Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance )

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Guarding His Mate ( Lycan Romance ) Page 8

by M. L. Briers

  “Then don’t. You’re my mate, it’s going to happen anyway…”Her soft words of reason were silenced by the needy growl of desire he gave her, as he reached down and released her from the thick top that had been a visual barrier to his greedy eyes.

  Mary felt his eyes on her breasts, covered only by a thin layer of lace, and shivered from head to toe. The low growl that rumbled through him was made even more potent by the way his hips pressed up against her sex and he rolled against her.

  The heat within her body mixed with the heady need for him inside her and she pushed up on his chest and reached behind her, releasing the clasp and discarding the last barrier for his eyes.

  Declan ran his hands up over her ribs, cupping the perfect mounds of her breasts, he ran his thumbs over the pebbled buds of her nipples and growled out his desire to taste her. In an instant he had flipped her onto her back and moved down her body, his tongue swirling over one hard bud and making her back arch towards him as he rolled the other between his thumb and finger.

  Damn, but she made the sweetest sounds that made his hardness twitch against his own flesh. She was trying to yank his top up over his head, and he growled impatiently as he released her from his touch to yank it off over his head. Then his hot mouth claimed hers again, and it wasn’t just a hot kiss, it was a devouring that had her fingers and toes curling.

  “Declan… I need…”She breathed against his ear as he ran his tongue down over her neck and buried his face against her shoulder, nuzzling into her as he took in her scent. She didn’t know what she needed, but boy did she need it.

  “Me.”He growled, his hand ran up her inner thigh to find the dampness between her legs, and he knew he needed to scent her there, to taste her…

  ‘Mine.’ His wolf growled within his mind, and damn he couldn’t agree more. She was his, and he was hers, and he wanted to feel her around him, around every inch of his arousal as it almost begged to be unsheathed from his clothes.

  “Mine.”Declan growled gentle against her ear and the excitement flashed through her whole body. He’d warned her he wouldn’t be able to stop, but she didn’t want him too…

  “Don’t stop, please don’t stop.”Mary felt him move quickly, pulling back from her body as he gathered her skirt in his hands and removed it, tossing it onto the floor as his eyes took in the almost naked sight of his mates body and he swallowed hard, his hand trembled as he reached for the thin lace of her panties and he slowly slid them down over her legs.

  “You’re so beautiful, Mary.”He growled and saw her face and chest blush red with embarrassment.

  “Let me see you…”Mary bit down on her words, shocked that she would make a request like that, but his gentle laughter emboldened her and she watched him stand and peel away the material from his hips. The hard, long, thick arousal stood proud against his body and she almost moaned her need to touch him, feel him.

  When he knelt back on the bed she pulled herself up and reached out with tentative fingers to stroke him. The sound of his deep growl as her fingers skirted over the satin tip and down his thick shaft made her bolder, and she wrapped him inside her fist and stroked downwards.

  “That’s not going to fit…”She knew about sex, she was a damn bookworm, how could she not, and she knew what her body would do to take him inside her, and yet, it did seem too damn big to be able to fit.

  His gentle chuckle made her wrench her eyes from his shaft and up to the dark pools of his own eyes as he regarded her with the look of a starving man, and she couldn’t help but swallow down hard.

  “It will fit, love. I promise you, it will fit deep inside you perfectly.”He was climbing up over her naked body like a predator, and she had nowhere to go but backwards on the bed as he came down over the top of her, skin to skin from her breasts pressing against the hard muscle of his chest, to the tips of her toes that curled around his legs.

  Declan had never taken a virgin before, but he knew he was going to hurt her no matter how he went about it. But he also knew he could ease that pain for her, and even though his body wanted nothing more than to thrust into hers, and his wolf was baying for him to take her, he wouldn’t do that to his mate.

  He was damn grateful to be her first. He never had to think of her with another man, and when he claimed her lips as his in a devouring of her senses, he slipped his hand down and found her wet and wanting as he stroked over her folds. The sounds that came from her as he teased a finger inside her tight channel made him growl with a need to claim her. She was sending him as wild with just her responsive body, as he was with sending her with his talented fingers.

  He’d known enough females to be able to give her what she needed. To coax her towards a release that would make her less tense for what he had to do to gain a deep entry to her body, and when she drew her legs up his, opened for him on instinct, he took her over the edge and watched her with awe as she revelled in her first orgasm.

  Declan stroked his thumb over the sensitive nub that had brought her to release as he pressed inside her body. The tight throbbing muscles of her channel nearly undid him as he slowly rocked back and forth inside her, pressing a little further in with each push of his hips, until he reached the barrier that warned him of her virgin needs.

  He nuzzled against her neck and closed his lips over the salted skin, sucking hard he felt her hips rise towards him as he thrust forwards, tearing through the barrier and hearing her gasp and whimper as her fingers curled hard into the muscles on his back. Her whole body tensed with the pain of his claim on her, as he used every ounce of willpower not to move one more centimetre inside her.

  “It’s done Mary. Try to relax and the pain will slowly go…”His thumb rolled against her nipple, and he stroked over her nub, his lips chasing down her neck as his tongue ran over the place where her pulse was thundering with the pain, and he sucked hard, bringing her pleasure through her pain and making her body relax and respond to his.

  “I’m ok. It’s ok…”She breathed out as she slowly uncurled herself from him, became less tense around him, until her hips moved against his and he eased back before gently pushing deeper inside her.

  The burning sensation she had felt within her was like nothing she had ever experienced before, and she wasn’t ashamed to say it had brought a tear to her eye, but now he was moving again, slowly pulling back before pushing in further, the pain was dulling and being replaced with pleasure.

  The feel of him inside her was so alien, hard and full, stretching her wider around him and coaxing her muscles to move aside for more of his entry, and yet it felt good, felt right. It filled her with a need for more of what she had experienced before, only this sensation was entirely different.

  Her inner muscles tested his entry. They were already throbbing with the release of her orgasm and then tensing hard with the pain of being torn apart. Now they were gently massaging him, as if welcoming him inside, and he growled through the pleasure of her squeezing him and the pain of holding back from thrusting inside and shooting his seed within her.

  Declan gave one final thrust of his hips and buried himself against her womb and she gasped with the feel of being so full and so tight around him.

  “I’m inside you baby, all of me. Does it sill hurt?”Declan nibbled against her lobe as he felt her opening up to him, relaxing around him, and he scented her, looking for fear, for pain.

  “A little, but it feel so good too.”She admitted. She wanted him to move inside her, wanted the feel of him running back and forth over the inner walls of her body, but she didn’t know how to say it.

  “Tell me if I hurt you and I’ll stop and let you relax ok?”Damn but he wanted to take her. Find his own pleasure and give her more, but he was managing to hold on by the slimmest of threads.

  ‘Mine.’ His wolf growled out into his mind and he pushed the damn beast down. Not yet, he growled back inside his mind. He was determined to do this right.

  “Declan…”She breathed against his shoulder and he pulled b
ack and looked down at her, questioning her with his eyes, praying to everything he believed in that she wasn’t going to ask him to stop, not now… “Move…”She almost begged and heard his growl of desire as he stroked back out of her and then took her to the hilt again. “Yes…”It was the only word that came to mind and it was the only word he needed.

  He ran his hand down over her hip and under her back and lifted her hips up from the bed as he stroked inside her. She wrapped her legs around him, pulling him closer, naturally rising up to meet him as he filled her.

  “Mine.”Declan growled against her neck as his hips moved faster with each deep stroke, and Mary felt herself being swept up in an entirely different sensation, more intense, more erotic. There was a burning need within her body to reach for another orgasm, but there was also the mating need of her body that told her that he was hers.

  “Bond…”Mary gasped for enough breath to say the word, to tell him what she needed, wanted, and she felt him slow inside her, as if his mind had suddenly been thrown for a loop.

  “You mean you want me to mark you?”He growled against her lips, as he looked down at her. Her eyes came open and she held his gaze as she shook her head.

  “No. Bond with me…”He almost stopped moving completely.

  “Mary, I can’t, it’s going to hurt you and I’ve already hurt you…”He growled down, she didn’t understand and he needed to make her see.

  ‘Mine.’ His wolf responded to their mate’s request.

  “You’re my mate, Declan. I claim you as my mate and whether we bond now or later, or tomorrow, it’s going to hurt the same. I’m not going to let anyone come between us again. I don’t want to spend any more time away from you…”He silenced her reasoning with his lips. Devoured her with his passion until she was giddy as his hips started a gentle rhythm against hers, until they were back to where they had been before her request.

  Declan could feel his wolf baying to take over and there wasn’t a damn thing he could do to hold the beast back any longer once his mate had sunk her teeth into his shoulder.

  He felt the power of the beast surge through him. Felt his fangs push down and lock into place as he wrapped his arm around her back and lifted her against him. His hips were pounding against her now. His thrusts were taking her where he needed her to be, before he bit down into her soft flesh, and he held onto his beast long enough to thrust her over the edge before he allowed his beast full reign to take her as theirs.

  He felt her body tense a moment before she found her bliss and sunk his fangs deep into her shoulder, biting hard and deep into her flesh as she cried out in pain. Her body tried to pull away from him, but he had her locked tight against his chest so as not to tear her flesh. The roar of his beast within him was all consuming, as was the need to devour her body with his.

  The sweet taste of her blood rolled over his tongue and down his throat and he reached out for her with his mind, finding her there… The pain and pleasure that tore through her echoed into him and he released his fangs and licked over the wound, sealing it lightly and taking the last taste of her blood, before he reached for his own pleasure.

  Declan heard his mate calling to him within his mind as he pounded into her body, still acting on mainly wolf instincts, his hard deep thrusts were driving her towards another release and he could feel her getting tighter about him.

  “Mine.”He growled against her neck, nuzzling into her scent, as her body curled into his, taking what he was offering her with a need all her own.

  Declan felt her come undone around him. The intensity of her orgasm swept through her like a lightning bolt, and she cried out as he took her over and over again, keeping her orgasm flowing through her body and into his, until he threw his head back and roared his release.

  Buried deep inside her, he ground against her womb and exploded his seed within her, over and over, as he climbed back up towards another release. The feel of her orgasm urging him on and he roared again and again, as he buried himself against her womb, filling her with his seed until he was spent.

  Declan heard her thoughts, felt her feelings, and marvelled at her connection with him, as he slowly came back to the present, to his mate beneath him. He pushed himself further up onto his elbows and nuzzled against her neck. His tongue making sure the bite was cleaned and sealed as she fought her battle to come back to him.

  Soothing her with his mind and body, he cared for her needs.

  “Did I hurt you badly?”His beast was still behind the gently growled words. His fangs may have retracted and he was now in control of himself again, but his beast was still there, caring for their mate.

  “Sore… but…wonderfully so.”She opened her eyes and gazed up into his. There were muscles protesting that she didn’t even know she had possessed until now, and she was sure she was going to be tender in more places than just the bite mark on her shoulder tomorrow, but she didn’t regret it. “I can hear you in my mind.”

  “I can’t explain why the link between us is as strong as it is, maybe because you’re Fae…”He grinned down at her. The sheer smugness of his expression made her chuckle and she slapped out at the hard muscles of his chest.

  “Look at you, like the cat that got the cream…”She teased on a giggle and he dipped his head and tasted her lips.

  “I got more than the cream, Mary. I got you.”

  Hannah felt her whole body on edge as she walked through the front door, more than aware of Seth behind her. She was tired from working to get the shop in order, and yet the tantalising tingle that continually swept over her skin at having him that close to her all day kept her in a state on constant desire for him. Denying him was getting harder with each minute that ticked by.

  He knew it too. She could see it in his eyes every time she caught him staring at her. It was as if he was just waiting for her to realise how much she wanted him, how much she wanted to mate with him, and it was a little unnerving to know that she really didn’t have much choice in her body’s desire to be claimed.

  Seth put down the carton of cleaning stuff that he had insisted on carrying from the car as Fiona breezed into the house and back kicked the front door closed behind her. She had a dinner date to prepare for, one that she was kind of looking forward too, and she wasn’t about to play third wheel to the two mates any longer.

  “I’m going to…”Was as far as she got before Mary’s cry of pleasure echoed through the house and everyone’s attention was centred on the staircase.

  Hannah gasped out her awareness of what was happening and she sprung into action, getting no more than a few steps towards the stairs before her mates arm came around her waist and yanked her back towards his hard body.

  “That would just be rude to interrupt when…”He growled against her ear. The sound of Mary’s pained cry made him snap his head up as his mate twisted inside his arms to get away.

  “Let me…”Hannah bit out between clenched teeth and Seth held her tighter. Damn it, but the young wolf was claiming her, bonding…

  “Whoops…”Fiona breathed out as her eyes snapped to Hannah’s and she saw the murderous intent that lay there.

  “Oh no you…”Hannah growled out. Her hands tightened on Seth’s arm as she tried to pry it away from her body.

  The sound of the roar that left Declan’s lips made them all stop and just stare at the upstairs of the house. Seth felt both pride and annoyance that Declan had bonded with his mate and not listened when he was cautioned to take it slowly with her.

  “Tell me that doesn’t mean what I think it means…”Hannah growled out into the silence that hung like a black cloud over them.

  “Declan has bonded with Mary.”Seth’s growl against her ear made her shiver, and she gave one last tug against his hold before giving into the futility of it all.

  There was nothing more she could do to stop Mary and Declan from being bonded, just as there was nothing she could do to get out of Seth’s hold on her, and she sagged back against him feeling weaker tha
n she ever had in her life.

  “Well, well. Quiet little Mary, bonded to the wolf…”Fiona started. The gleam of amusement in her eyes dying, as did her words on her lips as she saw the pallor of her sister’s face. “It’s not the end of the world Hannah. It was going to happen no matter what.”Fiona rushed to reassure her sister, knowing how seriously Hannah had taken up her role as head of the family after their parents had died.

  “I know…”It was the only thing that Hannah could force from her lips as she rested back against Seth and let the feel of his strength around her wash over her drained body and mind.

  “They’re fated love. Be happy for her. We’ll make sure she’s happy and Declan’s a good…”Seth was trying to sooth her worries, trying to reassure her, but all she wanted to do was cradle little Mary in her arms and rock her to sleep as she had when the child had fallen apart after their parents deaths. But Mary wasn’t a child anymore, she was a grown and mated woman, and Hannah felt as though a part of her had been taken away.

  “I know. She’ll be fine. It’s fine. I’m fine…”Hannah didn’t feel too fine.

  “Wow, so many fines, and yet you don’t look fine. You look as if a vampire made you his midnight snack.”Fiona assured her in her less than subtle way and she noted the possessive growl that Seth shot in her direction at the thought of a vampire with his fangs in his mate. “Chill out, Alpha. The only vampire around here is my mate, and his fangs won’t be going anywhere near my sister.”Fiona assured him and watched him stand down.

  “You need a drink…”Seth assured Hannah and she couldn’t help the snort that left her lips.

  “I need a whole damn bottle.”She spat out before she even considered her words.

  “Well, I’ll leave you to your lushy ways then. I have a date to get ready for.”Fiona strolled towards the stairs and then hesitated, turning to look at Seth. “I’m not going to get eaten by a mad wolf if I venture anywhere near Mary’s bedroom door am I?”


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