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Trinkets Page 2

by Lizbeth Dusseau

“Tell him you’d like to suck him off.”

  “Now?” she questioned, her eyes shimmering with nervous anticipation.

  “Yes, now,” he replied. “When he agrees, drop down under his table and get him off.”

  Though the demand was startling, she didn’t balk. “Do you know him?” she wondered.

  “Does it matter?” he quipped, as his eyes seemed to drive her from her seat in search of her first submissive assignment.

  Finally pulling herself from the chair, Tessa approached the darkly pensive man in the pinstripe suit. As the two briefly conversed, Miles witnessed Tessa’s good work, seeing the young man smile, a bashful blush rising on his cheek. Then, without hesitation, Tessa adroitly dropped to the floor and scooted under the tablecloth, following through with her assignment. The poor fellow could hardly contain his arousal as the sexy slut worked his randy member into hard throbbing piece. Thankfully, no one noticed except the attentive Miles Bryce—who did so unashamedly. The young man’s last gasp of contentment was an audible sign of satisfaction; and seconds later, Tessa, with hardly a hair out of place, was strolling back to Miles, a pleased, amused and sweetly triumphant look on her pretty face.

  “You didn’t think I’d do it?” she asked Miles, while waving back to her appreciative lover.

  “I assumed you would,” Miles said, unimpressed by her willingness. He pulled to his feet. “Let’s go.”

  Hand in hand, the two moved from the café onto a bustling city sidewalk, climbing inside Miles’ chauffeur driven car.

  “Between my legs,” Tessa.

  She was on her knees as he pulled her dress over her hips, her back and then over her head, leaving her naked except for black stockings and a rose-colored garter-belt. She wanted to please him, to see the approval written in his eyes, but he was far too cold and restrained to give himself away. He examined her carefully, then pulled at her nipples, Tessa reacting without thinking, drawing herself away from the pain.

  He slapped her face.

  “Don’t ever do that again!”

  The stinging sensation ran the gamut of her body, from cheek to breast to cunt. She would have taken more and given in to the excitement generated through her body; but he wouldn’t slap her again without provocation.

  “Put your arms behind you and keep them there,” he ordered.

  Tessa obeyed, grasping her hands together at the small of her back, thrusting her bare chest toward the man in the seat, so that he could fondle her with his urgent hand. One slipped down to grasp her cunt, while the other roved her flesh at will, as he leaned in to kiss her parted, panting lips.

  “You’re nervous,” he noticed her trembling.

  “This is so new.”

  “It should please you.”

  “It does,” she answered, body shuddering, even as his warm hands held her securely.

  The limousine sped through traffic at a hurried pace. Though the darkened windows wouldn’t reveal their performance for an audience on the busy street, Miles’ initiate was aware of her nakedness, as if all the world could see her trembling between Miles’ knees.

  “Look at me,” he demanded, eyes fixed on hers. She was raw with desire, her responses becoming more fluid and less hesitant, as she lost herself in the rising sexual heat. He tugged her pubic hair, and she moaned. He slapped her rear, and she jerked against him. He grazed her lips with his teeth, and she bit him back. He drove her body with relentless zeal, his satisfaction drawn from the wanton slut now emerging from the cocoon of remaining propriety.

  Without warning, the limousine jerked to a stop.

  “Sir, we’re here,” the driver spoke through the intercom.

  “We’ll be here a while, be back in an hour,” Miles instructed him.

  Tessa reached for her dress but Miles stopped her with his hand, “No.”

  His suit coat, lying in the seat next to him, became her dress, its cool satin lining making her shiver as she put it on. As long as the dress she’d worn, the coat was ample cover, except that the deep neckline plunged low and wide leaving half her breasts exposed; and with any movement at all, the sifting fabric allowed her nipples to peek from inside..

  “How novel!” was all she could think to say—knowing at the same time that she was pleasing Miles, and that mattered significantly now.

  Crossing the street was exhilarating—even though most of the passersby hardly noticed the indecent sight of the blonde with the full lips and the half naked breasts, walking in nothing but a man’s suit coat.

  They pair stopped at the door of a small salon tucked between a Chinese grocery and an upscale beauty parlor. Entering the shop, the front door rattled and the bell inside tinkled like a chime. Behind a desk, an exotic black woman sat as if she was waiting for them all day. Her wares were ethnic artwork hanging on the walls, baskets along the floor and gold jewelry artfully displayed inside a glass case. The air was filled with heat, and the smell of exotic perfume coming from the woman’s body.

  “I told you about Tessa,” Miles said, showing the statuesque woman the smiling blonde in his suit jacket. “This is Maya,” he made the simple introduction.

  The proprietress was attired in a draping, clinging, sensuous garment, colored in vibrating exotic hues—red, burgundy and mauve that blended with her dark, chocolate skin. Gold dangled from her ears, bedecked each long slender finger and pierced her nose with a tiny ring. Tessa could see the woman’s smooth body through the fabric of her dress, especially as she walked toward them through the tiny sliver of sun that bolted in the shop’s front window. She was nude underneath, appearing to Tessa like a tribal flower, straight from foreign jungles—though her thick voice was clearly American.

  “So white,” Maya said, fondling Tessa’s golden locks, which billowed about her shoulders. The woman stood before the beauty engaged in some purpose that only she and Miles understood. Tessa’s Dom watched the black woman inspect his lover with careful attention to every aspect of her body, as she parted the top of the suit coat to view Tessa’s chest, to appraise her full breasts and the nipples.

  “You want these pierced?” she asked.

  “Yes,” he answered.

  Maya pushed the coat off Tessa’s shoulders to better view the woman’s bodice, her gaze trailing down to Tessa’s trim waist, and the classic curve of her flat abdomen below. While the coat rested at Tessa’s waist, covering her upper thighs and pubic mound, she was otherwise quite naked, eyed like another of Maya’s trinkets.

  “She’s your submissive?” Maya prodded the fleshy breasts and pinched the nipples as Miles had done, and then took Tessa’s face in her hand, inspecting the line of her jaw and startling dark eyes.

  Miles nodded in reply to Maya’s question.

  “Then you’ll want her pierced below, too,” she said, ready to remove the coat completely in order to inspect the nether regions of Tessa’s body.

  “No, not today,” Miles answered without explanation.

  “Ah, too bad,” the woman grimaced her disappointment. “She’s like rich cream—and so unadorned. But perhaps you’ll let me have her again?” She looked toward Miles, hopefully.

  “Perhaps,” he nodded.

  Taking Tessa by the hand, Maya led her to a stool behind her desk.

  “Sit,” she ordered.

  Miles coat still draped the hesitant Tessa below her waist, leaving her torso vulnerable to the eyes of anyone who passed by on the street, and glanced in the window. She looked at Miles, while Maya turned to her worktable preparing the jewelry that would soon adorn the submissive’s nipples. Tessa viewed the man as her conqueror; he’s so quickly climbed inside her elemental self and become the master of her body—and even her thoughts. With his cool detachment, he’d caused her sexual fires to roar. She’d become his prize, his acquisition, his to do with as he chose. She’d dreamed of such subjection, though living it was quite different than fantasy. Something about the reality made her more silent and more sultry, as she waited for Miles’ next command.

  Tessa cringed from the chill of cold disinfectant applied to her nipples, then shuddered as Maya pinched them between her cotton-covered fingers. The cold air made them colder still, the buds of purple flesh shriveling into knots.

  Tessa eyed the needle—wondering about the prick of the sharp point, and that point jabbing through her flesh. She tried the pain out in her imagination, fear quickly overcoming her poise, “I can’t,” she suddenly voiced.

  “Look at me,” Miles’ voice commanded over her objection. His eyes were icy; his stare astounding for its calming effect. “You’ve given yourself to me, and this is what I want from you now.”

  Tessa bit her lip. She didn’t want to disappoint him, or herself. She wanted to see the gold at her breasts, to feel its hot and cold, to bask in its heavy feel as a reminder of her station as his submissive love. But still, she trembled too much and her eyes watered with tears.

  Maya turned away, and Tessa watched her pour a glass of amber liquid. “Drink this,” she said offering her subject a quick flight to intoxication.

  Tessa took a sip.

  “Gulp it, blonde one, I don’t have all day.” If Maya was annoyed, she showed so only in her words; her sensuous and fluid manner made it appear as if she were floating just inches above the floor.

  Two gulps, the glass was empty, Tessa’s head was spinning and her stomach took a nasty turn.

  “You should beat her ass for being so squeamish,” Maya suggested.

  “I’ll consider it,” was Miles’ reply.

  She was left for several moments sitting on the stool, while Miles and Maya slipped into the back room as the pair waited for the liquor to quell Tessa’s anxious nerves. It must have been some potent brew, for Tessa’s head was soon swimming delightfully, her body seeming to drift away on the sensuous liquor. When the two came back into the room, it was as if they’d awakened her from a sound sleep.

  Maya was quick. This time, the needle rapidly pierced Tessa’s flesh. First one nipple and then the second. She let out a quick gasp each time, her body enduring the exhilarating spike of energy. Only after it was over, did she realize that Miles was at her back, holding her arms firmly to her side so she wouldn’t jerk away. Looking down, she saw the gold studs piercing her nipples, from one side to another, with round gold screwed to the end of each post.

  “She’ll take well to chains and rings, once she’s healed,” Maya said, standing back and admiring her work. The gold sparkled, as the sunlight brought out its brilliance. “Show her off, darling,” Maya said, as she pulled Tessa from the stool, and pulled the suit coat back around her shoulders. “Don’t let them get infected and don’t play with them until they’re healed,” the woman warned Miles.

  “You’re telling me this?” he queried, feigning annoyance.

  “I’m telling her,” Maya bitched back, pointing to the blonde.

  “She’ll behave,” he said, as he took Tessa by the arm. “This should suffice,” he added, as he laid several green bills on her desk. With a seductive gleam in her dark eyes—as if she just been paid for turning a trick, Maya picked them up, counted them, and stuffed them down her dress.

  Even though the shop was hot from the sun, Tessa was shivering. She wanted to leave, as if knowing that staying she might have ended up in the black woman’s bed—not that the prospects of that wouldn’t have been exciting, but she was too shaken by Miles’ world, by the curious throbbing at her breasts, and the strange feel of heavy metal pierced through her body. The liquor made her stomach squeamish, her mind an incoherent blur, and she leaned against her lover for support.

  “I’ll pierce her cunt next time,” Maya insisted as she walked her customers to the door.

  “When she deserves it,” Miles replied wryly, and they exited the shop, Miles eyebrows rising playfully at the woman who was fast disappearing from their view.

  As they pair sat across from each other in the limousine, Miles’ cool mien covered her like a blanket of fog, He stared out the window, while Tessa watched his impassive face.

  Gazing back at her, her finally spoke, “You’ve disappointed me.”

  Had she done something horribly wrong? She wondered. “For hesitating, in the shop?” He didn’t answer.

  “Then you’ll punish me?” she asked.

  “In good time,” he confirmed with pursed lips, “but not until I’m ready.”

  Moments later, the limousine stopped in front of her apartment building and he opened the door.

  “Will I see you again?” she asked.

  He snickered, “Of course. We’ve only begun, my dear Tessa. Just begun.”

  Saying no more, he practically pushed her from the car, if not physically, certainly with his annoyed voice. He never did hand her back her dress, so she flew up the apartment stairs wearing just her stockings, garter belt, and his suit coat. Falling into her bed, she slept for hours.

  The next morning, Tessa opened her eyes to see Martine staring down at her. The covers had strayed during the night, and she was naked to the woman’s inquisitive eyes.

  “Trinket’s on your nipples, how lovely,” she purred like a cat. Leaning down, she gave the right one a good tug.

  “Ouch! That hurts!”

  “Oh, but they do make you look more like yourself.”

  “How’s that?” Tessa asked.

  “You’re the kind of woman who needs to be some man’s sexual trinket,” the saucy minx replied.

  “That’s what Miles would say,” Tessa answered her.

  “Then he must know you well.” Martine snickered as knowingly has Miles had the afternoon before.

  Chapter Four

  Miles invited Tessa to lunch three days later.

  The symbols of his claim to her were becoming more comfortable and less painful each day. With the gold penetrating her nipples, she felt as bound to him as she might feel after being with someone for many years. Even so, Miles Bryce remained a mystery to Tessa Cotille.

  The twinges in her breasts, the occasional throbbing, and especially the passing thoughts of this enigmatic man kept her body at a steamy edge, in anticipation; so much so, that when he called, she was ready to meet him anywhere and to do anything he asked. It was her hope that they would have a first sexual interlude, even if it were only to satisfy his needs and hers were left abandoned, again. Miles, however, saw things differently. Being in control of Tessa was more important to him than hopping into bed for a hasty fuck. He would wait, let the anticipation build, bring their energies to a boiling point before they broke steamily into an act of sexual release.

  They lunched together in an elegant restaurant where they were sequestered in a semi-private booth. She was instructed to scoot in next to another man, Arturo. With Miles at her other side, she was wedged closely between the two; their combined domineering attitudes swam over her like a ocean wave—she became drowned in the sensation of submission.

  “He wants to see your jewelry,” Miles told her, “show him.”

  Tessa stared into the sumptuous face of the dark Italian Arturo. He was cool on the surface, as though he inspected intimate body jewelry every day for lunch, but beneath his nonchalance, Tessa could see the anxiousness in his eye—as if he doubted Miles’ submissive would be so bold as to bare her breasts in a public place. His eyes widened as Tessa began to unbutton her blouse. And with the first buttons undone, he suddenly shoved her hand away and reached inside her blouse, plucking a tit from inside its black lace bra cup and bringing the gold studded nipple into view. He made no remark, as he then reached in the other side of her blouse, and pulled the second breast from its captivity.

  An excited blush rose across the creamy white of Tessa’s neckline and traveled toward her face, while her eyes wandered beyond their table for other voyeuring eyes who might glimpse her naked display.

  Arturo tugged at the gold studs. Tessa gasped soundlessly. Leaning down, her admirer planted his mouth around one nipple, letting his tongue caress the soft skin and the gold. Her body answe
red, cunt and ass squirming against her chair.

  “A fine prize, Miles,” Arturo happily exclaimed as he sat up.

  While their waitress served the gentlemen poached salmon and broccoli soufflé, Tessa self-consciously gazed at her chest, her blouse falling open down the center. Though she was still half-covered, the shine of the gold could hardly be ignored as it glimmered from beneath the thin material of her blouse. Tessa had never been so quite so blatant with her exhibition, especially in such a straight-laced place. Yet, she couldn’t help but feel a naughty pleasure offering herself for whoever cared to look.

  With no food of her own, she ate bites of Miles’ lunch, lovingly presented to her on the end of his fork. Each was pure joy, relished, savored, longingly loved with tongue and mouth, as though she were savoring more than food, tasting a morsel of heaven.

  Her lover gave her wine, small sips that burnished her mouth with a wondrous flavor. In Miles’ company, he’d manipulate her every act, dominate her every thought. With each small step of control, she was wooed to him, anticipation for him grinding at her loins. She longed for some release; but even more, she longed for each new measured step of compliance that brought her closer inside his circle of control.

  Arturo was nothing more than eyes and lips to exhibit for—titillation, a test perhaps? He slipped out before dessert was served, leaving Tessa alone with Miles again.

  How would she bear another awkward silence? Staring, waiting, wondering, nervously expectant.

  “Enough to eat?” he finally asked.

  “Yes,” she hesitated, eye fluttering, teasingly, “But I do have other appetites.” She looked down, staring deliberately at his crotch.

  “That’s good to know, since I have my afternoon free.”

  Miles city studio, a one room garret loft, was a startling contrast to his formal country home. Tessa was amazed to see that it had none of the formality she associated with Miles Bryce. She loved the look, the feel, the smell—she could taste the eroticism in the air. Decorated with dozens of brashly painted canvases hanging on the walls and leaning against each other on the floor, it was bright, and cheery, and erotic in its own unique way.


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