The Amarnan Kings, Book 2: Scarab - Smenkhkare

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The Amarnan Kings, Book 2: Scarab - Smenkhkare Page 53

by Overton, Max

  Aziru (Azz-ee-roo) - king of the Amorites

  Bakt (Bar-k-tt) - third prophet of Amun, elevated by Ay

  Beketaten (Beck-ett-ah-ten) - youngest daughter of Amenhotep III and Tiye

  Djedhor (Jedd-hore) - commander of Paramessu's Heru legion

  Djeserkheperu (Jess-er-kep-er-roo) - Holy of Manifestations; part of the family name of Smenkhkare

  Ephenamen (Eff-en-ah-men) - priest of Amun

  Ephras (Eff-rass) - aide of Jebu

  Hednackht (Head-nah-k-tt) - commander of Paramessu's Re legion

  Hiknefer (Hick-neff-er) - Nubian prince, companion of Tutankhaten

  Horemheb (Hore-emm-heb) - general of the eastern borders, later of all armies during reign of Akhenaten

  Huy (Hoo-ee) - 1. Viceroy of Nubia, 2. Mayor of Sehotep-Neteru, 3. Overseer of the King's Gardeners

  Iteru (Ee-tare-oo) - The Great River, the Nile

  Jebu (Jeb-oo) - Amorite general

  Jeheshua (Jee-hesh-you-ah) - Khabiru jeweler of Zarw

  Kasaya (Cass-eye-ah) - commander of Smenkhkare's Nubian army

  Kashta (Cash-tah) - commander of Smenkhkare's Nubian army

  Kenhirkhoshef (Ken-her-co-shef) - Overseer of the Great Place (Valley of Tombs)

  Kensthoth (Kens-thoth) - high-ranking scribe of Waset, a King's Councilor

  Khai (Kay) - Nubian prince, companion of Tutankhaten

  Khaemnum (Kay-em-noom) - Psenamy's second in command, guardian of Akhenaten at Akhet-Aten

  Khaenmaat (Kay-enn-mart) - commander of Paramessu's Chariots

  Khu (Coo) - farm lad of Akhet-Re, a King's Councilor

  Khui (Coo-ee) - commander of Paramessu's Set legion

  Mahuhy (Ma-who-he) - King's Councilor and businessman of Waset

  Meketaten (Meck-ett-ah-ten) - second daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

  Mena (Men-ah) - an alias of Khu

  Menkure (Men-coo-ray) - friend and aide of Smenkhkare

  Mentopher (Men-toe-fur) - steward of Tjaty Ay

  Meny (May-knee) - Leader of Fifty under Paramessu

  Meryetaten (Merry-ett-ah-ten) - oldest daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

  Mutaril (Moo-tar-rill) - Hittite ambassador to King Aziru

  Nakht (Nar-k-tt) - assistant and adopted son of Ahhotep

  Nakhtmin (Nar-k-tt-minn) - son of a Waset landowner, general of Ay's army

  Nebhotep (Neb-hoh-tepp) - court physician in Akhet-Aten

  Nebkheperure (Neb-kep-er-roo-ray) - Lord of the Manifestations of Re; throne name

  of Tutankhamen

  Nebmaetre (Neb-my-tray) - The Lord of Truth is Re; throne name of Amenhotep III

  Neferkheperre-Waenre (Neff-er-kep-er-ray-wah-en-ray) - Beautiful are the Manifestations of Re--the Only of Re; throne name of Akhenaten

  Neferkhepre (Neff-er-kepp-ray) - an alias of Scarab

  Neferneferouaten-tasherit (Neff-eh-neff-eh-oo-ah-ten-tash-eh-rit) - fourth daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

  Neferneferoure (Neff-eh-neff-eh-oo-ray ) - fifth daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

  Nefertiti (Neff-eh-tee-tee) - daughter of Aye, wife and queen of Akhenaten

  Paatenemheb (Pah-ah-ten-emm-heb) - name that Horemheb took to please Akhenaten

  Pa-it (Pah-eet) - farmer of village of Akhet-Re

  Paramessu (Pah-ram-ess-ee) - son of Seti, a friend of Horemheb, who becomes a general of the Northern Army

  Pa-Siamen (Pah-see-ah-men) - priest of Amun

  Penno (Pen-oh) - Lieutenant of garrison at Sehotep-Neteru

  Pentere (Pen-teh-ray) - mother of Paramessu

  Psenamy (Sen-a-me) - General at Waset, Confidant of Ay

  Psuro (Sue-row) - commander of Smenkhkare's Nubian army

  Scarab - nickname of Beketaten

  Set (Seth) - son of Beketaten and Paramessu

  Setepenre (Seth-eh-pen-ray) - sixth daughter of Akhenaten and Nefertiti

  Seti (Seth-ee) - judge and troop commander of Zarw, father of Paramessu

  Shabaqo (Shab-are-ko) - commander of Smenkhkare's Nubian army

  Shubbiluliuma (Shoo-bill-ool-ee-oo-ma) - king of the Hittites

  Smenkhkare (Ss-men-kah-ray) - son of Amenhotep III by his own daughter Sitamen

  Sutau (Soot-ow) - treasurer under Smenkhkare

  Tiye (Tee) - wife and queen of Amenhotep III, sister of Ay

  Tutankhamen (Too-tank-ah-men) - name taken by Tutankhaten when he revives the worship of Amun

  Tutankhaten (Too-tank-ah-ten) - son of Amenhotep III by his own daughter Iset

  Usermontju (Oo-sir-mont-jew) - Chief of the Medjay (Police) in Waset

  Yuya (Yoo-yah) - Khabiru Tjaty of Tuthmosis IV, father of Ay, Tiye and Aanen

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  Gods of the Scarab Books

  Amun (Ah-moon) - the hidden one; a sun god, lord of the sky and king of gods; became increasingly powerful during the eighteenth dynasty; worship was centered on Waset.

  Asar (Ah-sar) (Osiris) - god of the dead; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Aten (Ah-ten) - the sun as a disc, distinct from Re; elevated from a minor god in the eighteenth dynasty; became the supreme god during Akhenaten's reign.

  Atum (Ah-toom) - Creator god; the unified light; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Auset (Ow-seth) (Isis) - goddess of family love and loyalty; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Djehuti (Jeh-hoot-ee) (Thoth) - god of the moon and of wisdom; patron deity of scribes and knowledge

  Geb (Gebb) - god of the earth and growing things; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Hapi (Hah-pee) - god of the Nile River

  Heru (Heh-rue)(Heru) - a sky god; the Ascending Light

  Het-Her (Hathor) - goddess of love, beauty and fertility

  Khepri (Kepp-ree) - an aspect of the sun god epitomized by the actions of the sacred scarab beetle which rolls balls of dung (representing the ball of the sun) containing its eggs; the Dawn Light.

  Khnum (Kh-noom) - god of the source of the Nile; the Divine Potter; creator of human children

  Min (Minn) - fertility god.

  Nebt-Het (Nebb-tt-het) (Nephthys) - goddess of secrets and mysteries; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Nekhbet (Neck-beth) - vulture goddess of Upper Egypt

  Nut (Noot) - goddess of the sky and direction; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Ptah (Tar) - god of craftsmen.

  Re (Ray) - one of the sun god; the Midday Light

  Satet (Sah-teth) - goddess of the inundation of the Nile

  Set (Seth) - god of the desert and destruction; associated with the colour red; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Sobek (Sob-eck) - the Crocodile god

  Shu (Shoo) - god of air and dryness; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Tefnut (Teff-noot) - goddess of moisture; one of the Nine of Iunu

  Wadjet (Wadge-eth) - cobra goddess of Lower Egypt

  Wepwawet (Wepp-wah-wet) - Opener of Ways; the god of war and funerals

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  About the Author

  Max Overton has travelled extensively and lived in many places around the world--including Malaysia, India, Germany, England, Jamaica, New Zealand, USA and Australia. Trained in the biological sciences in New Zealand and Australia, he has worked within the scientific field for many years, but now concentrates on writing. While predominantly a writer of historical fiction (Scarab: Books 1-6 of the Amarnan Kings; the Scythian Trilogy; the Demon Series; Ascension), he also writes in other genres (A Cry of Shadows, the Glass Trilogy, Haunted Trail, Sequestered) and draws on true life (Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica, We Came From K�nigsberg). Max also maintains an interest in butterflies, photography, the paranormal and other aspects of Fortean Studies.

  Most of his other published books are available at Writers Exchange Ebooks, and all his books may be viewed on his website:

  Max's book covers are all designed and created by Julie Napier, and oth
er examples of her art and photography may be viewed at

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  Other Books By This Author

  A Cry of Shadows

  {Paranormal Murder Mystery}

  Australian Professor Ian Delaney is single-minded in his determination to prove his theory that one can discover the moment that the life force leaves the body. After succumbing to the temptation to kill a girl under scientifically controlled conditions, he takes an offer of work in St Louis, hoping to leave the undiscovered crime behind him.

  In America, Wayne Richardson seeks revenge by killing his ex-girlfriend, believing it will give him the upper hand, a means to seize control following their breakup. Wayne quickly discovers that he enjoys killing and begins to seek out young women who resemble his dead ex-girlfriend.

  Ian and Wayne meet, and when Ian recognizes the symptoms of violent delusion he employs Wayne to help him further his research. Despite the police closing in, the two killers manage to evade identification as the death toll rises.

  John Barnes, the detective in charge of the case, is frantic, willing to try anything to catch his killer. With time running out, he looks desperately for answers. Will John get them before it's too late?

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  Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica


  An eleven-year-old boy is plucked from boarding school in England and transported to the tropical paradise of Jamaica. A shy and dreamy boy, he has one great love in his life--butterflies. He discovers that Jamaica has a wealth of these wonderful insects and sets about making a collection of as many as he can find. Along the way, he has adventures with many other creatures, from hummingbirds to vultures, from iguanas to black widow spiders, and through it all runs the promise of the legendary Homerus swallowtail, Jamaica's national butterfly.

  Other activities intrude, like school, boxing and swimming lessons, but he manages to inveigle his parents into taking him to strange and sometimes dangerous places, all in the name of butterfly collecting. He meets scientists and Rastafarians, teachers, small boys and the ordinary people of this tropical isle, and even discovers butterflies that should not exist in Jamaica.

  I was that young boy. I count myself fortunate to have lived in Jamaica in an age very different from our present one. I still have some of the butterflies I collected half a century or more ago, and each one releases a flood of memories every time I open the box and gaze at their tattered and fading wings. These memories have become stories--stories of the Adventures of a Small Game Hunter in Jamaica.

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  Ascension Series

  {Historical: Holocaust}

  Book 1: Ascension

  A small boy discovers that being a Jew in Germany can be a dangerous thing. Fear prompts Konrad Wengler to put his faith aside and he tries desperately to forget his heritage.

  He fights in the Great War and is wounded, becomes a policeman in his tiny Bavarian town, where he falls under the spell of the fledgling Nazi Party. He joins the Party in patriotic fervour and becomes a Lieutenant of Police and Schutzstaffel (SS).

  In the course of his duties as policeman, he offends a powerful Nazi official, who starts an SS investigation of this troublesome police Lieutenant. When war breaks out, he joins the Police Battalions and is sent to Poland where he has to witness the atrocities being committed upon his fellow Jews.

  The SS investigators have discovered Konrad's origins and follow him into Poland. He is arrested and sent to Mauthausen Concentration Camp. Suddenly, Konrad must face what it means to be a Jew and fight for survival. He has friends on the outside, a wife and a lawyer, but will they be enough to counter the might of the Nazi machine?

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  Book 2: Maelstrom

  Konrad Wengler has survived his brush with the death camps of Nazi Germany, and has been reinstated as a police officer in his home town despite being a Jew. He throws himself back into his work, seeking to uncover the evidence that will remove a corrupt Nazi party official, but underestimates his enemy. The Gestapo have their own agenda, and despite orders from above to eliminate this troublesome Jewish policeman, they hide him in the Totenkopf (Death's Head) Division of the Waffen-SS.

  Now Konrad must fight to survive in the snowy wastes of Russia as the tide of war turns against Germany. He experiences tank battles, ghetto clearances, partisans, and death camps (this time as a guard), as well as the fierce battles where his Division is badly outnumbered and on the defence.

  Through it all, he must try to live by his conscience and resist taking part in the atrocities happening all around him. He still thinks of himself as a policeman, but his desire to bring the corrupt official to justice now seems far removed from his present reality. Konrad must first survive if he is to find the necessary evidence.

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  Fall of the House of Ramesses

  {Historical: Ancient Egypt}

  Book 1: Merenptah

  Egypt was at the height of its powers in the days of Ramesses the Great and the young king confidently predicted that his House would last for a Thousand Years. Sixty years later he was still on the throne and one by one his heirs had died and the survivors had become old men. When he at last died, he left a stagnant kingdom and his throne to an old man - Merenptah. What followed laid the groundwork for a nation ripped apart by civil war.

  The northern tribes rebelled and joined forces with the Sea Peoples, invading from the north; while in the south the king's eldest son, angered at being passed over in favour of the younger son, plotted to rid himself of his father and brother. An ageing king takes to the field to fight for the House of Ramesses.

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  Book 2: Seti

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s young son Siptah will become king until her infant son is old enough to rule. Tausret, as Regent, and the king's uncle, Chancellor Bay, hold tight to the reins of power, and vie for complete control of the kingdoms. Assassination changes the balance of power and Chancellor Bay attempts a coup...

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