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One More Day - the Alexanders, Book 1

Page 16

by Minx Malone

  “I don’t think so. The police are investigating, so the best thing I can do is stay out of the way and try to move on with my life. I’m sure that’s the real reason Jackson asked me to this event. I think he just wanted to take my mind off things.”

  "Uh huh. Well, I’m glad he did because this gives you the perfect excuse to flaunt it in front of him a little. I’ve got five that says he swallows his tongue when he sees you wearing your glamour gear." Mara held out her hand.

  “It’s not like he hasn’t seen me dressed up before, so I doubt he’ll be blown away. I'm sure he'll do what every other guy does. Stare at the boobs, stare at the legs and then once the blood goes back to his brain, he'll be over it. No big deal."

  The other woman still held her hand out until Ridley shook it reluctantly. “This is ridiculous but it’s your money.”

  Mara dug around in the black tote bag she’d brought and pulled out a pair of slinky black sandals. “He's not going to know what hit him.”

  * * * * *

  IT TOOK SEVERAL trips for her, Mara, and Matt to haul all the stuff she’d brought up to her room. She’d made a good call by asking for Raina’s help. It would have been ridiculous to go out and buy dressy clothes, shoes and handbags when Raina practically had a department store in her closet.

  I hope Raina really doesn’t mind that I took all this stuff. Rather than waste time sorting through it all she’d figured it was easier to take a bunch with her. She could decide what she wanted to wear later.

  Raina won’t mind you borrowing it. Especially since it’s for a cause she supports.

  Ridley snorted, remembering her sister’s words. No, Raina definitely wouldn’t have any problem with her taking so much if it meant she was seducing Jackson. This was what her scheming sister had been hoping for the entire time!

  “Okay, I think that’s the last of it.” Matt bounded down the stairs. “I thought Mara had a lot of crap. Girls are crazy. How many pairs of shoes does one person need?”

  “Well, I figured it was better just to bring a bunch. You know, just in case.”

  “In case of what? A shoe emergency?” Matt stepped back when she swiped at him. “Okay, okay. I know better than to question female logic. If you don’t need anything else, I have to meet Nick. He’s taking me to look at condos.”

  “I’m pretty sure I’ve got it all.” She leaned out the open front door and waved at Mara. “Thanks again. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  She watched as they walked across the lawn and then stopped next to a car pulling in. Nick got out and exchanged a handshake with Matt before continuing toward the house.

  Great. Just what I need right now.

  Nick had hated her practically on sight. The last thing she needed was to see him while she was still all dolled up in her “Raina-wear”. He’d probably make fun of her or, better yet, accuse her of trying to seduce his brother. Although she had no defense against that claim if he did. She was definitely trying to seduce his brother. An evil grin pulled the edges of her lips as he walked up.

  “So you’re dating my brother now? And you’re what? Moving in?” Nick charged up the steps and grabbed her by the arm.

  “Hey, what are you doing?” Ridley tried to yank her arm from his grip but he tightened his hold until it almost hurt.

  “I’m taking you in the house. You and I are going to have a talk.”

  * * * * *

  NICK HAD TRIED to stay out of it, he really had. He was on guard and Elliott was still searching for information. He’d thought they could be alert enough on Jackson’s behalf.

  But when he’d driven up to his brother’s house and heard that Jackson was taking Raina on a date, the control he thought he’d mastered snapped.

  He grabbed her by the arm, ignoring her gasp of outrage. She was a master at playing it up, pretending to feel things she really didn’t. No one knew that better than he did, yet he still relaxed his grip a bit as he dragged her across the threshold and into the house.

  “I knew you were a bitch, but I didn’t think even you were that cold.”

  He advanced on her, walking forward until she was backed up against the wall. She was tall for a woman but she still had to look up to meet his eyes. He stilled, surprised at the sheen of tears in her eyes. Raina didn’t cry. Ever. The impact was almost enough to make him back down.

  Almost, but not quite.

  “Nick, what are you talking about? I don’t know what I did to make you hate me so much.”

  He laughed cruelly. “You don’t know what you did?” He swore and then braced a hand on the wall above her head. “You don’t remember? Is that the game we’re going to play? We had the most amazing night, the hottest, wettest sex in every position we could bend ourselves into and you don’t remember?”

  He clenched his fists, on the verge of turning and running out. He’d never raised a hand to a woman in his life, and never would, but damn if he didn’t want to just shake her until her teeth rattled. Or spank her. No, no spanking. Her soft curves beneath the palm of his hand would be more his undoing than hers.

  “Nick, wait. You don’t understand—”

  Still on edge from the visual image of her bent over, he slapped the wall above her head, the loud sound making her jump. He didn’t want to hear her excuses or whatever lies she’d prepared to explain what she was up to. She was using his brother to punish him and it had to stop.

  “I know what you’re trying to do. You screwed with my head and I let you. But leave Jackson alone. I mean it.”

  She watched him with wide, watchful eyes. The innocent look was just an act, he knew that but he couldn’t stop himself from reacting to it. His body saw her hurting and it strained to do whatever necessary to protect her.

  Even though his mind knew that Raina needed protection about as much as a baby piranha.

  “Stop fucking with my brother’s head.” He leaned down until they were nose to nose and whispered, “We both know he’s not the one you really want.”

  His eyes dropped to her lips and he thought, to hell with it.

  Then he dragged her against him and covered her mouth with his.


  JACKSON SIGNED HIS approval on the video treatment Mac had handed him just that morning and slid it back into its envelope. They’d finally come up with an original concept for the video and now that he’d approved the budget, the project could proceed.

  He’d taken work home with him, instead of staying at the office so he could enjoy a little more time with the boys.

  And with Ridley.

  More and more when he thought of family, his thoughts included her. If he didn’t see her for too long, he missed her. If she needed something, he wanted to help her get it. For someone who was determined not to sign up for commitment, he was teetering dangerously close to falling for her.

  He could see it coming for him and was powerless to stop it.

  Raised voices floated up the stairs. The loudest one sounded like his brother, Nick. He got up and walked to the top of the stairs. Ridley stood against the wall and holy hell, she looked amazing. When she’d told him about her undercover mission to get clothes from her house, he’d asked her to bring Matt along as well. Elliott already had bodyguards assigned to watch his house but he still wanted someone he knew personally to go with her. Plus, Matt had a pickup so they could get everything she needed in one trip.

  Just then, Nick hit the wall with his fist.

  “I know what you’re trying to do. You screwed with my head and I let you. But leave Jackson alone. I mean it. Stop fucking with my brother’s head.”

  Ridley looked afraid and Jackson’s fists clenched at his side. He knew Nick was just trying to protect him but this was taking things too far. He wouldn’t let his woman be threatened in their own home. He opened his mouth to yell out a warning.

  Then Nick leaned down and kissed Ridley.

  Kissed Ridley.

  “What the hell is going on here?” Jackson barked.r />
  Nick jumped back and ran his fingers roughly through his hair. “Jack, I can explain. I should have just told you from the beginning.”

  Ridley stayed in her position by the wall, her hands over her mouth. When she looked up at him, two tears slid down her cheeks.

  Jackson hadn’t moved from his position at the head of the stairs. He descended the stairs slowly, taking each step individually.

  One. Two. Three. Four.

  He counted the steps, holding the numbers in his head. Anything was better than the image of Ridley pressed against the wall, fear in her eyes. While his own brother…

  He looked at Ridley directly. “Can you go in the family room for a minute, please? I need to talk to my brother alone.”

  She nodded mutely, her hands still over her mouth. She edged past them, giving Nick a wary look as she passed. As soon as she was out of striking range, Jackson flew across the room and tackled Nick.

  “What the hell?” Nick held up his arms to ward off the blows but more than a few connected because Jackson felt the satisfying crunch as his knuckles hit bone.

  Ridley screamed in the background but he barely heard her. All he could see was Nick, pushing himself against Ridley. Touching her. Kissing her.

  He growled and threw another punch at his brother’s head.

  “Jack, stop!” Nick wasn’t even trying to fight back at this point, just trying to protect his face from the raining blows.

  The front door banged against the wall and the next thing he knew, he was being hauled backward. Matt grabbed Jackson and pulled his arms behind him. He managed to get an arm free and lunged forward again, dragging Matt with him.

  Nick reared back and fell into the entryway table. It fell to the floor with a resounding crash. Ridley jumped back as pieces of the wood went flying.

  “Are you okay?” Jackson asked her. Everything in him stilled waiting for her answer. When she nodded shakily, his shoulders sagged. Matt used the opportunity to pull his arms behind him again, more securely this time. His hold felt like being encased in iron.

  “Hold on, man! Just wait a second,” Matt muttered.

  “I’m not waiting for anything.” Jackson strained against Matt’s hold. He glared at Nick, who stood in the opposite corner, wiping the blood from the edge of his mouth.

  “What the hell is your problem, Jack?” Nick stared at his bloody hand and then at him. “You’ll fight your own brother for her.” He glared at Ridley as he said it, making Jackson strain against Matt again.

  Jackson couldn’t even hear what his brother was saying. He was practically frothing at the mouth, just the image of Nick with his hands on Ridley, all over Ridley, making him see red.

  “Yes, I would. If you ever touch her again, I will break you.”

  Matt looked at Nick. “I have no idea what just happened but it’s probably better if you go.”

  “Fine.” Nick sent a scathing glance at Ridley.

  Jackson lunged forward again and Matt cursed as one of his arms almost slipped free.

  “Don’t even look at her. I can’t believe I almost listened to you. Just stay away from her!”

  “I’m not Raina!”

  Everyone stopped moving at Ridley’s shriek.

  “God, please stop fighting. Don’t fight over me. Not when I’ve been lying to you all.”

  Jackson broke away from Matt. “It’s okay, Ridley. I already told them your real name and about what happened.”

  “You don’t understand. Raina Winters is my twin sister. She’s currently overseas on a modeling job.”

  Ridley shook her head, tears spilling down her cheeks.

  “I’ve been lying to you, too.”

  * * * * *

  RIDLEY ACCEPTED THE glass of water Mara handed her gratefully. Her insides felt as dry as a desert after all the tears she’d shed.

  Nick stood in the corner with his arms crossed. “Okay, so run this by me again. You aren’t Raina. You’re her sister.”

  Ridley nodded. “Yes. I’m so sorry I lied. I just didn’t know what else to do.”

  Jackson hadn’t looked at her since she’d blurted out the news. He sat on the floor with his knees drawn up and his head resting back against the wall. Mara handed him a pack of frozen vegetables, which he rested on his right hand. She handed another pack to Nick. He pressed it against his cheek and then flinched.

  Matt stood looking out the window. She could understand not wanting to get involved. This whole situation sounded like the plot of a movie. A bad one.

  Mara took pity on her and sat next to her on the couch. “You were scared, so you decided to hide out at your sister’s house?”

  “It seemed like the only option I had at the time. After the accident, weird things started happening. Things weren’t in the same place I left them. Finding my car doors open when I knew I’d locked them. The final straw was when my apartment was trashed. Raina’s the only family I have. I didn’t have anywhere else to go. Then when her security code didn’t work, I was so scared. That’s part of the reason I passed out.” She looked at her hands, willing herself not to start crying again.

  “You really passed out? Before we found you on the ground?” Matt spoke up.

  “Yes. I took a train and two buses to get here. I didn’t want to take a plane or anything. You can buy a bus ticket with cash. By the time I got here I was exhausted and had been living off of vending machine snacks and gas station food. When I couldn’t get in the house, it all just kind of caught up to me at once.”

  Jackson sat up and looked at her for the first time. “So, you really were locked out? That wasn’t just a ploy to get us to help you?

  “I had no idea anyone else was even outside. Except for the kids, of course. They wanted to know what I was doing in the pond.” She smiled at the memory.

  “So, you actually were ill. You really were locked out. The only thing you lied about was—“

  “My name.” She met his eyes. “When you called me Raina, I realized the easiest way to hide would be to literally become someone else for a while. Raina changed her name as soon as she started modeling. No one connects us since our names are different, and I never tell people what she does. She always said it was safer for me not to.”

  “It’s actually a good plan.” Nick commented.

  Shocked, she looked up. He was the last person she’d expected to defend her.

  “Don’t look so surprised. I’m not saying it was right. I’m just saying I understand why you did it. You probably figured you wouldn’t be here long enough for anyone to have to know the truth.”

  “Exactly. I didn’t count on any of this. I didn’t count on liking it here so much,” she admitted. She sneaked a glance at Jackson. He was staring at her. Unable to hold his gaze, she dropped her eyes back to her hands.

  “Or on me attacking you like that. I am so sorry about that.” Nick hung his head sheepishly. “I’m sure you’ve guessed that your sister and I have a… complicated relationship.”

  She grimaced. “Say no more.”

  “What I don’t get is why didn’t you just tell me the other day?” Jackson stood and walked over to the couch. He sat next to her and grabbed her hand. “When you told me your real name you could have just told me all of it.”

  “I was going to. But then you said—“

  “How much I hate liars.” He pulled her into his arms. She exhaled and grabbed him around the middle. “I’m sorry I said that. I didn’t mean about things like this. I’m sorry I made you feel that you couldn’t tell me the truth. I seem to have a knack for saying the wrong thing around you. It’s like you bring out the worst in me.”

  There was a moment of silence and then they all started laughing. Nick held up his pack of frozen peas as if toasting them. “Wow, little brother. You really have lost your swag, haven’t you?”

  Jackson winced and looked at Ridley apologetically. “You know what I mean.”

  “I do. Besides, it’s my own fault. I should have just told you bef
ore. Raina is going to get quite a kick out of this when I tell her what happened.”

  “So, she’s okay? Raina, I mean.” Nick didn’t meet her eyes.

  “Yeah, she’s fine. The only reason she didn’t come back right away is because she’s doing a shoot for Sports Illustrated and I didn’t want her to miss it. It’s a big deal for her. Plus, I also wasn’t lying when I told you she was matchmaking. I think she was happy I was locked out and stuck here.”

  “I am officially not mad at her anymore.” Jackson smirked and went to pick up the bag of peas he’d left melting on the floor.

  Mara nudged her in the side. “And you officially owe me ten bucks.”

  Ridley’s mind raced trying to figure out what Mara was talking about. Then she remembered their bet. “Oh geez. Well, you definitely won. But I thought you said five?”

  “I did but I was only betting on you driving Jackson crazy. It looks like you got the two-for-one Alexander special.”

  * * * * *

  “I ALREADY GAVE Jackson the FBI surveillance photos on David Finemore. What more do you want?”

  Nick pulled the phone away from his ear and regarded it with disbelief. This was Elliott? The most suspicious, cynical person he knew?

  “I want you to do a full-scale background investigation on this guy. Not just what’s in the FBI file, but everything. I have no doubt that you’ll find things on your own that your FBI contact didn’t give you.”

  Elliott sighed. “What are you hoping to find? We already know the guy’s a criminal.”

  “Yes, but I want to know the details of what he’s done. And who helped him.”

  “Oh, now I see. Come on, Nick. I already did a preliminary background check on her and she’s so clean she squeaks. Why are you trying to find a problem that doesn’t exist? Jackson really likes this girl. Leave it alone.”


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