Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 3

by M. L. Briers

  Hannah held on for the ride and boy what a heady rush of a ride it was. She’d never felt such passion from a man, or for one. He teased, then swept, then devoured her with his tongue. By the time he let her go, not only was she breathless, but she was senseless, daft with a capital D.

  There wasn’t an inch of her body that wasn’t begging to be touched in the same manner, and she knew that if he approached sex in the same manner as that one damn, long, seductive, mind blowing kiss, she wasn’t going to get out with her life, he would kill her with kindness, of that she was sure.

  “Mine.” Seth growled against her neck as he nuzzled against her. His hot breath over her skin was a sinful caress in itself. Her forehead was pressed into his shoulder and she was still trying to steady her breathing and her pounding heart, and she couldn’t even spare the energy to try to open her eyes.

  “Crap.” She managed under her breath.

  Fiona sat with her back to the wall in the busy bar. She now knew there were Lycan’s in this town and she didn’t want any surprises. She wanted to see what was coming head on and deal with it accordingly.

  With her arm of the table she swilled the drink in her glass and listened to the clinking of the ice cubes as she tried to pick out who was human and who was other from the faces in the crowd.

  Having already dispensed with one cute human who wanted to buy her a drink, but had the look of a one night stand written all over his face, she thought about Hannah’s words. Could you not date anyone too dramatic? And sighed in her mind.

  She’d been pretty wild since her parents had died, at fifteen years old she’d gone on full tilt and left Hannah to pick up the pieces every step of the way. Even now, at the ripe old age of twenty two, she had brought the kind of trouble to their door that had caused them to pack up rapidly and move across the damn country, and the guilt didn’t sit well inside her.

  Lycan’s, she could deal with a town full of rapid wolves. Stay off the grid, don’t date… for a while, and keep to the promise she’d made herself of never letting down her family again.

  Grown up. That was what she now considered herself, and she would act accordingly. She might be sitting in a bar, but she considered it baby steps. At least she could watch other people having a life around her. Maybe snigger to herself, watching helplessly unarmed woman being seduced by the charms of the Lycan men, in all of their glory. But she was being good.


  Fiona heard the deep dark tones and flicked her eyes up to the man who had spoken. How had she not seen him coming? Her body was flashing her a warning of the danger that he posed, and she thought it was too little too late as the vampire was now close enough to reach down and snap her neck. Although his eyes said it wasn’t murder on his mind as they travelled her body.

  “Me or you?” Fiona dismissed him with her eyes. There were questions that needed to be answered. Was this a friend of Dermond’s? Had he found her and sent his minion to do his bidding? Was Dermond nearby? Or was this just some crazy bloody coincidence that had vampire’s coming out of the woodwork when she was around?

  “Hopefully both…”He grinned.

  Her eyes travelled up his body. The black denim’s that hugged his hips and groin, with the obvious bulge of attraction that he felt for her and her blood, the expensive black jumper that clung to the sculpted curves of his chest, and black shoulder length hair, held back from the chiselled features of his face by some sort of clip at the nape of his neck. And then there were those black eyes, eyes that could read her mind, see her soul, or at least that was how it felt as he stared down at her.

  “Sorry, I’m trying to cut out the drama in my life…”She dismissed him again with her eyes, but her body wasn’t having the same ease of application.

  “What if I don’t bring any drama?”Like every other vampire on the planet he had the self assured look that made you want to trust him, and that damn sexy drawl that made your ears prick up and your mind pay attention, and then there was that whole dangerous drop dead gorgeous exterior that curled your toes, much like her toes were curling now.

  “It’s inevitable, everybody knows that Vampire’s are just big drama queens.”Fiona saw the look of amusement in his eyes, but there was something else, something she couldn’t so easily identify.

  “Are we now?”He took a step closer to her and she narrowed her eyes on him, so he didn’t push it.


  “I’m Mac.” He offered his hand out to her and she snorted her contempt. She wasn’t the new Fae on the block, she wasn’t about to make physical contact with him like that.

  “Mac… Mac-Vampire…”

  “Just Mac, and you are Fiona…”She shouldn’t have been surprised that he knew her name. Her shields were up so he didn’t get it from her, but he was a vampire…

  “Ahh, you’ve been stalking me, I would be touched if it wasn’t so…” She rolled her eyes to the ceiling and considered her words carefully. “Creepy.”She offered on a bright smile.

  “I asked the barman. I’ve been watching you from over there.” He pointed back towards the bar and she let her eyes wander in that general direction then brought them back up to his.

  “Well why don’t you go back over there and continue watching? There’s even a stool for you.” She made it seem like an innocent statement, and yet it was full of the acidity and sarcasm she felt running through her. Vampire magnet, she told herself, she was a vampire magnet and that couldn’t happen right now, she was being good.

  “Why the hostility, Fiona?”

  “Why the interest, Mac-Vampy?”She retorted, swilling the drink in her glass again as she waited for his answer.

  “I saw a beautiful Fae drinking alone and thought…”

  “Easy target.” She offered and watched him raise one dark eyebrow, surprised by her ability to be insulting and appear innocent all at the same time. “Move on Mac-Nibbles, there’s nothing for you here.”She assured him, even if she didn’t feel so self assured in that statement herself. There was just something about him that made her toes curl more than most other Vampires she had met, and it irritated her, especially as she was supposed to be good. Good, good, good, good, good. If she said it enough it just might stick.

  “There’s something you should know about me, Fiona. I always get what I want…”Mac assured her, and she thought that was probably the first thing that had come out of his mouth that she could totally believe.

  Fiona pushed her drink away across the table and got to her feet.

  “Coincidence, me too, and you’re one complication I can do without in my life right now, so be gone.”She went to move away from the table but he blocked her path.

  “I made a bet with myself that I would have you in my bed by morning…”He drawled down at her. His eyes flashed with temptation and she pushed it away.

  “Well, tell yourself that you lost and end the conversation. Nobody likes a crazy vampire…”Fiona offered with a large dollop of venom, but he was a vampire, and they didn’t give in easily.

  “I like you, Fiona.”

  “Well, the feeling isn’t mutual Mac-Fang.”She saw the gleam of mischief in his eyes, and two rows of perfect teeth that gleamed when he smiled, and he was smiling down at her now.

  “Then why are you still here talking to me?”

  “Aren’t there some old people in this town that are already tucked up in their beds? Yum, a buffet…”

  “When I could have Fae blood?”Fiona felt the excitement shot through her. The very thought of feeding this particular vampire was a heady mixture of lust and desire that shot through her, and yet she knew she couldn’t allow it.

  “And there it is… Shall I open a vein here or do you want to go out back?”The caustic sarcasm rolled from her tongue and she was sure she saw him wince, although it was just a flash of an emotion on his face.

  “I’m a little more civilised than that. I prefer the full body experience.” Mac took a step closer to her and she felt the full
force of the pull he had on her body, and it took a little bit of magic for her to plant her feet and stand her ground when all her body wanted to do was sway towards him. “When I taste you, I’ll be buried deep inside your body, sweetheart.”

  Damn, but it suddenly got hot right where she was standing, and she resisted the urge to fan herself with her hand. Instead she let her eyes drop to the bulge in his jeans. Her hand closed the distance between them and she cupped the large bulge and resisted the urge to run her hand back and forth as he groaned his desire for her.

  “Deep inside?” She offered up to him, doing everything in her power not to curl her body around his and rub herself against him. “With this little thing?”She raised her eyebrows up high on her forehead and gave him a crooked smile of indifference. “Are you one of those guys that catch fish this big?” She released her hold on him and motioned wide with her hands. Her smile turned to a smirk and she was sure she heard him growl as he bit down on his jaw.

  “Are you trying to anger me?”He held her eyes for a long moment, trying to read her past her shields.

  “Is it working?” She whispered back.

  “No.”Mac grinned down at her.

  “Then no, but you were right earlier…” She left her words open and he cocked a brow at her.


  “About me still being here talking to you.”Fiona shot to the side and walked away from him, counting on the fact that he didn’t want a scene in the middle of the bar, to make her exit.

  Hannah walked up the path of her new home and into the house without so much as a backwards glance at the man who had followed her two paces behind every step of the way from her shop.

  “Damn, protective wolves.”She hit her back against the closed door and took a long moment to steady her heart that was beating its own fast rhythm within her chest.

  The sound of her sister laughing from the living room made her frown. At this time of night Mary usual had on her pyjama’s and had crawled into bed with another one of her books, what the hell was she doing in the…

  The sound of the deep tone’s reverberated through the downstairs. She couldn’t hear the words but she caught the meaning behind that seductive little tone, damn wolf.

  Hannah stalked towards the living room and took in the scene of Mary and Declan sitting all cosy on the overstuffed sofa with a bowl of popcorn and a movie playing on the TV in the dim light of the room.

  Hannah reached up and snapped on the overhead light, flooding the room with artificial light and causing the two of them to snap their heads around in her direction. Innocence mixed with guilt in their faces as they stared up at her.

  “What did I say about taking in strays?”Hannah couldn’t help the slur, she was damn annoyed that she couldn’t seem to get away from these wolves. The low growl that drifted in her direction made her want to slap him with a jolt of something nasty, but she held the temptation within her.

  “Hannah, we were just…”

  “I can see.”Hannah really wanted to hit her forehead against the nearest wall. Two wolves, two sisters, were they under siege?

  “But we…”Mary felt the heat rise in her cheeks and she wanted to curl up in the corner and die from embarrassment.

  “It’s time to put the wolf out for the night.”Hannah watched the Lycan youth get to his feet and hesitate as he looked down at Mary. The flash of desire that crossed his face gave Hannah a headache. Please don’t say that Mary was his mate. That would just be too much for her to take in right now, Hannah thought as she watched him gently brush the backs of his fingers down her sister’s cheek.

  “Crap.” Hannah whispered under her breath, but it still brought the Lycan’s eyes towards hers. The unspoken confirmation in his eyes, as he literally had to drag himself away from his mate.

  “I’ll see you tomorrow…”Declan smiled down at Mary and she nodded her enthusiasm, before he turned and walked towards Hannah who moved aside for him to pass her.

  Hannah followed him to the front door and out into the night.

  “Declan…” She hissed at his back and saw him tense as he scented the air. Her eyes followed his to where Seth was still standing at the corner of her property. The Alpha straightening slightly as he took in the scene.

  Declan turned back towards her and narrowed his eyes.

  “She’s my mate, you can’t keep us apart.”He announced and Hannah felt that sinking feeling within the pit of her stomach.

  “She’s eighteen…”Hannah started and the young wolf shrugged his shoulders.

  “So am I.”He announced and Hannah sighed.

  “She’s never had a date, let alone a boyfriend.”Hannah hissed back at him and saw the realisation on his face, and then he beamed his approval and Hannah sighed.

  “I’ll be gentle…”He offered, understanding her sister’s hesitancy.

  “And slow, Declan. Don’t rush her…”Hannah wanted to hit her forehead against the tree in the garden. This wasn’t a conversation she wanted to be having with anyone, especially about her sister, especially with the damn Alpha listening in.

  “I wouldn’t do that.”Declan growled out his anger, and then jumped as the deep warning growl of his Alpha rolled through the night.

  “I don’t think you would, but I needed to say it.”Hannah felt for the lad. She didn’t want to cause problems with his alpha. He seemed like a good kid, and as Mary’s mate he would take care of her at least. But still…

  Declan nodded and turned on his heels, stalking down the path. He walked towards his alpha with his head down and his eyes averted.

  Hannah had to physically drag her own eyes from Seth as she forced herself backwards inside the house and closed the front door. Resting her forehead against the cold wood she closed her eyes and wished herself anywhere but here.

  “I don’t believe you!” Mary’s voice echoed through the downstairs hallway and Hannah gave her own little growl as she opened her eyes, turned on her heels, and faced the anger in her sister’s face.

  “We need to talk.” Hannah wasn’t looking forward to this conversation, but it was one she felt she needed to have.

  “I’m going to bed!” Mary declared as she shot past her and up the stairs on fast, determined heels, and Hannah sighed. She hadn’t handled this well at all.

  “You missed me, right?”

  Mac appeared in front of Fiona and caused her to pull up short. Her eyes flicked to the safety of her car and then quickly back to him again.

  “Like a rash…”

  “But there’s something between us, why fight the inevitable?” Mac teased and watched her roll her eyes.

  “What was I thinking? Do you want to take me up against the car or in the back seat?” Fiona put one clenched fist on her hip and regarded him with disdain. This wasn’t how she’d expected her night to go.

  “For our first time, you it will be in a bed, a very big bed…”

  “To accommodate your very big ego.”Fiona cut him off. She really wasn’t in the mood for this little encounter. She’d used her last nerve back in the bar and now she just wanted to crawl up his body and let nature take its course, but she was being good, and vampires didn’t equate with being good. They were bad, so very, very bad, but in a very good way.

  “Tell me Fiona, what are you afraid of?” Mac closed the distance between them, and it took every ounce of her willpower not to rub up against him like a damn cat looking for a tasty bowl of Tuna.

  “Spiders, snakes… Clowns…”She gave a mock shiver. “Hate clowns, sexually transmitted diseases…” Fiona paused for a moment and made a show of considering her words. “Bet you’ve had a lot of those over the years…”

  “You will be mine.”He assured her, lifting his hand and running just his fingertips down over her cheek, and she wanted to close her eyes and sway towards him. Let the chips fall where they may…

  “I’d say over my dead body, but considering the company I’m keeping…”She offered more sarcasm and he offered her a
n easy smile.

  “You’re feisty…”

  “And I like humans, sorry you don’t meet that criteria.”She needed to get the hell away from him before all her good efforts to be good were in vain. He had a certain something about him that she couldn’t quite put down to him being a vampire, and that something was unsettling.

  Fiona reached for her keys and popped open the car locks with the usual bells and whistles as the car sprang to life behind him.

  “We should talk…”Mac offered, but she walked around him and yanked open the driver’s door.

  “Next time, it’s not like you’re going to pop your clogs in the meantime, right?”She was behind the wheel with the locks slammed down and the keys in the ignition before he even considered her words.

  Fiona put the car into gear and looked up to find him standing right in front of her. The devilish grin on his face told her that he wanted the next time to be now.

  “It’s kind of important…”He offered and she hit the car into reverse and backed away from him.

  “Move.” Fiona wasn’t about to wait any longer to make her escape. “Either move or I’ll move you.”She informed him hoping to the Fate’s and everyone else that might be listening that this dumb vampire would just walk away.

  “I really don’t think you’re…”Mac heard the screech of tyres as Fiona closed her eyes and scrunched up her face. The car closed the distance at a speed that he needed to jump away from, but didn’t quite make it in time. The front wing caught his leg and threw him up in the air as she felt the impact and opened her eyes to the sight of a clear road ahead of her.


  “No double bump…”

  Fiona told herself, and that meant she hadn’t rolled over the top of him, not that it would kill him, just maybe dissuade him from following her until he healed.

  Mac dragged himself to his feet and groaned with the pain in his leg. He cracked the bone back into place and felt the healing warmth go through him, his eyes were on the tail end of her car as it disappeared down the street.


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