The Kitchen Witch Switch

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The Kitchen Witch Switch Page 10

by Dawn Montgomery

  “The curse manifestation. You can't hide it. Your gloves prove that this is true.” A few people around the table began muttering quietly to one another.

  “I'm wearing gloves out of consideration to you.” His smile is chilling. “I've heard you have a phobia against curses, so this is our way of showing consideration for your needs. Of course, none of that will matter if you decide to walk away from this agreement today.”

  He leans back in his chair and grins, showing confidence in his position. “It's not us who need this collaboration, after all.”

  One of the men in a suit clears his throat. “The board majority have no interest in rumors. If you're willing to continue, the rest of us would like to see the presentation.”

  “You have someone else willing to step in and help you. I would hate to waste your time.”

  Viktor obviously grows more uncomfortable the longer Brandon speaks. I curse quietly in my head, thinking we should have warned him we would be doing this.

  “Don't be hasty. Our families have worked together for centuries. If his curse actually manifested, my nephew would not be here in front of you and neither would anyone else around him.”

  Bonet shoves his wire-rimmed glasses up onto his nose and glares between Viktor and Brandon, obviously annoyed at being ignored. “Fine. Continue the presentation.” He sits back in his chair and stares away from the head of the table.

  “Thank you,” Viktor says to him and then stares beseechingly at Brandon.

  I hear a low sigh escape from Brandon’s mouth and then he waves his hand. Immediately the lights dim and the presentation begins. He adjusts his tie and gives me a wink in the low light. I grin back at him and give a discreet thumb's up. So far, everything is going according to plan.

  The doors open and trays of food are brought in.

  Everything seems perfect. So of course, his curse rears its head, barreling to life with an intensity that steals my breath.



  The curse flares inside me, ripping through my defenses in a violent storm. With panic, I realize, at that moment, that I don't have it under control like I expected. My heart pounds in my chest and I wave my assistant over. I need to 'port away. Fear that I’ll hurt someone roars through me.

  Suddenly, a hand grabs mine and rips off my glove. I realize Meghan is interlocking our fingers the moment the glove is off. My curse is suppressed immediately. No, it's more like it's being dragged out of me and into her. My relief is immediate, draining the tension from my body in an instant.

  I glance over and see her focused on the others in the room, her face expressionless. I want to pull away, but I can't. If this manifests here, the entire room is in danger.

  I look up and my assistant leans close. It's to his credit that he doesn't blink or change his expression when I tell him to take over the presentation. He nods and takes the floor while our curse-resistant food is placed on the table. As his voice takes on the pitch, my focus falls to Meghan and the death grip she has on my hand.

  The fire and pain in my body slides away like it never existed. She seems calm, but I need to know what caused this. I glance around the room and catch a few people watching me with expectation.

  Bonet was obvious, but something about my uncle's expression unnerves me. His gaze moves from me to Meghan and back again. He knows something, but I hope he keeps it to himself until this is over. I force myself to relax and lean back slightly, showing a calmness I don't feel.

  She tugs on my hand and I lean close so she can whisper to me. Her breath caresses my ear. “Someone is casting interference,” her words are forced out through gritted teeth.

  I narrow my gaze and touch her arm where the fabric rests between us. With a softly spoken word, I trigger the defense spells in her clothes. Her sigh of relief hits me in the gut and I have to force my expression to remain neutral.

  Silverfang. I call to my familiar.

  His concern immediately comes over our mental connection. The curse has been activated? I'm on my—

  Wait. I force the thought out before he jumps to my location. I have another task. Have my security team monitor this room for magic. Find out who or what is causing magical interference.

  On it. Stay safe, brat.

  I smirk at the nickname I haven't heard in years. I will.

  The girl?

  Contact her familiar. She will need him once this is over. Tell security to meet me in here once I send you the signal.

  Will do. You owe me snacks. And catnip.

  You got it.

  Tuna, snacks, catnip. This guy is lucky I make enough money to keep him fed and happy. My lips twitch at his demands. My smile immediately slides away when I realize how much better I'm feeling. And why I feel better. But we can't stop the presentation until my curse is suppressed.

  The next thirty minutes are the most tense I've been in longer than I can remember. Bonet and his other cronies can't hide their disappointment while the other members of their team listen attentively to my assistant.

  My uncle, on the other hand, stares at me for most of the presentation. A line forms between his brows, leaving no doubt he’s sensed something. My thoughts fall down a darker path, but I rein those in as soon as they pop up. Eventually, I smile at him and stare back openly.

  His gaze shifts away from me to the presentation. At that moment, Meghan lets go and slips my glove back on, gently tugging. Glancing at her would tell me nothing, had I not become aware of the way her neck tenses when she's uncomfortable or the exhaustion that tugs at her eyes and mouth.

  Finally the presentation ends and my patience is already at its limit. These bastards won’t be let off. Not only does Bonet try to insult me, but he and several others had prepared for my curse to trigger today.

  A chill runs down my spine at the realization that Bonet had only protected himself, leaving the rest of his team defenseless. There is no way we'll work with this company in the future. Our family ties will be severed from this moment on. The lights are brought up, and everyone politely claps.

  “You look pale, Brandon. Are you okay?”

  Bonet's question seals it. They made a terrible mistake today. My heart clears up instantly.

  I smile, knowing that it doesn't reach my eyes. “I'm fine, but you seem uncomfortable.”

  “Why would I be uncomfortable?”

  My assistant's voice interrupts our aside. “Now we move to the taste-testing part of the presentation. Take note of our flavor combinations—”

  “There's no need for that,” I cut him off, leaning forward to rest my elbows on the table.

  I take my time, meeting every gaze, looking hard at each face. Some stare back, others avoid making eye contact. I memorize them all for my future revenge.

  “You should take that other deal with Fortuna.”

  Bonet and the others wince. “What do you mean?” He attempts to look affronted. I'm not buying it.

  I don't need to glance over to tell that Meghan is keeping her professional mask firmly in place, but there is no way she's okay. Dragging this out will only make things worse for her.

  Silverfang. I call and the door opens immediately. The entire room turns toward the intrusion and my uncle narrows his gaze at me. My head of security enters and walks to my side. I rise to meet him and he whispers in my ear.

  Bonet. And another unexpected surprise. My gaze cuts to Bonet and he stiffens.

  “I demand an explanation. What is going on?”

  I murmur my instructions and get a salute in return. Several of my team come in and block the two exits.

  “Lady,” I catch Meghan's eye and see that she's getting worse by the second. “Gentlemen.” I glance around the room.

  “My family has prided itself on aboveboard deals and quality kitchen witch products. Our families have had a strong relationship for centuries. I truly believed you were sincere in your interest.”

  “Why aren't you finishing the presentation then?” Another me
mber asks. This guy was one that gave me a good impression. If he's worth a damn, I'll keep him after I decimate their company.

  “My security team informs me that at least one of your team entered this room with malicious intent.” I gesture at my head of security. “Please show us what you found.”

  “Our monitors showed two spells cast in this room since the meeting began. One was a spell of analysis.”

  Gasps interrupt him, but he ignores them.

  “The other was a recording spell.”

  There were two other spells, both of which require further analysis. One was aimed at me, the other was aimed at Meghan.

  “What are you trying to say?” Bonet demands. “This is malicious slander.”

  “Would you like to invite the authorities? I'm sure they'll come to a very public conclusion.”

  My uncle stands and puts his hand on Bonet's shoulder. “That's not necessary. Both spells are against the initial agreement we put in place. Not using a magic contract was our mistake, and one we won't make in the future.”

  “We don't have to stand for this,” Bonet's acting is really terrible.

  “Please escort them out of the building after completing a sweep and clean.” The spell would ensure nothing makes it out of this room. Security makes its move and the room is purified.

  Silverfang jumps in Meghan's lap. She smiles at him and pets him gently. I call over my assistant and have him send the security report to my private email. He nods and starts cleaning up the area.

  Bonet and his group become more belligerent and I glare at my head of security. He moves quickly, getting them out of the room. Finally. My uncle comes to my side.

  “What do we do now?”

  I couldn't fight the irritation and urgency in my mind. “Nothing. Fortuna will drop them the moment they show up without any insider knowledge. The packets we gave them have information we've already released to the public. If you'll excuse me, Meghan and I have to meet with Grandmother and fill her in.”

  “Let me come with you.”

  I smile and clap him on the shoulder. “I need you to stay here and clean up this mess. We're lucky to catch them this time, but I want to know how they found out about my curse flare up. You're the only person I can trust to figure this out.”

  He sighs and gives me a helpless look. “Okay, but tell Mother I'll come see her when I can.”

  “I will.”

  The moment my uncle turns around to walk out, I reach for Meghan and pull her up and into an embrace. Silverfang curls up between us, safe in her arms. “Brace yourself,” I whisper in her ear.

  She nods and then jumps away to grab her notebook. “I need this,” she says before diving back into my arms.

  “One, two,” I drag us through, dropping us right outside her bedroom. Grandmother is already there with both doctors and Mystica at her side.

  The moment we arrive, she collapses in my arms and Silverfang jumps free. Her notebook falls, as well, but my focus is on her extremely pale face, heart aching at the way she's trembling. “Meghan, hang on a bit.”

  “What happened?”

  “My curse manifested during the presentation. Someone triggered it. When Meghan helped me, someone cast an interference spell on her.” I sweep her up and carry her into the bedroom. Bianca is already there, turning down the blankets and sheets.

  “Those bastards. See if I don't rip them to shreds.” Grandmother's explosive cursing surprises us all. “This poor girl. How many times are you going to have to deal with this?”

  “It's okay,” Meghan says as I gently lay her on the bed. “It was easier this time.”

  “Be quiet for now. Let the doctors look at you.”

  She shakes her head, grips my shirt in her hands, and tugs me close. “Listen. Your curse comes from something on you. Not something inside you. It uses the latent curse in your blood, forcing it to manifest.”

  My heart thunders in my chest as I cover her hands with mine. “What do you mean?”

  She licks her lips with a light swipe of her tongue. “I'm about to pass out again and who knows when I'll wake up. So answer my questions and don't ask any. Okay?” Her voice is raw with pain, exhaustion, or any combination of both. “Promise me that you'll listen.”


  Her voice lowers until only I can hear her. “There is an external object on you that triggers the curse. When did the curse show up?”

  “Six years ago.”

  “It will be something you received then.”

  Something I received six years ago.

  “Figure it out by the time I wake up.” She touches my face, rubbing the spot between my eyes. “I'll be fine. Just let me analyze your curse. And please have food when I wake up.”


  “I'll be famished.” She smiles. “See you later, handsome.” Her eyes close and her hands fall. I catch them and gently lay a kiss on each one before placing them on her chest.

  The pain and tension on her face eases almost immediately, at odds with the storm of emotions ripping through my heart. I clench my fists and stare at her sleeping form, feeling helpless once again. This reckless woman risks herself over and over.

  Mystica jumps up and sniffs her aura gently. “She's in a deep sleep,” he says.

  “Let me take care of her, sir,” Bianca stands at my side, her quiet voice penetrating my thoughts. “I need to remove her boots and help her get changed. The doctors need to check you both.”

  I give a sharp nod and force myself to rise. My gaze lingers on her peaceful expression. “Let me know the moment she wakes up,” I demand with a hoarse voice. “I want all security protocols in place.”

  “Of course,” she says and I turn away to see my grandmother's still furious expression.

  ”Grandmother, we need to go to the isolation lounge. And no one else but Bianca needs to know about it.”

  Her eyebrows rise. “For what purpose?”

  I lean close to her and murmur in her ear. “She says the curse is an object I have on me. Something that I've had for the past six years.”

  She drags in a sharp breath, covering her mouth with her hand.

  I carry five heirlooms on me every day since I inherited the magic of my family six years ago. If one of them triggers my curse, then that means someone very close to us has targeted me.

  “I'll go unlock it. Meet me there after you get checked out by the doctor.” She hesitates for a moment. “Do you think she'll be okay?”

  “Meghan is one of the strongest people I've ever met.”

  She pats my hand. “I like her, too. I'll never forget what she's done for this family. Be good to that girl.”

  I kiss her on her forehead. “I will. I promise.” That begins with finding out who attacked her in the meeting. And then making sure they're never able to cast magic again.



  A harsh light hits my eyes, jerking me awake. I sit up and pain wracks my body, forcing me to lay back down.

  A furball yawns from where he's curled up next to me. “Took you long enough to wake up.”

  “How long was I out this time?”

  “Only a few hours. How do you feel?” Wire rimmed glasses appear on the tip of his nose as he does a quick visual assessment. “You look like hell warmed over.”

  “Thanks.” My stomach clenches in agony and I press a fist against it. “I'm starving.” No it's worse than starving. It's desperation.

  Mystica jumps up. “What do you want? I'll have them make it for you.”

  What am I hungry for? One thing comes to mind, making my mouth water. “My sister's fried chicken.”

  “What?” he asks.

  I roll over in bed and groan. “I want her fried chicken. And her chicken soup. Fresh biscuits.” I hug the huge fluffy pillow, realizing that someone changed my clothes and put me in pajamas.

  “I'm not sure I can get her here.”

  A cramp clenches my stomach and I gasp in pain. “I need her h
elp with the curse.”

  While that is partially true, it was also more accurate to say that my body craves her cooking in a desperation I rarely experience. She can curse the food all she wants. I will take it if it means I can sink my teeth in her delicious home cooking. Of course, she's probably long gone.

  As the stomach cramps subside, I bury my face in the pillow wondering what state or country she jumped to when she ran away. I fall into a short dreamless sleep.

  The scents get me first, dragging me awake. I sniff and sit up, inhaling the decadent smells of fried chicken. “When will she wake up?” My sister's voice comes from the door and I open my eyes.

  It swings open and in she comes, bearing the gifts of good food. I clench my fist against my stomach and make a squeal of joy. “Am I dreaming?” I ask in a panic. I pinch myself and pain jerks me back to reality. “I'm not dreaming,” I whisper.

  “You're up.” Melanie's expression shows relief? Is that possible?

  “I am. Is that your fried chicken?” My mouth is watering already.

  “It is.”

  Bianca comes in behind Melanie and a floating table, chairs, with other accessories following behind her. My eyes widen, and even Melanie seems sheepish when she catches the line of my attention.

  “I've got a long way to go before I can do something like that,” she says quietly as Bianca sets up a dining area in the large room. She lowers the platter of chicken in front of me and I reach for a crispy leg. She lightly moves it out of my reach.

  “Get out of bed, first.”

  “Let me help you,” Bianca says, already standing next to me.

  “I'm fine,” I say as I wave my hand. Of course, my legs decide differently when I try to stand. Bianca steadies me while my sister hurries to put the chicken down and rush to my side.

  “You're not fine,” she says as she reaches out to support me as well.

  “Who are you and what have you done with my sister?”


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