Blurry: A Student Teacher, Age Gap Romance

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Blurry: A Student Teacher, Age Gap Romance Page 22

by Michelle Hercules

  “Maybe I should come with you as your lawyer.”

  “I don’t think that’ll be necessary. I didn’t break any laws.”

  I walk out before he can start another argument. There’s no sign of paparazzi outside my door, and for that I’m both relieved and surprised. I can’t believe Nadine didn’t send her vulture friends to harass me.

  As I drive to DuBose, I can’t help but think that I’d been right all along. Chiara will be responsible for my downfall, but I don’t regret a single moment of it. If given the chance to do it all over again, I would.

  I have to steel myself as I walk from my car to Forrester’s office. I get looks; I hear whispers. They all remind me of the time I lived in the limelight. I should be used to it by now, but scrutiny by strangers is not something anyone ever gets accustomed to.

  When I arrive at his office, his assistant asks me to take a seat. Forrester isn’t done with his meeting yet. The reproachable glance she aims my way doesn’t escape my notice.

  I have to wait for another half hour before she tells me I can come in. Since I didn’t see anyone come out of Forrester’s office, I can only assume he was on a call.

  He doesn’t say a word as I walk in and sit across from him. Instead, he stares at me with his indecipherable gaze, the one he used on me when I was his patient. Only I’m no longer eighteen, and I have no time for this type of intimidation tactic.

  “Stop staring at me like that. Let’s cut to the chase. Am I fired?”

  “You’re not even going to apologize for this whole mess? I vouched for you when I brought you to DuBose despite your past record. And that’s how you repay me?”

  “You make it sound like I did it on purpose.”

  “You’re sleeping with one of your students! I hardly think you did that by accident.”

  “I met Chiara in Italy, before she became my student. And for the record, I tried to fight it.”

  “Until your dick won the battle.” He twists his face into a scowl.

  “It isn’t like that. I love her.”

  My confession seems to dilute a bit of Forrester’s anger, but he continues to glare. “That doesn’t change the fact that she’s eighteen and your student.”

  “Fire me, then.”

  “Oh, I will, but I’m afraid I must expel Miss Moretti as well.”

  “What? Why? She’s done nothing wrong.”

  Forrester raises an eyebrow. “Really? You don’t consider sleeping with her teacher as something reproachable? All the grades she’s earned in your classes will be questioned now.”

  “I didn’t give Chiara any special treatment. She earned her marks by her own merit.”

  “Even so, she broke the student code of conduct. It’s out of my hands. The board demanded your head and hers.”

  “That’s such bullshit!” I stand up, not willing to sit here and listen to Forrester destroy Chiara’s academic reputation.

  “Shouting and cursing won’t get you anywhere. You should have thought about the consequences before you gave in to your urges. I expected more from you.”

  That last reproach feels like a punch to my gut. I also expected more from myself.

  “I’ll collect my belongings and be off the premises within the hour.”

  “Wait, you need to be escorted by security.”

  I turn, leveling him with a glare. “Are you fucking kidding me?”

  “I’m sorry, Alistair. Those are the rules. I can’t keep covering for you.”

  Fuming, I leave his office but wait for the babysitter in the waiting area. I’m not sure what Forrester thinks I’ll do, but he sent two guys to escort me. Fucking great. I feel like a criminal.

  My walk of shame draws as much attention as I thought it would. At least I’m the one facing it, not Chiara.

  God, she’s going to be devastated when she learns they’re expelling her.

  I pack my things as fast as I can, at least the personal belongings I can carry with me. The books and other bigger stuff will have to be packed by someone else and shipped to me later. It feels bittersweet to hand over my staff ID and the keys to my office. I did enjoy teaching here.

  The vineyard is also gone.

  What the fuck am I going to do with my life now?



  After the encounter with Nadine, I changed my mind about going to Robbie’s place. I need to be home, surrounded by familiar things, so I can break down in peace. Robbie wanted to come up to my apartment with me, but I told him I needed to be alone.

  My cheek still stings from Nadine’s slap, but it’s my ego that’s more bruised. I should have reacted, scratched her face, done something. But no, I just cowered, just like I did every time Mom was cruel to me.

  I take the stairs, not wanting to risk getting stuck with anyone in the elevator. When I reach the landing, I find someone standing in front of my door.

  “Max! What are you doing here?”

  God, did he already know about what happened that fast? I never told him Alistair was my teacher. He’s going to be so mad I hid it from him.

  He glances at me, and I can tell he’s had a rough day, or maybe night.

  “Chibi, you’re finally home.”

  He hugs me, and I’m at a loss for why.

  “Max, did something happen? Why didn’t you call me?”

  “I couldn’t tell you over the phone. It’s about your father.”

  My blood runs cold in an instant, and I fear the worst.

  “He’s been arrested,” Max continues.

  I blink a couple of times as my brain tries to grapple with the news. My heart rejoices that he’s not dead, but in the next beat, it twists painfully in my chest again.

  “What do you mean? Why?”

  “He’s been accused of money laundering and fraud.”

  I shake my head, my body automatically denying the accusations. “My father is not a criminal.”

  “Chibi, calm down. I’m sure it’s a misunderstanding. I just learned about it last night and caught the first flight out of New York to get you. I didn’t want you to travel to Italy alone.”

  “I didn’t even know you were in New York.”

  “I booked a photo shoot last minute. I wanted to pay you a surprise visit after, and that’s why I didn’t tell you.”

  My immediate response should be to say, “Yes, let’s book the first flight out to Milan,” but I hesitate.

  What about Alistair?

  “I-I can’t come to Italy.”

  “Chiara, your father is in jail facing serious charges. I’m sure he’d like to have you there.”

  “I have school, Max. I can’t simply leave at the drop of a hat.” My phone rings then. It’s from the principal’s office. “I have to take this.”

  With my heart stuck in my throat, I say, “Hello?”

  “Is this Miss Chiara Moretti?” a woman asks.

  “Yes, this is she.”

  “This is Principal’s Forrester’s assistant. He’d like to schedule a meeting with you today.”

  I glance at Max, who’s watching me with a question in his gaze. I appreciate him coming all the way to tell me the bad news in person, but I’m not free to simply go as I please.

  Guilt gnaws at my insides. Despite his faults, Dad always tried to do his best for me. If it weren’t for his support, I wouldn’t be here.

  “Can I ask what this is about?”

  “I’m not at liberty to discuss it over the phone.”

  “Chiara, come on,” Max urges me. “If we hurry, we can catch the noon flight.”

  Maybe me leaving the country for a few days will be the best thing I could do right now. Hopefully the scandal will be forgotten when I return.

  “I can’t meet with Principal Forrester today. I have a family emergency, and I have to fly to Italy in a few hours.”

  “Oh, I’m sorry to hear that. Hold a moment, please.” The line goes silent before I can tell her I can’t hold.

  Shit. I bet the prin
cipal wants to talk about Alistair.

  “Miss Moretti,” his assistant says, coming back on the line, “Principal Forrester would like to schedule a meeting online at your earliest convenience. I’ll email you the details.”

  “All right. Sounds good.”

  Better than me going back to school while the gossip mill is still churning furiously. Meeting with the principal via computer will hopefully be less humiliating.

  I turn to Max. “I need to pack.”

  As soon as I’m in the apartment, I call Alistair. He doesn’t answer. I try to leave a voice message, but his inbox is full. Cazzo. I send him a text instead, asking him to call me back as soon as he can.

  I pack only essentials since I still have a ton of clothes back home. By the time Max and I leave my apartment, Alistair hasn’t called back yet.

  What can he possibly be doing?


  After getting my stuff, I head straight to Enzo’s office. There’s gotta be a way to fight Chiara’s expulsion. His office is downtown in one of the fanciest high-rises the city has. The place is as opulent as the man. Modern sophistication with a hint of arrogance.

  The receptionist recognizes me, so all she does is greet me with a bright smile. I head to his office without waiting to be announced. One of the founding partners of this prominent law firm, he has the coveted corner office with sweeping views of LA.

  He’s on the phone, yelling at some unfortunate soul, when I walk in. Swiveling in his chair, he nods at me, then proceeds to yell some more.

  I walk to the window, trying to distract my mind with the view. It’s useless. I pat my pocket, looking for my phone, then realize I forgot it in my truck.

  Enzo hangs up the phone and looks at me. “I didn’t expect to see you soon, Ali-boy.”

  “Don’t call me that.” I glare at the man.

  He whistles. “What’s with all the pent-up aggression? Maybe you should stop by at Ginga on your way home.”

  “I need your help with something.”

  “More than what I’m already doing? Pretty soon, hiring my services is what’s going to make you go bankrupt.”

  “No shit. It’s about Chiara. Forrester fired me, as I knew he would, but he also said Chiara will be expelled.”

  “Ah, and let me guess. You want to fight that.”

  “Damn straight I do. I was the one in the wrong, not her. It’s unfair to penalize her.”

  “Have you discussed this with Chiara? Do you know if that’s what she wants?”

  “I don’t follow.”

  “Have you stopped to consider that maybe Chiara doesn’t want to stay at DuBose after the scandal?”

  “That’s beside the point. They have no right to penalize her for something I did. I was the authority figure. I’m the one who has to suffer the consequences. If she decides she doesn’t want to return, that’s fine, but at least she should have the option.”

  “Okay, okay. Monica and Tessa are on the school board. Talk to them. If they pressure Forrester, he’ll listen to them. Money and power talk.”

  I rub my face. “Fuck, I can’t believe I didn’t think of that.”

  Enzo shakes his head, then pulls a bottle of the finest whiskey and two glasses from the cabinet behind his desk. “I swear to God, Alistair, when it comes to this girl, you’re as clueless as a fifteen-year-old, acne-faced virgin.”

  “That’s fucking ironic considering I’m eight years older than her.”

  “And should naturally be wiser?” Enzo raises an eyebrow.

  I take a large sip of the whiskey. “Yep.”

  “Well, you sure like your love life dramatic. I can’t believe Nadine brought the hounds after Chiara.”

  I narrow my eyes. “What the fuck are you talking about?”

  “Ah, shit. You don’t know? Nadine showed up on campus with a cameraman. She threw insults at your girlfriend and then ended the show with a slap on the face.”

  “She did what? That, that…. I’m gonna kill her.”

  I make a move to burst out of Enzo’s office, but he grabs my arm, stopping me. I didn’t even see him jump off his chair.

  “Calm the fuck down. That’s exactly what Nadine wants. Don’t worry. Caio’s nephew was with Chiara, so it’s not like she didn’t have support.”

  Fuck, and I left my damn phone in my car. I need to call her to make sure she’s okay.

  “Anyway, I know it sucks that Chiara got to experience the Tasmanian-devil Nadine, but it’ll only serve your cause.”

  “Can you please just get to the point? I need to go check on Chiara.”

  “Nadine posted the video of her slapping Chiara. That’s an assault charge right there. I’ve already downloaded the video in case Nadine’s lawyer tells her to pull it down. I can use it as leverage to make her sign the damn divorce papers.”

  “Great. You get on with that.”

  I walk out, not waiting for Enzo’s reply. If I could fly out the window to get to my car faster, I would.

  When I finally reach my car and grab my phone, I see I have a missed call from Chiara and a text message. She asks me to call her back as soon as possible. When I get her voice message, I feel like throwing the fucking phone against my windshield.

  Damn it. I’m unraveling, and I don’t know how to stop it.



  Max and I barely make it to the airport in time to catch our flight. I check my phone several times to see if Alistair called, but so far, nothing. It’s not until my bag with my phone inside is going through the X-ray machine that I hear it ring.

  Fucking great.

  As soon as I have access to my stuff again, I reach for my phone. In my desperation to see if I missed a call from him, I fumble the device, letting it drop to the floor. The screen shatters, which wouldn’t be so problematic if the phone wasn’t also dead.

  I killed my phone. You’ve got to be kidding me.

  And the worst part is I don’t know Alistair’s phone number by heart.

  “Shit, Chibi. How did you manage that?” Max asks.

  “Shut up. How am I going to tell Alistair I’m headed to Milan?”

  “Wait. What? Alistair, as in the dude you brought to Paola’s wedding?”

  Ah hell.

  “Yes, him. We’ve reconnected, and, well, we’re together now.”

  I don’t want to tell Max the whole story in the middle of the airport. There will be plenty of time during the long flight.

  “Wow, small world.”


  “Hmm, can’t you message him on Facebook?”

  “He doesn’t have an account.”

  “Okay. Email, then. You do have his email, right?”

  Yeah, I do, but only his work email and most likely Alistair has been sacked.

  God, what a nightmare.

  “I’ll message Robbie and Phillip on Facebook and ask them to find Alistair for me.”

  “You know I have no clue who those two are, right?”

  “Yeah, sorry. They’re friends from school. God, Max. There’s so much I have to tell you.”

  He nods. “It seems like it.”

  He lends me his phone, and I quickly log into Facebook and send the guys a message. One of them is bound to find Alistair.

  “Do you think the charges against Dad are real, Max?” I ask.

  “I don’t know. I always liked Uncle Giovanni. He’s so different than my piece-of-shit father.”

  “Dad’s innocent. I know he is,” I say with more conviction than I feel.

  In fact, I’m terrified that he’s done illicit things. Besides Max, Dad is the only one in the family who has my back, who believes in me.

  “Your mother wants you to stay at the penthouse,” he says.


  “To use you as a punching bag, most likely.” I wince at Max’s words because he’s not wrong. “I told her you’re staying with me.”

  “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank m
e, Chibi. We underdogs have to look out for one another. You were there for me when I had to deal with my father. We may not be siblings, but you’re my sister of the heart.” He throws his arm around my shoulders and kisses my head.

  “Yes, you do annoy me like a big brother.” I elbow his side playfully.

  Max tries his best to distract me with his crazy stories and silly jokes. It works for a little bit, until something he says reminds me of Alistair or my dad.

  Once we’re on the plane, he offers me a sleeping pill. I usually hate those, but today, I don’t refuse. If I stay awake during the flight, I’ll go insane. I need to get some rest because I know it will be hell when we land.


  Since the cat is out of the bag, I go back to Chiara’s apartment, not caring who sees me there. I buzz her intercom, but after the fifth attempt without an answer, I get the hint that she’s not home. I call her phone again, but now it goes to voice mail.

  I don’t linger in front of her building because, with my luck, I wouldn’t put it past someone to call the cops on me.

  I’m about to get into my truck when I see a familiar car approach. Phillip parks behind me and rolls his window down. I look past him, more precisely at the passenger seat, finding it empty.


  “Hi, Mr. Walsh. You’re probably looking for Chiara, right?”

  “Yes. She won’t answer her phone.”

  “She busted it. Anyway, since you’re not on any social media network, she asked me to give you a message.”

  “I’m listening.”

  “She had an emergency back home. She’s probably on a plane to Italy right now.”

  “What kind of emergency?”

  “She didn’t say, only that her cousin is with her.”

  I rub my face, frustrated as hell with the way my life is derailing. “Did she give you Max’s phone number?”

  “Yes. Hold on.” Phillip turns to his side, then sticks out his hand with a folded piece of paper pinched between his fingers. “Here.”


  “I’m sorry about your job. Everyone I know really enjoyed having you as their teacher.”


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