner, Ms. Reed. Would you like to take a look at what we’ve found so far?”

  “I would. But I have a question.” She turned to Sgt. Madison. “Why was Coleman the only one on the scene last night? Is there anything I should be concerned about here, Sergeant?”

  Sgt. Madison’s blue eyes were definitely not warm, but she responded with a civil tone, “Lamb was pulled away on another matter, but he’s up-to-speed now. I have confidence in Coleman. He’s got a good head start. You were very helpful last night despite the scene you had to witness. My condolences, by the way.”

  She nodded. Asia decided to let her concerns about Lamb slide for the time being. Especially since everyone now knew about her brief relationship with Adam. She had no intention of letting their knowledge stop her. Everyone did things they later regretted. Learn from the mistakes and keep it moving had always been her motto.

  “Detective, please show me what you have.”

  “So, it appears in the days prior to his death, Locklear met with several clients as would be normal for his practice.” Coleman pointed to the board. “Yesterday he met with Officer Roddy Lane. That was mainly to be with Officer Lane and his family during the press conference held by the DA’s office.”

  The man’s voice was soothing and calm. Coleman glided his hand down the board, “To go back further this week, around 4:00 pm on Monday he met with Lawrence Warren, a real estate broker who’d been accused of killing his wife.”

  Asia thought the name was familiar. “I vaguely remember seeing that on the news a few weeks back. Who was involved with that investigation?”


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