Wait For Me

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Wait For Me Page 18

by K. L. Grayson

  “Maybe, but when I do, I’m only a phone call away, and I’ll always come back.”

  “You will?”

  You will? I think, mimicking my son’s words in my head.

  “Of course I will. My family is here.” Nora looks at me with a soft smile before turning her gaze back to Emma. “And I don’t just mean Nick and Jessa, but your dad and you and Henry and Emma. You guys mean so much to me.”

  “What if you and my dad break up?”

  “It won’t change how much I care about you.”

  Jack watches her for a few long seconds and then throws himself into Nora’s arms. Emotion crawls up my throat, but I push it back down.

  I know Nora means every word she says. Even if we don’t work out, she’ll care about my kids and make it a point to stay in touch with them, because that’s the type of person she is.

  And I’m a damn lucky man.

  As Nora and I watch Jack walk into the living room, I slide an arm around her waist.

  “That went well.”

  “Yeah, it did.”

  She high-fives me and then wraps her arms around my middle and rests her head on my shoulder.

  “I guess this means we’re official.”

  I hold on tight and kiss the top of her head. “I guess it does.”



  “Damn it!”

  There’s a loud thud followed by another curse. I peek my head out of the loft window to see Grayson fuming as he stomps around the yard.

  The kids are running and playing, oblivious to their father’s upset. I slip my feet into my sandals and walk downstairs.

  Grayson and I have spent the last week falling into an easy routine. I spend the days with his kids, running around the yard, cooking, and doing crafts, and we come together in the evenings to watch movies or go fishing. Emma and I have been baking, and I’ve been working with Henry on his ABCs while Jack and Grayson play catch in the yard.

  Tonight is the first night I left them, and it was only for a few hours to go spend time with Nick and Jessa. I got home about an hour ago, had a chat with my new manager about meeting up with her next weekend while I’m in LA for the premiere, and then I had plans of taking a nice, hot shower and crawling into bed early before Jack’s birthday party tomorrow. But it doesn’t look like that’ll be happening.

  “What’s wrong?”

  Grayson nudges a box with his foot. “There’s a hole in the slip-n-slide. Jack is going to be devastated.”

  “Can’t you run into town and grab another one?”

  “I looked at the store while we were picking up the rest of the party supplies, and they were sold out. I even asked one of the clerks, and he said they aren’t getting any in until next week.”

  “Oh. Well, I’m sure there’s something else you can come up with.”

  He tosses his hands up in defeat. “I’m fresh out of ideas, and I still have to put together the party favor bags for the kids and get the meat marinating for the BBQ. I’m officially the worst father ever.”

  “Oh, you are not.” I kiss Grayson, simply because he looks like he needs some love. “Let me take care of it.”

  He cocks a brow. “What are you going to do?”

  Being a celebrity has its perks.

  “Just let me take care of it. You worry about the party favors and the food, and I’ll worry about the entertainment.”

  “Nora, the party is tomorrow. It’s getting late, and the stores are all ready to close.”

  “Have a little faith, Calhoun,” I say, stepping away from him with a grin. “I’ve got your back on this.”

  I turn away from Grayson and jog upstairs. I find my phone and pull up the last number I called.

  Marnie answers on the first ring. “What did we forget?”

  “Nothing. But I have a giant favor to ask.”

  “My first big task. Hit me with it.”

  I give her a rundown of what’s going on and what I would like to pull off, and Marnie jumps into action.

  “Piece of cake. Consider it done.”

  “Really?” That was easy, for me at least. Her job might be a little harder.

  “Yes, really. You’re Nora Hayes. I’ll have no problem pulling this off.”

  “I’ve never used my name to get special treatment before.”

  “Where have you been hiding, girl?”

  “On a tour bus.”

  “Obviously. Well, let me remind you that you’re one of the biggest names in pop music. People want to know you and be tied to you, and I will have them jumping at the chance to help you pull this off.”

  “Even though I’ve been out of the spotlight for a while?”

  She scoffs. “You’ve barely been away for a month. That’s a normal vacation for most celebrities. Trust me, you’re as relevant today as you’ve ever been. The entire world is dying to know where you are and what you’re doing.”

  “Really?” It still baffles me that people are so interested in my life. I might have several hit singles and awards sitting on my shelf at home, but I’m just a normal woman.

  I eat way too much.

  I go weeks without shaving my legs.

  I fart.

  I know, I know, hard to believe, but it’s true.

  “Yes. I’ve been able to play up your time away as a personal soul-searching. The world knows you’re changing, and when you come back, we’re going to reveal a whole new Nora.”

  “I can’t wait.”

  And I needed to hear that. I’ve enjoyed my time away, and while I don’t miss the demands of my job, or Becky, my old manager, I do miss my fans and being onstage. It’ll be hard to leave the kids, but so great to get back to LA, even if it’s for the weekend. And I’m excited to have Grayson by my side.

  “Anything else from Todd?”

  “Not a word. That peckerhead has been silent. He knows he’s lucky you’re even coming. But I wouldn’t put it past him to try to talk to you at the premiere, so be prepared for that.”

  “I will, although I don’t think he’ll get too close to me with Grayson around.”

  “Your boyfriend sounds like a bit of a badass.”

  “He is.”

  “I love him already.”

  Me too. Wait, what?

  A strangled noise comes from my throat.

  “Nora, are you okay?”

  “Fine.” I walk to the window and look down at Grayson. He’s stopped fussing over the box and is chasing his kids around the yard. He runs past Henry, scooping him up, and they go after Jack and then dodge left for Emma. She stumbles but catches herself, and I find myself smiling as I watch them interact.

  I don’t know how it happened, but in a very short time, these four people have come to mean so much me.

  I love them.

  I love the kids, and I love Grayson.

  I love Grayson.

  Is that even possible this early in the game?

  “Marnie, I’ve gotta go.”

  “Are you okay?” Grayson whispers the next day as we stand in the backyard and stare out at what might be the greatest miracle ever pulled off by anyone in the history of miracle workers.

  I’m great.

  Better than great.

  Because I’m in love…with you.

  “I’m fine.”

  “Good.” He kisses my knuckles. “You seem off.”

  “Just tired, that’s all.”

  “I can see why,” he says, looking at the yard. “You must’ve been up all night coordinating this. I still don’t know how you did it.”

  “Marnie did most of the work.”


  “My new manager. I just told her what I wanted and poof, she made it happen.”

  “Wow! This is so cool!” Jack runs out the back door and looks around in awe. “Thanks, Dad!”

  “Don’t thank me, thank Nora.”

  Jack’s head whips around. “You did this?”

  I shrug a shoulder. “It’s nothing.”
br />   “It’s not nothing,” Grayson says.

  “Thank you.” Jack engulfs me in a giant bear hug. “This is going to be the best birthday ever. My friends are going to go crazy.”

  “I’m glad. Happy birthday, buddy.” I rub his back and watch him run off to join Emma and Henry on one of the three bounce houses. “It’s a good thing you have a huge yard.”

  There are two regular bounce houses and one waterslide bounce house, all Harry Potter themed.

  The largest one, which has two waterslides and is hooked up to a hose, looks like Hogwarts. The other two are variations of what would be considered Diagon Alley and Hogsmeade Village.

  Not only did Marnie manage to get these three giant blow-ups, but we also have a build-it-yourself wand station where the kids can piece together their own wizard wand.

  “I don’t know how to thank you.” Grayson turns me to face him and kisses me sweetly on the lips.

  “You can thank me later after—”

  “Whenever you’re done making out with your girlfriend, I could use some help with this grill,” Duke hollers.

  “He’s like a child,” Grayson murmurs.

  “I heard that!”

  I laugh. “Go help your brother.”

  Grayson and Duke spend the next hour preparing food and setting up the tables while I play with the kids. Henry is parked in the sandbox, vrooming his cars this way and that, and Jack and Emma are kicking my butt in a mean game of horse when a sleek black car pulls down the lane.

  “Grandma! Grandpa!” the kids yell, taking off across the yard.

  “Papa!” Henry tries to climb out of the sandbox, only to trip and face-plant onto the ground.

  “Slow down, little guy.” I help him up, dust him off, and away he goes, straight into the arms of a man who looks like an older, more distinguished version of Grayson.

  “There’s my little guy.” The man lifts Henry and cuddles him to his chest.

  I stand back, and the woman—who I assume to be Grayson’s mom—hugs Emma and Jack.

  “Happy birthday, Jack! I can’t believe you’re seven.”

  He smiles proudly as Emma wiggles her way into the conversation.

  “Look, Nana, Nowa bwaided my hair.”

  “She did? It looks beautiful, sweetheart.”

  “Are those presents for me?” Jack asks, pawing at the gifts in her hands.

  “Jack, why don’t you put them on the gift table?” I suggest.

  He takes the presents and runs across the yard.

  “You must be Nora,” the woman says, stepping toward me. “I’m Louise, and this is Grayson’s dad, David.”

  I expect her to shake my hand. Instead she pulls me in for a hug.

  “It’s so great to meet you. Grayson hasn’t told me a thing about you other than your name.”

  Well, that’s a bummer. “He hasn’t?”

  “Trust me,” she whispers. “That’s a good thing. It means you’re special.”

  “It does?”

  She pats my hand and pulls me toward the house. “Come inside and tell me everything about yourself.”

  “Not right now, Mom.” Grayson grabs my arm before I get too far. “I need Nora’s help with a few more things before you interrogate her.”

  Louise frowns. “I am not going to interrogate this sweet, young woman.”

  “More like interview,” David says, patting my shoulder. “Congratulations. You’re up for the position of Mrs. Grayson Calhoun. Good luck with my wife.”

  Louise scoffs and swats his arm.

  “Oh, Lord.” Grayson shakes his head and pulls me away from his parents. “Ignore them. I told you my mother is dramatic.”

  “Goodbye, dear! It was nice to meet you.” Louise waves, and I smile and wave back.

  “Nice meeting you too. Grayson, slow down.”

  “I can’t. I’m in a hurry.” He pulls me into his shop and farther yet into his office where he kicks the door shut and locks it.

  “What could be so important that you have to drag me away from your parents?”

  We stand there, the air around us crackling with energy. It’s hard to breathe. My chest feels tight, my fingers almost numb, and yet I know I’m fine. It’s him. He does these things to me, and God, I hope I do them to him too.


  I blink, and next thing I know he has me against the wall, his lips on mine, his body pressed against me in the most delicious of ways. Our hands reach and grab, desperate to feel each other. His erection bulges in his jeans and rubs me in all the right places as he devours my mouth.

  His hands are everywhere—in my hair, gripping my ass, rubbing my back. When his thumb grazes my nipple, I say fuck it and try to climb him like a tree.

  Who cares if we left his parents and Duke alone to watch the kids? All I care about right now is the ache between my legs and the man who’s about to make it better.

  I wiggle my hand between our bodies, which is easier said than done because my front is plastered to his. When I manage to get his pants unbuttoned and my fingers stroke the top of his cock, Grayson takes a step back.

  My heart is hammering inside my chest, practically throwing itself at him, and I’m panting a like a dog in heat. “Wh-what are you doing? Get back here.”

  He shakes his head. “We can’t have sex. You’re a virgin, remember?”

  “I’m hoping you’ll fix that.”

  His smile lights up the room. “Soon, but not here and not now.”

  “Okay, well, you can’t push me against the door, fuck my mouth, and then just walk away.”

  “I love it when you talk dirty, and yes, I can.”

  “Grayson,” I pout. “Now I’m horny. You can’t send me back out there to face your family when all I can think about is how badly I want you.”

  “Baby, I didn’t bring you in here to seduce you. I brought you in here because I needed to kiss you away from prying eyes and tell you thank you for doing everything you’ve done. You made Jack’s birthday unbelievable.”

  “You’re welcome.” I reach for his belt loop and pull him to me. “If you really want to thank me, you can stick your hand up my dress and show me just how grateful you are.”

  “What about the party?” A car door slams, and he looks toward the door. “The kids are starting to show up.”

  “Then I suggest you hurry.”

  Heady lust flashes through Grayson’s eyes. He drops to his knees, shoves his head under the skirt of my dress and yanks my panties to the side.

  “Hold on tight, sweetheart.”



  “I didn’t think Lacey would show up,” Jessa whispers.

  “I didn’t either.”

  My eyes drift across the yard to where Lacey is laughing and playing with Henry and Emma. She showed up an hour late with some excuse about why her parents couldn’t make it.

  You’d think Lorelei’s parents would want to be part of the kids’ life, but that doesn’t seem to be the case.

  It used to piss me off, but now I just think of it as their loss. They’re the ones missing out, and someday, when they realize the mistake they made, it’ll be too late.

  “Did you send an invitation to Lorelei?”

  “That would be kind of hard to do, considering I haven’t talked to her in almost two years.”

  Jessa frowns. “I thought Lacey gave you Lorelei’s current address.”

  “That was a year ago, and when Jack tried to send her a letter, it came back in the mail with a notice saying Lorelei no longer lived at that address.”

  “It doesn’t get easier, does it? Watching them grow up without a mom.”

  I shake my head and wrap an arm around her shoulders. “Not at all, but I think they’re doing okay.”

  “Me too.” Jessa smiles up at me.

  “First my sister and now my wife.” Nick pulls Jessa out from under my arm. “What is up with you, man?”

  “Leave him alone,” Jessa says, laughing at Nick.r />
  “I still think I might have to kill you for dating my sister.” Nick reaches around his wife, grabs a handful of grapes off the table and pops one into his mouth. “Trust me, I don’t want to, but I think I have to.”

  Jessa rolls her eyes. “What he means to say is that he’s happy you’re happy, but if you hurt his baby sister, he’ll be forced to do something he doesn’t want to do.”

  “I won’t hurt her.”

  “We know you won’t.” Jessa pats my arm and leaves me alone with Nick.

  “You believe me, right?”

  Nick gives me a hard look and then sighs. “Yes, I believe you. But she’s my little sister, and it’s weird that she’s dating one of my best friends.”

  “It’s only weird if you make it weird,” Duke says, grabbing a beer from the cooler. “Do you know what else I find weird?”

  “What’s that?” I ask.

  With the beer in his hand, Duke motions across the yard. “Lacey talking your girl. That has disaster written all over it.”

  I follow his gesture to the right. “I’ll be right back.”

  I stride across the yard with purpose, ignoring Mom when she tries to stop me. I love Lacey to death, but I don’t trust her, especially with Nora.

  “Hey.” Nora looks up when I slide an arm around her waist.

  The smile on Lacey’s face tells me she’s not surprised I intervened. “Don’t worry, I’m not causing any trouble.”

  “I didn’t think you were,” I lie.

  She lifts a brow. “We both know that’s not true.”

  Her eyes fall to my hand resting on Nora’s hip. “You know, you could’ve just told me you were dating her the other night.”

  “I know, and I should’ve, but I didn’t want to upset you.”

  “Maybe I should go,” Nora suggests.

  “No, please stay.” Lacey shakes her head, her eyes on me. “All I’ve ever wanted is for you and the kids to be happy.”

  “We are happy.”

  She smiles wistfully. “I can see that, which is why before you walked up, I was apologizing to Nora. I realized I may have made her uncomfortable the other night, and that wasn’t my intention. I hope I didn’t cause any trouble between you two.”


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