Bound by Destiny (Blue Star Shifters Book 1)

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Bound by Destiny (Blue Star Shifters Book 1) Page 4

by Allyson Young

  Crossing to the bathroom, he soaked a washcloth in warm water before wringing it out and taking it back to gently cleanse her. He flinched at the sight of her virgin’s blood while his wolf arched its neck—Jett the man could admit a certain satisfaction to being her first, knowing he wouldn’t hurt her that way again.

  She curled onto her side and made a querulous complaint, but was clearly in deep slumber. He looked his fill, the slight curve of her hip flowing to long, toned thighs and strong calves, tapering to slender ankles and manicured feet. Impulsively, he touched the pale, pink sparkly polish on her little toe. The pedicure seemed to be River’s only concession to girliness and it made him smile.

  Her long, blonde locks obscured her face in a mess of tangles, and he noted the myriad of shades enhancing them. He smoothed them back to admire her pert nose sprinkled with freckles and the wide bow of her lips, now slack as she slept. Her arm was folded over her chest, veiling her breasts, similar to the manner in which her thighs now shielded her sex. Even in sleep, she retreated, and with an inner sigh he tugged the covers free and drifted them over her recumbent form.

  Snapping off the light, he set his mental clock to awaken him in a few short hours. He knew he’d want to have River again before they hit the road, but considering her recent virgin status, he resolved to put his needs aside. Maybe take care of himself in the shower, unless she required him again.

  He lowered himself beside her, his heated body not requiring a covering, and hoped the thin barrier of the sheet and blanket would remind him of his most recent resolution when he woke. He wasn’t anywhere near sated and he’d likely be in that shower more than once in a very short period of time. Despite being tortured with such close proximity, he rolled to spoon her and snuffled against the back of her neck, the rapidly healing bite an additional reminder of the way this female had imprinted on him. And he on her.

  Chapter Three

  River woke to the sound of water running. The surrounding smells alerted her to the fact she wasn’t in her own bed, in her father’s house, with her sister Cass about to come storming into the room, telling her to get up and make her famous pancakes. A heartsick pang for the loss of the familiar stole her breath before she cautiously sat up, pushing the bedding away.

  She was naked, she who was so modest and always wore pajamas to bed. Not to mention she was a total mess. She could feel the places where her skin had been chafed by Jett’s stubble, and the area between her legs throbbed. His scent was all over her, and a drift of her fingers against her neck determined a thinly raised area. He’d bitten her and the initial claiming was over. She wasn’t thinking about the actual sex part of it, not that she remembered much more than being powerless in the face of her heat and Jett’s big body covering her own. And denial was not only a river in Egypt.

  The insane need had diminished to a simmering ache, but from what she knew of wolf heat, it wouldn’t be long before it would require sating again. It was disgusting, being a slave to one’s hormones, and the way to satisfy them wasn’t something she wanted. Maybe if she kept telling herself that and dug ever deeper into denial… She ground her teeth in frustration.

  Wrinkling her nose, she wished he would soon finish in the bathroom so she could shower. A hand to her head confirmed that unless there was some excellent conditioner supplied by the hotel, she’d remain in tangled disarray. That big hand seizing her hair, holding her helpless against that mind-blowing kiss—she scrubbed her knuckles over her lips in an attempt to erase the senses the memory evoked.

  Easing from the bed, she scanned for her clothes and found them—in pieces, scattered about the room. Lord, and she hadn’t even resisted the destruction of her favorite, comfy jeans. Not even a little. She’d been too busy anticipating—and demanding—the press of his body to hers. Her cheeks flushed with humiliation.

  Crossing to her suitcase, she zipped it open and found her basic toiletries, some clean underwear and an outfit she hoped would be comfortable for the remainder of the trip. The discomfort of her apex would hopefully pass soon. Other females had sex on a regular basis and weren’t bothered, but then they hadn’t been pounded by an alpha with a huge—

  She shut her thoughts down and stared grimly at the door. In several hours they’d be in his territory and she had no idea what—or who—awaited her there. Weren’t mates supposed to learn about the other before they did the deed?

  She wanted to rail against her fate. She’d come so close to getting away… She was also really tired, and yet her hormones weren’t getting the message. Her wolf knew its mate was in the next room and it was beginning to clamor for more of the same treatment it had experienced just a couple of hours earlier. River hated herself in that moment, even more than she hated Jett.

  It occurred that he hadn’t punished her for breaking pack law, and she hoped he might forget. Ah, denial and rivers. That man was exactly the type who kept his promises. But there was no use thinking about it. She did reflect it was curious that there even had to be a pack law against the use of supplements to deter a claim. If being claimed was a she-wolf’s destiny, why was there a way to circumvent it, and why were deterrents necessary? River had researched long and hard to find them, but it stood to reason she wasn’t alone. There were women who chose not to be claimed and took steps to protect against it. She’d been unlucky to face such a potent male, and it was damn unfair no matter how handsome—and virile—he was.

  “Would you like to shower?”

  She swallowed a tiny shriek and held her clothes against her. Jett had exited the bathroom while she’d been cogitating and she hadn’t even heard him. Stupid wolf self. Hard of hearing because she was thinking with another body part.

  His heated stare ignited her core and she struggled to form a single word as intense need washed over her. No. Managing a nod, she skirted his tall body, clad only in a low-slung towel, and scurried into the bathroom. She shut the door tightly and turned the latch, though the flimsy knob wouldn’t keep out a determined wolf. Especially the aroused—if amused—one in the next room.

  Taking several deep breaths, she exerted her will over her wolf and won the struggle for now. She moved to the vanity. The disheveled woman reflected back from the mirror didn’t look at all familiar. Flushed and … well used came to mind, and with it, her throat closed up. She peered at his mating mark, turning her head this way and that. There wasn’t an obvious tear in the skin, merely a slightly raised ridge, so he’d taken care with her, but there was no doubt she was now a mated female. Jett’s mated female.

  Swallowing another sob, she used the toilet, wincing at the tenderness, and climbed into the shower. She took a minute to use the steam option, hoping it would release the simmering pheromones infused into her skin by the alpha in the next room.

  All the feminine necessities were lined up neatly on the shelf and she buried her thoughts in the mundane process of washing and conditioning her hair. Scouring her body quickly, she used the little razor and rinsed off. She could sense Jett’s impatience clear through the door, which had to be fanciful, but she remembered his worry about leaving his territory alone too long. The last thing she wanted was for him to see her as a burden and turn his ire her way.

  Toweling off, she ran a comb through her hair to deal with any remaining tangles and pulled her clothes on, despite her skin being damp. Scrubbing her teeth, she then gathered up her toiletries and squared her shoulders before opening the door. To her surprise, the room was empty, a single paper cup of what looked to be coffee set on the table by the window. She sniffed and followed her nose. Coffee was vastly important in the broader scheme of life and she grabbed for it.

  The strong, black flavor soothed her as it flowed over her tongue and down her throat. Maybe Jett had left her here, another fanciful thought, because his duffel was stacked beside her case. She set the container down and stuffed her little makeup kit away. There was no overt sign of her shredded clothing from yesterday, so there was nothing else to do but wait an
d finish the brew.

  Why are you avoiding the issue, River? Quit skirting around and face up to it. You’re stuck now. He’s marked you—us. She didn’t cast a wild glance around the room like the heroines in her romance novels did when they thought they were losing their minds and hearing voices. She knew exactly who was speaking to her. Her wolf was thrilled to be mated and was making no bones about it while looking forward to more … mating. With a sigh, she sipped at her coffee and hoped she and Jett could at least do some communicating of the verbal kind during the remainder of the drive. Her wolf settled, though River couldn’t help but wonder if there wasn’t some way of cutting loose…

  The door clicked open and she turned on her heel to face him, taking care not to spill the last dregs of the bitter nectar.

  “I hoped you took it black. I do, and I forget others might want cream or sugar.”

  “It’s fine. Thank you.” And wasn’t she the prim little miss, considering all that had transpired between them?

  “How are you?” His eyes conveyed real concern.

  “Fine.” She didn’t want his concern.

  He closed the gap between them with two long steps and she somehow managed not to retreat. A thrum set to playing in her core and she clenched the coffee cup with both hands so as not to lay one on him. Her first heat might have stolen all decorum and forced her to give over with abandon, but surely she could maintain an inkling of sanity before round two.

  She flinched when his big hand came up and took hold of her jaw, turning it slightly to the right. He lifted her hair to one side and leaned so close she could individualize the notes of his soap and whatever scent he wore—unless it was pure male she was smelling. She closed her eyes in self-defense, so as not to stare at the roughhewn jaw directly in front of them.

  “You’ve healed well.” Male satisfaction laced his tone, and she knew it wasn’t merely because his mark had closed up so nicely. Anyone who knew where to look would know she’d been claimed, and any wolf with half a nose would recognize who had done the claiming. A near hysterical giggle bubbled in the base of her throat as she thought about those dominance and submission books where one of them wore a collar. She supposed she should be grateful for a slight scar from a bite—no wolf would wear a collar.

  “Are we leaving soon?” She was so relieved when he stepped back, taking the bulk of that tantalizing scent with him, that she wobbled.

  Catching her arm, he steadied her. “Soon. I just checked us out but we have a little time. Are you able to manage your heat, River? Do I need to—”

  “No! I’m fine. I thought you wanted to get back to your territory.” She gingerly tugged her arm free, the imprint of his fingers as tangible as any brand. She so wasn’t fine.

  “Your well-being comes first.”

  “I’m fine.”

  With an exasperated huff, he paced to their cases. “I have a mother and two sisters, River. Fine is a word that doesn’t accurately describe how you are feeling, but if you’re sure…”

  “I don’t want to … to mate again.” She shivered inwardly when he faced her and his chiseled mouth set in a hard line. Could he tell she was lying through her teeth?

  “We are mated, River. If it’s sex you’re talking about, there will be a lot of that in our future. As you well know. Your heat will crest again soon and last a minimum of a week, maybe longer, unless you conceive you’ll need to be sated. And then there are all the times in between the next one. Wolves don’t go without. I don’t go without.”

  Unable to contain the shiver that now permeated her entire body, she fought the nausea his words called up, all desire tamped. She’d gone without and it hadn’t killed her or anything. But now she was destined for regular… Visions of being passed around to the single males of his pack danced in a horrid procession across her retinas and she swallowed hard to avoid spewing the coffee.

  Her feet backed up of their own accord. “I won’t let you. There must be some way to avoid that.” She snarled her resolve at him and shock etched his features.

  “River. You’re my mate. It’s part of what takes place between a mated pair.”

  “And anything else that suits you.” The paper cup finally crumpled, no match for her burgeoning anger and anxiety. There wasn’t much liquid left to spill, and it wasn’t really hot any longer, but the remainder wet her hands and splashed her shirt.

  Jett simply stared, as if trying to get inside her head. “River—” His phone signaled and his gaze dropped to the screen. “I need to take this.”

  She stormed to the bathroom and threw the container into the trash, rinsing her hands before mopping ineffectually at the stain. Tears coursed, unbidden, down her face and she grabbed a hand towel to soak them up. She’d be damned before she’d allow him to use her—or make her cry, though in truth she didn’t exactly know how she’d get around it.

  “We need to leave shortly,” he called, and she knew better to resist. That implacable note was back, leaving her no doubt who was in charge. Her belly chose that moment to flare in concert with the heat in her core, and she groaned under her breath. The wolf was wide awake and pleading for release, unable to reconcile River’s working brain’s antipathy. Being in such close quarters was going to be excruciating.

  She plodded out to join him, aware she was a sad disaster beside his effortless good looks and cared less. She avoided looking in even his general direction, though knew exactly where he was as if joined by an invisible thread. Her wolf preened and rolled over submissively and River wanted to run screaming.

  The legs of the chair from the desk came into view. It was placed in the only vacant space in the room, and she stumbled to a stop. Her stare flew to him. Jett’s visage was grim, his body tense beside it.

  “What? Aren’t we leaving?”

  “I know you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop, and I don’t want to you think about it any longer than necessary. I also have an important meeting the minute I get home and don’t want to delay your punishment further or spoil your first impression of your new home.”

  She shuffled sideways toward the door. “You won’t spoil it. Maybe you don’t have to do it at all. No one’s the wiser and it’s not like the supplements worked.”

  “River. Come here and get it over with.”

  “What are you going to do?” She risked a quick glance around, taking her eyes off him for a split second. His belt was still wrapped around his narrow hips, and there was no flogger in sight. She nearly laughed. Why would a visiting alpha require such a thing that he’d carry it with him? Unless he was a pervert.

  “I’m going to paddle your ass. Did you think I’d beat you?”

  “Your father would have, or ordered it done. In public.”

  “Traditionally, I suppose it would go like that in my—our—pack, if a female flouted convention like you did. But I’m not about to let my people know what you tried to pull. I didn’t know you until last night, in any event, so I can’t take it as a personal insult.”

  “Then can’t you let it go? I didn’t do it to personally reject you, right?”

  His eyes danced with a light she figured was amusement, but his features remained set in a stern configuration. “It’s happening, River. You need to make amends and it won’t come between us again. So, get your sweet ass over here now, or I’ll come get you. You can be uncomfortable sitting for a short while, or a long one.”

  Ah, now he was giving her choices. As if either was palatable. Jerk. She growled under her breath and glared, but marched over.

  Jett dropped onto the chair. “Pants and underwear to your knees.”

  Humiliation stung her cheeks even as her core clenched. Her perverted wolf thought getting her ass paddled sounded like fun. With numb fingers she dealt with the button and zipper on her khakis and shoved them down, folding her plain panties out of sight inside the waistband. Her top covered her to the tops of her thighs, but that was somehow worse than nothing at all.

  “Over my lap.”

  She took a few tiny, shuffling steps closer and awkwardly leaned forward. Feeling off balance lasted but a second as Jett caught her and lowered her into position. Her nose seemed to skim perilously close to the carpet and she automatically set her hands down. Her legs were imprisoned between his and cool air washed over her buttocks and thighs. Tears pricked and she scrunched her face behind the curtain of damp hair.

  “Keep your hands out of the way and stay in position. You’re getting twenty smacks and the intensity depends on how you receive them.”

  Like there was a protocol for this. Or maybe there was and she didn’t get the memo. She mumbled what hopefully passed for understanding when she was really sending him a big fuck you, Charlie.

  With no warning, a large hand descended across the fullness of her ass. The resounding crack probably made it sound worse than it felt, but both her ears and her tender skin were assaulted and she jerked. His other hand was promptly set in the small of her back and his strength immobilized her for the next whack.

  Heat blossomed in its wake, and she wasn’t thinking about her mating heat either—small mercy—because the punishing smacks following in a flurry weren’t at all the sexual discomfort she’d been experiencing. They freaking hurt!

  He covered her buttocks thoroughly and she lost count, though surely he’d soon be finished. Only one whimper escaped her tight throat and set lips, but there was nothing she could do about the tears that sprang free. An upswing slap to the base of her cheeks and one to the top of each thigh made her jerk and want to scream, and then it was over.

  Jett swept her up and turned her to stand between his spread knees, his big hands grasping her waist. He stared into her eyes and she managed to meet his gaze despite the tears blurring her vision.

  “All done, sweetheart. And you lived through it.” He pulled her in for a hug and the solid bar of his cock pressed against her belly.


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