Deadly Forever (Hardy Brothers Security Book 24)

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Deadly Forever (Hardy Brothers Security Book 24) Page 19

by Lily Harper Hart

  “I’m not lying,” Kaspar said. “He left this morning. He said he would handle you guys himself and he was done with me. He didn’t need me any longer.” Kaspar snorted, his eyes taking on a far-off quality. “In fact, I’m going to bet he’s the one who made sure you could find me here. He wanted your attention on me so he could make his getaway.”

  “Is that what he’s doing?” James asked. “Is he running?”

  Kaspar shrugged. “He said he was going to handle you first. That’s all that I know. He said he was going to go to your office and make you pay. He was angry because you messed with his plans.”

  James stilled, anxiety coursing through him. “He was going to go to my office? When? Today?”

  “I have no idea.”

  James licked his lips as he swiveled, his mind busy. “If Jacob really did make it so we could more easily discover his father, that means he was planning this takedown as a distraction all along.”

  “It also means he’s probably already at the office,” Peter pointed out.

  “And so is Mandy,” James said, his heart shredding. “Son of a … !”

  “YOU’RE JACOB Kaspar?” Mandy worked overtime to control her rising panic.

  “I am,” Jacob confirmed, his odd gray eyes more dead than alive. “And you must be Amanda Avery-Hardy. I have to say, the pictures on the internet don’t do you justice.”

  “I guess I’ll have to lodge a complaint with Google,” Mandy said dryly.

  “I would,” Jacob shot back. “Of course, you won’t be alive long enough to do that.”

  Mandy’s heart rolled at his cold words. She’d been through so many terrifying situations, though, that she refused to let Jacob frighten her into making an awful mistake. “What are you even doing here? Shouldn’t you be running with your father?”

  “I’m sure my father is already in custody,” Jacob said, clasping his hands behind his back as he wandered through the office. He seemed keen to explore, almost relaxed, but Mandy didn’t buy that for a second. “I made sure that people would know where he was. I wanted him to be discovered.”

  “Wow, what a great son,” Mandy mocked. “I’ll bet he buys you a terrific Christmas present this year.”

  “I don’t really care what he thinks,” Jacob said, glancing into James’ office. “I see you’re alone. That’s probably good for what I have planned.”

  Mandy stilled. Alone? Where did Maverick go? Was he hiding under the desk? Still, the fact that Jacob believed she was on her own was probably a good thing. The problem was, Mandy couldn’t really picture Maverick as her saving grace. He didn’t have the balls to take on a sociopathic youth. She would have to handle this situation on her own.

  “And what do you have planned?” Mandy was proud that her voice belied no fear. It was strong and steady.

  “I’m going to kill you and put you on display for your husband to find,” Jacob replied, not missing a beat. “I figure if you’re naked and ripped to shreds, that will put him off his game. Then I’m going to play with him for a bit before I do the same to him.”

  Mandy was shocked by his blasé tone. “Do you really think you’ll be able to get the better of James?”

  “I’ve been doing research on you since that day at the mall,” Jacob answered. “It seems that your husband is very good at his job, but you’re apparently his weakness. I get being good at your job. I get being a professional. What I don’t get is emotional weakness. That … baffles me.”

  “I’m guessing a lot of things baffle you,” Mandy said. “You seemed to be confused in general.”

  “Is this your way of talking me down?” Jacob asked, shifting so he was facing Mandy. “Are you trying to enrage me so I’ll attack and you’ll have a shot at catching me off guard? That’s what you did with Lance Pritchard, right? He was caught off guard by your actions and you somehow managed to kill him.”

  “He was drunk, too.”

  “Ah, well, that makes sense,” Jacob said. “You’ll find I’m not prone to dramatic outbursts. You won’t be able to catch me off guard.”

  Mandy pressed her lips together, uncertain. In truth, Jacob Kaspar was so cold he worried her. He didn’t seem like the type of kid who would panic. Of course, she did have backup – however minimal – in the form of Maverick. She had no choice but to use that to her advantage. James wouldn’t return to the office for hours. She couldn’t rely on him to save her.

  “Psst. Jacob?”


  “I’m betting I can catch you off guard,” Mandy said, forcing a grim smile onto her face. “Do you want to know how?”

  “Certainly,” Jacob replied calmly. “I’m a student of human behavior. I’m dying to know how you plan to make your last stand.”

  “That’s good,” Mandy said, cracking her neck. “I’m not alone. There’s someone else here.”

  Jacob raised an eyebrow. “Who?”

  “The computer guy,” Mandy replied. “He’s here. He’s the one who uncovered your hacking attempt.”

  “I see.” Jacob looked as if he wanted to remain calm, but he couldn’t stop himself from glancing over his shoulder. The second he did, Mandy grabbed the glass candy bowl from the center of the table and smashed it against his head.

  Jacob staggered, the blow stunning him. Unfortunately for Mandy, he didn’t fall to the ground. That didn’t stop her from doing what she had to do. So she launched herself at him and fought as if her life depended on it … because it did.

  JAMES WAS a nervous wreck when he hit the parking lot. Jake had barely slowed down the vehicle when James jumped out of it and raced toward the door. His head was muddled, afraid he would find something truly terrible when he made it to the other side of the entryway.

  Mandy could be dead. Jacob was a textbook sociopath. He would enjoy nothing more than killing her and leaving her for James to find. James knew that Mandy was industrious, but Jacob looked like a typical teenager. She might not realize what he was until it was too late.

  James sucked in a breath when he stormed through the door, pulling up short when he saw Mandy and Maverick sitting on the couch together. The office was in disarray – as was Mandy’s hair – and the duo appeared to be sharing a chocolate bar.


  Mandy’s eyes widened when she saw him. “I was expecting the police. What are you doing here?”

  “Kaspar told us about Jacob,” James said, taking another step into the room. “Did he attack? Are you okay?”

  “I’m fine,” Mandy said, waving off his concern. “I didn’t even break a fingernail.”

  “She did, however, break the candy bowl,” Maverick said. He looked paler than usual, which was saying something because he wasn’t known for spending time outdoors. “She cracked it over that dude’s head.”

  “Uh-huh.” James felt as if he was in a surreal dream and he couldn’t figure out what was happening. Mandy and Maverick were far too calm. “You called the police? Did Jacob run when you did that?”

  Mandy shook her head and pointed toward James’ office. “He’s in there.”

  James kept one eye on Mandy as he walked toward the office, finally focusing his full attention on the scene there. He raised his eyebrows when he caught sight of Jacob – who was tied to the couch by his feet and ankles. James leaned closer as Jacob spit in his direction, the teenager fighting his restraints with everything he had.

  “I’m going to kill her,” Jacob howled. “I’m going to make her eat her own guts.”

  “Quiet,” James ordered, kicking the teenager in the ribs for good measure. He was already battered and bloody. James was convinced that one more injury couldn’t possibly come back to haunt him. “Baby? Did you use Maverick’s belt and your shoelaces to tie up Jacob?”


  “How did you manage to do that?” James asked, appearing in the doorway.

  “Well, I hit him with the bowl, but he didn’t go down,” Mandy replied. “Then I hit him with the coat rack.” />
  “She hit him like eight times with the coat rack,” Maverick interjected. “It was very cool.”

  “He still didn’t pass out, though, so Maverick whacked him with your computer,” Mandy added. “It’s broken, by the way. I’ll pay to have it replaced.”

  James’ heart filled with warmth at her serene expression and he was on her within seconds, his hand wrapped around her wrist as he jerked her toward him. She inadvertently stepped on Maverick thanks to James’ haste, causing the computer guru to grunt in pain. “I love you, baby. Good job.”

  “I’m sorry about your computer,” Mandy said, patting his back. “The police should be here any second, too. I called them.”

  James pulled back and shoved Mandy’s messy hair out of her face. “Why didn’t you call me?”

  “Because you were busy.”

  James made a face. “I’m never too busy for you, wife. You must know that.”

  “I do know that,” Mandy said. “I just figured the whole thing was more streamlined this way. You got his father, right?”

  James nodded. “We got both of them.” He pulled her in for another hug, glancing over his shoulder and smiling when Jake raced into the room. “It’s good. My baby took care of him.”

  Jake took a moment to adjust to the news. “Of course she did,” he said after a beat. “She’s a miracle worker, right?”

  “She’s just a plain old miracle,” James said, kissing her forehead. “She’s my miracle.”

  “Always,” Mandy murmured into his chest.

  “Forever, my baby. Always and forever.”



  “Do you know what you’re doing yet?”

  James stood at the foot of their bed shortly before seven and watched Mandy’s silhouette move in the bathroom. She couldn’t see him. She was getting ready for the bachelorette party – which no longer existed – and he found he was strangely nervous.

  “We’re just going to hang out and play cards,” James answered automatically. “We’ll probably have a few drinks.”

  “Are you going to a bar?” Mandy sounded distracted.

  “We’re going to hang out in the guesthouse, baby,” James said. “We don’t really want to deal with a bar.”

  “That doesn’t sound like much fun,” Mandy said. James had no idea what she was doing in the bathroom, but she looked to be applying makeup of some sort. “This is the second-to-last night of freedom for those guys. You should at least go out to a bar or something. No strippers, though.”

  James chuckled. “No strippers, baby. No one is interested in strippers.”


  “Well, he might be interested in strippers,” James conceded. “He’s more interested in what we already have planned, though.”

  “Okay.” Mandy didn’t sound convinced. “I don’t want to hear any crying when we’re talking about our amazingly fun evening tomorrow, though. You guys had your chance.”

  “Something tells me we’ll be fine,” James said, his heart hopping when he realized Mandy was moving toward the door.

  “How do I look?” Mandy froze when she found James standing at the edge of their bed. He was dressed in a tuxedo – which looked to be new – and holding a plastic container in one hand and a garment bag in the other. “I … what is this?”

  “You look beautiful, wife,” James said, smiling. “You always look beautiful, though.”

  “Thank you,” Mandy said, licking her lips. “What is this, though?”

  “I can’t tell you yet,” James said, smirking as he extended the arm with the garment bag. “It will ruin the surprise.”

  “But … I don’t understand.” Mandy knit her eyebrows together as she took the bag. “Am I supposed to put this on?”

  “You are.”

  “But why?”

  “Because I have a surprise for you,” James replied, not missing a beat.

  “You know I hate surprises,” Mandy grumbled. Despite her best intentions, though, she looked intrigued.

  “You don’t hate surprises,” James countered. “You hate that I managed to hide something from you. There’s a difference.”

  “Not much of one,” Mandy said, her blue eyes curious when they locked with his. “What about the bachelorette party? If I miss it, Ally is never going to forgive me. I know you want to keep me close after what happened this afternoon, but I really am okay.”

  “I know you’re okay,” James said, keeping his voice even. “You’re always okay, baby. You have an amazing recovery rate. I think you might be a little bit magical.”

  Mandy’s smile was wry. “I think you’re pouring on the charm and it’s completely unnecessary. How about I promise to be home early and you can surprise me then? I’m not really interested in getting falling-down drunk.”

  “How about you put on that dress for me instead?”

  “But … I can’t abandon Ally,” Mandy said, her tone pleading. The last thing she wanted to do was let down her husband but ignoring Ally right before her big day would be unforgivable. “She’s my best friend. She wants me with her. I honestly think Sophie and Emma would forego this ritual, but Ally is another story.”

  “Ally is already handled,” James explained. “Jake has a surprise for her.”

  “What about Emma and Sophie?”

  “They’re getting the same surprise, wife,” James said. “I swear you’re going to love what’s about to happen. I need you to do something for me first, though, and you’re wasting time.”

  “I … .” Mandy broke off and chewed her lip. She looked adorable. “What do you need me to do?”

  “I need you to put on this dress and then come out here and let me take you to your surprise,” James replied. “I also need you to stay away from the windows until we get downstairs.”

  Mandy’s eyes lit up and she immediately started moving toward the bedroom window, but James stopped her with a firm head shake.

  “I worked hard on this, baby,” James said. “I did this for you and I’m asking you to wait until we get downstairs.”

  Mandy stilled. “I really do hate surprises.”

  “You’re going to love this one. I promise.”

  Mandy blew out a heavy sigh. “Okay,” she said after a beat. “I’m going to put on this dress and wait to look outside. If this is some freaky dress-up game, though, I might need a drink.”

  James chuckled, delighted. “I love how you say you’ll need a drink if I have something freaky planned but not that you won’t do it.”

  “Where you go, I go.”

  James’ heart felt like it expanded in size as love flowed through him. “Get in your dress. I promise this is going to be a night you’ll never forget.”

  “I CAN’T see.”

  “I’ve got you,” James said ten minutes later, slipping his arm around Mandy’s waist and helping her to the bottom of the stairs. “We’re almost there.”

  “I really am going to have a meltdown soon,” Mandy warned, her eyes screwed shut. “I can’t take much more of this.”

  “Just two more minutes, baby,” James said. “He positioned her in front of the sliding glass doors and opened the plastic container he’d managed to keep mostly hidden despite her rampant curiosity. He pulled out the corsage and slipped it around her wrist, enjoying the delightful way she quirked her nose.

  “What is that?”

  “Part of your surprise.”

  “Can I look yet?” Mandy whined.

  “One minute, baby,” James said, carefully slipping his arm around her waist as he tugged her toward the door. “We’re almost there. Wait for it. I just need to open this door and your surprise will be right there. You’re so very close.”

  “You sound nervous.”

  “I’m not nervous.”

  “You babble when you’re nervous.”

  James made a face she couldn’t see as he helped her down the steps. Once her feet were firmly on the patio cement, he glanced around the backyard maste
rpiece one final time and smiled. “Open your eyes, baby.”

  Mandy didn’t have to be told twice. She snapped open her eyes and gasped as she glanced around, her heart seizing in her chest. “James … I … what did you do?”

  “Welcome to your dream prom, baby,” James said, his chest puffed out as pride and delight washed over him. “You were right about me seeing you in your dress and falling in love in an instant, by the way. The second I saw you I fell in love all over again.”

  Mandy whirled, her eyes sparkling and excited. “You did this for me?”

  “I did this for us,” James clarified. “I want you to have the perfect prom and I want to be there with you this time.”

  “But … you got balloon arches … and a disc jockey … and there are sharks everywhere.”

  “You’re under the sea,” James teased. “That’s a prom theme, right?”

  Mandy bit her bottom lip and nodded. “You did it for me, though.”

  “Oh, wife, I would do anything to make you smile.” James planted a firm kiss on her lips. “Red Lobster is catering tonight and everything. I mean, what’s an under the sea prom without shrimp, crab legs, and lobster?”

  “Oh, you’re going to get so lucky!” Mandy threw her arms around his neck as he held her close and laughed. He could feel her heart pounding against his and then she gasped and stiffened in his arms.

  James glanced over his shoulder and smirked when he saw Jake leading Ally to the patio. “Oh, I almost forgot to tell you, everyone else is coming, too.”

  Mandy raised an eyebrow. “Everyone?”

  “Mom and Dad have the baby,” James replied. “They offered to chaperone because they thought it would be funny, but I didn’t think anyone wanted to add that level of mayhem to tonight’s festivities. Finn, Emma, Grady, and Sophie are on their way.”

  “What a fun night,” Mandy enthused.

  “Oh, and Maverick asked Darcy and they’re coming, too,” James added, rubbing his thumb down Mandy’s cheek. “She agreed to be his date. He told me to make sure everyone knows that when the story of today’s action hits the conversational circuit, he’s supposed to be the hero. He wants Darcy to know that and he says you’re always the hero so it’s his time to shine.”


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