The Man Cave Collection: Manservant, Man Flu, Man Handler, and Man Buns

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The Man Cave Collection: Manservant, Man Flu, Man Handler, and Man Buns Page 83

by Ryan, Shari J.

  “Oh, honey, I’m sorry. Have a little bit of peppermint. It will calm your stomach a bit. Maybe some ginger tea would may be good too?”

  “Yup, I got it. Thank you. Have fun, you two crazy kids,” I tell them.

  “See you two later,” Austin says, leaning over Mom’s shoulder and giving her a quick peck on the cheek. “Come on, Scarlett, let’s get you home.”

  Austin runs ahead for the door. “I think he’s the one who needs to use the bathroom,” I hear Jack say as I follow Austin outside.

  “Who does this?” he asks.

  “Me?” I offer, sheepishly.

  We manage to make it back to Austin’s house without running into anyone, and I immediately locate the other set of keys in the bottom of my overnight bag. “Got it,” I tell him.

  He holds his wrists out to me and I unlock them. I unlink both cuffs and they slide down his hands, but he grabs ahold of them.

  I’m laughing so hard, my stomach does actually hurt now. I can’t believe I did that.

  “You think this is funny?” he asks.

  “I do.”

  “There is a time and place, Scarlett.”

  “Yeah, but I don’t like those times or places.” I smile, but Austin is in the mood for revenge. That much I can see on his face. He ducks down and slides his shoulder under my stomach, flipping me over his back.

  “You know how you complain about how slow I like to go sometimes?”


  “Yeah, well, now I’ve got handcuffs to amplify the fun.”

  “Maybe this is getting out of hand,” I tell him.

  “Oh, is it?” he asks, playfully. “You just turned up the fun dial a whole new notch, Scarlett. I don’t know who you think you’re playing with, but I think you may have met your match, darlin’.”

  Just as my back hits the bed, my phone starts ringing in my back pocket. I go to reach for it, but my hand is grabbed, and so is the other. “I’m making these loose, so you don’t hurt your wrist. Normally, I’d cuff you to something, but you’re lucky I know better.” My good wrist isn’t spared, however. I can’t move that one around much at all.

  “My phone is ringing!” I tell him.

  He reaches under me and slides my phone out of my back pocket. “It’s Brendan. Can you call him back?”

  “He never calls me this late at night. Something might be wrong,” I tell him.

  Austin clicks the answer button and holds the phone up to my ear.

  “Brendan, you okay?”

  “I have the most exciting news in the world,” he says.

  “Oh, sweetie, can this wait for maybe an hour? Austin’s hand moves down my thigh, squeezing to the point where I might make the wrong noise on the phone. “Or two hours.”

  “Scar, this is important,” he says.

  “Well, what is it?”

  “Kalvin and I are getting married,” he shrieks. I can’t pull the phone away from my ear because Austin is still holding it there.

  “No freaking way. I’m so excited for you. When is the wedding? What are your plans?” Austin is no longer being friendly about this phone call. He’s tugging my pants down with his free hand and frees them enough to give him the space to slide two fingers inside of me. He hits the right spot at the just the moment Brendan is telling me about the tuxedo he’s going to wear, and I cry out loud.

  “You’re so sweet, Scarlett. This is why I wanted to call you first. Want to know the best part?”

  Austin slides in and out of me again, hitting the same spot he’s gotten good at finding on the first try. “Yes, yes, yes, yes!”

  “Wow. See, I knew you’d be excited. We want to get married in South Carolina, near you guys.”

  “Oh my God. Don’t stop,” I shout.

  “In fact, I was hoping we might be able to convince Austin to have the wedding on his beautiful property at his house—maybe?”

  “That’s it. Right there … yes, yes.”

  “Thank you so, so much. You are truly the best friend a guy could ask for.”

  Chapter Twenty-Eight



  Daisy has been in her glory for the last couple of months since Brendan asked her to help plan their wedding, especially after I offered to have the whole thing at my house. The property outside of my house has been completely transformed with wedding decor and flowers. I have to admit, it’s beautiful. Brendan and Kalvin kept sending money, and we made the rest happen. We—as in— the ladies. I’m not much of a wedding planner.

  “I can’t believe they’re getting married. I know this is all Brendan has ever wanted, and I’m glad they were able to work out their little snafu,” Scarlett shouts from the bedroom as I comb my hair back, making sure all the pieces are placed neatly. Scarlett told me I wasn’t allowed to have sex hair today. “Crap, Austin. I can’t zip my dress all the way up.”

  “Says the girl who never needs help with anything. Odd.”

  “No, I’m pretty sure the dressmaker is a dude who only thinks about the fashion, not the function of this damn zipper.”

  “I’ll be right in,” I tell her.

  I add a little more hair wax to the sides and tell myself I look pretty good. I don’t remember the last time I had to get this dressed up. I don’t think I’ve been to a wedding since I was a kid.

  I head into the bedroom, finding Scarlett in a royal blue, skintight, knee-length dress. Her hair is clipped up loosely with curls dangling over her shoulders. She looks over at me with dark-lined eyes and red lipstick, and I fall in love with this girl all over again. How in the hell did I get this lucky?

  “Damn, you are gorgeous.”

  “Wow, look at you,” she says, breathlessly. I’ve amped up my fashion statement for the wedding. She asked me to, and I can’t say no to her. I bought a blue blazer along with white dress slacks. She picked up the light blue complimentary dress shirt, a brown leather belt, and matching dress shoes.

  I try not to smile, but I can’t help it. “Thank you.” I twirl my finger in the air, so she turns around. The zipper is halfway up, so I pull it up to the top and fasten the clasp. “I don’t think you’ll be able to get this dress off later.”

  “I think that’s okay,” she says, glancing over her shoulder at me. “I can probably find someone to help me out of it.”

  I bite down on my lip, squinting an eye at her. She knows just how to toy with me at the wrong times. I take a breath and give her another once over since I’m already worked up. “What is on your feet?” I ask her.

  “What does it look like?”

  “Are you wearing cowboy boots?”

  “Brendan's request for the maid of honor.”

  “No heels?” I ask.

  “No heels,” she confirms. “Which reminds me, I should go check on Brendan. He’s probably freaking out.”

  “Probably. I’ll go see how Kalvin is doing,” I tell her.

  With all the extra rooms in this house, it makes for a good guest space. In fact, the thought of how much space is here has gone through my mind so many times over the years. It hasn’t felt as empty lately with Scarlett here, but for years before that, it seemed like every time I yelled at Waldo for something, my voice bounced off every wall of this house.

  I walk up the stairs and head into the room Kalvin is getting ready in. “How are you doin’, man?”

  “Nervous,” he says, straightening his tie.

  “I’m sure that’s normal,” I tell him.

  “I’m not nervous about the wedding part,” he says, still staring into the mirror.

  “What’s going on?”

  “There’s something in my vows that is going to be a surprise to Brendan. I know he’ll be happy about it, but there’s a part of me that’s worried things could go in the opposite direction.”

  I sit down carefully on the edge of the bed, making sure I don’t wrinkle the jacket. “Do you want to tell me what it is, and I can give you my opinion?”

o, he has to be the first to hear it,” Kalvin says.

  “Yeah, but in front of everyone? Do you think that’s what Brendan would want?”

  “Have you met him?” Kalvin asks, laughing nervously.

  “I have,” I say, laughing in agreement.

  “He loves that kind of attention.”

  “Well, it sounds like you know him well enough that whatever you have planned will make him happy.”

  “I hope so.”

  There’s a knock on the door and I turn, finding Daisy and Clara in their Sunday finest. “Ladies, you look lovely,” I tell them.

  “Look at you, cleaning up all nice and handsome, yourself,” Clara says.

  “I guess it has to happen sometimes.”

  “The Justice of the Peace is here and everything is set up downstairs.”

  “Awesome, I’ll be right down.”

  As they leave, I stand up and place my hand on Kalvin’s shoulder. “Everything is going to be great. You shouldn’t worry.”

  “Austin?” Kalvin asks as I turn to leave.

  “What’s up?”

  “I hope this isn’t awkward for me to ask, but would you be my best man? I didn’t consider who to ask seeing as I’m marrying my actual best man.” He laughs as his cheeks turn red.

  “I would be honored. Where are the rings?”

  “On the dresser behind you.”

  I see the two boxes and head over to grab them.

  “Thank you, Austin. You’ve been a good friend these last few months.”

  “I feel the same,” I tell him. “I’ll see you at the altar. Take a deep breath and just know whatever decision you make is the right one. You’ve made it this far.”

  “You’re right,” he says, taking a deep breath.

  I jog down the stairs, seeing Scarlett walk out the front door with Waldo on her heels. He definitely shouldn’t be at this wedding.

  “Scarlett,” I yell after her. She doesn’t hear me with the door closing at the same time. I run outside, finding the space filled with guests. How are there so many people here with both Brendan and Kalvin being from out of town? Holy crap. I catch up to Scarlett and take her arm. “Waldo should probably stay inside.”

  “No, he’s the ring bearer,” she says.

  “No, he’s not,” I tell her.

  “It’s too late. I already tied a pillow to his collar.”

  “That doesn’t mean it’s too late,” I argue.

  “Come on, have a little faith in him,” she says.

  “Scarlett, he chases butterflies. I don’t have faith in him.”

  “Fine,” she says, leaning down to unhook the pillow from his collar. “You can be the ring bearer.” She shoves the pillow into my chest.

  “I can’t. I’m the Best Man.”

  “No, you’re not,” she says, laughing.

  “Kalvin just asked me,” I tell her.

  “Oh my God, that is seriously the sweetest thing ever.” She places her hand on her bare chest and pouts her lips. “That makes my heart happy.” She smiles and looks down the aisle. “Well, I guess Waldo is back to being the ring bearer.”

  “Come on, Scarlett. You’re asking for a disaster.”

  “I trained him. I swear.”

  “No, you didn’t,” I tell her.

  “I did.” She leans down to scratch behind his ears and he sits down, wagging his tail while gazing up at her like he loves her.

  “Back off, Waldo,” I tell him. “Okay, it’s on you if he destroys anything. I have to go stand at the altar.”

  I give Scarlett a kiss on her cheek and head down the aisle, feeling a little weird as everyone turns their attention to me. Suddenly, the thought hits me—marriage doesn’t look so scary right now.

  I turn and face everyone, holding my hands down in front of my waist, and Jack waves at me from his seat next to Scarlett’s mom. I still can’t quite wrap my head around that.

  A quartet is starting to play the chosen music, and I spot Waldo walking slowly down the aisle, like right down the center, holding the pillow with his mouth. He’s so agile, and I have no clue in the world how Scarlett managed to train him to do what he’s doing. He walks right up to me and sits down. I take the rings and eyeball him, wondering what the hell is going through his head. Regardless, I pet him on the head and tell him he’s a good boy.

  Scarlett slowly makes her way down the aisle with a bouquet of lilies in her hand, and my heart jumps into my throat with the thought that she could be walking toward me like this for our wedding someday. If I wasn’t sure before, I’m sure now that I need to marry this girl. As if she can hear my thoughts, her eyes zone in on me, and her eyebrow slightly arches, as if she’s thinking the same thing.

  The music changes, and Kalvin and Brendan walk down the aisle, holding hands. They are completely smitten by one other, and it’s nice to see them so happy.

  As the vows are being exchanged, and I’m staring at Scarlett and the smile on her face. Then I remember there’s something hidden within Kalvin’s vows, and it’s going to be a showstopper from the way he made it sound, so I tune in.

  “I’m lucky to have you to spend the rest of my life with,” Kalvin says to Brendan. “I can’t imagine navigating alone, especially when we bring our daughter home.”

  Holy—record scratch.

  Brendan’s eyes look like they’re about to fall out of his head, and I’m not sure what reaction is working its way out.

  “What?” he asks.

  Scarlett’s shock value is about the same as Brendan’s. She obviously had no idea this topic was on the table.

  My heart kind of stops as I wait for someone to say something.

  “The adoption agency called and said they found a match for us.” Okay, that must mean Brendan knew.

  Brendan tears up and cups his hands around his mouth. “A girl?” he confirms again.

  Kalvin takes his hands and takes in a deep breath. “Yes. She was just born.”

  “Oh my God,” Brendan says. “I’m going to be a dad?”

  “We’re going to be dads,” Kalvin corrects him.

  All the guests are cheering and clapping in their seats, and the Justice of the Peace clears his throat to bring their attention back to the ceremony, which isn’t finished yet.

  The ceremony concludes in the traditional fashion, and there’s a storm of flower petals shooting into the air as Brendan and Kalvin run back down the aisle.

  Scarlett and I meet in the middle. I grab her hand and Waldo’s collar, feeling like we were the ones who just tied the knot.

  “That was amazing,” she says.

  “I’m really happy for them,” I say with a sigh. “It’s too bad you only like to think about a day at a time.”

  “I know, it’s a shame,” she says.

  “You don’t ever want to get married?”

  “I didn’t say that,” Scarlett says, looking at me with confusion.

  “How do you suppose you go and get married without thinking past the current day?”

  By the look on her face, you’d think I popped her balloon full of life’s plans. “I don’t know. I guess I just assumed I’d get engaged someday. Maybe I’d hire a wedding planner, then just show up when I’m told to.”

  “You’re kidding, right?” I ask her, cocking my head to the side.

  “Maybe a little.”

  “For someone who likes to be in control of everything, I don’t foresee the slightest chance of that happening.”

  “What if we just woke up one day and decided to get married?” she asks.

  I shake my head with a smirk. “Nope.”

  “What do you mean nope?”

  “There are some things in life you can’t control,” I tell her.

  “That’s not true,” she argues. “Well, maybe it is, but when it comes to getting married, you can do it whenever you want.”

  “Hmm, well, I’ll just take my chances then.”

  “What is that supposed to mean?” she asks, becoming utt
erly flustered.

  “I don’t even know.” I shrug.

  “Austin, don’t toy with my emotions.”

  “Okay, I won’t play games.”

  “Austin … are you suggesting we get married?”

  “I didn’t say that!”

  She groans. “You’re a pain in the ass.”

  “To think … they say opposites attract. Clearly, ‘they’ don’t know us too well.”

  “I’m not a pain in the ass,” she argues.

  Chapter Twenty-Nine



  Thinking back through this last year, it’s funny to think how everything started. I didn’t think twice when I saw the banner go up for the ice cream festival. I’m not sure I’ll be trying anymore “Cold Sweat” ice cream, but maybe we can at least try a few others this year.

  “Do you know this is only the second time I’ve gone to this festival since I was a kid?” Austin says.

  “What is wrong with you?” I ask him. “It’s ice cream. Who would avoid this?”

  “I’ve got a busy life,” he says.

  “The hospital is two blocks away, and you have breaks. It’s ice cream, don’t act inhuman.”

  We’re making our way up and down the rows, looking for flavors that spark our attention. We agreed not to start a battle of who can be tougher tonight, so I’m curiously looking for something that might actually taste good.

  “Mr. Austin,” I hear a young girl’s voice. “Do you remember me?”

  Austin turns around, finding a girl who must be around ten years old. “Of course, I remember you. Candace. How is that arm of yours? The burns must have all healed up by now, right?”

  “Yes, sir,” she says, smiling shyly. “I saw you over here and I just wanted to thank you for helping me last year.”

  “You are very welcome, I tell her. Hopefully, you’ve avoided sneaking out at night since then,” Austin says, smiling at her with a wink.


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