Propose To Me

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Propose To Me Page 19

by Caroline Andrus

  Despite her first date nerves, Paige found it easy to keep up a conversation with Will. By the time they arrived at the restaurant twenty minutes later, it felt as if they were old friends. Almost. She was still a little nervous, but she was feeling more and more comfortable with Will as the night wore on. They talked about their hometowns, their school careers, their childhood friends. They discovered that both of their families spent a week or two each summer driving up to Northern Minnesota and renting a cabin on one of the many lakes. For all they knew, it was possible they had spent time at the same resort at one point during their childhood. Not likely, but it was fun to imagine.

  When Will returned her to the dorms later that night, their bellies full and leftovers in a box, Paige was both sad the night was over, and relieved to be able to relax in her dorm and tell Lauren all about the date.

  “So, this is me,” Paige said, looking out the passenger side window at the dorm looming before them.

  “This is you,” he echoed.

  Paige turned to face Will.

  “I had a—” they each started at the same time. They both stopped and laughed.

  Will gestured for Paige to go first.

  “I had a really good time.”

  “Me, too.”

  Paige stared into his eyes and melted. She seriously felt like her insides were turning to goo. Her heart sped up as she stared at the smile playing on his lips.

  Will leaned forward and Paige froze. Was he going in for a kiss?

  He continued to lean closer and finally she snapped to it and leaned forward to meet him. Their lips met and Paige savored the warmth of his mouth on hers. The kiss was short, but intense. Paige felt like she was soaring. She felt like she could run a marathon. She had no idea how she would possibly sleep tonight after experiencing this kiss.

  They slowly parted, eyes opening and staring at each other. Paige felt a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. It matched the one she saw on Will. They took their time, just staring at each other.

  A horn honked somewhere outside their world, breaking the moment.

  Will quickly opened the driver's door and climbed out, walking around to open her door.

  He offered his hand and helped her out.

  “I had a great time,” she said.

  “You already said that.” He grinned at her.

  She blushed and looked down at her boots.

  “Will I see you tomorrow?” he asked her. “At the coffee shop?”

  She nodded. “You can bet on it.”

  He walked her to the door, and as she made her way down the hall, she could feel his eyes still on her. She looked back before she turned the corner and waved. He waved back, then returned to his SUV and drove off.

  Paige rounded the corner and let her body sink back against the wall.


  ~ * ~

  ~ Present Day ~

  Paige's purse buzzed, bringing her back to the present.

  “Crap!” She set it on the bed and began digging, pulling out eyeliner pencils, her wallet, old receipts and finally her phone.

  New Text, the display read.

  She quickly unlocked the screen, expecting the text to be from Will, asking where she was.

  Hey, what's up? she read. It was not from Will, but rather his sister, Sara.

  Running late to meet Will! she quickly texted back.

  She threw the purse over her shoulder once more and decided her phone was best left in her hand.

  3:46 the time on her phone warned her.

  She rushed to the front door. She was now officially late.

  ~ * ~

  ~ Seven Years Ago ~

  “You okay?” Will asked.

  “Hmm?” Will’s voice jarred her back to reality. She had been staring out the passenger door window of Will's SUV, lost in thought. Her attention turned to Will at his question.

  He glanced over from the driver's seat and laughed. “You look worried.”

  “Me? Worried?” She gave a fake laugh. “Why would I be worried?”

  “You shouldn't be. They don't bite and they're all excited to meet you.”

  “Great,” she replied in a flat tone.

  Will laughed again. “They're going to love you.”

  She returned her gaze to the world outside. Will reached out and gently squeezed her leg.

  “You think so?” she asked softly.

  “How could they not?”

  She looked back at him once more. They were at a stoplight and he was looking at her seriously.

  “I love you, and so will they.”

  She smiled at him and placed her hand on top of his.

  It had been three months since their first date and she was as smitten with him as ever. Every morning they met for coffee. He always beat her, and therefore always paid. She would walk in, see him at the back corner table, and find her coffee sitting in front of him, ready to be consumed. When neither of them had too much homework or studying to do, they went to the movies, out to dinner, or spent time with one another's friends. Lauren had even been on a date or two with Will's roommate, Ben. They didn't click like Paige and Will did, but seemed okay to hang out together despite the failed attempt at romance. Will had even convinced Paige to attend one of the college football games. She wasn't a fan of sports, but being with Will made it an enjoyable experience. He had played Football in high school and patiently explained to her what was happening. None of it stuck, but she appreciated the gesture.

  And now it was time to meet the parents. Paige knew she was being neurotic, but she couldn't help being nervous. She really, really liked Will. She was pretty sure she loved him. You only get one chance at first impressions and she didn't want to blow it. Not only was she meeting the parents, but she was also meeting both of Will's sisters.

  She went over what she knew about the sisters in her head once more. Sara was a senior in high school and played Volleyball on her high school team. Rachel was older than Will and had just started a job at a big technology company based in the cities.

  “We're here,” Will announced.

  The car pulled to a stop and Paige looked out at a modest two-story house in a nice suburb of the city. She took a deep breath and opened her door. Will rushed around to help her out. Despite the three months of dating, he was still ever the gentleman.

  He held her hand, led her up the front steps and pushed open the front door.

  “We're here!” he announced, stomping the snow from his boots on the mat inside the entryway. Paige followed suit and held her breath, wondering which of Will's family members would greet them first. Or would they all come running at once?

  “Will!” A blonde blur rushed by and jumped on Will.

  He laughed and took a step back, wrapping his arms around what could only be his younger sister.

  “Whoa, Sara. Are you trying to kill me?”

  She hopped down and took a step back, smiled at him, then turned her attention to Paige.

  “Hi, I'm Sara,” she said with a grin. She had her long hair pulled back in a high ponytail and was dressed in leggings and an orange school hoodie.

  “Paige.” She gave Sara a small smile.

  “Shut the door, Will! You're letting in all the cold air.” A man who could only be their father poked his head through the doorframe of the next room and scolded him.

  “I'm trying to, but your daughter is assaulting me!”

  Will turned around and closed the door behind them. He hung his coat on the hook in the foyer and took Paige's jacket, hanging it beside his.

  “Ready?” he whispered close to her ear, planting a kiss on her cheek.

  She just nodded and forced a smile. She was so not ready.

  They slipped off their winter boots and Will led her into the kitchen where his mother was busy moving from counter to stove to microwave, back to counter, getting a big family meal ready. Will's dad was standing by, waiting for his wife to direct him to grab this, or chop that, or “move out of the way.�

  “Hi, Mom,” Will greeted her, his hand still lightly grasping Paige's. She stood a step behind him, as if he could shield her from his well-meaning family.

  “Will!” she cried, setting a pan on the stove and rushing over. Paige felt his hand let go of hers as his mom wrapped him in a hug. She sucked in a deep breath, her safety net gone.

  Will's mom released him and looked to Paige, a genuine smile on her face. “And you must be Paige.”

  “Hi,” she said softly. She cleared her throat. “Yes, I am. It's nice to meet you.”

  “We've heard so much about you. It's about time Will brought you around,” she said, winking at Paige before turning back to the stove. “Dinner should be ready in about ten minutes. Rachel should be here any moment as well. Go make yourselves at home in the living room.”

  “You sure you don't need any help, Mom?”

  “Your father and I can handle it. Besides, Sara has been dying to see you.”

  They left the kitchen and entered the living room. Will took a seat on the couch and pulled Paige down beside him, putting his arm around her shoulder and drawing her into him. Sara took that moment to make her way into the living room as well and plopped down on the other side of Will.

  “Will, are you still coming to my Volleyball tournament next weekend?” she asked. “You promised, remember?”

  “I will be there,” he confirmed.

  “Good.” She looked to Paige. “You can come, too. If you want.”

  Paige looked to Will, who said, “What do you say? I know you're not a big fan of sports...”

  Paige smiled at Sara. “I'd love to. I hear you're really good.”

  “Aw, Will, have you been talking about me?” Sara joked. “Only good things, right?”

  Paige nodded. “All good. How long have you been playing volleyball?”

  “I started in sixth grade. I tried soccer and basketball, but I was no good. Volleyball comes easy to me though, and my coach is really awesome.”

  “I hated playing volleyball in gym class, it always hurt my wrists.”

  “You were probably hitting it wrong. At the game, you'll have to watch my hand placement. It's fun.”

  “I'm here,” a female voice came pouring into the room from the front entrance.

  “Rachel!” Sara cried, jumping up from the couch and running to the front door.

  “Breathe,” Will whispered, patting her leg.

  Paige sucked in a deep breath. “I am.”

  Sara returned to the room, a tall young woman with hair the same shade of brown as Will’s on her heels.

  “Hi, I'm Rachel,” she introduced herself to Paige, sticking her hand out.

  Paige returned the handshake and said, “Paige.”

  “Will, you didn't tell us she was so pretty,” Rachel stage whispered to her little brother.

  Paige blushed and caught Sara rolling her eyes.

  “Soups on!” their dad called from the dining room.

  Rachel flashed a dazzling smile at Paige and followed the sound of her father's voice, Sara quickly followed, leaving Paige and Will alone once more, if only for a moment.

  “She seems nice.”

  Will jabbed her in the ribs. “They like you.”

  Paige knew there was still plenty of time left to screw things up.

  He led her to the dining room where they each took their seats, passed around dishes of food, and proceeded to dig in. Coming from a family of three, Paige was a bit shocked at how loud and rowdy dinnertime could be when you threw in two more family members and a guest. Will's parents and sisters threw questions at her left and right; what was her major, what city did she grow up in, and so on and so forth. By the end of the meal, she felt like an honorary member of the family. She wasn't one hundred percent comfortable with them yet, but when Will's mom hugged her goodbye, she knew she could grow to really love his family.

  “Told you,” Will said as he slid into the driver's seat next to Paige.

  She rolled her eyes in reply.

  He laughed, knowing that she knew he'd been right.

  ~ * ~

  ~ Present Day ~

  Paige rushed down the hall from her bedroom, knowing she was already late to meet Will. Considering she was pretty sure this was the end of them as a couple, she paused a moment to think about their relationship.

  ~ * ~

  ~ Six Years Ago ~

  “How have you never been here?” Will demanded, completely flabbergasted by the bombshell Paige had dropped.

  It was nearing the end of their first summer together and the pair were walking around the Minnesota State Fair, enjoying the last of summer before classes began once more.

  Paige shrugged and grinned. “My parents were too busy working to take me. We usually made it to the Renaissance Festival or Valleyfair, though.”

  Will shook his head, still in disbelief.

  “This is The Great Minnesota Get Together,” he informed her. “We are starting a new tradition for you right here and now.”

  She shrugged. “Whatever you say.”

  “This place is amazing,” he informed her. “I mean, where else can you eat ostrich on a stick?”

  Paige wrinkled her nose. “I'm not sure I'd want to.”

  “Okay, what about mocha on a stick?”

  Her ears perked up. “Did someone say coffee?”

  Will laughed, knowing he had her there.

  “Go on, tell me more,” she said. “Give me more reasons to love this place, besides coffee on a stick, and the fact that you love it.”

  He sighed. “Where to start...” he trailed off, lost in thought. “There's Sweet Martha's, the best chocolate chip cookies around; concerts at the Grandstand—”


  Will and Paige both turned to find the owner of the voice calling his name.

  “Abby,” Will said, acknowledging the leggy blonde who stood before them. “How are you?” he asked cordially.

  “Great,” Abby replied. “I'm just starting the medical program up in Duluth.”

  “Good for you.”

  “What about you?” she asked.

  “I'm starting my last year in the business program at the Twin Cities campus.”

  “That's great,” she responded, a dazzling smile on her pink lips.

  Paige just stood there like an idiot. She hated social situations where she was the third wheel.

  “This is Paige,” Will said, putting his arm around her. “My girlfriend.”

  “Nice to meet you,” Abby replied genuinely.

  “You too,” Paige responded, forcing a smile in return. “How do you guys know each other?”

  “Oh, just high school,” Will said nonchalantly.

  Abby laughed. “Just high school?” She raised her eyebrow at him then turned back to Paige. “Will and I dated from, what was it, Will? Sophomore year of high school through freshman year of college?”

  “Something like that,” Will replied.

  Paige's jaw dropped. “Wow. That's a really long time.”

  “Everyone thought we were going to be together forever,” Abby stated in a dreamy tone of voice.

  “But clearly they were wrong.” Will was starting to sound annoyed.

  “Anyway,” Abby continued. “I can't believe I ran into you. What a small world.”

  “Very,” Will said.

  “I've got to catch up with my friends, good seeing you.”

  “You, too.”

  “Bye,” Paige called. “So...” she said to Will once Abby was lost in the crowd.

  Will didn't respond, just kept his arm around her shoulder as they continued walking.

  “Bad breakup?”

  “Something like that,” Will said.

  “Care to elaborate?”

  He squeezed her shoulder. “We just had different goals in life.”

  They walked in silence for another moment.

  “Did you love her?” Paige asked tentatively.

  “I thought I did then
,” he answered. “But now? I think it wasn't so much love, but that we were used to each other. We were too young to know what love is.”

  “So you were my age when you broke up?”

  “Just about.”

  “Who broke up with who?” Paige was curious. Abby was beautiful, there was no way Will would have broken up with her. Would he?

  “Do we have to talk about this?”

  “Sorry...” she trailed off. She'd clearly hit a nerve.

  He sighed. “Sorry,” he apologized for being short with her. “She broke my heart. Let's leave it at that, okay?”

  “Okay,” Paige answered. She wrapped her arm around him and leaned against his side. In the almost year they had been dating, she had fallen head over heels in love with Will. She was determined not to break his heart as well.

  ~ * ~

  ~ Present Day ~

  Paige had her hand on the doorknob, ready to rush to the coffee shop when she felt a furry critter brush against her legs. She looked down to find her cat, Gemma, rubbing against her ankles and meowing.

  “Did I forget to feed you?”

  She pulled her hand from the doorknob and walked into the kitchen to find Gemma's food dish empty. She quickly poured some dry food in the dish and gave the cat a loving stroke, feeling the vibration from the cats purring in her hand.

  “Good kitty.”

  ~ * ~

  ~ Five Years Ago ~

  By her junior year of college, Paige had finally settled on a major in education; she wanted to teach elementary age kids. By her junior year she also had an off campus apartment with Lauren and a part time job at a daycare center, and she and Will were still going strong.

  “Happy anniversary,” Will said as she walked into the coffee shop and met him at their usual table for their morning coffee. He had graduated the previous spring and had landed a job in the city, so he was still able to attend their morning coffee date.

  He stood up when she reached the table and gave her a kiss on the lips, his right arm wrapped lightly around her. She still tingled all over when they kissed, and though this kiss was brief, it left her frozen for a moment with a smile on her face.

  “Happy anniversary,” was her breathy reply as he released her from his embrace.

  “I've got big plans for tonight,” he informed her as they each took their seat, a suspicious grin crossing his face.


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