Reed Family Box Set

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Reed Family Box Set Page 32

by Tyora Moody

  Jax laughed. “I know the movie you’re talking about. Minority Report. That’s not what I’m getting at here. You can’t control what a person does, but there has to be another way of switching their mindset.”

  “Yeah, they need a morality check. A healthy fear of God.”

  “I’m not going to argue with you, but life can be unfair, clouding people’s judgement.”

  Asia rolled her eyes, “No doubt Maddock was a mental case. He used his real estate practice to lure woman into a date where he ultimately murdered them. The women all happened to look very similar to his abusive mother. He was caught and sentenced to life. End of story.”

  “There’s more to his story. I’ve been finding out some interesting things about Maddock. Things you and Jo may not have known.”

  Asia looked at him. “Like what?”

  “I bet you didn’t know him and his lawyer were friends growing up?”

  It took her a few seconds to process what Jax said. Asia shook her head. “Locklear and Maddock grew up together? How did you find out that?”

  “I’ve been an investigative reporter for fifteen years, specializing in crime. I have my ways. But yeah, apparently when Maddock was looking for a lawyer, no one really wanted to touch his case. I mean he practically confessed. According to my source, Locklear had to come through for his buddy. He owed him.”

  He owed him. “For what?”

  “That’s one of the things on my list to find out. Especially with Locklear getting killed, which I’m sure you’ve heard all about.”

  Asia crossed her arms. She was sure Jax knew nothing about her brief relationship with Adam. She pondered out loud. “I always wondered why Locklear took his case. He tried to make Maddock look like he was some kind of victim because of his mom’s abuse. I’m just glad the jury didn’t fall for it.”

  Jax reiterated, “Look, the guy’s clearly crazy.”

  Asia shook her head. “He deserves to be behind bars. He wasn’t insane. He knew exactly what he was doing.”

  “Maddock really got under your skin. I guess he did to Jo too.” He looked behind him. “Is she ever going back to Homicide?”

  “Jo’s enjoying motherhood.”

  “What about you?”

  “What about me?”

  “You seem to love your career, but don’t you want a family?”

  “I could ask you the same question.”

  Jax swallowed. “I’ve been thinking about it since my mom died. I feel like I kind of need to have a legacy. That’s one of the reasons I started writing books.”

  Asia thought for a moment. “You’re blessed you found another career. I haven’t been liking mine too much lately.” She thought about Locklear. The entire time she dated him, she didn’t have a clue about his background. When Maddock’s trial rolled around, she had long parted ways with Locklear.

  She wasn’t happy that Jax wanted to write a book about Maddock, but for once, the brother she had trouble accepting proved to be the nudge she needed to dig a little deeper.

  There was something she was missing from Adam’s past.

  Chapter 19

  Wednesday, November 30 at 3:33 p.m.

  Quite a few people attended Adam’s memorial service. Asia stopped counting at fifty heads. At least fifty people meant Adam wasn’t all that bad. She looked over to see Detective Coleman also observing the crowd. She couldn’t resist noticing how well his suit fit.

  Behave, Asia!

  She walked over to the detective. “Nice turn out.”

  Coleman shook his head. “So, what are you thinking, Counselor? Could anyone in this room be Adam’s killer?”

  “Killers often like to see the results of their wrongdoing.” Asia let her eyes wander around the room. She recognized other lawyers, as well as a few people she was sure were Adam’s clients. Many were giving condolence to the family. Asia turned to Coleman, “I’m going to talk to Dana and meet Adam’s kids.”

  She walked up to Dana who stood beside her two teens. “Ms. Reed, it’s good to see you. I don’t know if you’ve met Adam’s children. This is Dallas. He will be off to college next fall and Justine is a rising high school junior.”

  Asia shook the teenagers’ hands. “I’m sorry for your loss. Your dad and I were on the opposite ends in the courtroom, but I considered him a friend. He was a phenomenal person to have in your corner.”

  Dallas, who looked like a younger version of Adam though not as tall, responded. “Thank you, Ms. Reed. That’s kind of you.”

  Asia stepped closer to Dana so she could quietly talk to her. “Do you know most of these people? Would you say they were Adam’s friends?”

  Dana closed her eyes, “I used to attend events with Adam early in our marriage, but I stopped when the kids were young. I can’t tell you if these people were really Adam’s friends or not.”

  “Do you remember a Janice Warren?”

  “Janice? I knew a person named Janice, but not sure if her last name was Warren? She was a client of Adam’s, I think. Long time ago.”

  Asia turned to see what had caught Dana’s attention. Candie Parker was standing at the door.

  “I guess I should have known she would be here.” Dana turned towards her children as though she was protecting them.

  Adam definitely made a lasting impression with the women in his life.

  She took a deep breath and approached Candie. “Candie, I don’t know if you remember me.”

  Candie’s eyes widened as if she felt cornered. “Yes, I remember you, Ms. Reed.”

  Asia glanced over her shoulder. “You mind walking with me for a bit?”

  Candie looked unsure. “Sure.”

  They walked outside the room where the memorial service had been held, passing a larger-than-life portrait of Adam. It was a fairly recent photo capturing the crinkles that had grown around his eyes from age. Asia commented, “He was a very handsome man. I understood you knew Adam a long time, long before you started working for him.”

  “I met him through a mutual friend. He encouraged me to continue my paralegal courses and said if I finished, he would have a job for me. He didn’t break his promise. He was a good boss and, as crazy as it may seem, a friend.”

  Asia stopped walking, “You didn’t like Brooke Cannon coming around though?”

  Candie raised her eyebrow. “That’s because she wasn’t good for him. Her whole family is bad news.”

  “You told the police Brooke came by the Monday before Adam’s death. Are you sure? She claimed she hadn’t seen him in weeks.”

  Candie’s nose flared. “She lied. In fact, I could tell she was very angry. She stomped through the doors, ignoring me, and barged into Adam’s office. Adam told me to head home and closed the door, but I heard her screaming.”

  “About what? Why didn’t you mention this to the police?”

  “What do you mean? I did tell them she came by.”

  “But you neglected to mention the argument was heated. Did you hear anything?”

  She nodded. “She kept saying to him, how could you betray me like that?”

  Betray. What had Adam done to Brooke?

  Candie asked, “Are you guys any closer to finding out who did this?”

  “I’m afraid not. There’s a lot of unanswered questions. Especially about the days leading up to Adam’s death. Wednesday afternoon, Officer Lane stopped by. Do you remember?”

  “Yes. He came to ask questions, I guess. Clear up his account.”

  “How were things with you and Adam the last day?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You said you were friends? You knew him well. Did you two have words about anything?”

  Candie wilted. “I was heated with him. I told him I didn’t know why he was wasting his time with Brooke Cannon. She’d left a rude message for him to call her.” Candie squeezed her hands, “After Officer Lane left, I asked Adam what was going on. He told me not worry.” Candie’s mouth quivered and turned away, “When I left, I
had this feeling he was hiding something really bad.”

  Asia faced Candie. “You seem to be really hostile about Brooke Cannon. You sure this isn’t a jealousy thing?”

  Candie snapped, “I’m not jealous. Years ago, Adam helped my friend, Janice. She was struggling to get out of a really bad relationship. Adam figured out a way to get her problem… removed. At least for a while. He had to leave Cannon Law Firm after that.”

  Asia asked, “Did he leave on his own or was he threatened?”

  “He left on his own before anyone really found out what he did to help Janice.”

  “Don’t keep me in suspense, Candie. Does this have to do with Adam being killed?”

  She shook her head, “I don’t know. I’ve been wondering. The guy Adam helped get put away was practically torturing Janice. I remembered her trying to hide the bruises. She wouldn’t leave him, no matter how hard I begged.”

  Asia wanted to strangle Candie. “Who was the guy?”

  Candie stared at her and whispered. “Payton. Payton Cannon.”

  Asia thought back to her visit to Brooke’s office. “Payton Cannon. Brooke’s older brother?”

  Candie shook her head.

  Asia could see Candie was visibly trembling. She spoke softly, “Why didn’t you say something before now?”

  “It didn’t occur to me. Not until the detective mentioned Janice had a diary. She never mentioned anything to me about the diary, but then I remembered she used to go to therapy. I figured she must have been writing things down from the past. Then I started thinking, why was Brooke Cannon suddenly coming around so much. Why was she angry at Adam? Maybe she found out what Adam did.”

  What had Adam done to Payton Cannon?

  Both Asia and Candie looked startled as the elevators opened. The woman who was the center of their conversation stepped out.

  “I have to go check on my son.” Candie hurried away.

  Asia noticed Brooke wasn’t alone. An older man strutted beside her with a cane in his hand. She guessed this man had to be the one and only Preston Cannon.

  “Hello, Brooke.”

  Brooke wiped her tear-stained face appearing shaken. She produced a faint smile. “Asia, how are you? Of course you would be here. Adam was dear to you too. Father, you know Asia Reed. She’s the daughter of our former Chief of Police.”

  “Yes, I know you.” The older man’s voice boomed. “I’m sure your father is proud. I believe all of you are in law enforcement in some capacity?”

  Asia nodded. “Yes, we’re affectionately known as the crime-fighting family.”

  Brooke smiled. “Asia is quite the formidable opponent, Father. I will be seeing her in the courtroom in the near future.”

  Asia smiled, “Grand jury selection is coming up soon. It’s good Mr. Warren found you, especially after losing Adam as his lawyer. That must have been devastating for him.”

  Brooke rubbed her lips together. “Yes, it was.”

  Preston spoke up for his daughter. “Devastating to all of us. Adam was like a son to me. I taught Adam and my daughter everything I knew.” He grinned, “Mr. Warren won’t be without a strong defense. It will be on you,” he pointed towards her, “Ms. Reed, to prove his guilt.”

  Asia felt a fighting spirit sneak up her belly. That spark she felt right before she delivered a blow with her closing argument. “Oh, I plan to, Mr. Cannon.”

  She watched the Cannons as they entered the room.

  Coleman slipped past them and headed towards her. He gave her a weary look. “Not sure I like that look on your face. Someone bothered you.”

  Asia nodded, “I’m very bothered, but in a good way. I think we have our killer’s name.”

  Chapter 20

  Wednesday, November 30 at 5:17 p.m.

  Asia followed Isaac back to the precinct. She wanted to know as much about Payton Cannon as possible. They needed a solid theory for her to bring to her boss in the morning. Being the DA, Brandon would not take too kindly to her suddenly finding another suspect after he’d instructed her to prepare for the grand jury in a few weeks.

  When they arrived, Lamb was sitting at his desk. Asia noticed for the first time the older detective had a smile on his face.

  “What’s got you so happy, partner?” Coleman asked.

  “I’m just smiling over how justice prevails.” He pointed at Asia. “Your buddy Adam kicks the dust and so does one of his former clients.”

  Asia and Coleman both blurted out, “What?”

  Lamb spins his computer monitor around. “Ethan Consentino. I had no idea somebody finally put that scumbag away. Looks like he didn’t last but eight months in prison. Somebody shanked him at Central. He got life, but somebody took it.”

  Coleman nodded, “Justice prevails. Now if we could track down Payton Cannon.”

  Lamb grimaced, “Payton Cannon. Preston Cannon’s son?”

  “Yes.” Asia stared at Lamb. “You know about him?”

  “Yeah, he was one of those ones I was glad to see put away. It wasn’t my case, but I remember Payton got mad one night and beat the owner of a bar almost to death. His dad couldn’t get him out of that one. If I’m not mistaken Locklear ended up getting some kind of deal for Payton on a lesser charge of manslaughter instead of attempted second-degree murder. Daddy Cannon must not have been happy because Locklear set up his own practice not too long after that.”

  Asia frowned. “That explains any animosity towards Adam.” She stared at Lamb, “You know he was involved with Janice Warren. He used to beat her up pretty bad.”

  Lamb’s mouth hung open for a minute. “Well, I’ll be. I never made the connection. Actually, now that I think about it. The guy Payton beat up, I believe it was over a woman.”

  Asia stepped forward, “Well, those feelings may have festered over the years. We don’t think Lawrence Warren killed his wife. If Payton had some type of deal, he may have been recently released.”

  “On it.” Coleman blurted. “Here, he was released on September 16th. His parole officer is Randy Lewis. I can call and check with him to see when’s the last time he touched based with him.”

  Asia leaned over to view the mugshot on Coleman’s screen. “I’ve seen him.”

  “The day I visited Brooke Cannon. That guy showed up at her office. He was wearing these thick glasses, but that’s him.” She thought for a moment. “I wonder if he had a habit of messing with his appearance. He managed to slip out of the building undetected. That has always bothered me.”

  Coleman nodded, “I’ve thought about that too. It’s possible he could have slipped out under our noses, maybe posing as an officer.”

  Asia grabbed her purse. “That sounds plausible. He’s definitely a planner. We need his address. Also, we might want to see what judge can sign off on a search warrant ASAP. If Payton is our guy, and he used his gun twice, what are the chances he still has it in his possession?”

  “Good point.” Coleman frowned, “Where are you rushing off too?”

  “To pay Brooke Cannon a visit.”

  Coleman stood and waved his hands. “Woah! Is that really wise to do? The guy we’re looking for is her brother. She doesn’t need to be tipping him off.”

  “I have no intentions of alerting Brooke. I do need her to know I intend to ask the DA to drop the charges against her client Lawrence Warren.”

  “Yeah, but won’t that still tip her a bit? Suppose she knows her brother committed these killings. She could be helping him hide out.”

  “I didn’t get the impression Brooke was that close to her brother. She values her reputation. You work on locating Payton.”

  As Asia walked out, what she didn’t say to Coleman was at the memorial service she saw a woman unraveling. Were Brooke’s tears really just for Adam or was the supposed friend carrying around a burdensome secret?

  It was time for another woman-to-woman talk.

  Chapter 21

  Wednesday, November 30 at 6:09 p.m.

  Asia tapped on the door o
f Cannon Law Firm. She cupped her face against the glass window. While the front of the offices looked dark, she could see lights towards the back. Asia felt pretty sure Brooke would’ve returned to her office.

  Suddenly the lights lit up in the alcove, and Brooke appeared. Asia stepped from the door and waited for it to open.

  Brook peeked out, “Asia? What are you doing here?”

  “I needed to speak with you. I figured you would’ve headed back to the office after the memorial.”

  “Us workaholics do think alike, but really, this isn’t a good time.”

  “Well, I might save you some work. I have some information that could affect one of your clients facing a grand jury in a few weeks.”

  Brooke blinked. “Couldn’t you have called me on the phone?”

  “This was better in person, plus I was in the neighborhood.” Asia cringed inside at that statement and was suddenly doubtful of why she’d come to see Brooke.

  For a moment, Asia wasn’t sure if Brooke was going to let her in. She pulled the door wide open so Asia could slip through.

  As she entered, she noticed the secretary wasn’t in. “Did you send Ms. Bishop home early?”

  “Yes. She would try to hang with me, but I needed to be alone.” Brooke cleared her throat. “What is it you have to tell me? It’s been a long day. I probably should have gone home after Adam’s memorial. That was more emotional than I thought it would be.”

  “I’m sorry. I wanted to let you know I’m talking to the DA in the morning about dropping the Lawrence Warren case.”

  Brooke’s face froze, “Why?”

  “I have reason to believe Mr. Warren didn’t kill his wife.”

  Brooke crossed her arms as if a cold draft had drifted around her. “The DA’s office had a pretty solid case against Mr. Warren. This is surprising.”

  Asia stared at Brooke. “You don’t sound happy for your client, Brooke. I mean I know not being in the courtroom is a loss, but there will be other times.”

  Brooke smiled, but her eyes remained haunted. “I’m sorry. Like I said it’s been a long day. If you can convince the DA to drop the charges, I know my client will be…” Asia noticed Brooke’s eyes flicker past her. “…very happy.”


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