Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4)

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Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4) Page 11

by Candace Blevins

  It turns out, hanging out in the clubhouse mostly means doing shots with the other girlfriends and wives while the men drink beer and play pool, darts, and video games.

  I never drank until I left the ambush, but it’s nearly impossible for tigers to get drunk. I’ve discovered I like Margaritas and a few other drinks. I don’t like beer, and I’m not a fan of doing shots, but Velvet brought out jello shots and they are completely different than the other kind.

  Squatch checked on me a few times, which mainly consisted of standing behind me and playing with the side of my neck while he talked to me and the other women, but for the most part, it was the men hanging out on one side of the clubhouse and the women hanging out on the other side. When I suggested to the women that we play darts, they looked at me as if I’d lost my mind at first, but then Velvet seemed to like the idea, and she led us to that side of the room.

  I noted the sweetbutts weren’t there, and I decided not to mention it to the other women. Later that night, at home, I asked Squatch about it.

  “Mad Dog decided we needed a night without them. I don’t think it had anything to do with you, but he didn’t share his reasons.”

  “You said your brothers needed to spend time with me, but that isn’t what happened. It was the women together, and the men together.”

  “Yeah. That’s usually the way it works out in the clubhouse. We all stay together on trips, usually, but not at home. Some nights are different. You never really know how things will work out.”


  “We haven’t been able to go on any for a while. We need more people to run our businesses. We’ve done a few overnights, leaving on Sunday and returning Monday or Tuesday. I gave you a bunch of rules for the clubhouse — there are even more when we visit other clubs, or when we go to a rally with other MCs.”

  “For a supposedly free-spirited anti-establishment group, you have a lot of rules.”

  He chuckled and gave me a fun grin. “I always assumed anyone I brought into my home would have a zillion rules, but I find I don’t need to give you many. I’ve taught you protocols I want you to follow, and given you my preferences on some things, but it’s like you naturally understand how I want my life to run. If I haven’t told you lately, I’m glad you’re here, and I hope you choose to stay after our little break-in period.”

  He hadn’t used that term before, and I repeated it. “Break-in period? I’m not a dog.”

  “No, you’re a fucking cat. I’m the dog.”

  My turn to grin. “Ah. So I’m the one breaking you in. That makes more sense.”

  He gave me a mock glare, and I felt my grin grow bigger. “Sir. I forgot the Sir. Sorry about that.”

  “Mmmm. You don’t look sorry. Where did you learn to play darts?”

  From my dad. The Ambush’s rec center had a dart board inside. Outside, we practiced with slingshots, archery, and a myriad of guns. I turned away from him. “One was available where I grew up. You and Mad Dog are close. Frost, too.”

  “Yes. I would say I’m closest to them, and probably Dementor. I’m still getting to know the new people. It’s a process.”

  “How will the party this weekend be different?”

  “More people. More partying. It starts out tame, but then heads off in other directions when the sun goes down. Ol’ladies aren’t fucked out in front of everyone, but the sweetbutts are.”

  When I was given rules at the club during orientation, one of the rules was that dancers weren’t to talk to the ol’ladies, even if they came to us asking questions. We had to be polite, but we couldn’t answer a question in any way. The other dancers had explained the bikers called their wives and girlfriends their ol’ladies. I understood the term, but hadn’t thought of myself as one, and I was suddenly speechless.

  Squatch must’ve taken my shocked reaction the wrong way though, because he explained, “We don’t have wives and girlfriends. We have ol’ladies.”

  I wasn’t sure how to respond, but he seemed to expect me to say something, so I asked, “So would that make you my old man?”

  “I’d be honored if you considered me your old man. I think you and I are still working through whether we can use those terms. For me, it’s a couple of steps beyond what others consider a girlfriend. It’s the equivalent of me announcing you’re mine.” He crossed his muscled arms over his massive chest. “Not just me. The wolf, too.”

  I took a step back and spoke before I thought it through. “Sounds permanent.”


  “I don’t know what to do with that.”

  He uncrossed his arms and shrugged, and I felt as if I’d just failed a test.

  “You don’t have to do anything with it.” There was an edge to his voice I didn’t like. “We’re giving it a month before we make promises.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  Kitty wasn’t fully invested in our little trial. She didn’t do anything specific to let me know, but I sensed it in my gut.

  She had a wall up, and she didn’t intend to let me past it. Perhaps ever. If I could’ve figured out how to tear it down, I would’ve, but I wasn’t sure anyone was going to do that. It wasn’t going to come down unless she took it down, but how did I convince her it was safe?

  I worked at the construction company more than the other businesses that week. One of Frost’s foremen had just become a father, so I filled in for him.

  Khan asked me to oversee the dungeons Tuesday night so he could have the night off, which means I watched over one of the pro-subs to make sure no one got too rough with her. I managed to keep my erection from forming while I was there, but I was especially hard on Kitty when she came in from work.

  I’m pretty sure she didn’t mind though. Not even a little. As always, I had to be careful not to leave marks, which meant her poor little clit took a shit-ton of abuse. Not my preference, and it rankled, but I handled it without bitching about it. She’d be completely mine in due time, but I had to be patient. The wolf is good at patient.

  Kitty handled the party Friday night like a seasoned ol’lady. Gears and Skippy double-teamed Giggles fairly early in the evening, and Kitty watched without emotion. Once again, I wished I knew about her childhood. Something wasn’t right. Few girlfriends handle watching us use the sweetbutts without an issue right out of the gate.

  Khan showed up at eleven, and he brought a deer-shifter submissive I’d never seen before — complete with leash and collar. The beautiful little sub didn’t speak unless spoken to, and she spent a good part of the evening on her knees with Khan’s dick in her mouth. He introduced her as Nuli.

  Kitty’s reaction to Nuli was completely different, and I was reminded once again that she’d never truly been introduced to the BDSM lifestyle. She was startled, at first. Aroused, but confused and possibly upset about being turned on by a woman on a leash.

  I put my mouth to her ear. “The deer probably feels safer on a leash, knowing her wolf will protect her from the wolves, bears, tigers, and other assorted predators in the room.”

  “And the woman?”

  “Seems to be turned on by the entire setup.”

  She blew out a breath and nodded. “Yeah. Seems fucked up though.”

  Later, I’d have to introduce her to the concept of your kink is not my kink but your kink is okay.

  “Well talk about it more in private,” I told her. “I want to play darts. How about if I win, we go to the weight room and you give me a blow job. If you win, I take you to the weight room and eat you out for ten minutes. Loser doesn’t get an orgasm.”

  “You know I’ll blow you no matter who wins.”

  I chuckled. I did know this. “So, you don’t want to play darts?”

  “Oh no, I’ll play you, and I’ll kick your gorgeous ass.”

  “My ass isn’t gorgeous.”

  Another big smile. “It’s beautiful. It’s a shame you ever have to put pants on.”

  I shook my head, took her by the h
and, and walked to the dart board. No one was using it, and the people in the vicinity moved a little farther away when they realized we were going to play.


  I totally kicked his ass in darts. As soon as I hit zero, he lifted me in his arms and told those nearby, “I need to take her into another room so she can collect her winnings from me.”

  It didn’t seem like we’d get much privacy in the weight room. I’d gone to work out with Squatch a few times, and it was just a big room with lots of machines and free weights, and a large wall of windows looking out towards a forested area behind the building. However, when we went in on this night, someone had hung blankets from the top of some of the machines, creating little dens within the larger room. I scented Mad Dog and Velvet, and Squatch took us to the opposite side of the room and settled me on my back on the bench press. I was in a miniskirt and thong, and he pulled the thong off and dove in. I tried to be quiet, but fuck, he knows how to use his mouth and tongue, and I was flying high before I could draw my first breath. My heart raced, my breathing was shallow, and the room tilted.

  And then he wiggled my butt plug and that was it. Instant orgasm, and I was far from quiet.

  I’m sure he indulged me longer than ten minutes, and I was a bundle of overcooked noodles when he finally finished and let me stop having orgasms. I’d had my knees looped in my arms, and I let go of them and planted my feet on the bench just below my butt.

  “Probably be easiest for you to just fuck my face from here. If you want me upright, I need a minute, Sir.”

  “That wasn’t the deal. Loser doesn’t get an orgasm until we get home. Remember?”

  “Yeah, but I don’t want you to do without.”

  “I understand, but it feels important I keep to the rules.”

  I wanted to sit up, but my pussy was soaked and I didn’t want it to touch the bench directly.

  “Can I have my underwear back?”

  He pushed my knees apart and stuck two fingers in me without warning. “No, I think I like the idea of knowing you aren’t wearing any.”

  My hips moved of their own accord, and he chuckled and removed his hand.


  “I need to stop by the bathroom, Sir.”

  “We’ll go together.”

  I wanted to protest, but I didn’t. When I go by myself, I reach around and hold the butt plug in while I pee. When he goes with me, he insists on holding it in, and it’s hard to pee when someone kind of has their finger on your asshole. Somehow, I managed — not that he gave me a choice.

  I straightened my hair and fixed my lipstick while we were in the bathroom, and then we returned to the party. Giggles was bent over the back of the sofa being fucked in the ass by someone I didn’t recognize. Khan had the girl he’d brought with him sitting on his dick, but I couldn’t tell which hole it was in. She was leaned forward, giving Magnum a blow job, but the base of his dick was so darned thick, she was only working the first six or so inches. I heard Khan tell her if she didn’t get his friend off soon that he’d let Magnum fuck her ass with that fat dick. She seemed to be doing all she could to get Magnum off.

  I’d never fucked a turtle, and I found myself wondering how they’d be. I mean, with a dick that big, slow might not be a bad thing.

  My ass exploded in pain, and I jumped and gasped. I looked at Squatch, and his eyebrows were up in his forehead. “I’m not up to arranging playdates for you.”

  I grinned at him. “Wouldn’t expect you to. You know what they say about curiosity and the cat, though.”


  I awoke Saturday morning deliciously sore. I glanced at the clock, saw that it was nearly one in the afternoon, and realized it wasn’t morning anymore. We’d come home around three, but it was probably close to five before my big bad wolf had let me fall asleep. Damn, something had him worked up, but it’d been fucking good. Nothing extravagant or particularly interesting, just two hours of hard, down and dirty fucking in all of my holes and in more positions than I wanted to count.

  And, again, no way to count the orgasms.

  I sat up, and he pulled me down so my head was on his shoulder.

  “I need to pee, and I’m hungry,” I told him.

  “Pee and come back. I have some tubesteak for you.”

  “I have to be at work in three hours. I’m working four until four tonight since I was off last night.”

  He sighed and let me go. “Grab a shower and I’ll get breakfast started. I’m gonna help out at the restaurant a few hours this evening. I’ll bring you dinner around eight. Special today is country fried steak, that work for you?”

  “Yes, with mashed potatoes and white gravy, please. I don’t need another vegetable choice, just give me twice the potatoes.” I’d have asked for pie, but you can’t pig out on break unless you want to look three months pregnant when you go back on stage. The double mashed potatoes were probably too much. I’d have to see how it felt as I ate.

  Chapter Fourteen


  I paid for a hotel room on the first floor so Kitty could have thirty minutes to eat in peace. She smelled of men and sex, but I’d known she would. This wasn’t about me, it was about giving her some down time and making sure she ate. The shapeshifters bring food in and then take it to the hotel to nuke it in the breakfast area, but this was better than stopping for burgers on the way and then heating them back up four hours later. The human strippers don’t appear to eat very often.

  I ate with her, walked her back to Blaze, handed her off to Dementor, and then returned to the hotel to turn my keycard in. I was due to walk a two-hour patrol around the apartment complex from nine until eleven, and then I’d be free to hang out in the clubhouse. Mad Dog doesn’t schedule me to walk as many patrol rotations as the rest of my brothers, but I make sure to do at least two a week. I need to keep my finger on everything, and that means showing up everywhere at least once or twice a week.

  I was a little over halfway through my patrol when I got a call on the app from Dementor. “Have you heard from Kitty?”

  “Not since I left her with you. Isn’t she at Blaze?”

  “She left. Walked out the door saying she’d lost an earring when she ate and needed to look for it, but the hotel never saw her. I have the control room looking through the parking garage feeds and checking her cellphone.”

  “Let me know if she turns up. I’m headed back to the clubhouse now.”

  I took off at a run and made it to the clubhouse in under three minutes — it would’ve been sooner, but I had to be conscious of how fast a human is supposed to be able to run.

  Mad Dog and Gears were in the control room when I entered, and Mad Dog answered my questions before I asked.

  “She made a single phone call to a number we can’t track down. It looks like she was talking to them while she exited the parking garage. Her phone goes off the grid when she hangs up from talking to that person.”

  My phone rang and I looked at the screen. Soul. I answered. “Yeah.”

  “There was a man here, a tiger, asking about her. He smelled a lot like her. Family, maybe?”

  I sat in a chair. Hard. I should’ve made her tell me about them. I shouldn’t have given her so much space.

  “Thank you. Can you move the chair he sat in, please? Maybe into Bobcat’s office. Let Dementor know what you told me, and what I need from ya’ll. I’ll be by there in a little while to see what I can get from the scent.”

  Mad Dog and Gears had heard what Soul had said, and I shook my head. “She’s afraid of her family. Bad memories. I don’t know why.”

  I tried calling the number she’d called before her phone went off the grid, and it said it wasn’t a valid phone number.

  McGyver occasionally came to help us out with the control room, but we had more people now and could get by without him easier. I called him, explained the situation, and asked him to see if he could figure out where she went using traffic cams and private cams. It meant he had to hac
k into the private ones, and it was a big ask, but I knew he’d do it.

  “On it. I’ll let you know what I find.”

  “Thanks, Brother.” I disconnected and turned to Mad Dog. “I’m going to go smell the chair. Keep me in the loop.”

  I parked my bike just outside the door to Blaze and dared anyone to say something about it. I walked past the line and into the building, straight to Bobcat’s office. No one was in there, but the chair was in the corner with a plastic sheet over it. I stood beside it and breathed a few moments, settling my human and wolf sides before I lifted the plastic and took in the scent.

  My stomach turned over and I nearly lost what was left of the meal I’d eaten with Kitty a few hours earlier.

  A male tiger with a scent far too close to my kitten’s. Not a twin. Probably brother or half-brother. Possibly cousin.

  But no doubt there was a close relation. I put the plastic back and walked into the club. D took over the door, and I walked with Skippy to the office to smell the chair. “Do you remember this man? Tiger? When did he arrive? What can you tell me about him?”

  He breathed it in and nodded. “Tiger, yeah. White dude. Raw power rolling off him, but he wasn’t huge. Five ten or eleven, not much over two hundred pounds, but it’s all muscle. His head was shaved. He was here last night about an hour. Came in tonight around...” He shook his head. “Between nine and ten, maybe. I wasn’t watching the time. Sorry.”

  “Thanks. That’s more than I had before. I’ll need you to look through the feeds and point him out.”

  “Is Kitty okay?”

  “I hope to god she is. I think she left when she realized he was here, but I don’t know where she went. If this guy comes back, I need you to let him in and alert Dementor, so we can detain him and question him.”

  He left, and I sat in the office, focused on finding her, because if I gave my fear even a tiny bit of acknowledgment, it might take me over. I was terrified they’d had someone watching for her to leave. If they had her, she might never escape from them again.


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