Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4)

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Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4) Page 26

by Candace Blevins

  She’d worn deep tan faux boots — sandals with straps that go up the leg, giving the look of a boot but showing mostly skin — to the solstice celebration, and she said they’d work okay with the miniskirt. She’d worn a loose cotton linen dress the day before, and it struck me as odd that the same shoes worked for both outfits. I’d never have paid attention, except we were trying to make do, and it worked.

  I let her drag me to the men’s section, where she chose a pair of black jeans and a heathered charcoal t-shirt in fabric so soft, even I noticed how luxurious it felt. I tried them on to be sure, but I was fine with both, so I added them to our stack and followed her back to the ladies’ section.

  I didn’t say a word when she bought blue jean shorts for herself, along with two shirts — one that would show off her boobs and one that wouldn’t, though it’s damned hard to hide them. She also grabbed a pale blue shirt for me and a pair of jeans so faded they were nearly white, and I knew she was making plans in case we needed to go somewhere without being recognized. I added a well-worn backpack, and we headed to the register to check out.


  Squatch put our purchases into the backpack and tossed it over a shoulder before we left the store.

  But that meant it was on his left shoulder, and I was on his left side, since he wanted his right hand free to go for his gun if he needed to. It didn’t work for me, but we didn’t have far to go, so instead of stopping and making a change, I told him, “We need to set the straps for me to wear the backpack next time.”

  “If I wear it on my back, it won’t be a problem.”

  “The sky is a beautiful color of blue, isn’t it?”

  “We can’t go to the beach, Kitty.”

  I laughed. “I know. I was just checking to see if you’d argue with everything I said, even something completely true and impossible to argue with.”

  He sighed. “Yes, the sky is blue, and beautiful. We’ll call Brooke when we get back to the apartment and set things up with her.”

  “No. I’ll contact her telepathically. She taught me how to reach her, even from a distance.”

  He glanced down at me and looked forward again. “I thought you didn’t have any more secrets, Kitten.”

  “I didn’t intentionally keep it a secret. It hasn’t come up.”

  Brooke answered my knock on her psyche immediately.

  Are you okay?

  I’m fine. We’re just over the border in North Carolina, but we have a rental car. We can either meet you at the Myrtle Beach airport and ride to the farm with you, or we can drive to the farm.

  Drive to the airport and turn your rental car in. My people will bring you to me. I’d rather we arrive at the farm together.

  Are you already here?

  No. I’ll ride to my plane in a lightproof box, and then I’ll go back in the box when we land so they can take me to a vampire-safe home. Can you give me an estimated time you’ll arrive at the Myrtle Beach airport? I can have someone waiting for you at the rental car desk.

  It’s about an hour and a half away, but I assume you won’t be on the ground yet by then.

  We’ll land around seven thirty, but I have people on the ground already. If they can get you at five, it’ll free them up to act as security for me when I arrive.

  Then we’ll arrive as close to five as we can.

  Are you touching your wolf?

  I’m holding his hand.

  Ask him to open up to me, and please make sure he knows I’m asking and not ordering.

  “Brooke asks that you open yourself to her, and she specified that I tell you she’s asking and not ordering.”

  He squeezed my hand and said, “Done.”

  He says he is.

  I know, I can feel him. Sasquatch, can you answer me?

  I can. His telepathic voice came through even deeper than the one his vocal cords make, and the heat of it vibrated in my soul.

  I’d like the two of you to drive to the Myrtle Beach airport and turn your car in. My people will pick you up. You won’t recognize the guards, but they will recognize you. Tell me a code word to have them use, and I will.

  We’ll be in public, so have them tell me Patricia will be glad I’ve arrived safely.

  I will. Take care of you and your cat. I’ve come to care for you both.

  And then she was gone.

  “Who’s Patricia?”

  “An old lover.” He stopped, pulled me to him, and put his lips to my ear. “She doesn’t exist. That’s the point. Please don’t say the name again.”

  “I’m sorry. I wasn’t thinking.”

  “Contact her again and have her instruct them to tell us Patricia and Emmanuel will be glad we arrived safely.”

  We started walking again, and I knocked to get Brooke’s attention once more.

  Chapter Thirty-Four


  “I can set up a bond between the two of you, so you can telepath with each other,” Brooke told us once she’d arrived and we were seated in an inside room of a beach house. There were four windowless rooms in the center of the house, and you had to walk through a dark closet to get to the door allowing entry into the inner sanctum. There was a kitchenette, bathroom, living room, and bedroom in the windowless section, with LCD screens showing the beach on the other side of the walls. Beach houses don’t have basements, but vampires still enjoy vacationing at the beach, apparently.

  I stared at the tiny vampire in her summer dress and sandals, looking all of seven or eight years old. Part of me wanted to believe she was doing this because she did, indeed, care about the two of us, but the wolf wasn’t ready to believe it.

  Try as I might, I couldn’t come up with an ulterior motive, though.

  Brooke grinned at Kitty. “Your wolf doesn’t trust me.”

  I tilted my head and smiled. “The human wants to, but you’re right, the wolf isn’t completely on board with it. Is there a downside to us accepting your offer?”

  “Since I set the connection, I’ll be able to listen in if I want, but this doesn’t really give me access I wouldn’t have otherwise. You both know I can access your memories and look through your head. I respect your privacy, but you have to know I’ve gone looking. It’s one of the reasons I’m so fond of both of you. I can see how you see me.”

  Kitty looked to me. “I’m so grateful Brooke will be here tonight because I know she’ll be able to talk to me telepathically and keep me from losing it, if it turns out I can’t handle watching Mike’s pain while he dies. Part of me wants to chicken out and not go, but I know I’ll always regret not being there if I can’t find the balls to do this. It’d be nice to have you in my head, talking to me also, but if you aren’t comfortable with it, I don’t want you to do it.”

  I shook my head. “The wolf trusts Brooke to bite us and drink from us. He likes her. He’s wary of the blood bond because he doesn’t understand it, and I suppose I’m wary for the same reason.” I looked to Brooke. “Thank you for making the offer. I told Mad Dog we needed to provide you with someone else because I didn’t want you to see what I knew about Kitty. I was trying to keep her safe. If you aren’t happy with Crush, I’ll gladly step back into my role.”

  “I enjoy the taste and energy of grizzly bear, but I admit I miss seeing you. Perhaps you and Kitty could take me out at night for an adventure, every once in a while? A drive-in movie, or a night-swim somewhere, or shopping in a store open at night?”

  “We can absolutely do that,” said Kitty.

  No matter that the vampire was probably at least a thousand years old, she enjoyed being treated like a child, sometimes. That meant sitting on my lap and swinging her legs while we talked about inconsequential subjects. Or while she gave me pointers on how to kill people in the most excruciating ways possible. It could go either way with her.

  “We can,” I told her. “Blue jeans and a girly shirt the child of a biker would wear. I’ll ride you on my bike, and we’ll meet Kitty at the arcade. You’ll have fun pla
ying the games.”

  She smiled. “Yes. I would like that. We have time to create the connection between you, so I’d like to now, but only if you’re comfortable.” She looked at Kitty. “He’s on board. You’re scheduled to come to me for a feeding next week. If you’d like to do that today, then I can bite Squatch on the wrist and press it to your neck once I’ve drank from you.”

  Yeah, I’d decided to go through with it, and she’d seen it in my head. She was in there whether I trusted her or not, so it was a good thing I mostly trusted her.

  “To be clear,” Kitty told her. “The trip to the arcade will happen whether you do this or not. It isn’t payment. I enjoy spending time with you, and I look forward to playing with you and watching you have fun.”

  Brooke walked to Kitty and reached up to hold the larger woman’s cheek in her tiny hand. “I know, dearest Val. Shall we retire to my bedroom?”


  The first time I did this, it was scary and creepy, and I only managed to stay still for it because Brooke touched my mind and kept me from freaking out.

  Now, I enjoyed knowing I was nourishing the tiny Master Vampire with so much power it sometimes took my breath away.

  “Your wolf has figured it out. You have, too, but you went more by what has felt right, rather than following the logic.”

  I had no idea what she was talking about, so I just listened and hoped she explained more.

  “She was turned with the body of a child, before it was capable of enjoying sex,” Squatch told me. “The hormones never developed. Puberty never happened. Kids need touch and affection in order to thrive, but it isn’t sexual. You brush their hair, you hold them in your lap, you hold their hand in public, you snuggle together to read a book or watch television. I think she’s saying you’ve figured out she likes being treated as one would treat a child they’re close to, even if you didn’t go through the logic of why.” He turned to Brooke. “Would you like me to hold you while you feed?”

  “Yes, dear Sasquatch, that would be lovely, but there’s something else you’ve figured out.”

  “It’s a guess.”

  “It’s accurate. Can you explain it to Kitty, please?”

  “She had me help her with a pedophile she killed. One of my brothers enjoys torturing people. I can do it, but I don’t enjoy it. It’s part of my job, and if my brother isn’t around, I do it without a problem. Brooke gets enjoyment from it, too. I think it’s possible that what would’ve turned into sexual enjoyment for her became this need to torture. Blood and screams and begging and...” he shrugged. “Since she’s finding pedophiles and torturing them, I don’t have a problem with it. They deserve every moment of the agony and humiliation and helplessness she puts them through.”

  “Yes. When I finally feed from them, I’m drinking down their terror, pain, and panic. Some welcome death when the time comes, others still fight it even though they’re hurting terribly. I enjoy the taste of both.

  “However, when I drink from the two of you, it’s different. Affection and caring. Friendship.” She looked to Squatch and back to me. “Your wolf has the affection and caring, along with a bit of his caretaker instinct. I’m so much more powerful than either of you, but I enjoy being held by your wolf. Now that I’ve seen the two of you together, I find that I need you to understand how I feel about both of you.”

  We were in her bedroom by this time, and Squatch sat on her bed, lifted her into his lap, and wrapped his arms around her. “I will give you all of this kind of affection I can when I am with you, and I know my kitten won’t be jealous, because I can sense how much she cares for you, too. But I need you to assure me that when we have children, that you won’t be jealous of them. I need to know our kids will be safe. Whether that’s nine months from now or five years from now, I can’t say, but I don’t think it will be longer.”

  I hadn’t even considered that possibility, and my heart chilled until my blood ran cold.

  Brooke turned her head to me, her eyes penetrating. “It’s okay, Kitty. Please don’t be afraid of me. I don’t think I can bear it.”

  “You have the brain and powers of an ancient Master Vampire, and the body of a child. That you’ve remained sane and become so powerful is a testament to who you are. I have to believe you’ve figured out how to work around the petty jealousies that young children feel, but I find myself in the same boat as Squatch — I need to hear it from you.”

  “Your children will be safe from me. I look forward to playing with them while they’re children, and then being close to them when they’re grown. I’ve had this kind of relationship with humans and shapeshifters before — friends for their entire lives, cradle until old age. The bonds formed during childhood are strong, and it’s nice to be the younger sibling for a century or so.” She shrugged. “Or, in your case, probably the younger cousin. I’ve lived in the same house with those who considered me a sibling, but I don’t think that will be the case with the two of you. Still, I hope to be seen as a family member by them. I would never hurt them, though I may spoil them with gifts and trust funds.”

  I smiled, and was happy that Squatch hugged her from behind. “I believe you,” I told her. She’d know, of course, but I still needed to say it.

  Somehow, it worked for Squatch to spoon behind Brooke in bed, and for her to be spooned behind me when her fangs sank into my neck. Squatch hadn’t talked about the sexual component to having your blood drank. Lips on your neck, penetration, the act of sucking.

  And yet, somehow, she’s right — in my mind, it was more along the lines of breastfeeding a child, which I imagine is also intimate without being sexual — it’s the intimacy Brooke needed, possibly more than she needed touch. I’d seen her with a few of her people. They dress her, they hold her, she sits in their laps, but I get that it’s different when they’re your employees, even if they’re your long-time employees, where a relationship has formed. You’re still paying them to do it.

  Brooke finished much faster than she usually does, and I reached back and touched her. “You didn’t take much. You need more.”

  “You’re going to need your strength tonight. I wish I could shield you from this, but I understand your need to see it, and to be part of it. In the long run, it will be good for you to see his death, but in the short term, it’ll be hard.”

  More movement behind me, and then the heat of Squatch’s wrist was over the bite mark on my neck.

  Can you both hear me? Brooke asked.

  Yes. Squatch and I answered at the same time.

  The weight and heat of his hand left my neck, and cool air brushed across the puncture marks and blood. Brooke licked the wound on Squatch’s wrist, and then her tongue was back on my neck, sealing the wound there as well. Vampires have an anticoagulant while they’re drinking, but then a coagulant at the end, when they lick the wound. I’m told humans have marks for perhaps six to twelve hours, but Brook’s bite marks are usually gone from me within two or three hours. If she bruises me, it can take a little longer, but there are usually just the two fang holes.

  “The two of you need to speak telepathically while you have sex, now. Stay where you are — I’ll levitate up and out. You need to set the blood bond I initiated. Sex will do that. You have about thirty or forty minutes, and then we need to talk about tonight.”

  She levitated up and off the bed, and then I was in Squatch’s arms. The door closed, and we were alone. Or as alone as we’d ever be with a master vampire in the next room.

  The heat of his hand, the strength of those talented fingers, stroked up my arm. We have too many clothes on for this.

  We do, I agreed, but I didn’t move to take them off.

  I find that I want to be gentle with you, but we both know that can’t last.

  I turned and looked up at him, his chocolate brown eyes seemed lighter, as if someone had mixed a little honey in. I’m yours. Whatever you need.

  I’d worn the blue jean shorts and a tight little white t-shirt, figuring
I could change before we left for the execution, so when he stood and began undressing, I sat up and took my shirt and bra off, but didn’t bother with the shorts. He’d figure it out. He always does.


  I like to take time undressing my kitten, but we were short on time, so I made quick work of the button and zipper on her tiny little shorts and quickly slid them down her legs and off. We’d stopped at one of those dollar discount stores and bought a pack of underwear for us both. I had no idea they’d have sexy little thongs, but they did. She’d worn a tan thong with the tan sundress, and she assured me she needed a black one to go with the black miniskirt. I decided it was best not to argue with her.

  But she wasn’t wearing anything under the blue jean shorts, and I have no idea why that was a turn-on, but it made my dick throb and jerk.

  And then I took a few seconds to look at her body — heavy, beautifully shaped breasts that made me want to squeeze and suck and then turn those nipples bright red, a flat belly with just a hint of an eight pack — enough so you know it’s there, but not so much she looks hard. And then the sexy curve of her waist, with her legs beautifully framing her bare pussy. I love it both bushy, after she’s recently changed, and bare.

  You’re beautiful.

  You’re a huge, beautiful man, too. Your arms, and hands, and chest, and those abs. She looked lower. And you know how much I like your cock.

  I grinned and ran my hand down her flat belly, resting the heel of my palm over her clit. I pressed oh-so-lightly and made tiny circles, and her eyes rolled back in her head an instant before those sexy-as-fuck lids closed. Her mouth made a tiny O, her hips lifted into the air, and I forgot why I’d wanted to be gentle with her.

  I mean, sure, I’d need to be there for her emotions later, but why did that mean she got gentle sex now? Especially knowing neither of us really likes it all gentle and shit.

  Get my dick wet, Kitten. We don’t have lube, and I want your ass.


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