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Trinkets Page 12

by Lizbeth Dusseau

  Finally, she jerked toward his hand as it came down on her cunt, with his fingers instantly penetrating both her holes. Her muscles squeezed against the invasion, as heaving spasms crashed through belly and she came again.

  When she finally relaxed, her body stopped its incessant twitching. Miles was still looking down on her; his expression questioning. Was she finished yet?

  “I get off so much more vividly when you’re here,” she said.

  “That’s the way it’s suppose to be,” he said. “Can you stop long enough for me to take you home?”

  “Home, my god why?” She abruptly turned into a brazen vamp, her lips and eyes pouting coyly, her hands reaching to find where he was hard between his legs. “Don’t you want me to stay?”

  He pushed her hands away.

  “I think you might want to get back to your life?” he said.

  “Isn’t this my life?”

  “I’d hoped you’d feel that way, but I have obligations and so do you.”

  “But I have more time, you asked for several days. Are you reneging? Haven’t I pleased you?” She gushed on until her interrupted her.

  “Shush. I don’t think you have that to worry about. I was referring to other obligations you have to me.”

  “Oh, and what are those?”

  “You’ll see. Right now you need to get dressed.”

  Miles looked down at her legs, this time noticing the welts that Martine had left.

  “How nice,” he observed. “Just as I had hoped.”

  “I haven’t seen them,” Tessa admitted.

  “Avoiding the truth?”

  “I suppose.”

  “Then you’d better get your ass inside and see what your roommate thinks of you.”

  Reminded of Martine, Tessa shivered coldly, the sun choosing that very instant to find a cloud to hide behind, as if that impassioned orb could actually read her thoughts. Pulling herself reluctantly from the lounge, she hastily rushed toward the garret with Miles following closely on her tail.

  Before the mirror, Tessa looked to see the lines of pain between her legs, surprised at how remarkably lovely they looked. They appeared to have been put there by a tender lover, helping her seek some rare ecstasy through the refining fire of pain. She had never thought of Martine as that kind of lover, but there was no escaping the memory of the night before, when the bitch had reached inside her soul with the buggy whip, finding a level of submission so unexpected that it had taken her by surprise. To be that willing with a woman she sometimes loved, sometimes despised, astonished her. Yet, the fact remained, she willingly allowed herself to be punished by Martine and her own body encouraged the act.

  “Martine punished you with remarkable affection,” Miles observed.

  “Yes, she did” Tessa admitted.

  “So, perhaps you two can take off your guns and holsters and enjoy each other?”

  “We did last night . . . eventually,” Tessa smiles.

  “It was good for you both.”

  Tessa had to agree.

  “Now get dressed, love, we have places to go.”

  The two wound about the city streets, stopping for a brief moment at a small deli, where Miles picked up bagels and juice for breakfast. They ate in the car, chatting about normal things, like a normal couple, until he pulled up in front of Maya’s shop.

  The moment Tessa saw the salon, she knew what was going to happen. “I’ve earned more?”

  “Your willingness last night, the whipping, your yielding—yes, you’ve earned more.”

  “It’s going to hurt, isn’t it?” she asked nervously.

  “It could. But less so if you’re relaxed, let’s not have a repeat of the past.” His reply sounded more like a threat than assurance. She would have preferred that he phrase the thought in a more soothing vein.

  It was clear from the outset, however, that this would not be a repeat of her initial session with Maya. First, Tessa felt very different. Just walking in the door, she noticed how much she’d changed. She was hardly the innocent initiate any more, and that realization comforted her. The very idea of having her nether regions pierced as her nipples had been was an idea that made her cunt respond instantly. Taking something that was once just fantasy into the real world was much less threatening than it had been in the past. Besides her internal changes, there were other differences between this time and the first. While the shop itself was much as it had been before, upon entering, Miles immediately took her to a back room behind the outer salon. The atmosphere in this closed dark place was almost sinister, the way incense burned and candles glowed, and there was a heavy, mysterious feel around her. The mood was more intriguing, but also more frightening.

  Even Miles changed. His once friendly demeanor vanished, replaced by a coldness Tessa knew well. He brusquely placed her in Maya’s hands as if she was so much merchandize to be dispensed with.

  “Pierce her cunt, above her clitoris,” he said, “and place rings through her inner labia. I want them to hang down noticeably.”

  “A little showpiece,” Maya suggested, quite delighted with the prospect of Miles’ proposal.

  “Will Vincent be here to do her?” Miles asked.

  “Soon. I expect him back shortly. You don’t plan to watch?”

  “No, I have an appointment. When you’re finished, let her rest. I’ll pick her up when I’m ready. And Maya,” he added sarcastically, “don’t make it too painful, remember how delicate she is.”

  Tessa wondered if his quick mood change was a show for Maya, or for her. Or whether it might be his former exasperation with her in the salon suddenly surfacing again. Either way, he left without saying anything to her, making her feel like a piece of clothing, left for alterations.

  “Vincent will like the color of her pussy,” Maya reminded Miles, as he was almost out the door.

  Miles remained expressionless. “Then let him have it,” he said. Without another word, he was gone.

  Turning back to the frightened submissive, Maya grinned triumphantly. “Well, my little trinket, we’ll be adorning your cunt this time.” She tugged the short skirt Tessa was wearing until it was bunched around her waist. “A little glitter will do this pale skin good.” She inspected her more carefully. “Oh, my! Look at those stripes! Only a good whip would do them so deeply.” She ran a long black finger against the sensitive skin. “And I like this, no hair. All the better to show off your new jewelry.”

  Tessa remained silent as the black woman pawed her freely, and then pulled down the shirt Tessa was wearing to see the studs at her nipples.

  “Ah! Yes,” she exclaimed delighted. “I’ll give you another pair. Nice rings, just above these,” she said, tugging at one of the studs.

  “He didn’t say that,” Tessa objected.

  “But he won’t object, will he?”

  The woman was in control and it was pointless to argue with her. Maya seemed as sure of her plans as Miles was of his.

  “Who’s Vincent?” Tessa asked.

  “My husband. He does pussy, it’s his specialty.” Tessa wasn’t sure she was referring to fucking her or piercing; probably both she decided, witnessing the expression on Maya’s face. “You’ll have to wait until he comes.”

  “When will that be?”

  “Hour or two, you’ll wait here, I have things to do.” Maya shoved her into the small cubicle and proceeded to affix cuffs to her wrists, attaching them to a hook above her head. She’d spent too many hours in the last forty eight stretched out this way, and her arms instantly ached. And then, as if that were not enough, Maya pulled her legs apart and bound them, too. Her cunt was forced by the awkward position, into the rough fabric of the upholstery where it scratched her already tender flesh.

  “Please, anything, just not above my head,” Tessa pleaded.

  Maya flashed her a reprimanding glance, then ignored her plea. Once done, she left Tessa by herself, closing the door after her.

  As it turned out, what might have seemed l
ike hours to Tessa was only a few minutes; though each aching moment with her arms suspended, only enhanced her fear.

  When the door snapped opened, a blaring light blinded her eyes, and she was unable to see who was staring at her from the doorway. She craned her neck to get a better glance; but only when the intruder moved inside the room could she see who was eyeing her so carefully. The pale skinned black man who appeared out the blinding light must have been nearly 6’5”, towering over her diminutive frame. She’d often pictured Miles looming ominously above her, the way this man did; gut the black man was even more imposing, no doubt because he didn’t have the tender sensibilities that Miles had for her. There was no affection in his eyes, or smile on his broad black face.

  “Vincent,” he introduced himself once he shut the door.

  Tessa was speechless, and thankfully, he wasn’t interested in conversation.

  Lowering her arms, he left her hands bound and resting gently in her lap. The aching in her shoulders slowly ceased.

  “Maya goes to extremes,” he said coolly, as if that was adequate explanation.

  “Thank you, my arms were very sore.”

  Vincent sat down on a black stool—the kind with wheels found in a doctor’s examination room. Moving closer, they were nearly at eye level.

  “So, we’re piercing you today?” he said. He even sounded like a doctor.

  “As Miles wishes,” Tessa answered.

  “Ah, you belong to Miles,” he said as if he didn’t know. His mouth broadened momentarily into a smile, then quickly returned to the blank expression he’d worn before.

  Turning on the lamp behind him, Vincent shined the light on Tessa’s breasts, while he examined her nipples with a physician gentle care. Her pulled her blouse down further—though with her hands still tied and in her lap, he couldn’t remove the shirt without cutting it away. Finding scissors in the credenza, he clipped the shoulders straps and pushed the material down.

  “These too, Maya says,” the black man remarked, referring to her nipples.

  “Miles didn’t ask for that,” Tessa informed him. She wasn’t sure why it was important that he knew—if it had been Miles wish, it wouldn’t have mattered to her having another set of piercings through her nipples. As it was, she thought Vincent should know that these extra ones were Maya’s idea.

  As she expected, Vincent ignored her comment. “Let’s see you below,” he said, “lean back.” Tessa allowed the man to ease her down so she was lying on the bench. She couldn’t help but think that his professional manner indicated that Vincent was a doctor, performing such simple rituals with patients everyday. To make it easier, he untied her feet; though he quickly pulled stirrups from the corners of the table and secured her legs so that they were spread wide. The table raised and lowered with the touch of a button, and she was rapidly at height he wanted.

  Shining the light on her spread cunt, he noticed the obvious marks. “Last night?” he guessed, “these are fresh.”





  “A woman.”

  “Humph! It’s a fallacy that women crack a meaner whip than men, though this one must have given you quite a wealth of pain; the welts are deep.”

  “She knew what she was doing.”

  His fingers played with the sensitive slips of skin, her clit and the inner labia that were to be pierced. Though he performed his job under the guise of examination, he took some satisfaction from the act, watching carefully as she jolted each time he touched in a spot that ached with either pain or pleasure. Her arousal from the morning had not yet subsided; in fact, she was raw with sides, even with this distant stranger.

  “You’re aroused,” he noted

  She didn’t respond.

  “Answer me,” he raised his voice.

  “Yes, Sir,” she promptly replied.

  Standing, Vincent was waist level to her cunt—her intuition wasn’t wrong.

  She was about to be fucked!

  He fingered her hole as he was letting down his zipper; then pulling his cock from his pants, he thrust it deep between her legs into her waiting, wanting hole. His generous size stunned her, until she found a way to relax inside the awesome sensation. Vincent screwed her with passionate grace, as if it were in time to some music he was hearing in his head. Not having her enough, he pulled her ass up from the bench, lifting it into his groin, where he pounded her repeatedly, groaning in a low, consistent monotone.

  “Ahhhhhhhhhh! Gawwwwwd,” she her voice lifted into the air. In this tiny room it seemed too loud, though it was not as loud as the fierce groan that rippled behind hers: the one that proceeded from Vincent as smashed his black cock deep into the creamy palace.

  Tessa thought he was about to come; she was about to come herself. But he pulled out of her, and came to her head, pushing his dripping cock in her face, expecting her to take it in her mouth. Picking up where he left off, he pumped himself down her throat with rigorous strokes, then pulled out just enough to let the cum spew across her face, until it was dripping down her chin.

  Finished, he tapped the side of her face with his receding member, depositing the last of his cum there. Then finding a towel in the credenza, he cleaned himself and restored his cock inside his pants.

  “You didn’t come,” he suggested, when he finally turned back to her.

  “No,” she whispered. She wanted it, but she held her breath, afraid he wouldn’t let her release. But to her relief, he played with her briefly until she was climaxing with soft rippling surges making her tremble gratefully.

  Except that her face was still covered with his cum, the scene was restored to the task at hand, and Vincent again became the detached professional he’d earlier been.

  “Miles wants one here,” he said, tugging gently at the hood of her clit. She shrunk back as he touched the sensitive spot.

  “I’ll have to tie you down,” he warned, “I can’t have you jumping like a fish out of water.”

  Good to his word, he used leather straps across her waist and abdomen to hold her torso in place, then lowered her legs in the stirrups, enough so he could tie them to the edge of the bench. For good measure, he pulled her arms above her again; though this time they didn’t dangle in the air, they were merely tied over her head, so that her hands wouldn’t get in the way.

  He swabbed her cunt with something cold, smelling medicinal—alcohol.

  “You’ve been through this before,” he said, “keep it clean and you’ll have no problems with the pierce.”

  Perhaps, not seeing him at his work was better for her, because the quick pokes of the needle didn’t hurt as much as she expected them to. There was only a sudden, sharp sting and it was over. The ring hung heavily on her clit, generating a lush feeling that would remain a constant reminder of her master’s mark. That done, Vincent continued with her labia, tugging on the flaps of flesh, creating a sharp throbbing in her crotch, and leaving a similar sensation of heaviness when the each ring was finally threaded through the new hole. She wanted to touch herself between her legs and feel the jewelry for herself. Most of all she wanted to gaze in the mirror at the result. Each ring bound her to Miles, an imprint of his dominance.

  “That’s done,” Vincent announced, “now the nipples.” Rising from the stool, he towered over her again as he showed her two small rings. “These will go above the studs. Once the piercings are healed, we can improvise some more unusual jewelry.

  Tessa had no idea what he meant by improvise; the thought sounded alarming. Even to, her body was swimming with energy, her brain woozy and disconnected from reality. The needles, the stabbing, the sensations were obsessions—she wanted more, but then there was the remembrance of Maya in her salon and her horrid fear that first time. Despite her longing, she cringed with fear—perhaps she shouldn’t look.

  “I hear you faltered last time,” Vincent said—Maya must have told him. “Don’t be foolish,” he warned, “
I’m not as naturally kind as my wife.” Tessa didn’t believe that; he already displayed more kindness in his cold manner than she’d experienced from Maya. But he obviously had a reason for his warning.

  Swabbing her nipples with the cold disinfectant, he then took needle and rings in hand, swiftly shocking her system in a matter of seconds. The sensation was stunning, ripping through her as it had before… but this time was different. She was in an altered state, her mind tripped out as if she were stoned, drunk with sexual lust, wishing Vincent would use her again just to ease the mounting desire.

  He didn’t accommodate her this time.

  Instead, he finished with her in the same style that he’d begun. Except for the torrid fuck, he’d been perfectly decorous in his attitude, the exemplary professional. She would have to ask Miles about the reason for his impeccable bedside manner.

  Once her body settled enough so that she could get up, Vincent removd the straps and untied her hands.

  “You’ll want to rub your wrists when they are bound like that to get the circulation going. I’ll have to talk to Maya—she tied them too tightly. He stood over her, making eye contact one last time, then lowered the bench to its normal height, and finally left the room.

  When Miles came to pick her up, Maya gave her a long scarf to tie around her bodice, replacing the torn blouse. To Tessa’s surprise, Miles didn’t bother to examine her new jewelry. Apparently he was too busy to rush through what she hoped would be a thorough examination. As he promised earlier, he took her home.

  Chapter Twelve

  Miles called Tessa several days later to arrange a lunch date.

  “Wear the scarf that Maya gave you,” he told her.

  “Tied as it was?”

  “I like the way it looks on you… and wear the black leather skirt. And yes, tell me, how’s the new jewelry?”

  In the days since Vincent pierced her, the tenderness in her cunt had diminished, but not the crude sensations of pleasure that accompanied every move she made.

  “Trite though it may sound, I can’t get you out of my mind,” Tessa replied. “The little chains you attached to the labia rings tickle my thighs constantly, and the ring on the hood of my clitoris hangs there heavily.”


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