Shifter Wars Complete Series

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Shifter Wars Complete Series Page 48

by Sarah J. Stone

  "Are you fucking crazy? I—"


  I nodded, my eyes wide as saucers. Hurrying away from Connor, I ran to my mother's side and she pulled me close. As I glanced over at my father, I could see that he was pinned by the bears, but otherwise unhurt.

  "You really want to fight a dragon?" Mallory said, his tone incredulous. "I mean, that might be something to check off your bucket list, but I hope it's the last thing on there."

  "Just shut the fuck up and fight," Connor said.

  With that, he shifted into his bear form and rushed toward Mallory, who shifted into his full dragon form as Connor approached. Connor's first move was to sink his teeth right into the dragon's ankle, biting down hard and holding on for dear life. Mallory struggled to angle himself to pull Connor off, and I was nearly beside myself with fear. One wrong move and Connor would be dead.

  Mallory finally managed to shake Connor off of his ankle, and as Connor skidded across the floor, Mallory reared his head back and let loose a thin plume of fire. Connor shifted back into his human form and scrambled out of the way, the fire blasting where he was only moments before.

  "This is just sad," Mallory said, his voice booming and regal in its dragon tones. "I'm thinking I might as well just end this now and prevent you from embarrassing yourself any further."

  He then lifted up his massive, scaly leg and prepared to bring it down on top of Connor. I couldn't watch.

  Godammit, Connor. So brave, but so stupid!

  "That's enough, Izrianiz!"

  The voice came from somewhere behind us. The crowd in the ballroom turned in the direction that it came from, and at the entrance of the ballroom stood three figures, two men and one woman. They were dressed in impossibly stylish formal wear, were each at least a head taller than an average human, and all had the same regal, majestic bearing.

  I knew right away they were dragons.

  Mallory stood frozen, Connor still in the shadow of the large foot that hung over his head.

  "Gruillnell!" Mallory shouted. "What are you doing here?"

  "You know damn well what I'm doing here," said the man in the middle, a built, middle-aged man with silver hair and model good looks. "You've been interfering with the lower shifters in a manner that is clearly against our code. And now, here you are, trying to turn this event into a bloodbath in order to dispense of a witness to your crimes!"

  "I wasn't going to turn it into a bloodbath," Mallory said, his voice now sheepish. "I was just going to ki—"

  "Enough!" Gruillnell shouted. "Shift into your human form. Now!"

  Mallory complied.

  "Why are you h—?"

  But before Mallory had a chance to finish his sentence, Connor strode over to where he stood and slugged him hard in the stomach. Mallory crumpled to his knees and began gasping for air.

  "Agent Rickart!" the female dragon shouted, a statuesque woman with fire-red hair. "Control yourself!"

  "Sorry," he said with that smart-ass little grin of his. "Couldn't help myself."

  Gruillnell continued as Mallory gasped for air. "You have two options, Izrianiz: Come with us and face judgment for your crimes in the grand hall, or be executed on the spot. The choice is yours. But you must make it now."

  "God," Mallory said. "Not leaving me much time here, you know?"

  The icy stares from the three dragons made it clear that they weren't in the mood for screwing around.

  "Fine, fine," Mallory said as he struggled to his feet. "I'll come with you, I suppose. I'm fucked either way; at least this way I'll get some entertainment out of it."

  He walked with slouched shoulders over to the three dragons who took him quickly into custody. The bears who'd come with Mallory realized they were sunk, and joined their boss as he was apprehended.

  Once the dragons left the ballroom, a strange silence hung over the crowd. No one seemed sure what to do with themselves.

  Finally, Connor strolled into the middle of the dance floor. "Come on, y'all!" he shouted. "Bad guys are done for. It's party time!"

  He gestured to the band and, after a moment of hesitation, they began to play an upbeat number. Connor strolled over to me in his usual cocky style and extended his hand.

  "I think I at least get a dance for all that," he said with a smirk.

  Taking his hand, I couldn't help but smile.



  Three months later…

  "I think it's my turn to take charge," I said as I lay under Connor, his gorgeous eyes sparkling only inches from my face.

  "Oh, really?" he asked, a sexy grin on his lips. "I'm not gonna argue with that."

  I lifted my head up a bit and kissed him gently on the lips. Even now, months after we'd decided to make our relationship official, his kiss still sent shivers of electricity up my spine. I don't know how he did it; there was just something magical about him.

  We kissed for a time, my hands moving up and down the solid lines of Connor's torso as he supported his body with his thick arms. Opening my eyes just a bit, I glanced over at his muscles, noting with sly satisfaction how hot they looked bulged out like that. And those tattoos…I never imagined I'd be with a guy with that much ink on him -and neither did my parents- but now I just couldn't get enough.

  "Well, little lady," Connor said. "Don't be shy."

  "Wasn't planning on it," I said.

  With that, I placed my hands on his hips and slid out from under him, turning him gently until I was on top. I cast a quick glance out the bedroom window, noticing just how gorgeous the sun looked streaming in from over the Hudson River. The air was still and quiet—perfect for lovemaking.

  With a little more movement I was soon straddling Connor, his thick cock already erect and pointing straight upwards just in front of my sex.

  "Someone's excited," I said, taking his cock into my hands and stroking it gently.

  Connor let out a sexy little groan as I teased him. "If you had a girl like you on top of you like this, her hands right where you wanted them, you'd be hard as a block of iron too."

  I continued to stroke him, moving my fingertips slowly up and down the length of his prick.

  "Well," I said, "if I ever have a me on top of me I'll make sure to note just how hard my cock gets."

  He flashed me a teasing grin.

  "Not the most coherent thing I've said, I'm sure," he said.

  "I'll cut you some slack," I said. "Just this once."

  I scooched back just a bit, giving myself enough room to lean over. Once I was a little further down his legs, I moved my head closer to his cock and, after admiring up close as I always did, took him into my mouth. A little shudder moved up and down Connor's body as I pleasured him, my tongue dancing around the ridge of his prick as I continued to stroke him with my hands. I kissed and sucked the head of his cock, a warm arousal building inside of me as I did. Looking up, I saw Connor staring down at me, enjoying the sight, as he always did, of my mouth full of his cock. I loved pleasing him this way. It turned me on so fucking much to listen to him moan as I bobbed up and down his cock, sucking a stroking him licking and kissing him.

  After a time, he guided my head off of his prick and spoke. "I'm gonna need you to get on that dick right now, or I just might explode. And not in a good way."

  I was right on board with his thinking. Moving up his legs, I straddled him once more and took his cock into my hand. Pointing it straight up, I lifted my hips and slowly, so slowly, lowered my body down.

  "Ahhh, fuck," I said as I impaled myself on his cock.

  I still hadn't quite gotten used to just how big he was. It always seemed to take just a few seconds for my small body to accommodate him. Luckily, I always managed to get so wet that it was never too much of an issue.

  I leaned forward just a bit, resting my hands on his square, solid pecs and rocking my hips back and forth. Connor placed his hands on my curves and let me do my sensual work, his expression melting into one of total sexual pleasur
e as I rode him steadily more quickly. Moans and sighs slipped out of my mouth as I moved. Connor's hands moved up my sides as I fucked him, and sitting up a bit, he took my breasts into his hands and sucked on my nipples, one after the other. My pleasure was beyond anything else.

  "Faster," he commanded, clamping his hands down hard on my ass and guiding my movements.

  I did just as he said. My movements changed from slow rocking to hard fucking as I began to bounce on top of him, the sounds of my flesh against his sounding out through the bedroom. The pleasure took hold of me like a warm grip and I moved my hands up along my body, squeezing my breasts in delight as an orgasm began to build. I moved more and more quickly, riding him like a bull that was on the verge of bucking me off at any moment.

  Connor grunted and groaned, and I could tell that he was moments away from coming too. I decided not to hold back any longer. Riding him in a way that positioned his cock just where I wanted it, I grinded on him in just the manner that brought my orgasm out, the pleasure exploding through my body. I moaned, I screamed, I shouted my lungs out as the ecstasy rushed through me in the way that could only happen with Connor's cock deep inside of me.

  Connor came not long after, shooting his come deep into me. He grunted as he released, groaning like the beast he was.

  Then, my orgasm faded, and I collapsed on top of him. Connor wrapped his arms around me, and together we caught our breath.

  After a time, he spoke. "You know, we do have a luncheon to go to," he said. "And I don't think your parents will take too kindly to us being late. Again."

  "Look at you," I said with a crafty smile, "all concerned with decorum all of a sudden."

  "'All of a sudden'?" he asked. "Listen, kiddo, your parents are already iffy on us dating, the last thing I need is them still thinking that I'm turning you into some wild child."

  "I think it's a little too late for that," I said.

  "Well, let's make sure Mom and Dad don't find out, at least."

  He gave my bare ass a quick swat. "Now let's get."

  I made a playful little pout and rolled out of bed. Strolling into the bathroom, I stepped into the shower, turned the water on nice and hot, and let the events of the last few months wash over me along with the steamy water.

  Things in the fox society were…shaken up, to say the least, by the events at the fall social. The upper-class families were none too pleased to have the most important event of the social year turned into a battleground between dragons and bears, but luckily for everyone involved, nothing more serious happened other than Connor coming within an inch of being turned into a roast bear by Mallory.

  Speaking of which, we didn't hear too much from Mallory after that night. Dragons are notoriously cagey about the goings on of their legal system, but I assumed that whatever happened to him wasn't pleasant. I once Connor asked to tell me what he knew, and all he would say was "the less you know, the better." I've heard that dragons are particularly creative with their punishments, so I took his word for it.

  Leonid made himself scarce after his…less than stalwart actions that night. Sure, I didn't expect a pampered little prince like him to go toe-to-toe with a dragon, but fleeing like he did didn't exactly endear him to the rest of the society. When I asked my parents if marrying him was absolutely necessary, they didn't put up too much of a fight.

  Telling them that Connor and I were going to be a couple, on the other hand, that was a harder sell. A bear and a fox couple was more than a little scandalous in our world, but he stayed on his best behavior whenever he came around. Slowly but surely, he endeared himself to my parents. After all, he was brave, and willing to fight to the death just to keep their little girl safe—what more can you want from a boyfriend?

  "What'd you think?" Connor asked, stepping into the bathroom as I got ready. He was dressed in a very sharp navy suit with brown loafers and a silver watch, his hair slicked back.

  I couldn't help but chuckle a little.

  "Funny?" he asked.

  "You just look like you're about to go yachting." I walked over him and gave him a kiss on the nose. "You look very, very dapper," I added. "It's so odd to see you in clothes that aren't made of denim or leather."

  "What can I say?" he said with a smirk. "I'm vast. I contain multitudes."

  I gave him a swat on the behind as I left the bathroom to get ready.

  An hour or so later, he and I were on the back of his motorcycle and driving through the streets of Manhattan to my parents. The sky was a cloudless blue, and the air was perfect for a drive. And with my arms wrapped around Connor, I realized that there was no place I'd rather be.

  "Hey," I said as we were stopped at a light near Central Park. "What'd you say we head through the park? Take the scenic route, you know?"

  "That'll most definitely put us a little behind," Connor said over the engine.

  "The world can wait," I said, squeezing him tight. "Right now, all I want is you."

  He flashed me that killer grin once more and kissed me on the lips. He turned his bike toward the park and took off as the light turned green.

  And together, we rode.


  Book 5: The Empire

  Sarah J. Stone



  "This is such a bad idea."

  "Oh, don't be a baby."

  Emily Anderson, my roommate and best friend since college, gave me a playful sneer from the other side of the Uber.

  "I don't know. I just have a really bad feeling about this."

  "That's the same thing you say any time we're about to do something fun, Alice. And I always say the same thing…"

  "…'you're just being paranoid'," I added.

  "…and I always talk you out of it, and we always have a great time. So, why would this be any different?"

  She had a point—I did tend to be a little bit on the overcautious side. Tonight was different, however. Watching the evening lights of Manhattan pass through the smudged window of the car, I couldn't shake the feeling of anxiety in my stomach. It felt like an alarm.

  "Because those other times are just trying to get backstage at some club or at some concert or something. This is, like, some rich person party that broke-asses like us shouldn't be within five hundred feet of."

  "What, just because we're crashing a party that we shouldn't even know about, let alone couldn't have been invited to, you think we're going to what, go to jail or something?"

  She laughed a bright chuckle. My eyes flashed and I gave her a "keep it down" gesture with my hand as I glanced toward the Uber driver.

  "What, you think he's in on it or something? You think our driver's gonna rat us out?" She rolled her eyes and turned to the heavy-set, balding man in the front seat. "Hey, uh," she said, glancing down at the name of the driver on her phone, "Suresh—my friend Alice and I are about to sneak into some rich people party in Midtown. Do you have some kind of, I don't know, moral objection to this?"

  "Lady, you give me five stars and promise not to throw up in the back seat, and I'll take you to the front lawn of Gracie Mansion."

  Emily cocked her eyebrows in an "I told you so" expression. I sighed, still not liking any of this one bit. Turning my eyes back toward the city outside of the car, I wondered just how I'd gotten into this mess. Emily worked part-time as an intern at some upscale real estate firm, and she learned about this party through an overheard conversation. Evidently, the elite of the city was supposed to be in attendance, and she got the bright idea for us to put on our best going-out clothes—meaning, the ones that showed off the most skin—and sneak in to see just what the top-tier of New York men were like, and maybe even snag a couple for ourselves.

  "Okay, what's your target for tonight?"

  "Huh?" I asked.

  "Like, stockbroker, movie executive, hedge fund guy—they're all gonna be here, and they're all loaded. You're gonna need to narrow it down now or else you'll probably, like, get overwhelmed by all the rich guys the

  Truth be told, I wasn't all that excited about meeting a man. Dating had never really been my thing, and after being in the city for a year since graduation from college all I had to show for it was a handful of go-nowhere, miserable Tinder dates.

  That didn't stop Emily from trying to hook me up constantly, despite the fact that I was more than happy spending my nights alone with some tea and a good book. That is, when I wasn't busting my ass at one of the two crappy jobs that I used to scrape together a meager living.

  Emily could evidently tell that I wasn't too thrilled about the evening ahead.

  "Just think about it," she said, her voice dreamy as she tried to paint a picture for me. "Maybe hedge fund guys aren't your thing, but that doesn't mean you won't find a guy you're into there. Imagine getting a drink at the bar and having it bought for you by some suave older guy in a really nice suit, then you two get to talking and you find out that he's, like, some wealthy artist or something. And before you know it, you're engaged and living in his brownstone on the Upper West Side."

  I couldn't help but snort at this. I'd met a few artists in the city, sure, but they were less the type that Emily was describing and more the sorts that live crammed into an apartment in Bushwick with five other roommates. But I had to admit, the idea did sound nice.

  "I don't think a guy like that would be interested in someone like me," I said.

  "Are you kidding me?" Emily asked. "Alice, you're a babe. How many times do I have to keep telling you this? I mean, look at you—nice ass, primo tits, and a face like a damn model. And I know I keep saying it, but I'd kill—kill—for that curly hair of yours."

  I couldn't help but blush.

  "You know, you'd make a hell of a pickup artist if you ever decided on a sex change."

  "Hey, I call ‘em like I see ‘em."

  The compliments were nice, but I'd always felt that between the two of us, Emily was the girl who got all the attention. With her gorgeous tan skin and hourglass body that looked amazing in whatever outfit she wore, I was sure that if one of us was going to have any success tonight, it'd be her. Especially since social events like this were her natural environment—Emily was the kind of person who could start a conversation with a person in line at Whole Foods and have a new friend by the time they checked out. I, on the other hand, sometimes felt like I could hardly get through an order at the deli without stammering and feeling overwhelmed.


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