Bound by Destiny (Blue Star Shifters Book 1)

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Bound by Destiny (Blue Star Shifters Book 1) Page 6

by Allyson Young

  Torn, he glanced toward the door and back at River. Instinct told him to stay and deal with her, and find out why she was afraid to even meet someone delivering her luggage. But so much time had passed and his council was waiting. “I’ll be back as soon as we’re finished. Would you rather wait to meet the council members until a later date?”

  “Yes! Sure. That works.”

  He hauled her to him and was relieved when her initial tension ebbed and she nearly relaxed against him, one small hand clutching his shirt. Rubbing her back seemed to ease her a little bit more. He pressed a kiss on her hair. “See you soon, sweetheart.”

  He shut the door firmly behind him, his last look of her a waif-like figure worrying her bottom lip between her teeth. His wolf surged and demanded that he protect her, and he warred with the animal until hearing the lock catch softly. Shoving his concern and the mystery of River’s behavior to the back of his mind, knowing she was safe, he headed into the gathering room where his council waited. To a man, they stood, and a fleeting thought of a female like River taking a seat on council flickered in his brain before Tahl advanced to meet him.

  “Your mate?” His lieutenant knew better than to mention anything about River’s reaction where all ears could hear, so posed it like a polite query. If the other members needed to know, if it should affect the pack, Jett would share later.

  “Upstairs, resting.”

  “Her heat is…”

  “Not yet sated. I know, Tahl. And I curse the timing. Let’s get this done so I can tend to her.”

  Rees and Davis lounged into their seats once he took his, and Rick followed suit. Only Kris hesitated. The tall wolf said, “You are mated. And she’s here.”

  He’d never liked Kris, but the male had mad strategy skills like he could climb into the enemy’s head. Jett chose all his council, after his father’s six had returned to their pack, and he hadn’t picked them for friendship. “I am. To one of my father’s pack. You’ll meet her another time.”

  Kris smiled, but it rubbed Jett the wrong way. The council member said, “She’s still in heat.”

  “She is.”

  “Will you share her?”

  Not in this fucking lifetime. Jett pulled himself together. He alone would meet River’s needs. He hoped. “If that’s what she requires.”

  Tahl cleared his throat and Kris dropped the subject, giving Jett a nod. He tamped down his desire to rip the other man’s throat out and called the meeting to order.

  They discussed the incursion and the results of the interrogation of the surviving wolf. Interestingly enough, that rogue caved immediately upon being offered a place in the pack once—if—he proved trustworthy. He’d shared that the rogues were loosely connected, led by a hard individual referred to as the Regent.

  The male apparently ruled through brute force and terror, and only those who saw violence as a calling and craved what the Regent could offer were part of his pack. Jett’s newest member—should he accept him—had wanted out for some time, his stomach turned by what he’d seen and been forced to participate in, and had leaped at the opportunity to invade Jett’s territory and perhaps escape. That explained how easily he was captured. Jett reserved judgment until he met the man, but Rees believed he had the straight goods.

  Rees had also thought to inquire about females and the word that the rogues helped themselves to other packs’ women silenced the room. There had been rumors circulating from packs further west that young, single females had dropped out of sight, and no one had been able to locate them. There wasn’t a male present who didn’t appreciate the opposite sex and fucking ranked high on the list of down-time activities. And sometimes surpassed duty, though Davis had reined things in of late. A confrontation by his Alpha had that effect.

  But the thought of female wolves being at the mercy of rogues… Jett knew his disgust and rage was mirrored by his council. He’d weeded out those in the pack who would abuse others, especially females and children, and knew the more progressive packs did the same thing. He froze for a moment. Was his father’s pack progressive? Involuntarily, his head tilted back and he stared up at the ceiling as if he could see into the room where River waited. What had happened?

  “What’s your recommendation, Jett?” Kris no doubt had all the strategic plans in his head.

  “You’re sure this male is giving you accurate information?”

  Rees nodded. “The important pieces, anyhow. I confirmed it with other sources.”

  “Then we’ll take the fight to them. Find the Regent and take care of him personally. The rest will scatter and can be dealt with fairly easily.”

  Tahl nodded. “There will be inevitable difficulties from the ones who survive, ’cause it’s unlikely we’ll get them all, and it’s the price of having rogues. But like you said, they’ll scatter and one rogue at a time is manageable. What about the females?”

  Jett’s mind flashed to the thought of female rogues, though he knew that wasn’t what Tahl was asking. River would have been considered rogue, had she been successful in running, and at some point would have been hunted down and either returned to her pack or terminated. Humans and wolves had lived amicably for decades, but only because pack law ensured safety. Yet she had chosen to go rogue regardless.

  He shook his head and answered his lieutenant. “We’ll bring them back here and tend to them.”

  “Your mate will have her hands full, Jett. It’ll be a tough introduction to our pack.” Rees reminded him of River’s expected role as his mate.

  “She’s up to the task.” And he believed she was, or would be. “Get the word out and put some teams together. We need to act on the info before they figure out we might know where they’re at and move operations. Let me know when you’re ready.”

  Tahl shoved his chair back. “Consider it done. You’ll have a couple of hours.”

  Time to ease River’s heat again, and he scoffed at it sounding like a hardship. She was likely suffering, albeit in silence. He got up and strode from the room, certain in the knowledge that he’d made the right decision and his council would carry out the plan.

  His duffel and her large suitcase sat outside the bedroom door. Tahl was a great multitasker and had arranged for someone to haul them up. Jett rapped on a panel and there was a brief wait before the lock disengaged and River swung it wide. Hectic color painted her cheeks and she trembled like a leaf in a gale. He swept her up and held her closely.

  “You’re okay. It’s only me.”

  “I know,” she mumbled. “I know your step.”

  “Are you still frightened? Will you tell me what scares you?”

  She shook her head, and her hair brushed over his bicep. “I’m okay.”

  He didn’t scent fear so much as need, but this time, he wanted her to ask. “What do you want, River?”

  A quiet moan vibrated against his chest and her breath huffed warmly, right through his shirt. She nestled closer and her soft belly teased his cock.


  “I need you.” He’d take those three words, though they were grudgingly offered through gritted teeth and spoken so quietly only a wolf would hear.

  “Take your clothes off. I already owe you an outfit.”

  She stepped back, and he reluctantly let her go, heartened to see a ghost of a smile lift the corners of her full lips at the mention of her other clothes, even as her hands faltered in the attempt to seize the hem of her shirt.

  He stripped off his own and reveled in the wide-eyed look she gave his chest. Never giving much thought to his physique—shifters were generally well built and he trained with Tahl every day—he nonetheless was pleased she liked what she saw. A look of concern replaced that look, however, when he stepped out of his jeans, having gone commando.

  “It fits fine, sweetheart.”

  She glared. “Are you killing the mood on purpose? Trying to embarrass me?”

  Knowing a chuckle would really piss her off, he helped her pull her top over her head
, giving him a moment to straighten his face. “Don’t ever lose that sweet innocence, River.”

  “I’d say that ship sailed earlier today,” she retorted, as he popped the catch on her bra. It slipped down her arms, the cups snagging on her beaded nipples, and his cock jumped in response to the sight. “No one would call me innocent now.”

  “There are many different forms, sweetheart.” He crouched to work her pants down her legs, taking a pair of basic cotton underwear with them. His sister would have to take her shopping, though he’d buy her lingerie. Catching her by the thighs, he buried his face in her sex before she could step out of the tangle of fabric. Her scent made his temples pound and her taste… Tart honey met his questing tongue.

  “Jett! What are you…? You can’t…” A flailing hand grabbed at his hair.

  Her thighs parted instinctively and he pressed the advantage, supporting her with a hand under her sweet ass and the other at her waist. River bowed back over it, giving him full access, and she quickened with but a few well-placed licks followed by suction over her clit. Both of her hands tightened to tug hard at his scalp.

  She screamed something indecipherable as he drove her up again, his tongue high in her channel before once more tormenting that tiny bundle of nerves at her apex. When she was a trembling mass, he rose, face drenched with the evidence of a satisfied female, and carried her to his bed.

  One handed, he dragged the covers back and nearly dropped her to the mattress on her belly. “Hands and knees, sweetheart.” He nearly growled the command and the wolf in her responded, because River was lax, sprawled bonelessly after two momentous orgasms.

  He shoved a pillow beneath her belly and pushed her thighs wide, her fine buttocks rounding with the movement. There was no sign of his spanking and he wished for even a slight palm print to press his lips against. The swollen lips of her pussy were framed enticingly, and he noted her tiny puckered star. She’d be a virgin there too and he couldn’t wait to introduce her to the pleasure of anal sex. Will you share her? Kris’s question intruded and Jett’s gut clenched. Females enjoyed threesomes and some demanded them—and more—if their heat wasn’t eased. Unleashing a female’s sexuality meant fulfilling all their fantasies.

  Locking that unpalatable thought down, he focused on the immediate, and that was quenching his mate’s heat, especially as he’d be joining a team in a matter of hours. River hitched on the pillow, her head dropping lower, and he admired the stance of her wolf.

  Grasping his shaft, he notched it at her opening and teased inward past the initial stricture to be held tightly by the engorged walls of her pussy. He groaned at the indescribable sensation of liquid heat and River moaned in response, pushing into him.

  On his knees, he held her steady and saw to his own pleasure. Lost in the joy of fucking his mate, he soon powered to climax, emptying his balls until they cramped, with River acquiescent beneath him.

  His cock didn’t soften, and he didn’t merely slip free of her, having to pull out against clenching tightness. He wanted to go again, maybe after she sucked him to the edge. Or she could ride him—he could visualize those full breasts bouncing with their tips pointed high and hard. He hadn’t kissed her nearly enough either. But they were out of time.

  Collapsing at her side, his cock painting a wet line over one buttock, he drew his palm down her spine. “River?”


  “I have to go.”

  She lifted her head a little and blinked through a curtain of that multi-colored hair. “What?”

  “I have to go. Pack business.”

  Orgasmic bliss leached from her pretty face and she curled up as if to hide again. “How long will you be gone? I mean, will I stay here? Alone?”

  “I don’t know how long. But you won’t be alone.”

  A pulse beat wildly at the base of her neck and he set a finger there to sooth it. “What’s wrong?”

  “Who will be with me?”

  “I’ve asked my youngest sister to come. Desiree. My mother’s away but should be home in a few days. And you’ll have a guard.”

  “A guard?”

  “Someone to ensure your safety. We’ve had some trouble, remember?” Not that he’d been specific. There was no point in worrying her about what he planned when she was already so tense.

  “Right. I remember you mentioned it. So, your sister? She’ll stay here?” Her throat seemed hoarse from screaming her orgasms.

  “She will. She isn’t mated. I called her this morning. You explore the house. Think on what I said about decorating and such. If you cook, do so. Order supplies in if you like. Treat this like your home, River, because it is. Okay?”


  He knew she wouldn’t think of changing anything, but had to hope. Desiree would be a good influence if River let her in. “Great. I’ll be back as soon as I can, and I’ll call you. I put my number in your phone and if you need me you call.”


  “How about I get you in the tub?” He shoved to his feet and offered his hand.

  “I can manage.”

  “I know you can, but I want to help. I want to take care of you, as I suspect it’s been a long time since anyone has.” She blinked, this time to hold the tears at bay to judge by the way her eyes glistened, and his chest ached. “C’mon, River. Get up. It’s not like I haven’t seen it all.”

  “Jerk.” She said it under her breath, but her ire was apparent as she struggled off the bed, ignoring his hand. His little taunts worked every time, and in the future he hoped she’d take it for the gentle teasing it was.

  Leading her into the attached bath, he opened the taps to let the water thunder into the enormous tub, adding a handful of salts. “I don’t have any feminine bath stuff, but that’s Epsom. I expect you’re a little … tender.”

  Her blush began at the slope of her breasts and crept up her throat to flood her cheeks. Much like when she climaxed. He watched, fascinated, before realizing she was also clenching her fists. “Just making an observation, sweetheart. Claiming is, uh, vigorous.”

  “I noticed.”

  “So you were paying attention this time?”

  “I paid attention last time. Sort of. I said that I hadn’t given it much thought—afterward.”

  “Ouch. I deserved that.” He grabbed her and swung her into the tub, enjoying her startled shriek. “Soak. I’m gonna take a quick shower and grab something to eat. I’ll leave a plate for you in the fridge.”

  Nearly afloat in the deep tub, her hair wet around her shoulders, River stared up at him. Her limbs stretched in long, wavy lines beneath the water, the hair on her mound a mere smudge, and her round breasts bobbed enticingly. A combination of sweet and sultry siren, he could almost read the conflicted thoughts rolling around in her head. He could read the satiation of her body and figured he’d assuaged her heat well enough—at least until he returned. And then he’d come to discover all of her needs.

  Thrusting away a certain darkness that lowered with that thought, he went to shower.

  Chapter Five

  Jett had hustled out of the bathroom right after cleaning up. He’d stopped to lean down and press a kiss on her lips but that was all. Not that she required anything else. She didn’t even need that kiss or care to think about his superbly made body and what it was capable of. Thank goodness her wolf was still asleep or it would have riled her up and he might have made time to do her again.

  She carefully washed between her thighs and winced. It was a really good thing he hadn’t made the time. She didn’t want to review what transpired in their second coupling, at least not in minute detail, but it was hard not to think about the way he’d brought her to orgasm. Or the way their bodies fit together. With a groan, she surged up and grabbed for a towel before dripping over to the shower to rinse off.

  Standing in the rush of warm water, she felt curiously content and gave her state of mind—and body—some consideration. Her heat was assuaged for the moment certainly, bu
t while the future remained uncertain, her fear had diminished. She should feel hollow, drained from the cacophony of emotions she’d experienced over the past twenty-four hours or so… It came to her. She and her wolf were no longer at odds. Now her inner self was no longer denied, she was almost relaxed for the first time in a very long time.

  But then Jett had gone someplace after doing his duty with her, so this was a period of respite. She didn’t put any stock in how … compatible they were, other than because of the claiming. That was nature. There was nothing more to it and she wasn’t especially tuned to him nor him to her. She shut off the shower with a quick snap of the faucet and quit pondering.

  His sister might be here by now and Lord knew she needed another female for company, even if it was Jett’s relation who would probably think he walked on water. Without Cass around—and he hadn’t said River could call her little sister yet—she’d pretty much take anyone. The more she learned about this pack and figured out her place in it, the better off she’d be. Best she didn’t think about the downside and allow the familiar miasma of dread to threaten her relative calm.

  What did one wear to meet the Alpha’s family? She selected her best pair of jeans and a silky, short-sleeved top in a soft swirl of green and taupe. Putting her hair up in a high ponytail, she wiped on some mascara and lip gloss before stepping into a pair of flats.

  Cautiously unlocking the door—had Jett locked it behind him to ensure her privacy or had he noticed her paranoia?—she pulled it open and glanced into the hall. No sign of anyone, but she thought she could hear voices emanating from downstairs. She moved quickly along the second floor, glancing into three bedrooms, all sporting queen-size beds and elegant furniture. A large central bathroom, nearly as nice as the one belonging to Jett, completed the visual tour. There were no locked rooms that might pique her curiosity, though she’d have a look around downstairs.

  Taking the stairs, she stood at the bottom and realized the house branched off in different directions with the staircase being a central point. Dark hardwood floors ran through out with the exception of the tiled entry.


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