The Zero Equation

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The Zero Equation Page 41

by Christopher Nuttall

  It is important to remember that Tintagel and the other kingdoms do not use magic as extensively as the Thousand-Year Empire. There are no flying cities, no homes forged out of cloud-stuff, no flying machines, no gateways that allow a person to step across the empire in a heartbeat ... indeed, it is possible that the Eternal City would have suffered a disaster in the next few hundred years even without Tristan and his followers. The magic does not go away, but it can be drained ...

  Appendix: The World of Allrianne and the Kingdom of Tintagel

  Allrianne is effectively divided into three continents, formerly four (see below). Maxima and Minima, separated by the Inner Sea, were once ruled by the Thousand-Year Empire before its collapse. To the east, on the far side of the Desolation, lies Hangchow, home of a civilisation that is barely known to the denizens of Maxima and Minima; to the west lies the Saragossa Archipelago, presumably once a continent itself before being shattered by an unknown force somewhere in the distant past. There are a handful of island nations near both known civilisations, mostly engaged in sailing and fishing.

  Very little is known for certain about the history of Maxima and Minima prior to the Thousand-Year Empire, although stories of lost emperors and god-kings echo down the ages. What is known is that a mid-sized city in Southern Maxima developed the first true understanding of magical principles, allowing it to rapidly conquer most of Maxima (as far north-east as the edge of the Desolation) and then much of Minima. Unlike previous conquerors, the Thousand-Year Empire was smart enough to integrate vast numbers of the natives into its system, allowing them to join the empire and work their way up the ranks. A culture hegemony was effectively imposed that would last until the empire’s fall, although rumours of hidden civilisations in unexplored regions of Minima or deep within the Desolation continue to this day.

  Very little is also known about what happened to the Thousand-Year Empire. Records are sparse; there was a magical disaster of some kind (the Eternal City and the eastern half of the Inner Sea are no-go zones as far as the vast majority of people are concerned) and the subsequent civil war destroyed much of the remaining imperial administration. Civilisation itself took a major blow, almost collapsing before reforming around the remnants of imperial administrators ... now styling themselves kings and queens in their own right. A thousand years after the Fall, Maxima and Minima are divided into a number of kingdoms that compete endlessly for power. Although the kings claim to want to reunite the empire, it is growing clear that none of them can do it.

  (In our terms, Maxima is Europe, Minima is Africa and Hangchow is China.)

  The Kingdom of Tintagel sits on the northern edge of the Inner Sea (roughly Southern France, in our terms.) To the north, it is bordered by the Princedoms of Ardrossan; to the north sit the kingdoms of Galashiels and Balamory; to the east lies the abandoned core of the Thousand-Year Empire; to the south, on the other side of the Inner Sea, sits the kingdom of North Cairnbulg. Tintagel has a long history of rivalry with Galashiels (over disputed land) and North Cairnbulg (over trade). Despite that, in the hopes of cooling down tensions, King Rufus married his son to the Princess of North Cairnbulg.

  Like most kingdoms in the post-empire world, Tintagel was founded by a warlord who found himself in a position that allowed him to translate his military force (he was originally the commander of the Tintagel City Garrison) into long-term power. The kingdom expanded until it reached its natural borders, swallowing up a number of minor kingdoms and principalities, either through force or negotiation. Over the years, as the continent stabilised, Tintagel became one of the great powers, engaging in overt and covert conflict with its rivals as it struggled for supremacy. The royal line, too, changed over the years. Very few people will admit it, but the current monarchs have no link to the original monarchs, let alone the Thousand-Year Empire.

  In theory, Tintagel is ruled by King Rufus the Bold of Tintagel (known as King Rufus the Fat to his braver subjects.) In practice, owing to the high concentrations of magic within the kingdom, there are a number of limits on the king’s power. First amongst them is Parliament, divided into the House of Aristocracy (long-term landed aristocracy) and the House of Money (elected by taxpayers.) While the king still wields substantial power, parliament can limited him by refusing to vote funds or confirm treaties. Indeed, majorities in both houses are enough to dispose a king, although historically this has only ever been done as a rubber stamp once the king was safely removed from power. The king is thus forced to wheel and deal with parliament if he wants to get anything done.

  Below that, the Great Charter guarantees the rights of all subjects, from the proudest lord to the lowliest peasant. Outside wartime, even the King cannot break the Great Charter lightly; Parliament may quietly agree with him, but they are unwilling to allow such a precedent to be set without resistance.

  King Rufus and Queen Eleanor have one son; Henry, Crown Prince of Tintagel. Henry is married to Queen Saffron of North Cairnbulg; so far, they have two young children. Below the Crown Prince, King Rufus has three daughters, five nephews, seven nieces and a number of other relatives who are in the line of succession and technically have the right to be called prince or princess.

  The Crown Prince is, technically, his father’s closest advisor and commander of his armies. In recent years, however, there have been stresses and strains on their relationship: the Crown Prince wants more power and freedom, including an estate of his own, while the king wishes to keep as much power as possible concentrated in his own hands. The Crown Prince does not even have anything to reward his followers that doesn't come from his father. While he is still in line to inherit, he has started to withdraw more from courtly life.

  Politically, Tintagel is divided into estates (ruled by the king and his noblemen), freeholds (independent settlements) and semi-independent cities. By tradition, the freeholds and cities enjoy a considerable amount of freedom in exchange for tax, although in practice this can vary widely. Falladine, a city on the border with Galashiels, is effectively ruled directly by the king’s representative, as skirmishes are not uncommon along the borders. The king is still permitted to recruit soldiers from the cities, although the army’s commanders prefer peasants. They tend to be less aware of their rights.

  Landed aristocracy are expected to pay a certain amount of money each year in tax, as well as serving as the king’s representatives and army officers. Commoners who earn more than a set amount each year have to pay tax, but are compensated for this by the right to vote, stand for parliament, etc. (Social mobility is quite high, particularly in the cities, but there is a certain amount of discrimination in favour of the children of taxpayers.) The aristocracy often tries to integrate particularly brilliant or successful commoners into its ranks, normally by proposing marriage alliances. (The children of such marriages are considered equal to the children of pure-blooded noblemen.)

  Power and position within the aristocracy depends on landholding; the larger the estate, the more powerful the nobleman. It does tend to vary at times, depending on ready cash and a number of other factors, but generally land equals power. Senior aristocrats may be relatively secure in their positions, yet even they may face challenges from lesser family or a sudden assassination that sees a shift in the balance of power. There are constant rumours about aristocrats who get into debt, putting up chunks of their estates as collateral.

  There is no (legal) slavery within Tintagel, although lower-ranking peasants are often tied to the land (with the cities as escape valves for particularly rebelliously-minded peasants, who might otherwise cause trouble.) There is also a remarkable degree of sexual equality; women can do almost everything a man can, save for serving in the army. It isn't uncommon to encounter households - even the noblest - led by a woman.

  There is no organised religion within Tintagel. Most people worship - more accurately, honour - their ancestors, regardless of whatever they actually did. A handful of peasants worship the land and seasons, celebrating the changing of t
he seasons with elaborate ceremonies. The monarchy tries to get people to honour long-dead kings, but success is very limited outside the Royal Family.

  Appendix: Life In Shallot

  Although the city of Shallot is strikingly multiracial, it is actually quite monocultural. There is very little variation amongst the long-term residents and even newcomers to the city rapidly pick up and adapt to its social norms. Despite this - and the rule of the Great Houses - Shallot is also a place where an intelligent and capable man can rise high, even without a blood connection to the ruling class. Indeed, being a ‘new man’ - i.e. someone who came from nothing and became a wealthy or powerful personage - is regarded as a badge of honour. A ‘new man’ will find himself invited to marry into the Great Houses or, if he is very lucky, will have the chance to found a House of his own.

  With two exceptions, Shallot does not draw lines between people. Women have the same rights as men, more or less; they have the right to save money, own property, sign contracts, seek redress through the courts, etc. The first is the simple fact that the highest places in the city are reserved for native children - although the child of a ‘new man’ might win a seat on Magus Court - thus ensuring that public policy remains firmly in the hands of the locals. The second is a quiet, but pervasive discrimination against people who cannot state their family lines back at least five generations. Family is very important in Shallot and people who lack a family often suffer for it. (Even bastardry carries no stigma, if the child knows his or her father.) This accounts for the problems faced by the children sired by Hangchowese sailors, very few of whom know anything about their father’s family. They tend to slip into the underclass because it’s hard for them (and their descendents) to marry well.

  Shallot was originally founded in the middle era of the Thousand-Year Empire, a port city on the northern edge of the Inner Sea. It’s proximity to the Gap allowed it to become a hub for trading, even as the iron ships of the empire explored the coastlines of Minima and probed westwards towards the Saragossa Archipelago. (It isn't actually certain if the empire discovered the Saragossa Archipelago or had any contacts with Hangchow, although it is certainly technically possible.) It grew into a centre of magic and trade before the Thousand-Year Empire collapsed into civil war, allowing the original City Fathers to keep the city safe despite the predations of various warlords and raiding factions. When the Kingdom of Tintagel formed out of the remainder of the state, the city allied with the king in exchange for a specific degree of autonomy from the king’s rule. The slow stabilisation of Maxima and North Minima allowed the city to become a new trading hub, although it was centuries before the old trading links were re-established.

  The government of Shallot is probably best described as a mess, a result of the emergency measures used to save the city after the Thousand-Year Empire collapsed into civil war. The Great Houses appoint representatives to the city’s council, as do the guilds; a handful of representatives are also elected by the moneyed and propertied classes. Most laws are hashed out in private council first, then presented to the overall court. (In theory, Shallot is subject to the king; in practice, Shallot goes its own way.) Below Magus Court, the various guilds have considerable authority over their members, but no guild is exclusive.

  Shallot is policed by the City Guard, who are armed and trained by the Great Houses. (The Great Houses also possess armsmen of their own.) The city also plays host to a number of Kingsmen, the king’s personal knights. The Kingsmen are responsible for investigating serious crimes (including the kidnapping in The Zero Curse) and maintaining the peace. However, given the rivalries between the Great Houses, it is generally agreed that the only thing really keeping the peace is a grim understanding that an all-out House War will be utterly devastating.

  Shallot is effectively divided into three sections: North Shallot, South Shallot and Water Shallot, the latter being a large island and port city with a thriving naval trade. North Shallot is the richest part of the city, home to merchants and traders as well as sorcerers, alchemists and enchanters; South Shallot is poorer, although also home to Jude’s Sorcerous Academy and Eupalinos Institute of Higher Learning. The three sections are separated by the Shallot River, which runs south through Shallot and into the sea.

  Magic runs strong in Shallot, with even the merest citizens having access to a considerable number of spells. Much education is focused around magic, even for those who have no intention of treating magic as a career. Indeed, those who cannot cast spells are known as Zeroes, a step down from the lowest recorded level (magicians are ranked from one to ten) and ruthlessly mocked, even though limited (or no) magic wouldn't be a handicap outside the city. The Great Houses are keen to invite commoner magicians to marry into them, simply to keep the blood strong. Visitors to the city are well-advised to memorise ways to indicate that they are human, in the event of a practical joker casting a spell and transfiguring them into a frog. (Turning someone into an animal that cannot signal - a slug, for example - is illegal.)

  Shallot is particularly known for both its ships - Shallot sends ships around the globe, ranging from short trips to nearby ports to year-long voyages to Hangchow - and for its forgers, who craft Devices of Power. The latter, in particular, have made the city wealthy. A skilled forger - or potions master, or charms master - can make his fortune with a few years of hard work. Like everywhere else, Shallot has hundreds of forgers and artisans trying to duplicate the secret behind Objects of Power, although - so far - only one person has ever cracked the puzzle.

  There are two general ways to know something about a denizen of Shallot. The first lies in their clothing, which is often a mark of their social status. Wealth and power is indicated by the materials used to make the clothes - silk, for example, is extremely expensive and worn only by the very wealthy - while family ties are marked by specific colours and suchlike. (A family’s retainers will wear its colours, a family’s clients will wear its arms.) A ‘new man’ will often adopt a flashy style of dress which is at variance with the more sober outfits of the established families, although this isn't seen as a bad thing (it is when done by the established families). Poorer people use cheaper materials, but tend to mimic the styles of their betters; children are dressed in miniature versions of adult clothes.

  The second lies in the way they wear their hair. An underage boy (i.e. one who has not been declared a man) will wear his hair short, then draw it up into an elaborate hairstyle (or wear a regency-style wig) upon reaching adulthood. An underage girl (i.e. one who has not yet had her Season) will braid her hair, then let it hang down when she reaches adulthood. Upon marrying, she will wear her hair up and keep it that way. A homosexual man will grow his hair long; a lesbian woman will cut her hair short. There’s no stigma attached to open homosexuality, but wearing the wrong hairstyle is sometimes seen as criminal. Indeed, it is considered a form of false advertising.

  Family is extremely important in Shallot and it is rare, indeed, for anyone to go against their family in a major way. (It is possible to be disowned, but even that is rare.) The Great Houses are actually webs of interconnecting families, tied together by a single bloodline; lesser family (i.e. ones some distance from the core family) are expected to support the core, rather than strike out on their own. In exchange for loyalty, most families allow a certain degree of democracy, with the heads of each subfamily getting a say in family affairs. A family is headed by a Patriarch or Matriarch, who holds the title for life, but he or she is subject to the family council. Children (which includes boys who have not been declared adults and girls who haven’t had their Season) have no vote.

  (There are no monotheistic or polytheistic religions on either Maxima or Minima. Most people worship their ancestors, something enhanced by the presence of ghosts in areas of high magic.)

  Multiple births - twins, triplets, etc - are regarded as a sign the children will be magically powerful. It isn't actually clear if this is true, although the majority of aristocratic births are twins
or triplets. Accordingly most magicians use potions to try to encourage multiple births, with varying degrees of success.

  By law, all children in Shallot have to receive a basic education, which generally takes place between eight and twelve. The aristocracy (and their retainers) generally home-school their children, given them a comprehensive magical education as well as skills (older languages and suchlike) which are rarely taught to the poorer classes. Commoner children normally attend primary schools, which are free. Particularly smart children are often offered the chance to win scholarships and go to Jude’s (for magic) or Eupalinos (everything else).

  At twelve, children either go to secondary school or straight into apprenticeships of varying degrees of formality. Parents who wish to send their children to secondary school have to pay (academic achievement comes second) or win a scholarship. As both Jude’s and Eupalinos serve as places to meet and get to know the future leaders of society, it isn't uncommon for parents to go into debt to make sure their children can attend. The friendships and patron-client networks forged in school can go on for life. In the case of an apprenticeship, children generally trade service for instruction in a useful trade. It isn't uncommon for an alchemist apprentice, for example, to rise high even without formal education at Jude’s.


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