Hidden Legacy

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Hidden Legacy Page 9

by Lynn Huggins Blackburn

  Kyle extended his hand and Jason shook it. “Jason Drake.”

  They nodded at each other. Sizing each other up, no doubt.

  Caroline bumped Kyle’s arm. “What are you doing here?”

  “What do you think I’m doing here? I’m figuring out how that jerk got in your house.”

  “No, I mean I thought you were working. How did you get loose?”

  “Heidi called.”

  Caroline blew out an exasperated breath. “So I gathered, but there isn’t supposed to be anything official about any—”

  He lifted a hand, and she stopped talking. Had she spoken out of turn? She didn’t want to ask Jason to leave, but it would be so much easier to talk to Kyle if she didn’t have to worry about blowing his cover or whatever he called it.

  Her family had been drawn into the shadowy world of covert operations a year and a half ago when the FBI sent her now sister-in-law, Heidi Zimmerman, to find out why the son of an organized crime family had landed a job at Harrison Plastics International. Heidi had ended up uncovering an elaborate crime ring with a deeply sinister plot. Heidi had done a brilliant job—but she hadn’t done it alone. She’d had a whole team working with her.

  That experience had left Caroline with the utmost respect for the dangers the FBI agents faced, and she took protecting their identities seriously. Not that Jason would ever pose a danger to Kyle, but it wasn’t her place to reveal more than Kyle wanted.

  “I’m just doing a friend a favor,” he said and winked at her.

  Jason pulled in a slow breath. “Look, man, in case you haven’t been brought up to speed, someone broke in here, bypassed a security system put in by the FBI and then nearly killed Caroline and Henry. We don’t have time for games.”

  Caroline couldn’t believe he’d said that. “Jason!”

  “What? You two obviously know each other well, but I don’t know this guy and I don’t care if he’s here officially or not. What I want to know is how well he knows this system and what makes him think that it’s secure now when it wasn’t a few days ago.”

  The hostility in his words rocked Caroline.

  “Kyle’s the one who installed this system, and if you’d give him a chance, I’m sure he could answer your questions without all the drama.”

  “Forgive me, but if he’s the one who installed it, then that makes him a prime suspect in my book.”


  Jason shook his head. “You’ve been telling me how awesome this system is. How no one can hack into it. Then the guy who installed it shows up and tells you it’s safe now? Sorry. I’m not buying it. He could be the very one who created the back door your attacker used to get in.”

  What was his problem?

  Kyle had yet to respond to Jason’s accusations, and she turned her attention to him, worried that she’d find him upset and offended. Instead, a smile flickered across his face.

  He straightened to his full six feet four inches and winked at Caroline before focusing on Jason. “It’s okay, Caroline. He’s worried. My guess is you told him you don’t have a boyfriend. He believed you. Now he’s not so sure.”

  She looked between the two of them. “What does that have to do with anything?”

  Jason’s skin had flushed at Kyle’s taunt. Wait. Was Jason…jealous? Of Kyle?

  Kyle shrugged. “I’m not so sure it’s a good idea for the lead investigator on the case to be smitten with the victim, but I guess that’s how things roll in small-town America.”

  “Are you questioning my professionalism?” Jason didn’t yell, but the strain in his voice frightened her more than if he’d been screaming.

  “You just accused me of being behind the attacks on Caroline. Are you saying that was a professional accusation?”

  Caroline stepped between the two men.

  “Would you listen to yourselves? This is ridiculous.” She turned to Jason. “Kyle is now a part of our extended family.” She turned to Kyle. “Jason has been my best friend since kindergarten.”

  Her words seemed to surprise both men, and some of the tension eased. Slightly.

  “Let’s start over,” she said.

  They eyed each other.


  After what felt like an hour, Jason stretched out his hand. “Jason Drake.” Kyle shook his hand. It looked like they might have been squeezing a little harder than necessary, but at least they weren’t fighting.

  “If it keeps Caroline safe, I’ll take any help I can get.” Jason cut his eyes at Caroline, and she saw a trace of humor in them. “Even if it means dealing with the unofficial FBI.”

  Kyle nodded. “Well, if I’m going to be fair,” he admitted, “your accusations aren’t entirely unfounded. You’re asking good questions. They’re ridiculous, of course, but they are fair.”

  Boys. Men. Idiots.

  Still, she trusted both of them to keep her safe. Or try to, anyway.

  “Kyle, I know you didn’t have anything to do with this,” she said.

  He laughed. “I appreciate that, but if the roles were reversed, I’d be asking the same questions. This system…” His voice trailed off, his frustration evident.

  Henry let out a little cry, his own frustration at being left in his car seat bubbling to the surface. Poor baby. All he’d done for the past two days was get in and out of stupid car seats. When this was over, she was going to stay home for a week. A month.

  Before she could get to Henry, Jason pulled the door open and had him unfastened faster than she’d expected. “Sorry, buddy. Let’s get you inside. I bet you’re ready to be home, aren’t you, little man?”

  Henry was laughing as Jason settled him in his arms. “Do you want the diaper bag?”

  “Nah. It can stay in the car.”

  He carried Henry to the house, and her breathing hitched as she watched them. Henry needed a daddy.

  Where had that come from? This paternal side of Jason was messing with her. Henry did need a daddy, but Jason Drake certainly wouldn’t be signing up for the job. He’d made his feelings about having children, living in North Carolina and having a relationship with her clear a long time ago.

  Well, it had been clear.


  Now she had no idea what was going on.


  Three hours later, as Caroline settled Henry into his bed for the night, Jason excused himself from the living room. He didn’t know how much more he could take of Kyle.

  Caroline might not realize it, but that guy was in love with her.

  He let himself onto the porch, stepped to the rail and pulled in a slow breath through his nose, then blew it out through his mouth.

  Be fair, Drake. Caroline’s a great girl. Gorgeous. Sweet. Wealthy. The guy would have to be dead not to be interested in her.

  Besides, why did he care? What had changed in the past decade?

  Not her. Well, not in any negative way. She was a little quieter than he remembered. Not quite so fiery, although the temper was still there.

  Her hair was longer, and her body a little curvier than it had been at eighteen, but the years had been good to her. The only thing about her that had truly aged was her eyes.

  When he looked into her eyes, he didn’t see the carefree girl of his childhood.

  He saw a woman who’d borne her share of grief. A woman who’d survived tragedy and trauma and come out on the other side of them stronger. He saw a woman who knew who she was and what she wanted, and he had no doubt that her roles as business leader and mother would trump any other role she might consider.

  Like wife.

  He shook his head. Time to get off this merry-go-round. He’d let it drive him crazy in high school. The wondering. The maybe. The what if she cared? The bottom line hadn’t changed. Her world was here.

  But as long as his birth father was here, he couldn’t be.

  He couldn’t imagine a life where that man constantly picked apart his every decision. He couldn’t imagine subjecting a woma
n he loved to that man’s derision and interference. And what if they did have children? How could he put any child through what he’d gone through?

  The image of his birth father showing up to a Little League game or a piano recital drunk, loud and refusing to leave quietly burned in his brain.

  No. He’d get her through this, get his mom and dad through the next few years, and then he’d be gone.


  Her life was here, and she deserved so much more than he would ever be able to give. He knew he was right about this, so why couldn’t he stop wondering about what it would be like to be proved wrong?

  The door opened behind him. Kyle. Great. Just who he wanted to see.

  “I need you inside.” Kyle glared into the darkness before locking the door behind Jason.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “I don’t know. I set up the system to alert me to any movement on the property.”

  Jason pulled his gun out. Caroline’s eyes were hooded.

  “You did that in one day?” Jason asked. He didn’t want to be impressed, but one day?

  Kyle’s fingers flew over the keyboard of his laptop. He grunted. “My team did it in one dark, rainy, cold night.” He winked at Caroline. Jason ignored the temptation to tackle him to the ground.

  “The capability has been here since last year, but we haven’t been monitoring it for months. I reestablished all the connections this afternoon. I’ve got cameras running, and some of them even have microphones.”

  “So what are we dealing with?”

  “I’m not sure yet. Got a hit from the motion sensors on the edge of the property near the plant. That’s the easiest place for someone to access this mountain without having to hike through thick forest half the day.”

  Kyle continued to scan a variety of windows on his laptop screen.

  Caroline paced the floor.

  Jason prayed. Father, whatever’s coming our way, give us wisdom, protect us, especially Caroline.

  He had to hand it to Kyle, not that he wanted to, but the guy’s expression was glacial. No hesitation. No doubt. No indication of fear. Nothing but cold determination that whoever had dared set foot on this property wouldn’t be stepping off it until they knew why he’d come.

  Kyle’s eyes narrowed, and he leaned toward the screen. “I’ve got you now, you…” His voice trailed off. “There.” He pointed at the screen. “Do you see it?”

  Jason looked at the small window. He saw nothing but darkness. But then the darkness fluttered. “Was that—”


  “Was that what?” Caroline’s words were thick with tension.

  He tried to explain. “I can’t make out exactly what I’m seeing, but something in the darkness moved. And I think—” he squinted his eyes at the screen “—I think the motion is coming from above the ground. Maybe someone’s in a tree?”

  Kyle nodded. “I think so, too.”

  Not a sniper. Please, not a sniper.

  Kyle turned in his chair and looked at him. “What do you think?”

  Jason swallowed hard. “I think I’d better go check it out.”

  “Not alone!” Caroline’s face had paled.

  He appreciated the concern, but what choice did they have?

  “Caroline, we can’t leave you and Henry alone.”

  “I can protect myself,” she said.

  Kyle snorted.

  “I don’t appreciate that attitude, Kyle Richards. I am a grown woman and I know how to use a gun.”

  Kyle held up his hands in surrender. “I’m not saying you aren’t or you don’t. But if you think either one of us would be willing to leave you in here by yourself, you’re crazier than I thought you were. You can get mad if you want, but there’s no way we’re both going.”

  He looked at Jason. “I don’t see any way to get backup in here without spooking him. But I think we should have them on standby.”

  Jason nodded. “I’ll make the call.”


  Jason pulled his phone from his pocket. Probably calling Mike, Caroline thought. Maybe Mike would talk some sense into him.

  He could not go after this guy alone. Could. Not. No way he was going out there by himself. She wouldn’t allow it.

  They could wait for backup.

  Then the backup could go after this intruder. While Jason stayed right here where she could see him.

  What did it say about her that she would risk others’ lives but not his? No. She wouldn’t go there. Not now. She couldn’t.

  But if he stepped outside…

  “Wait!” The idea wasn’t fully formed, but it was an idea. A little bit of one, anyway.

  Kyle shook his head at the screen but didn’t look away from it. Jason quirked one eyebrow, but she could tell he was humoring her. He was ready to go out there. She’d better talk fast.

  “We haven’t had supper.”

  She saw incredulity cross both men’s faces.

  “Hear me out!”

  Jason dropped the mask of determination he’d been wearing. “What are you thinking?”

  “Have the backup come in as pizza delivery. Surely Mike can get the guys at the Pizza Shack to let him borrow one of their cars. He could pull up, take the curves super slow, let a few guys out on the driveway near Mom and Dad’s, then come here with a pizza box.”

  She watched them process the information. Kyle blinked at the screen several times before saying, “Might work.”

  Jason’s face was easier to read. Was that because he wasn’t as trained as Kyle was at keeping up the mask, or was it because he was Jason and she’d always known what he was thinking? Well, usually.

  Regardless, she could tell he was giving her idea some serious thought. She knew the moment he decided. He put the phone back to his ear. “Michael,” he said, then laughed. “Oh, you heard her idea, huh?” A few moments of silence while Jason nodded and paced the room. Would it kill him to put the phone on speaker? Finally, he winked at her. “See you in twenty. Be careful.”

  He slid the phone in his pocket. “Michael’s on it. A couple of guys on patrol are already headed this way. They won’t pull into the driveway, but they’ll be close enough to come in with sirens blaring if we need them. We have a guy who we’ve sent undercover a couple of times on alcohol sales stings. He looks sixteen. He’ll come in with the pizza. I’ll change into his clothes and go back out.”

  “Why do you have to go?” Caroline tried to keep the panic out of her voice. “Let one of the other guys do the search.”

  Jason was shaking his head in disagreement. “I know this mountain better than the others do. I can’t ask them to take a risk in an unfamiliar environment when I can help them.”

  Caroline wanted to argue, but she couldn’t.

  Jason glanced in Kyle’s direction. Kyle nodded. “I like the plan. When they head this way, tell them to be sure to stop at the gate and request us to open it. If they just drive in, it might clue the guy that something’s up.” His lips twitched, and he flicked a quick look in her direction. “Unless the Pizza Shack guys know the code.”

  “They most certainly do not,” she said. They used to, before Heidi entered their lives. Not anymore.

  Jason excused himself with a “Be right back.” She watched him until he stepped into the hall bathroom.

  When she looked back toward Kyle, he was watching her. His smile was soft, almost tender. And somehow…resigned? “So, that’s Jason, huh?” His voice was so low she knew Jason couldn’t hear them.

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She’d never spoken of Jason to Kyle. She rarely spoke of Jason to anyone. Blake got all sullen whenever she mentioned him. No one could hold a grudge like a big brother.

  She’d told Heidi about him once. Heidi had been sympathetic toward both of them. Had even said that expecting an eighteen-year-old boy to behave rationally was like expecting a Brit to skip afternoon tea. It might happen occasionally, but it certainly couldn’t be counted on.

they found out he’d moved back to town, Heidi hadn’t said a word to Caroline. Just gave her a long look. She’d been expecting her sister-in-law to bring him up, but she hadn’t yet.

  But she knew with certainty that she’d never mentioned Jason to Kyle, and she didn’t believe Heidi would have.

  Kyle didn’t answer her question. “Kyle?”

  He shook his head. “It means I’ve always known there was someone. Just didn’t know who he was. Now that I do, I can see how futile it is to try to convince you to think of anyone else.”

  What was he saying? He wasn’t…was he?

  He turned back to the screen. “You’re in love with him. I don’t know what the history is, but you might consider giving the guy a fighting chance. You’ll always be happier with the one you were made for than trying to make someone who was never intended for you work.”

  Was he talking to her, or himself?

  “Of course, if he turns out to be an idiot, call me. I’ll be happy to try to make you forget him.”

  Heat flooded every square inch of her skin at his implication. Heidi had said Kyle had a crush on her, but she hadn’t believed it. Why would he choose to confess it now? And what was he picking up on in her actions that would make him believe she was in love with Jason?

  The bathroom door opened, and Jason looked from her face to the back of Kyle’s head. “Did I miss something?”

  Caroline said, “No.”

  Kyle said, “We’ll see.”

  Jason looked between the two of them. She shook her head, silently imploring him to drop it. If the circumstances had been different, he probably wouldn’t have.

  But with a stranger sitting in a tree a few hundred yards from the house and a bunch of cops headed their way in a pizza delivery car, maybe he decided this wasn’t the best time to hash things out.

  When she looked up, Jason was much closer than she’d expected. He leaned in, his hand on her elbow. “Things may get a little dicey. Why don’t you check on Henry?”

  Henry slept in peace. How she envied him. She left his room and crept to her bathroom, not turning on the lights as she went. She was sure her rapid pulse was due to the danger they were in. Nothing more. The tingles that spread through her arms as Jason touched her were due to her nerves. Not because his hand lingered on her arm a few seconds longer than necessary.


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