The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan

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The Invisible Bridge: The Fall of Nixon and the Rise of Reagan Page 116

by Rick Perlstein

  Desert News, 690

  Des Moines, Iowa, 31, 111, 241, 244, 248, 250, 337, 340–41, 344, 580, 585, 589

  Des Moines Dispatch, 247

  Des Moines Register, 589

  Desperate Journey (film), 353

  “détente,” 484–87, 630, 753

  Detroit, Mich., 7, 19, 286, 301–2, 309, 342, 432, 474, 482, 495, 519, 590, 663

  Cadillac Square in, 744

  Detroit Free Press, 619

  Detroit Lions, 532

  Detroit News, 108, 119, 192

  Deutsch, Armand, 398

  Deutsch, Harriet, 398

  Devine, Don, 692, 703

  DeVos family, 325

  Dick, David, 8

  Dick Cavett Show, The, 175

  Dickey, James, 295

  Didion, Joan, 27

  Diem, Ngo Dinh, 78, 92, 138, 147, 417, 429, 535

  Diller, Phyllis, 164

  Dillon, Douglas, 330

  Diners Club, 398

  Dinh, Ngo Diem, 535

  Dirksen, Everett McKinley, 133

  Dirksen Senate Office Building, 58

  dirty tricks campaign, 170, 235

  Disciples of Christ church, 28, 36, 83, 244, 247, 336

  Disciples of Christ college, 382–83

  Disney, Walt, 361, 397

  Disneyland, 127, 203, 237, 397

  Disneyland Hotel, 169

  Disney World, 199, 651

  District of Columbia Young Republicans, 456

  divorce, national increase in, 103–4

  Dixon, Ill., 27, 29–32, 34, 37, 39, 42–43, 47, 110, 243, 340, 343, 346, 349, 368

  Dixon Dukes, 27

  Dixon Evening Telegraph, 347

  Dixon High School, 42, 47

  Dixonian (yearbook), 47

  Dixon Public Library, 33–34

  Dixon State Hospital for the Feeble Minded, 28–29, 246

  Dixon Telegraph, 29, 37, 39–40, 42, 45, 344

  Dixon YMCA, 32

  Doar, John, 216–17, 219–20, 222–23, 237, 251

  Dobrynin, Anatoly, 657

  Dodd, Charles N., 727

  Dodger Stadium, 670

  Dog Day Afternoon (film), 508–9

  Doheny, William H., 161

  Dohrn, Bernardine, 510, 513

  Dolan, Terry, 456

  Dole, Elizabeth, 798

  Dole, Robert, 255, 743, 762–63, 781–85, 787, 794–95, 798, 802

  Dolly Madison cakes, 769

  Dolvin, Emily “Aunt Sissy,” 608

  Domhoff, G. William, 617

  Dominican Republic, 417, 535

  Dominick, Peter, 317

  Donaldson, Sam, 135–36, 140, 599–600

  Don Juan (char.), 35

  Donovan, Robert J., 568

  Donovan’s Brain (film), 382, 396

  Doolittle, Jimmy, 678–79

  Doonesbury, Mike (char.), 233, 253

  Doonesbury (comic strip), 685, 687, 699, 708, 712

  Dornan, Robert, 4, 306–7

  Dorothy Chandler Pavilion, 424

  Douglas, Helen Gahagan, 354–55

  Douglas, William O., 217, 441, 530

  Dow Chemical, 499

  Dowd, Douglas, 606

  Dow Jones Industrial Average, 51, 280

  Downey, Tom, 328

  Downie, Leonard, Jr., 461–62

  Downing, Al, 230

  Drake, 244, 246, 346

  Drake Relay regatta, 241, 248

  Dreiser, Theodore, 369

  Drew, Elizabeth, xv, 409–10, 569, 585, 602, 607, 622–23, 625, 637, 647, 654, 680, 683, 686–87, 691, 693, 696–97, 704–6, 712–14, 721, 731, 736–37, 742–43, 745, 753, 791–92, 795–96, 799, 802

  Drexel University, 319

  Dreyfuss, Richard, 468–69

  Drinan, Robert “Mad Monk,” 227, 264

  Dryden, 795

  Dubuque, Iowa, 60, 538

  Dukakis, Michael, 318, 719

  Dulles Marriott, 125

  Duluth, Minn., 246

  Dunckel, Earl, 392–94

  Dunne, George, 363–65

  Durham, N.C., 172

  Durkin, John, 502

  Dutton, Fred, 614

  Duvall, Shelley, 582

  Dylan, Bob, 134, 590, 610, 612, 694, 723

  Eagleburger, Lawrence, 524, 656

  Eagle Forum, 458

  Eagles, 545

  Eagleton, Thomas, 680, 720, 756

  Earle Theater (Washington), 356

  Earp, Wyatt, 340

  Earth Day, 313

  East Boston Stadium, 322–23

  East Davenport Turner Hall, 42

  Easter Island, 175

  Eastern Europe, 491, 647, 656, 780

  Eastland, James, 733

  Eastland, SS, 25, 37

  Eau Claire, Wis., 226

  Ebert, Roger, 274–75

  Economic Club of Detroit, 682

  Economic Opportunity Act, 317

  Economics in One Lesson: The Shortest and Surest Way to Understand Basic Economics (Hazlitt), 390, 394, 402, 691

  Economist, 333–34, 422, 516

  Ecuador, 464

  Edison, Thomas, 387

  Ed Sullivan Show, The, 386

  Edwards, James, 740, 742, 750–51, 784

  Edwards, Ralph, 397

  Efron, Edith, 222

  Eglin Air Force Base, 431

  Egypt, 175, 177, 182, 185, 253, 466, 497, 523, 526

  Ehrlich, Paul, 112, 324, 688

  Ehrlichman, John, 78, 80, 108, 121, 132, 138, 143, 149–53, 182, 199, 212, 217, 235, 256

  Eichmann trial, 123

  82nd Airborne, 323

  Einstein, Albert, 358

  Eisenhower, Dwight D., xiv, 82, 236, 240, 257, 279, 308, 330, 373, 403, 447, 457, 520, 537, 541, 632, 751–52, 799

  elections, U.S., of 1974, 316–21, 323

  elections, U.S., of 1976, 545–56, 560–61, 578–80, 594–97, 602–6, 608–9, 613, 617, 619–21, 627, 630–31, 635–36, 723, 738, 752, 761

  Reagan as possible candidate in, 439–41, 488–90, 529–30, 539–42

  Reagan’s announcement of candidacy in, 546–48

  Electoral College, 790

  Elizabeth II, Queen of England, 709, 726, 734, 787

  Ellis, Dock, 248

  Ellis, Tom, 643–45, 647

  Ellsberg, Daniel, 78–79, 92, 95, 108, 120, 147, 152, 212, 256, 424, 600

  El Paso, Tex., 674

  Emergency Financial Control Act, 501

  Emerging Republican Majority, The (Phillips), 114, 222

  energy crisis, 110–15, 177, 182–85, 194–98, 200–204, 211–14, 220, 435–36, 466

  Engels, Friedrich, 246

  England, 112, 152, 206, 379

  Enlightenment, xvii–xviii

  Entebbe, Uganda, 706, 714

  Environmental Action, 478

  environmental movement, 111–13, 439

  Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 22, 114, 435, 455, 478

  Episcopalians, Episcopalian Church, 248, 273, 297, 447–48

  Equal Credit Opportunity Act (1974), 761

  Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, 227

  Equal Rights Amendment (ERA), 94, 128, 324–25, 441, 446, 457–59, 492, 494, 520, 530, 579, 602, 611, 715, 752–53, 755, 758, 760–64, 766–68, 777

  Erhard, Werner, 571, 650

  Ervin, Sam, 53, 64–65, 75, 92–95, 118–19, 123, 127–31, 136, 147–48, 151, 155, 157, 174, 179, 186–88, 251, 331, 506, 583, 644

  Ervin Committee, 119, 122–31, 133, 136–57, 159, 168, 170–73, 185, 221–22, 456, 530, 598, 764

  see also Watergate hearings

  Escamillo, Laura Louise, 207

  Eskimos, 463, 465, 602

  Esquire, 193, 215, 255, 261, 409, 462, 522

  Essex, Mark James, 61–62

  “est” (Erhard Seminars Training), 571–75, 650

  est Experience, The: the Movement and the Man (Marks), 574

  est: Four Days to Make Your Life Work (Green), 574

  est: Making Life Work (Hargrove), 571–74

  est: The Movement and the Man (Marks), 574

  Ethiopia, 415

  Etzioni, Amitai, 730

  Eureka College, xvi, 42, 83–87, 244, 246–48, 344, 365, 371, 397, 553, 804

  student strike at, 84–86

  Europe, 183, 466, 491–92, 545, 585, 666

  Evangelical Christians, 102, 323

  Evans, Daniel J., 238, 317

  Evans, M. Stanton, 640–41

  Evans, Rowland, 140, 160, 249–50, 309, 465, 494, 503, 540, 581, 597, 620, 634, 656, 660, 668, 676, 700, 703, 728, 738, 747–48, 768, 793

  Evergreen Review, 441

  Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex but Were Afraid to Ask (Reuben), 105

  Executive Order No. 11615, 50

  “executive privilege,” 64–77, 150, 185, 259

  Exner, Judith Campbell, 563–66

  Exorcist, The (Blatty), 235

  Exorcist, The (film), 205–8, 210–11, 236, 468–69, 508

  Exxon, 191, 616

  Face the Nation (news program), 698

  Fact Book on Firearms Control, 551

  Fader, Daniel, 303

  Fahan, Amid, 175

  Fair Campaign Practice Commission (FCPC), 762

  Faisal, King, 252–53

  Faking of the President, The (faux documentary), 659–60

  Fala (FDR’s terrier), 660

  Fallaci, Oriana, 600

  Falwell, Jerry, 299, 651

  Faneuil Hall (Boston), 627, 712

  Farragut, Admiral, 299

  Fashion Book Shop, 246

  Faulkner, William, 590

  Fay, Alice, 343

  Federal Aviation Administration, 148, 422

  Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), 51, 54–57, 64, 78, 92, 101, 104, 122–24, 137–38, 168, 188, 190, 215, 224, 228, 235, 237, 260–61, 266, 268, 327, 357–59, 367, 370–71, 378, 391, 402, 406, 416, 461, 471, 507, 510, 512–13, 544, 567, 617, 639, 656–57, 678–79, 705, 716, 732, 774

  King and, 331, 534–35, 548, 564, 690

  Federal City Club, 653

  Federal Communications Commission (FCC), 221, 514, 555, 652

  Federal Election Campaign Act, 530–31

  Federal Election Commission (FEC), 531, 555, 559, 636, 640, 667, 675, 682, 716

  Federalist Papers, 155, 263

  Federal Reserve, 310, 677

  Federation of Atomic Scientists, 355

  Fenwick, Millicent, 766, 787–88

  Feulner, Edwin, 306

  “Fiddle” and “Faddle,” 566

  Fiedler, Arthur, 713

  Fifth Amendment, 125, 618

  Final Day, The (Bernstein and Woodward), 657–58

  financial crisis of 2008, xx

  Financial Times (London), 616

  Finkelstein, Arthur, 645, 668

  Finland, 436, 487

  First Amendment, 19, 71, 155, 660–61

  First National City Bank, 474–75, 477, 481–82

  First Unitarian Church (Fort Worth), 448

  Fish, Hamilton, Jr., 250–51, 262

  Fithian, Floyd, 319

  Fitzgerald, F. Scott, 43, 646

  Flanigan, Peter, 111

  Flesh Gordan (adult film), 274

  Flint Journal, 568

  Florida, xix, 5, 75, 79, 97, 117, 129, 160, 167, 177, 199, 215, 399, 415, 431, 459, 478, 526, 532, 540, 590–91, 596, 604, 613, 623–24, 627–31, 634–36, 639–40, 646, 676, 787

  Florida Conservative Union, 636

  Flournoy, Houston, 191–92, 286

  Flowers, Walter, 264

  Fluor, J. Robert, 161

  Flynn, Errol, 345, 349, 353, 362, 375, 392

  Flynn, James, 390

  Flynn, Raymond, 288, 444

  Folsey, George, 380

  Fonda, Henry, 320, 352

  Fonda, Jane, 13, 67, 110, 165, 307

  Fond du Lac, Wis., 193

  Food and Drug Administration, U.S. (FDA), 666

  food prices, increase in, 57–61, 162

  football, 45–46

  Ford, Betty, 272, 278–79, 309, 441, 466, 502–3, 530, 532, 543, 636, 647, 690, 699, 704–6, 730, 752, 754, 761, 769, 771, 773, 782–83, 794, 796–99

  60 Minutes interview with, 492–96

  Ford, Gerald R., xiv, 180, 202, 212–14, 217, 248–50, 265, 267, 271–73, 276, 278–81, 286, 290, 298–99, 302, 307–16, 322–23, 330–32, 334, 413–15, 421, 423–28, 432, 439–40, 444, 447, 453–54, 463, 481, 484–86, 489–98, 502–4, 506–7, 517–18, 521–23, 525–30, 537–41, 543, 545–49, 551, 555–56, 558–59, 561, 563, 575, 577–78, 590, 594–99, 601–2, 604–7, 613, 619–20, 630–31, 633–39, 641, 645, 647–48, 651, 655–56, 660–61, 663–69, 671, 673–77, 681–83, 691–93, 696–700, 702–7, 709, 711, 713, 717, 719, 725–28, 730–38, 740–46, 748–49, 751–69, 771, 774–76, 778–80, 782–99, 802–3

  approval ratings of, 467, 515

  assassination attempts against, 498–99, 509–11

  CIA assassinations and, 416–19, 428–29

  “Halloween Massacre” cabinet shakeup by, 526–30, 788–89

  Mayaguez incident and, 464–65

  media and, 414, 519–20

  Nixon pardoned by, 282–85, 315

  physical mishaps of, 466–67, 531–33, 699

  and Reagan’s possible presidential run, 488

  right-wing unhappiness with, 441–42

  in snub of Solzhenitsyn, 483, 487–88

  State of the Union address (1975) of, 333–34, 413–14, 417, 594

  State of the Union address (1976) of, 593–94, 597–98

  WIN campaign of, 313–14, 320–21, 677

  Ford, Henry, 304

  Ford, Jack, 272, 495, 542, 728, 773

  Ford, John, 560

  Ford, Mike, 272

  Ford, Not a Lincoln, A (Reeves), 533

  Ford, Steve, 272, 542–43, 773

  Ford, Susan, 272, 492–93, 530

  Ford administration, 419, 455, 501, 503–4, 507, 529, 598

  Ford family, 542–43, 772–73, 791

  Ford Foundation, 172, 449

  Ford Motors, 333

  Foreign Intelligence Advisory Board, 331

  Foreign Service, U.S., 524

  Forest Service, U.S., 660

  Fort Chaffee, 432

  Fort Dix, 745

  Fort Dodge, 244–45

  Fort Knox, 102

  Fort McHenry, 709

  Fort Roach, 350–51

  Fort Sam Houston, 8

  Fortune, 481

  Fort Wayne, Ind., 676

  Fort Worth, Tex., 448, 791

  “40 Committee,” 524

  Foxe, Fanne, 326

  Foy, Bryan, 345–46, 352

  “Fragile Coalition,” 264–67

  France, 68, 244, 436, 482, 558

  Franco, Francisco, 355

  Franklin, Benjamin, 304

  Frank Merriwell at Yale (book), 34–35, 244

  Fraser, Donald, 485

  Frazer, J. B., 43–44

  Fredricksburg, Va., 65

  “Freedom Expression Church,” 743

  Freedom of Information Act, 744

  Freedoms Foundation, 336

  Freedom Train, 461, 638

  Freedom Wagon Train, 638, 712

  free-market capitalism, 477–79

  “Free Speech Movement,” 82

  Freshman, The (film), 86

  Friedan, Betty, 459

  Friedkin, William, 206–7

  Friedman, Milton, 91, 526

  “Friends of Ronald Reagan,” 489, 496, 531, 792

  Friends of the Earth, 478

  Fritchey, Clayton, 497

  Fromme, Lynette “Squeaky,” 498–99, 502, 513, 550

  Frontier Hotel (Las Vegas), 376

  Frontiersman (film), 362

  Fulbright, J. William, 53, 522

  Fuller, Buckminster, 685

  Fulton, Ill., 30

  Fulton, Mo., 356

  Fundamentals, The, 652

  Future Farmers of America, 314

  Future Homemakers of America, 64

  Gable, Clark, 374, 380

  Gable and Lombard (film), 646

  Gabler, Mel, 294–95, 297, 304, 306, 459

  Gabler, Norma, 294–95, 297, 304, 306, 459

  Gadhafi, Muammar, 184

  Galactic Confederacy, 570

  Galan, Augie, 249

  Galanti, Paul, 103

  Galesburg, Ill., 24–25, 27, 30, 39, 379

  Galifianakis, Nick, 642

  Gallo Wine, 438

  Gallup, George, 712

  Gallup polls, 51, 77, 104, 108, 155, 175, 193, 253, 276, 316, 335, 339, 426, 474, 490–91, 511, 518, 530, 534, 551, 556, 561, 571, 661, 682, 700, 702, 712, 759

  Gambino crime family, 202

  Gamble, Dean F., 615–16

  Gandhi, Mohandas, 304

  Garcia, Miki, 102

  Garden of Allah hotel, 372, 392, 545

  Gardner, John, 320

  Gargoyle Conspiracy, The (Albert), 333

  Garland, Judy, 253

  Garrison, Jim, 63, 512, 520

  Garrison, William Lloyd, 1

  Garrity, Arthur, 288–91, 300, 307, 701

  Gasparilla Island, 478

  Gates, Nancy, 386

  gay rights movement, 500

  Gelb, Leslie, 462

  Gelinas, Mr., 607

  Geller, Uri, 176

  General Accounting Office (GAO), 54, 506

  General Electric (GE), xviii, 194–95, 385–91, 393–97, 399–403, 405–6, 408, 478, 614–15

  Foreman’s Association of, 387

  General Electric Theater (TV show), 386–88, 391, 395–400, 402–3, 405, 546

  General Motors, 342, 461, 482, 510

  General Services Administration, 137

  Geneva Conventions, 10–11, 68, 134

  Genovese, Kitty, 329

  Gentle Ben (TV show), 266

  Geoghegan, Thomas, 318

  George Mason University, 257

  Georgetown, 205, 222, 710

  George White’s 1935 Scandals (film), 346

  Georgia, 59, 67, 80, 101, 114, 140, 236, 257, 262, 320, 489, 491, 520, 526, 550, 580, 585, 587, 590, 608–10, 620, 622–23, 655, 662, 664, 673, 676, 694, 710, 715–16, 730

  Georgia, University of, 229

  Georgia Military Academy, 745

  Georgia Southern College, 608

  Georgia Tech, 486, 540

  Gergen, David, 549

  Germany, 194, 206, 356, 516, 607

  Germany, Nazi, 224, 482, 602, 618, 787

  Gethsemane, 46

  G. E. True (TV show), 405–6

  Gettleman, Susan, 103

  Getty, John Paul, III, 208

  Gettysburg Address, 801

  Giancana, Sam “Sam the Cigar,” 471, 473–74, 513, 564–66

  Giant supermarket chain, 710

  Gilded Age, 304

  Gilford, N.H., 603

  Gilligan, John J., 80

  Ginsberg, Allen, 230

  Gipp, George, 347–48

  Girl from Jones Beach, The (film), 375

  Girls Latin private school, 379

  Gish, Lillian, 379


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