Amaranthine Special Edition Vol II

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Amaranthine Special Edition Vol II Page 45

by Naylor, Joleene

  “It’s the way it is.”

  “A lot of things are that way. But what’s the point of it all?”

  Loren shook his head. “I don’t know. I suppose Joseff wants to get even with him.” He stuck his hands in his pockets. “Micah’s right, he deserves to get killed for all that shit with betraying Oren, but I don’t think they need to drag it out like that.”

  Silence fell between them and they stayed wrapped in their own worlds. Loren’s expression changed with his thoughts. More than once he seemed about to speak but stopped. Finally, looking determined, he asked, “Did you really…I mean were you with her when she…”

  “Yeah.” She looked away. Memories stirred in her head, only this time they were of Rachel sitting in the snow, staring at the same sky she was looking at now, her violet eyes wistful.

  Loren shifted uncomfortably and asked in a whisper, “What was it like?” She stared at him, open mouthed, and he explained, “I mean her. Did it - did it hurt? Did she just burst into flames or…” he swallowed. “I’ve never seen it.” He dropped his gaze to the ground. “I don’t know what it’s like.”

  “Horrible. It was so slow and so…horrible.” A single sob choked her.

  Loren nodded and let the subject drop. Neither of them spoke again until the back door opened. “They must be done,” Loren commented, nodding towards the figure on the porch. “It’s Joseff. He’s carrying something.”

  Katelina shivered and drew her coat tighter around herself. The door opened again and Saeed came out with a shovel and a grim expression. The rest of the vampires trickled out behind him, looking impatient.

  “What are they doing?” She asked, but Loren knew no more than she did.

  Joseff stopped in front of the black, icy snow and let out a mournful wail. He dropped to his knees and dumped his burden to the ground. That was when Katelina realized what it was: Thomas. His arms and legs were gone so that he was only a head and torso, a stunted sick figure that made her think of a horrible book she’d once read.

  Lost in his grief, Joseff scooped up handfuls of the black snow and held them in front of his face. He shuddered and let it slip through his fingers. His head snapped up and he motioned Saeed and the others to join him.

  “Here?” the large vampire asked uncertainly. “In the center of the yard?”

  “Yes, where Rachel died. Let this be her memorial.” His face twisted in a sick smile.

  “You can’t do it this way,” Oren said. “It has to be capped in cement, you know the rules.”

  “Damn the rules!” Joseff shouted. “This is where he’s going and he isn’t getting any cement to keep the worms out! I want him in the soil! I want every disgusting thing there is feasting on his flesh until he dies!”

  Katelina’s stomach twisted and she thought of all kinds of slithery things eating bits of Thomas as he lay buried and slowly rotting away. She fought nausea as her over active imagination gave her the illustrated version.

  Joseff stomped his foot in the middle of the ashes. “Right here, Saeed!”

  The dark male stabbed the shovel into the ground and set to work. Katelina watched as the hole grew. Saeed worked tirelessly and at least twenty times faster than any mortal. Jorick looked towards Katelina and Loren more than once. His expression betrayed nothing. It was moments like this that made her long for the Linking again. What she wouldn’t have given to hear the soft caress of his voice inside her head, telling her that it was all okay.

  In a matter of minutes, Saeed was up to his shoulders in a hole. Next to it a mound of dirt towered like a mountain. He hefted himself out of the pit and wiped the dirt from his hands and clothes.

  Joseff scooped up what was left of Thomas and held him over the hole. Katelina swore she heard a whimper, but told herself it was only her imagination. He was too ruined to make noise.

  “I hope you enjoy your remaining years!” He started to drop him in the hole, then stopped. A sick smile twisted across his lips. “I almost forgot. We wouldn’t want you to chew your way out.”

  With a loud, snapping noise he grabbed Thomas’s lower jaw and ripped it free. There was no blood left to gush.

  Katelina squealed and closed her eyes against it all. She heard the dry thud as Thomas was dropped into the dirt, and then the scrape of the shovel. She opened her eyes to see Saeed filling in the hole. Joseff waited until a thick layer was down before he dropped the jaw in and made the sign of the cross, satisfaction in his eyes.

  The other vampires muttered among themselves. Jorick made his way to Katelina and Loren. Silently, he caught her up in one arm and held her.

  “Why did he do that?” Loren asked, his eyes on the ground. “And why rip off his arms and legs?”

  “To keep him from digging his way out. It’s the old way.”

  “It’s disgusting,” Katelina said. “I just want to go home.”

  “So do I,” Jorick assured her heavily. “There are a few things to attend to and then we’re leaving.”

  Loren jerked his thumb towards the dilapidated house. “What about them?”

  “Joseff is on his own. The other three are coming with Oren. They’ve made Alex their master and they intend to keep Kale’s arrangement.”

  Micah sauntered across the snow towards them. He caught Loren’s arm and grinned. “Man, why’d you volunteer to babysit the human? You missed all the fucking fun!”

  “Someone had to do it,” Loren said vaguely and gave Katelina an apologetic look. “I’m sure I’ll get to see something like it another time.”

  “Maybe.” Micah turned to Katelina and poked her in the ribs, ignoring Jorick’s growl. “So, you killed Rachel, eh? Maybe I better watch out for you. You may find you like killing.” He clapped a hand on her shoulder. “We might make a vampire out of you, yet! Number two, eh? You’re gonna have to notch your belt.”

  “Oh shut up!” Katelina shouted. “You’re so stupid, Micah!”

  “Says you. But I wasn’t the one sitting out in the sunlight, watching a vampire disintegrate. So which of us has the brains, eh?” He turned to Loren. “Come on, let’s go see what we can do to get the fuck outta this hell hole.”

  “No,” Jorick interjected. “Loren, stay with Katelina. I have some things I need to see to.”

  “He’s not her fucking babysitter!” Micah snapped irritably. “And you’re not his boss!”

  “It’s alright. I don’t mind once in a while.” Loren offered Micah a lopsided grin. “Besides, gets me out of all the work.”

  “You little piss head,” Micah objected affectionately. “When we get back, you’re unloading the van by yourself.”

  “Yeah, yeah. We’ll see.”

  Jorick glowered at the bald vampire, then gave Katelina a kiss. “I’ll be back shortly, and then we’re leaving. If anything happens…” He glanced at Loren uncertainly, trying to take his measure.

  “I’ll take care of her,” he said proudly, hitching his thumbs in the front pocket of his hoodie. “I’m not a baby you know. I’ve been in plenty of battles now.”

  “Yes.” Jorick looked unhappy with the arrangement, but there was nothing else to do. “I’ll be back.”

  She leaned against the tree and watched Jorick and Micah disappear into the house. Alone, Saeed finished burying Thomas and then carefully heaped dirt over the remains of the funeral fire. His task finished, he followed the others inside.

  Katelina’s eyes were drawn to the smaller mound of dirt. She thought about Thomas, buried alive under all that crushing dirt, waiting as the years passed and each part of his body slowly lost the protective blood that kept it alive, until all that was left was a slowly beating heart and he was trapped inside a useless corpse, praying that insanity would take him.

  The cold wind blew and Katelina huddled inside her coat. Loren looked wistfully towards the distant fields and she wondered if he was hungry. The question seemed too trivial to break the heavy silence, so she left it unspoken.

  He shifted uncomfortably, and glanced t
owards her. His eyes sought a conversation, and his mouth managed to find a topic. “So, how’s your splint thing working out?”

  “It’s all right, I guess. It still hurts.”

  “I bet.” Neither of them had anything else to say, so they watched the clouds play peek-a-boo with the moon.

  A lonely engine sounded in the distance, growing louder as it drew closer. They exchanged semi-curious glances that turned to concern when a sleek black car tore into the driveway. It slid to a halt and the doors popped open. Three figures emerged, each in long black coats that made Katelina cringe. The leader was a woman with dark, bobbed hair. Though she couldn’t see the specific facial features, Katelina knew what they looked like.

  Loren stiffened beside her, warily alert. “Is it…”

  “Executioners,” she whispered back. “That’s Senya, the one from-”

  “Yeah. I recognize the bitch now. She was at a battle we had with Kateesha’s coven.”

  Katelina nodded. “I think the big guy with her is Zuri. He was here with Beldren a couple days ago, investigating a murder. I don’t know who the black guy is.”

  “Another Executioner. Anya probably sent them to get Thomas.”

  Katelina shivered. “A bit late for that.”

  “Not really. If they haven’t burned his arms and stuff, all they have to do is put him back together, give him a lot of blood, and he’ll be fine.” Loren’s eyes narrowed as Senya suddenly turned towards them. “Here they come.”

  Senya kicked at the fresh grave as she passed it, and paused at the remains of the fire, but neither held her interest. Her eyes were focused on Katelina and Loren.

  “What have we got here?”

  Loren drew himself up and stepped away from the tree, his hands at his side, fingers loose and expectant. “Can I help you?”

  “That depends. Who are you?”

  “Loren Drake. What do you want?”

  Senya gazed coldly at Katelina and squinted, as if trying to place a familiar but forgotten face. “And who is this?”

  Loren’s eyes widened. “Don’t you know?”

  “I don’t have time to remember every petty little human I run across. Who is she?”

  Before Katelina could stop him, he answered, “It’s Katelina.”

  Senya mulled the name over for a moment. “Oh yes, Jorick’s little pet. I recognize her now.” Her sneer turned into a smirk and she took a step closer. “Well, well, this is a surprise. I’ve been looking for him. Dismas!” She snapped her fingers and the black Executioner moved towards them.

  Katelina flinched away, and Loren planted himself between them, his teeth bared. “I wouldn’t do that.”

  Senya’s voice held a sinister edge. “Step out of the way, child. I just want to ask her some questions.”

  Loren’s chin lifted a notch and his hands clenched into fists. “Sorry, I can’t do that. Jorick told me to keep an eye on her.”

  “You’re the best he could find to play guard while he went off on his little adventures?”

  Confusion flickered across Loren’s face. Senya picked up on it immediately and her eyes narrowed. “Do you know where he is?” When neither of them answered she motioned to her lackeys. “Grab them.”

  Katelina tried to dash around the tree and Loren flung himself towards the Executioners, his fists up. His first punch connected with Zuri’s stomach, but his second was blocked. He hesitated for a split second, surprised, and Dismas used the chance to kick Loren’s legs out from under him. He grabbed the back of Loren’s head by a handful of curly hair and slammed his face into the frozen ground with a crunch.

  Suddenly, a familiar, angry voice rang out, “Enough!”


  Chapter Eleven

  They all looked to see Jorick standing behind the Executioners, his hands in ready fists and his face twisted in fury. Katelina’s shoulders sagged with relief, and for a moment surprise flickered over Senya’s face.

  “So you’re here?” the Executioner demanded.

  “Obviously,” Jorick drawled sarcastically. “What do you want?”

  Senya drew herself up and narrowed her eyes. “That’s none of your business. I’m looking for the pathetic little coven who’s supposed to live here.”

  The back door banged open and closed, and Katelina peered from behind the tree to see Joseff leading the way across the snowy yard, followed by Oren and Fabian. Behind them were the twins and Saeed.

  Zuri and Dismas stood uncertainly, their eyes moving from Katelina and Loren to the newcomers. With a wave, Senya dismissed their former task. “Leave them for the moment.”

  Loren stood and brushed himself off, his forehead puckered in a dark scowl and blood running from his nose. Katelina hurried around the tree to Jorick’s side. He caught her hand and tugged her partially behind him, as though he were an impenetrable wall.

  Senya stepped towards the procession and flashed her medallion. “I’m here on official Guild business! Where is the leader of this coven?”

  Joseff came to a stop in front of her, his fangs bared. “I’m the leader.”

  Yaul made to protest, and Oren silenced him with a look. Katelina could imagine his thoughts, and she agreed. Let Joseff take the brunt of whatever the Executioners want.

  Senya surveyed him coldly. “Where is Kale?”

  “Dead,” Joseff bit off.

  Senya’s eyes narrowed. “Who killed him? You?”

  Joseff roared in outrage and Yaul quickly answered, “It was Thomas.”

  “Thomas?” Senya’s fingers tapped restlessly against her thigh. “I know that name.” Her eyes snapped to her partners, who only shrugged.

  Surprise flickered over the other vampires’ faces and Alex asked, “Didn’t Anya send you?”

  “Anya? Who is she, and why would she send me?”

  “It doesn’t matter!” Joseff spat. “Now that you’re here you can take care of this murdering bitch!” He jabbed a finger towards Katelina.

  Senya brightened like a snake who’d discovered an unguarded nest of eggs. “What an interesting choice of words.” She smiled at some private joke and her eyes swiveled to Jorick. “While we’re on the subject, how long have you and your human been here?” Jorick didn’t answer and Senya all but purred, “Can you prove your whereabouts for the last week?”

  Katelina cringed further behind him, trying to hide from Senya’s piercing eyes, though Jorick was unfazed. “Why?”

  “I’ll take that as a no.” Senya turned to Joseff. “You! I have some questions. The rest of you go into the house. I will speak with you shortly.”

  Jorick met Oren’s eyes and a brief communication passed between them. With a nod, Jorick caught Katelina’s good arm and steered her towards the back door.

  “Are you crazy?” Katelina hissed. “We need to get out of here!”

  “In due time,” he whispered back, his voice so low she could barely hear him. “First there’s something we need to discuss.”

  She bit back a frustrated scream and let Jorick lead her into the house and to the basement; Oren, Fabian, Alex, and Micah right behind them.

  The basement was thick with the smell of something burnt, though one of the windows was open. The garbage bag hung from it by a single piece of tape and fluttered in the cold night air. All of the boxes, from both Oren and Kale’s covens, had been stacked up and there was a pile of chunky ashes where Thomas had been; no doubt the remnants his dismembered limbs.

  So that’s why it stinks.

  They moved to the far wall and Oren whispered, “What does she want?”

  Jorick slipped an arm around Katelina and pulled her against him. “Interestingly enough, I don’t know.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” Fabian demanded.

  Jorick rolled his eyes. “Can you sense her?”

  Fabian stared at him incredulously. “Of course I can!”

  “Then try it! Where is she?”

  “This is stupid! She’s...” Fabian faltered. “

  Micah cut in, “She’s with Joseff.”

  “But where? Upstairs? Outside? Can you sense her? Can you smell her?” Jorick looked from one vampire to the other. “Can any of you?”

  Oren shifted uncomfortably and his amber eyes dropped to the floor. Alex looked thoughtful, and Fabian stared at the ceiling, his brow furrowed. Micah sniffed and frowned. “All right. Why the fuck can’t I smell her?”

  “Because she’s a phantom.”

  Katelina shivered. A phantom. Just like-

  “Like that fuckin’ weirdo who was after you guys?” Micah asked. “Alistair, or whoever.”

  “Yes, like Alistair. Only she’s apparently mastered the ability. You can’t feel her, smell her, or read her thoughts if she doesn’t want you to. I’ve heard they can even make themselves invisible, though I’ve never seen that happen.”

  “Of course you ain’t, not if they’re fucking invisible!” Micah laughed at his own joke, then sobered. “So if she was alone she could have snuck up on us, is that what you’re saying?”

  Jorick motioned impatiently with his hand. “Obviously. The façade flickered for a moment when she saw me. I got the impression she didn’t know we were here.”

  “She said something like that outside.” Katelina quickly related the earlier conversation.

  When she finished, Jorick nodded. “She was at the institute with the redheaded idiot, so The Guild sent her to rescue Kale. She’s probably here to follow up.”

  Katelina bit back the objection that Verchiel hadn’t actually been with Senya. Technically, he’d warned them that Senya was coming.

  “Why is she masking herself?” Alex asked.

  Jorick rubbed his chin. “I don’t know. A phantom can only maintain the illusion for a set amount of time. It varies by vampire.”

  Micah scowled. “So how long can she do it for? You used to work with the bitch.”

  “That was a long time ago, and I’d forgotten about her ability. She was a very minor player then and, contrary to popular belief, I didn’t leave The Guild under the best of terms. It isn’t as if I’ve been exchanging postcards with them.”


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