Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4)

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Squatch (Rolling Thunder MC Birmingham Book 4) Page 34

by Candace Blevins

  Meanwhile, the ol’ladies were all behind steering wheels, racing each other in a kick-ass video game. I hadn’t been driving as long as them, so I was at a disadvantage, but I managed to hold my own so I at least kept up with them. Brooke had sent me to a fancy driving school somewhere up north, and they’d taught me tricks I don’t think most people learn, so I had a bit of an advantage when it came to high speed turns.

  Squatch sat behind me and watched me, but didn’t say anything. I’m pretty sure that night gave him the idea for what happened the next week, though, because five days later he drove home a pearl red Acura NSX — a breathtakingly beautiful sports car that (surprise!) happens to be on the list of the safest sports cars, and he handed me the key fob with a big golden ribbon around it, along with a copy of the title application in my name.

  It wasn’t brand new, but it was only two years old and didn’t have many miles on it, which actually made me happier because I’d have been terrified to drive a car that cost as much as this one did when it was new.

  I hadn’t needed a car when we first came back, because either Squatch or Freckles drove me. In recent weeks, since the bras had come in, I’d been driving Squatch’s truck while he rode one of his bikes.

  But having my own car again felt damned good, and having a car this nice? Words couldn’t express how happy I felt when I drove it. Like I had wings, kind of. The difference between this car and my junker was indescribable.

  Somehow, the tiger and the wolf formed a truce — not around an expensive car, but around what the car represented.

  It seems a little shallow, in retrospect, that this car made me suddenly okay with so many of my former issues, but I think it’s more about the message. Squatch wanted me to be safe, but he wasn’t going to lock me up to make sure nothing happened to me. He’d let me live my life and give me the freedom to come and go as I pleased, and he’d find the safest way to make that happen. He loved me enough to understand how badly I needed my freedom, and I loved him enough to understand how much he and his wolf needed to take care of me and keep me safe.


  Three and a half years later


  We arrived at the ambush in the dead of night, in a helicopter, and I couldn’t help but think back to the first time we’d made this trek. Nathan had been the pilot then. Now, one of Brooke’s people manned the controls, and we were flying at night because Brooke had come with us.

  And Kitty still hated it, but Brooke made it easier on her. It’s one of the few times Kitty is fine with the vampire screwing with her head.

  The ambush was used to the tiny vampire now, and my kitten’s three biological toddlers adored her. They’d all been born within three days of each other, and we were here to celebrate their second birthday. Birthdays. The twins had been born twenty-seven minutes apart, on different days. The other child had been born the following day, late in the evening. So, three birthdays in three days.

  And my beautiful kitten was nearly seven months pregnant. And yes, her owl-shifter OB-GYN had cleared her to fly.

  My Christmas present three years earlier had been her notice that she’d only be working one night a week at Blaze, and would no longer be going next door or doing lap dances. She’d be working for a high-dollar exercise club, teaching classes and acting as personal trainer. She needed to continue her job at Blaze for a short time because the club that hired her wanted to be able to advertise that they’d hired a working stripper to teach their pole class. Six months, and she’d retire from stripping for good.

  Best. Christmas. Present. Ever.

  I held Brooke’s hand, walking at a normal pace, and watched Kitty run to her father and hug him. Nathan had allowed the ambush to vote whether he could return after he’d been gone a year, and they’d unanimously voted him back as a citizen. Around thirty percent wanted him back as a leader, which hadn’t been enough, and I approved. The ruling counsel Nathan had set up seemed to be doing a much better job than a dictator had done. It was my understanding that Nathan had made similar changes in the other ambushes.

  I shook Vincenzo’s hand, and then sent Brooke and Kitty to the house while her father and brothers helped me carry in the luggage and gifts.

  So many gifts for three adorable little toddlers. I enjoyed being Uncle Squatch — the fun relative who flew in, distributed gifts, played fun games, and then left.

  But I couldn’t wait to be a full-time father. We already knew we were having a boy, and based on her scent, we were ninety percent certain he’d be a wolf. You can’t always tell, and there was always the possibility she smelled so strongly of wolf because I couldn’t keep my dick out of her, but I’d had to handle something out of town for the club, and I’d been gone four days. We’d purposefully kept her away from all cats and wolves during that time, and she’d still smelled strongly of wolf the whole time. Bears have the best noses in the animal kingdom, so Dementor and Crush had done the sniffing for us.

  And as I watched my father-in-law cradle his daughter’s stomach and speak affectionately to his future grandson, there wasn’t a doubt in my mind that this man would fiercely love the child.

  Somehow, life had given me everything I wanted. My brothers, a home, a family, and a kick-ass wife who obeyed me almost perfectly when it came to sex, and who was my partner in most everything else. And now, she had the most adorable belly ever, holding our baby.

  And if I was being honest, I couldn’t complain about her swollen tits and super-sensitive nipples. Damn, but they were even more fun to play with.


  I hadn’t known for sure how I’d feel about watching my biological children being raised by other people, but as it turned out, I was good with it. Brooke had bought a helicopter just so we could more easily make frequent trips to see them, and she’d hired a pilot fresh from an honorable military discharge. He had an excellent flying record, and he was looking for a flying job that would let him come home to his family most nights. Brooke had paid to relocate his family from Virginia to Alabama, and so far, he’d been away from home less than five nights a month, safely within the ratio he’d requested.

  Brooke stayed in one of the ambush’s underground bunkers, though she’d paid to have it retrofitted for her comfort. Or rather, she’d done so with one bedroom, bathroom, and seating area. For this first party, we were using the largest room in the bunker, so Brooke could attend.

  Children’s birthday parties are always crazy, and this one was crazier than most. I’m Aunt Val to the kids, and this makes me happy. I approve of the way they’re being raised. I see them at least a few days a month, and I talk to their moms in between. I’m part of their life, exactly like a favorite aunt should be. All three kids have been told that they grew from Aunt Val’s egg inside their mommy’s tummy. As they grow older, we’ll explain it in the best child-appropriate way for their age. No secrets. Nothing hidden.

  Two boys and one girl. Siblings raised in two households. The boy and girl in one, and the only-child boy in the other.

  “You make beautiful babies.” I looked away from the happy toddlers and smiled at my father. It’d taken time, and a lot of conversations with Kirsten, but my dad and I had worked through our shit.

  “It feels a little arrogant to agree with you, but yeah, I do.”

  Squatch and one of the moms were supervising the ball pit, and the other mom was setting up the bubble machine on the other end of the room, though I didn’t see the kids tiring of the ball pit anytime soon.

  We had nine toddlers in the ambush within about a year of each other, and they were having a blast.

  “I’m glad you’re coming home so often,” Daddy told me. “It means I’ll get to see my grandbaby grow up, instead of only seeing him every few months.”

  We’d long since tossed away even mentioning the hard-negotiated document dictating when I was obligated to talk to him or visit him. I came when I wanted to, he called me when he wanted to talk. We’d found a balance that mostly w
orked, and when it didn’t, we worked it out.

  The door opened, and I stood with yet another smile, and made my way to the brilliantly beautiful woman who entered.

  “Mom. I’m so glad you could make it.”

  As happy as I was to sit and talk with my dad, having my mom here was literally the icing on the cake for me. She knew what questions to ask about my pregnancy, and how I felt, and what foods I craved. I talked to my dad a few times a week, but I talked to my mother nearly every day.

  Hours later, I sat in my father’s living room leaned against Squatch and watched my mom, dad, and Brooke sit on the floor with tins of playdough and three tired but happy toddlers.

  My brothers and I owned the house, now, but we’d put Daddy back in his bedroom when he was allowed to return. He’d worked a construction job during the year he’d been away, and I think it changed him. He’d moved from worker-bee to foreman a few months in, but he still hadn’t been the big boss. Also, he’d had to watch his funds. He made enough to pay for an apartment and a motorcycle, food and clothes, a phone and television, but I don’t think he’d had enough for the luxuries he was used to, and he certainly didn’t have anyone to clean and cook for him. He’d returned to the ambush a different man.

  What’s going through that brain of yours? Squatch asked, his telepathic voice vibrating through me even more than his normal voice.

  I’m happy. Nathan was right to send my dad away and let him come back. His time away changed him. And knowing my mom is going to be allowed to stay with us for six weeks after the baby’s born is like one of the best gifts ever. Even better than my car, and you know how much I love it. Today could have been a little sad, watching my babies grow up when I don’t have one I can be a real mom to, except I have my own baby, kicking away to remind me he’s here. I’m two months away from being a mom in every sense of the word, and not just an egg-donor-aunt.

  My phone buzzed, and I looked at the text with a smile, then looked up and told the room, “His Majesty and Kirsten are incoming. Don’t let it surprise you.”

  I texted Kirsten back to let her know where we were and that the kitchen was empty, and ten seconds later, she and Nathan walked in from the kitchen.

  Kirsten sat beside me on the sofa, but Nathan sat on the floor, opened a tin of orange playdough, and proceeded to make a beautiful little lion.

  When I’d snuck out of the ambush with a couple of thousand dollars and what I could fit into a decent sized backpack, I thought I’d never see my father or my brothers again. I assumed I’d never step foot in this house again.

  And here I was with both of my parents, three biological children, their mothers, a wolf-husband, and a Master Vampire completely at home on the floor, creating a fancy knife with playdough. Not to mention a baby inside me, a good friend to my right, and the King of the Lions on the floor playing with the toddlers.

  Somehow, I’d come full circle and found a life I’d never have hoped for in my wildest dreams.

  Stay up to date on Candace’s new releases by signing up for her newsletter.

  Kirsten and Nathan’s story can be found in the epic saga leading up to the battle between good and evil. It starts with Only Human.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from, Only Human.


  If you enjoyed Squatch, you may also like the other books set in the same universe, though in different series.

  Chattanooga Supernaturals series, paranormal romance:

  The Dragon King (Aaron Drake’s story, and the first time we meet Duke and Brain)

  Riding the Storm (Kendra and Eric’s story)

  Acceptable Risk (Bethany, Ranger, Mac, and Jonathan’s story)

  Careful What You Ask For

  Hallowed Destiny – Forged by Darkness

  Uncaged (Ghost’s mother’s story)

  Cocky Queen

  Unhallowed Murder

  Unexpected Gifts

  Only Human series, urban fantasy

  Only Human

  An Unhuman Journey

  Of Humans and Monsters

  Defining Human

  Edge of Humanity

  Infinitely Human

  Unhuman Acts

  Rolling Thunder Motorcycle Club Series



  Bash Volume I

  Bash Volume II

  Bash Volume III


  Gonzo (where we first meet Britches/Briana)







  The Birmingham RTMC





  The Dark Underbelly of The Chattanooga Supernaturals

  Pride (A short story featuring The Lion King)

  Indentured Freedom: Owned by the Vampire (Gavin)

  Leashed (Abbott)

  An Elegant Weapon (Bran)

  A Dark(ish) Faerie Tale





  The Safeword series, intense BDSM contemporary romance

  Safeword Rainbow

  Safeword: Davenport

  Safewords: Davenport and Chiffon

  Safeword: Quinacridone

  Safeword: Matte (Sam and Ethan Levi’s story, we first meet Frisco and Cassie)

  Safeword: Matte – In Training

  No Safeword: Matte – The Honeymoon

  No Safeword: Matte – Happily Ever After

  Safeword: Arabesque (Frisco, Cassie, Abbot, and Cam’s story)

  Safeword: Mayday (TBA)

  Check out other books by Candace Blevins at candaceblevins.com.

  Keep reading for an excerpt from, Only Human.

  Only Human Excerpt

  Book one of the Only Human urban fantasy series…

  Someone is abducting women and killing men in a way to get Kirsten O’Shea’s attention. Luckily, she’s made some formidable friends and allies in the supernatural world, and she isn’t without her own defenses, either.

  A powerful master vampire romances her while the alpha werewolf flirts with her, and an ancient being who used to be worshipped as a god wants her dead, but Kirsten survives, even if she is Only Human.

  Chapter One

  “Aery, I need a shot!” I screamed, holding back the energy pulsing at my fingertips until he was out of the way. The instant he maneuvered the fighting to give me a clear path, I unleashed the fiery red energy and watched it streak through the air until it hit the grotesque monster who’d been holding his own in a fight with Aaron Drake.

  My power drained from me as it hit our foe in the chest, slicing and melting through skin, bone, and more. I lifted my arm a few inches and the caustic light streaking from my hand rose like a laser. When it reached the hideous creature’s throat, I moved my hand right and left until he was decapitated, and then watched in horrified fascination as the body seemed to evaporate before my eyes.

  My gaze shifted to my friend, and I checked to be sure he was okay. I was used to Aaron totally dominating, no matter the species he was fighting, and the fact he’d maneuvered to give me a clear kill shot told me Aaron wasn’t sure he could’ve won. My heart settled when I saw he seemed okay. He’s hard to kill, but I had no idea what we’d just fought.

  As far as I know, I’m the only person who can get away with a cute nickname for the sexy, tough-as-nails, bad-ass owner of Drake Security, but I never do it around other people. I wouldn’t have said it today while battling an unknown monster, but it slipped out. No problem though, the bad guy seemed to evaporate and turn to smoke once the life force left his body. I usually want to cry after a kill — even when it’s a really bad guy — but not having to look at a body made it easier. Either way, I couldn’t give into the guilt and soul searching until the op was over.

  “What was that?” I asked Aaron.

  “No idea,” he said, barely out of breat
h. “I used to see things kind of like him a few thousand years ago, but not since we entered the Common Era. I got a decent look at him — I’ll send a sketch to a few friends and see if they have any ideas. I was about to shift into dragon form and see if my fire would work, but your laser did the trick.”

  I took a breath and pulled energy in from the forest around us. I’d used almost all my reserves with that one shot, and I’d be useless if something else came along. I leaned against a tree and tried to relax in the crisp, autumn air. It’s easier to absorb energy when you’re at peace.

  Aaron, of course, noticed. “I can top you up. You know I have plenty.”

  I shook my head. “I’m not up for pain right now. Just give me five minutes with a few trees.” I could almost always find an ancient tree willing to give me energy. It might take a little time, but not as long as gathering it from the air around me. A waterfall would be faster, or even a creek or stream, but I didn’t hear running water.

  “I won’t push more in than you can take, not during a mission.” Aaron said. “You used it to save me, the least I can do is top you back up.”

  “Okay,” I relented, “but into my hands. I’ll route it to the right chakras.”

  He didn’t argue, thank goodness, and held his hands out for me to grasp. I dropped enough of my shields to let his energy flow through his palms and into mine, and as it streamed up my arms and into my body, my heart seemed to need less energy to pump my blood.


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