Shifter Wars Complete Series

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Shifter Wars Complete Series Page 12

by Sarah J. Stone

  Soon, they were back in the small, silver-toned lobby, the place abuzz with activity as tenants rushed out of the building. They made their way out to the street, and Jo looked up at the apartment, which was now nothing more than a charred hole in the side of the building. Kyle brought her over to the car, and seconds later they were in and back on the city streets.

  "Kyle, are you there?" asked Winston, her voice showing only the slightest hint of worry.

  "Yeah, we're fine," he said, his voice calm as he drove them away from the building. "But, the less said about my apartment, the better."

  "What happened in there?" asked Winston.

  "Evidently the Bianchis had a plan B in mind."

  "A bomb?"

  "Yep. Damn shame–I liked that place."

  "Where are we going now?" asked Jo, her nerves finally calm enough to allow her to speak.

  "Good question. Winnie, what you got for us?"

  "I think a safe house is in order," said Winston, her voice back to its typical calm. "How does Williamsburg sound?"

  "A little trust-fund-kid for my tastes, but it'll do in a pinch."

  "I'm patching in the address right now. Access is a paw scanner. Let me know as soon as you've arrived."

  "Gotcha," said Kyle.

  With that, he aimed the car over the river and towards Brooklyn, to whatever lay ahead.


  The pair entered the apartment, which was located on the top floor of an old Brooklyn warehouse remodeled into a trendy loft-style apartment. The walls were a fashionably-worn brick, and the furniture was stylish and modern. A massive TV mounted on the wall turned on as they entered, Winston's logo appearing on the screen.

  "You both there?" Winston asked.

  "Damn, Winnie," said Kyle, strolling through the spacious apartment, taking in the luxury around him, "you know how to treat a man on the run for his life."

  "Don't get too comfortable," said Winnie. "It's only a matter of time before the Bianchis realize that you two weren't killed in the explosion. I'd recommend using the time before then to plan your move for tomorrow night."

  "Brilliant as always," said Kyle. "But, why don't you give us some privacy; I think the little lady's still shook up from, you know, evading death and all."

  "Sure," said Winston. "I'll be in touch."

  Then the screen went dark.

  Jo sat on the couch, barely able to move. She watched as Kyle made his way over to the built-in bar and prepared a couple of drinks.

  "I know you're a mess right now, but have something to drink; it works for me, at least."

  Jo took the glass of club soda and vodka from Kyle and brought the rim to her lips.

  "How are you so calm?" she asked. "We almost died in there."

  Kyle took a seat next to her on the couch, the wide factory windows in front of them looking out onto the Brooklyn streets beyond.

  "You kidding? I'm a Sapien; if we don't nearly get killed once a week we're doing something wrong."

  He looked away, shaking his head as he took a sip from his drink.

  "I really did like that apartment, though. It's goddamned impossible to find a decent place in this city."

  Jo allowed herself a smile.

  "So, what's the plan now, mister secret agent?"

  "Well, as Winston and I were discussing, while you stumbled upon the bomb that nearly killed us, there's a formal welcoming for the Bianchis taking place tomorrow at the tower that they're looking to make their new headquarters. It's looking pretty damn likely that they're going to stage their coup there. But, if we can find a way to get in and show the elders the evidence that you found on your boss's computer, that should be enough to turn the wolf three against them. Then, we hope that the rest of the wolves have enough sense to punish the Bianchis before they shred the treaty to pieces."

  Jo took this all in, wondering if she was going to be able to pull it off.

  "How do you do it?" she asked. "How do you seem so calm when so much is on the line? I've been feeling like I'm on the verge of a nervous breakdown since this whole thing started."

  Kyle took a slow sip of his drink.

  "Just part of the job," he said.

  "No," said Jo, shaking her head. "There's more to it than that. You could've locked me in your bedroom until you got this whole thing solved. But, you haven't."

  Kyle was ready to dismiss the notion, but something about her words stuck with him. He didn't say a word.

  "If I didn't know better," said Jo, "I'd think that you were going out of your way to keep me safe."

  "Don't think too much about it," said Kyle, his tone cool and crisp. "It's just bad PR if humans get killed during investigations."

  Jo smiled, her white teeth showing on one side of her mouth.

  "I don't think that's the case at all, Mr. Thorne," she said.

  "Oh?" said Kyle.

  "Yeah. I think you might like me. Just a little bit. I think beyond that smart-ass exterior there's a sweetheart somewhere."

  Kyle smirked.

  "Psychology expert in addition to a real pro," he said, walking with his drink over to the massive windows that overlooked downtown Williamsburg streets. "Anything you can't do?"

  Jo took one more sip of her drink before walking over to him. She couldn't describe how she felt; something about being around Kyle, coupled with the adrenaline; it was as though she felt alive for the first time in as long as she could remember.

  "Possibly," she said, standing close to him, very close, the lights of the city illuminating the side of her face.

  "I think you like this," Kyle said. "I think you're shaken up, but know that this is the most fun you've ever had."

  "They teach you mind reading in shifter secret agent academy?" she asked, taking Kyle's drink out of his hand and bringing it her lips, her steely eyes on him as she took a long sip.

  "You'd be surprised at what they teach you in there," said Kyle, his eyes locked on hers.

  "I'd love to find out."

  Kyle got the message. Leaning in close, he kissed Jo, the taste of vodka lingering on her breath. She set the drink to the side and allowed herself to fall into his kiss, letting his arm slip around the small of her back, resting on the curve of her rear end.

  "Something tells me you've been thinking about this," said Jo through the kiss.

  "You have no idea," said Kyle.

  It was true; from the moment he laid eyes on Jo in her tight cocktail dress he'd wanted nothing more than to peel it right off of her body. Their sleeping together before seemed to him like a fluke, but the more he thought about it–and he'd thought about it a lot–the more he realized that it wasn't just a simple, adrenaline-fueled fuck.

  They continued to kiss hard, Kyle's hands moving along Jo's back, stopping at the small, gold zipper at the top of her dress. He pulled it down, dragging his hand along the smooth skin of her back, his lips moving along her neck and shoulders as he stripped her down. Once the zipper was down, he pulled the dress to her waist, exposing the slim, toned curves of her upper body, her breasts full and ripe in her lacy, black bra. Jo finished the job, pulling the dress down and stepping out of it until she was wearing nothing but her black bra, panties, and her pumps.

  "Not yet," said Jo, stopping Kyle from stripping her completely nude. "Now, it's my turn."

  Jo moved her hands along Kyle's chest, feeling the hard contours of his pecs through his designer dress shirt. She pulled the suit jacket off before setting to work on his buttons. Her mouth watered as she exposed more and more of his god-like physique; his upper body was more ripped than she thought possible. Then, once she removed the shirt and took her time feeling over his chiseled form, she kissed him again while undoing his belt buckle and zipper. Soon, his cock was exposed, and Jo began stroking his member as he kissed him. She felt Kyle's breath quicken as she stimulated him, and soon she began her descent down his body, kissing along his neck, then his chest, then along the muscular grid of his abs.

After dragging along the hard notches of his hip muscles, Jo was ready to please Kyle. Taking his long, thick cock by the base, she placed her lips on the end of him, kissing his manhood softly, letting him savor the feeling of her lips on his most sensitive area. She licked and kissed him there for a time before looking up at him with smiling eyes as she opened her mouth, letting his hard length slide down along her tongue and into the warm wetness of her mouth.

  "Yeah, that feels so fucking good," said Kyle as Jo sucked him.

  "You taste like heaven," said Jo, her voice a sensual purr. "I could suck you all night."

  "I bet you'd like that," said Kyle with a smirk as Jo set back to work.

  Jo responded with a playful slap on his rock-hard stomach as she took him as far down as she could into her throat.

  "I can't wait anymore," said Kyle, running his hands through Jo's thick hair. "I need to fuck you. Like, now."

  Jo was more than ready. Kyle grabbed her by the hips and looked down at her, a sly, sexy smirk playing on his gorgeous lips.

  "I can't decide how I want you," he said, looking away as if really thinking over the matter.

  Then his eyes flicked to the window. He moved Jo over to the glass, and with a quick spin, turned her around. As she bent over and placed her hands on the cool, smooth glass of the window, the city bustling below, Jo knew exactly what Kyle had on his mind. Slipping his fingers underneath the waistband of her panties, Kyle pulled them down hard, exposing Jo's sex, along with her round, supple rear.

  Before Jo could respond to Kyle's decision to give the downtown Williamsburg streets below a show, he slid himself into her. Jo gasped as he entered her, his long, thick manhood shocking her with how much it filled her. Keeping her palms braced against the glass, she let out a sigh as she acclimated herself to the feeling of Kyle inside of her. Kyle placed his hands firmly onto the curves of her hips, and after a few slow slides in and out of her, began to pound into her harder and harder.

  Jo's hair bounced around her shoulders as Kyle fucked her, her full breasts hanging down. She felt a hot rush of embarrassment as she looked down at the crowds below, all oblivious to the carnal passion on display. But, these feelings soon passed. Indeed, as Kyle continued to pound into her, she began to feel a second hot streak of pleasure run through her, as though the idea of being spotted did nothing more than to add to the excitement.

  Kyle held firm onto her hips, bucking into her over and over, only removing his hand to slap down onto the soft, ripe flesh of her perfect ass.

  "Don't stop," Jo cried out, feeling an orgasm approach, her legs feeling weaker by the moment from the pleasure.

  "Wasn't planning on it," said Kyle wryly through his hard, manly grunts.

  The pleasure crashed through Jo's mind, breaking apart thoughts before she could form them. But, what she was conscious of was just how Kyle fucked her; it was with the raw, fevered intensity of an animal. It was as though he couldn't help but let the beast she knew lived within him come out.

  Kyle drove into her deeply, unceasingly, burying himself into her over and over. The tight, hot feeling of pleasure grew and grew inside of Jo, and she knew that at any moment her orgasm would break loose, rushing through her body and overwhelming her.

  "Pull my hair," she said, her voice breathy, the words barely able to form.

  Kyle was happy to oblige. He grabbed a handful of her tresses and gave them a quick, sudden tug, the pleasure mixing with the mild sting in a way that made her orgasm draw even closer. Jo couldn't get enough; something about the way Kyle moved, just a little rough, was doing things for her that she'd never felt with a man.

  Then, just as the orgasm moved to the brink, Kyle pulled out of Jo spun her around, and lifted her up. Jo marveled at the ease at which he could lift her; she knew she was a fairly petite girl, but still, he was able to handle her as though she weighed nothing. But, before she could consider the matter for too long, he pushed her back against the window, hoisted her up, and drove himself into her once again. Jo let out a tight shriek of pleasure as he moved into her, wrapping her legs around his hips as he brought her oncoming orgasm right back to where it'd been.

  And, just as Kyle was in the midst of driving into her just as he had been, the window glass cool against her back, her orgasm ripped through her body. Jo dug her nails into the tough skin of Kyle's back as the waves of unimaginable pleasure crashed through her body. Jo's face tightened as she came, and she was hardly able to comprehend the magnitude of the ecstasy she was in. Kyle came soon after, unloading himself deep into her with a series of tight, firm thrusts.

  When their orgasms faded, they stayed like this for a time, Jo nuzzling into Kyle's neck as he held her close, close in such a way that she felt she was safe from anything.


  It was the next evening, and Kyle and Jo were on their way to the wolf clan meeting. The flash drive that carried the incriminating information on it was tucked into Jo's pocket, and the pair was ready to put an end to the Bianchis once and for all. The evening was clear, the moon hanging above full and bright, the stars invisible among the lights of the towers that loomed over them in a manner that was almost menacing.

  Earlier in the evening, Kyle had made the attempt to convince Jo to stay at the safe house, and to let him do the work of taking care of the Bianchis. He told her it would be dangerous, that there was a chance that the Bianchis wouldn't go quietly, and that real harm could come to her. But, just as he was anticipating, she was steadfast in her decision to come with him.

  Jo wanted to see this through to the end. Though she'd learned that her boss was working with the Binachis, she still wanted justice for his murder. And, letting Kyle do all of the dirty work just didn't feel right. And, what's more, she was to feel something, feelings that made her decide that her place was by his side. The implication that she was developing real feelings for this man, this shifter, was troubling to her, and she decided to put the matter on hold until they were out of danger.

  Though he didn't say a word about it, Kyle felt the same way. There was something about Jo, something that made him feel fiercely protective over her; he couldn't remember the last time he'd felt this way about a woman, if ever.

  But, she's a goddamn human, he'd thought as he was preparing for the evening.

  But, just as Jo had decided to do, Kyle shelved the question; there'd be plenty of time to sort out his feelings when they weren't trying to make it to the next day in one piece.

  They arrived at the tower; a large, gray looming thing of steel and glass, the shape made up of strange, sharp angles, a sharp spire extending from the top and lit from under with searchlights that cut into the ink of the night sky.

  "Ready?" asked Kyle as the car came to a halt.

  "Ready," said Jo.

  With that, they exited the car, crossed the street, and made their way into the lobby, which was a vast, open space lit with a strange bluish, white light. They found the floor where the Bianchis were located, making their way up via elevator.

  The offices where they arrived were clean and modern, and not a soul was to be found. Looking down one of the many hallways, Kyle spotted directions to a conference room, and could see light coming from the direction.

  "Probably this way," he said, his voice low.

  But, before Jo could react, a pair of red eyes appeared in the dark to their right. Then, a snarl sounded, followed by the rush of something through the air.

  It was a wolf.

  The creature crashed into Kyle, slamming him back against the large, curving reception desk. The wolf's paw on his shoulders, it stood on top of him, the beast stared into his eyes, its mouth in a foaming sneer. Jo shrieked and ran back, putting distance between herself and the wolf.

  Then, it shifted, revealing Melina, the three red slashes still on her face from where Kyle struck her before.

  "I've been hoping you'd show up," she said, her face in a murderous glare. "You've made my revenge very convenient."

She then raised her paw into the air, the claws razor-sharp. But, before she could strike, Jo hoisted a nearby chair and brought it crashing down onto her back.

  "What the hell?" she shouted, more stunned by the blow than injured.

  Before she could have a chance to turn her attention back to her prey, Kyle took advantage of the distraction. He grabbed onto her head, and with a quick turn, snapped her neck. Melina's body went limp, and Kyle pushed her aside.

  "You okay?" he asked, standing back up.

  "I could ask you the same thing; you're the one that got pounced on."

  Kyle smirked and brought Jo close.

  "Thanks for the save," he said.

  Jo smiled. "Looks like we make a pretty good team."

  "Let's save the celebrating for when we've won," said Kyle, turning his attention back to their destination.

  But, he knew he'd be lying if he said she wasn't right.

  The two crept towards the conference room, and as they drew closer, Kyle could make out the familiar faces of the wolf three and their close council, all sitting around a long, black conference table, the floor-to-ceiling windows behind them framing the attendees in a view of the city. The Bianchis were stationed all around the table, Mr. Jane at the front giving some sort of presentation.

  "It looks like they're waiting for a signal of some kind," said Jo, watching the scene from her hiding place.

  "Yeah," said Kyle. "They're all in prime position; if Jane gives some kind of sign, they could rip everyone there to shreds before they even knew what hit them."

  "So, what's the plan?" asked Jo.

  Kyle considered his options. There was really nothing they could do other than making an entrance and hope the evidence would be enough to get the three on their side.

  "I hope you're good with public speaking," said Kyle, rising and walking towards the conference room.

  Jo's eyes widened as she saw what Kyle was up to.

  "W-wait!" she cried out as he opened the door.

  "Good evening, one and all," said Kyle, strolling into the middle of the room, the eyes of everyone in attendance locked on him.


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