Shifter Wars Complete Series

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Shifter Wars Complete Series Page 54

by Sarah J. Stone

  Now, it was one-on-one.

  Alice struggled against the thug's grip, and it was clear by the expression on the man's face that this wasn't at all how he expecting the mission to go. I roared and stormed across the room, savoring the shocked expression on his face. Just like I'd hoped she would, Alice took advantage of the chaos and broke free from the thug's grip, scurrying across the room just in time for me to tackle him before he had a chance to shift. Another quick swipe of my paw against his face was enough to take him out.

  I shifted back to my human form and took a look around the disaster of the living room. The three bodies, now all in human form, where here and there, and I knew that there'd be more goons incoming once these guys failed to check in.

  "We have to go. Now," I said to Alice.

  She nodded.



  My heart raced like it never had before as I hurried with Carter down the stairs of his apartment to his motorcycle. Another scene of violence had just erupted in front of me, and I wondered just how much more of this I could take.

  The events of the last ten minutes were still a blur. I remembered being yanked out of my bed, and before I knew it, I was being held in the grip of some gorilla asshole, his musky scent invading my nostril and making me want to retch.

  "We gonna kill the Sapien?" one of the thugs had asked.

  "That's the plan," another had said. "We take him out, then we bring the girl back to Castile. But Salt wants to see her first."

  "What the fuck does Salt want with her?"

  "You think they tell me any of this shit? Those are the orders."

  But their plan didn't go at all like they'd hoped.

  Soon, I was back on the motorcycle, my arms wrapped around Carter.

  "We got a clean-up situation at my apartment," he said, speaking into his phone. "Yeah, in the village. Three bodies. I'm taking the girl to the safe house in Bushwick. I'll check in when I'm there." He turned to me. "You ready?"

  I nodded, unable to form words.

  Then we were off. Carter drove through the village, making his way toward the Williamsburg Bridge. As we rode, I couldn't help but grip him tight, holding Carter as close as I could. I knew it was silly, but I felt safe holding him. And after what I'd been through, feeling safe was exactly what I needed. His body was hard and solid, I noticed, and in spite of everything, I was more than a little turned on.

  What the hell is wrong with me? I asked myself as we crossed the span of the bridge, the lights of Brooklyn shining in the distance. This isn't the time to think about sex.

  But I couldn't help it. Something pulled me toward Carter, something that I couldn't quite understand that occupied more and more of my thoughts by the moment. It didn't hurt that the vibration of the bike was having a particular…effect on me.

  Soon, we were making our way through the streets of Brooklyn, decades-old brownstones and towering glass and steel condos rushing past us on both sides of the streets. After a little more driving, we pulled up to a nondescript warehouse, a boxy gray building of the sort that you never notice unless looking for it in particular. Carter pulled the bike to a stop in front of it and killed the engine.

  Disappointment took hold of me; part of me wanted the ride to keep going.

  "What's this?" I asked, stepping off.

  "This is one of the safe house we've got around the city. Should be a good place to hide out for the time being."

  We approached a heavy-looking steel door on the other side of the building. Carter put in a code on the keypad next to the door, and a lock inside of it opened with a thick clunking sound.

  Moments later, we were inside the building, which looked completely unlike what I imagined it did from the outside. Where the exterior of the building was stark and non-descript, the inside was almost futuristic, with stainless steel surfaces and sleek furniture and décor. The ceiling illuminated, flooding the wide, open space with warm light.

  "Are we…going to be okay here?" I asked, stepping further into the space.

  "Only a few of the Sapiens even know about this place," Carter said. "Not a chance Castile or Salt do. And even if they did, it's built like a fortress." Carter shook his head. "It was goddamned stupid of me to think that we'd be safe at my apartment. Should've known that they'd been onto me."

  I found myself following him closely, not wanting to be even a few feet away from him. True, he was a real asshole, but he'd come through when it had counted. Because of him, not only was I safe from the clutches of Castle, he'd prevented me from being taken a second time. I owed my life to him twice over now.

  "How are you?" he asked. "Did they hurt you?"

  "No," I said. "Just…really shaken up."

  He nodded, his expression grim. "This isn't going to stand," he said. "We'll make them pay for all of this, don't you worry about that for a second.

  The muscles of his jaw worked under his skin as he stood with his hands clenched. I was seeing a different side of him. Where he'd been flippant before, now he was determined. It was a part of him that I was happy to see, a part that made me feel like I didn't have to worry.

  Carter took a seat on the back of a couch, and I quickly moved next to him. Looking up, I saw that there was a massive skylight above us, the moon hanging overhead like a silver coin. I sat only inches from him, knowing that I was just a little closer than I ought to have been. But I couldn't help it; something was pulling me into his proximity, something that I didn't seem to have any control over.

  "Listen," he said, his voice stern, "I know that this is some shit that you didn't ask for, that you got pulled into some world that you'd probably be happier not knowing existed. But you do, and you're my responsibility now. And I'm gonna make sure not only that you're safe, but that the assholes who did this to you—to all the other girls—pay for this. It's not going to stand. You have my word on that."

  I nodded slowly, my gaze locked onto his sapphire-blue eyes. Our faces were close now, very close, and my lips parted slightly as I regarded him.

  Then, in a flash of movement, Carter closed the distance between us with a kiss.

  His lips touched mine gently at first, and I was more than a little shocked at what was happening. But my boy relaxed instantly, and I fell into the kiss as though it were the most natural thing in the world. My hands moved his body, pulling him close until we were pressed against one another. I sighed as we kissed, feeling as though tension were being released from my body by the second.

  "Wait," I said in between kisses. "Bad idea, bad idea."

  His hands moved onto my hips, holding me tight and close in the way that I wanted. Thoughts raced through my head, some telling me to pull away, to not let things go any further than this, that the only thing that could make this situation more complicated and chaotic would be to introduce sex into all of it.

  “Actually,” I said. “Good idea. Very good idea.”

  Our lips locked, we moved from the back of the couch onto the seats, his body now positioned over mine. I spread my legs, letting him get close and making it clear exactly what I wanted. We continued to kiss, the intensity growing more and more by the moment. After a time, he moved his lips from mine down to my cheek, then down to my jaw, then along my neck. The sensation of his kiss along the sensitive skin there caused shivers of delight to break out across my skin, and I wanted more and more.

  My hands slipped up his T-shirt, moving along the hard lines of his muscles. I thrilled as I felt the hard surface of his flat, toned stomach, my pussy growing wetter by the second as I touched more and more of his solid muscles. With a quick pull, I yanked the T-shirt off over his head, exposing a lean, shredded physique decorated with colorful tattoos. I loved the sight of the ink on his body, and found myself more turned on than I already had been.

  Bringing his lips back onto mine, Carter returned the favor, pulling my shirt over my head and going to work on the clasps of my bra. In a split-second, he had it undone, and I yanked it off
and tossed the thing across the room, exposing my breasts, my pink nipples hard with arousal. He turned his attention to my tits right away, taking them into his hands and placing his mouth on my nipples, lashing the skin with tongue.

  "Oh, fuck," I moaned, the sensation more intense than I was anticipating.

  He sucked and licked my nipples, focusing on one before moving to the other. It was like heaven.

  Next, his mouth moved down my body, kissing the barely-visible lines of my abs as he glided further and further down until his lips teased the notches of my hip. I moaned as I bucked my hips slightly, running my hands through his dark hair and undoing his top-knot, sending his mane down in a wild tumble. His ink-dark hair tossed around his face, Carter looked up at me with a sly smile before returning to the work at hand.

  Slipping his fingertips under the waistband of my pants, he pulled them down slowly. I sighed in anticipation as he slipped them down my legs, exposing inch after inch of bare, tingling flesh. Carter finally pulled them over my legs, leaving me in nothing but my dark blue thong panties. Moving his lips up along my body, he kissed my skin up to my hips before pulling my panties off with a quick yank and tossing them across the room.

  I still couldn't believe what was happening. Mere inches away from my bare pussy was not just some man I barely knew, but some kind of beast who just happened to be in the shape of a human. The thought should've terrified me, sent me running for the hills, but instead I was somehow more turned on by the knowledge that a wild animal lurked within Carter sending a thrill up my spine.

  My hands still shoved in his hair, I guided him closer and closer to right where I wanted him. But after he flashed me another sexy, knowing smile, I knew that he was in the mood for just a little more teasing first.

  I was helplessly caught in the grips of passion as Carter moved down slowly, kissing the tops of my thighs and inching ever-closer toward my pussy. Sighing with delight, I slipped my hands into the thickness of his ink-dark hair and guided him.

  "Oh, God," I said. "I need it; I can't wait any longer."

  I couldn't believe the words coming out of my mouth; they felt like they were being spoken by someone else. After a few more seconds of agonizing teasing, I felt the first lick of Carter's tongue against my swollen lips. By this point I was so wet that I could've sworn I could feel my arousal trickling down my legs.

  "Someone's ready," he said, his voice a sensual purr.

  "More than ready," I said.

  That was all he needed to hear. Carter spread my lips apart, first taking a long, slow sniff of my scent. I could only imagine what he smelled with that strange animal being a part of him, but judging by the expression on his face, he was more than pleased to take it in.

  He slipped a finger inside of me, the feeling of being entered by him beyond compare. He moved into me with ease, and soon after began dragging his tongue slowly over my clit.

  "Ah, fuck!" I shouted as he pressed his face harder in my pussy.

  I couldn't believe how goddamn good it felt. Carter was a master, effortlessly stimulating my clit with perfect synchronicity of his tongue and fingers, flicking and caressing my clit in such a way that an orgasm was already beginning to build within me. Reaching up, he took hold of my breasts and, one after another, squeezed and caressed my nipples. It was three sources of stimulation at once, and I was in total heaven.

  I watched my breasts heave up and down with each pleasured breath. Below, the sight of his tongue moving against my clit pushed me even closer to the orgasm that already stirred. I knew that it wasn't going to take much more of this for me to absolutely explode with delight.

  My breath became quicker and quicker as he ate me, and I listened carefully to the sounds of him lapping me up, that wet sound of his tongue on my clit and his fingers in my pussy. The orgasm approached by the second, and finally, as he achieved perfect balance in how he ate me, it exploded through my body.

  "Oh, fuck-fuck-fuck," I moaned, my voice carrying through the safe house. "Don't-stop-don't-stop-don't-stop."

  He didn't. Carter continued to lick and finger me through the orgasm. The feeling was so intense that I felt for a moment as though I might shatter into a million pleasured pieces right then and there. After a time my breath slowed and the orgasm faded. But that didn't mean I was finished—not by a long shot.

  "How was that?" Carter asked as he rose up from his knees, his mouth wet and glistening with my juices.

  "Fucking amazing," I moaned.

  "Good thing this place is soundproof," he said, a teasing smile on his lips.

  "No kidding."

  He dragged the back of his forearm over his mouth, wiping away my arousal. Glancing down, I spotted the tell-tale outline of a cock that was thick, hard, and ready to be deep inside of a pussy. My pussy.

  My hands shot down to his crotch, undoing his belt and button and zipper. Finally, I had him in nothing but his boxer briefs, his prick tenting the dark fabric. With one last quick movement, I reached in and pulled his cock out, my eyes going wide at the sight of the thing. It was long and thick and dripping wet at the end. I needed it.

  "Someone's not screwing around," he said, now standing totally nude in front of me, his huge, meaty cock pointed right at my cunt.

  "Can't help it," I said, still feeling as though I'd been possessed by some primal spirit of lust. "I need that in me right now."

  Carter closed the distance between us, his cock now grazing my still-wet lips. I let out a shivering sigh as I felt the hard curve of his head against me. But before he entered me, Carter narrowed his eyes and stopped. "Tell me what you want," he said, his voice a low purr.

  "I want it," I said, about to explode from the tension, his breath hot against my face.

  "Say it, then," he said. "Tell me."

  My legs were shaking from the anticipation by this point. I took in a slow draw of air, closed my eyes, and spoke. "I want you to fuck me. Hard. Now."

  Judging by the expression on Carter's face, that seemed to be the password to the pleasure I was seeking. He placed his hand on mine and moved it to his cock. I eagerly wrapped my fingers around it and began slowly stroking him, a shudder moving through his body as I did. Then, I placed the head right on my pussy.

  With a slow step forward, Carter entered me.

  "Ah, ah!" I shouted as he moved inside of me inch by inch.

  It was tough at first to take all of that cock into me; his prick was easily the biggest that I'd ever accommodated. Once he was fully inside of me he held fast for a moment, seemingly understanding that I'd need a little time to get used to how he big he was.

  Carter's member inside of me was the most filled I'd ever felt from sex before. It was like his cock was made just for my cunt—a perfect fit. I reached around his hips and rested my hands on the hard curves of his ass. Connor was all muscle, and there wasn't a square inch of him that I didn't want to touch.

  Carter started slowly at first, rocking his hips back and forth, entering me over and over again. He'd withdraw his cock to the head, then bury himself to the hilt. Each inch moving inside of me was a new wave of ecstasy that I could hardly stand. It was almost too much in the best way possible.

  "How's that feel in you?" he said, placing his hands on the soft curves of my hips and holding me into place.

  "So goddamn good," I said. "But harder, I need it harder.”

  He was happy to indulge me. Carter's hands moved up, coming to a rest on the sides of my stomach. He leaned in and paid special attention to my heaving breasts, taking into his mouth one pink nipple after the other, lashing and sucking them.

  "Oh, oh, oh," I moaned.

  Then he moves his mouth up and kissed me once again along the slope of my neck. And while all this was happening the speed of his thrusting increased, moving to a pistol-like tempo and speed, entering me over and over, driving into me.

  Soon, another orgasm began to stir. But I didn't want to be alone with this one. I wanted Carter to come, and I wanted him to
cum hard. My hands still on his ass, I guided him right where I wanted him, angling his cock to hit me in just the right places.

  "Fuck me harder, please," I said, my voice tight with pleasure.

  His speed increased and now hot, animal grunts escaped his mouth as he pounded me. His eyes flashed a wild color, one that I recognized right away as the bear that dwelled inside of him. I could tell that he was losing control, that the beast was coming closer and closer to the surface, that the line between man and animal was blurring with each penetration.

  Then he growled, a low, roaring sound that seemed to come from someplace deep, deep inside of him. Carter was bucking wildly at this point, and I could sense that he was on the same brink I was.

  "Come in me," I moaned. "Come deep in me."

  Another growl sounded and this tie I could feel the vibrations through his skin. He bucked harder and harder, filling me in a way that I'd never been filled before.

  "Ah-ah, fuck!" he shouted as he came.

  And that was all it took for me.

  I felt the small explosion of his prick shooting his load into my pussy and the sensation was just what I needed to fall into the sweet oblivion that I craved. My body shook and my legs quivered as another, more powerful orgasm rocked through me. I moaned, shrieked, and squealed with insatiable delight.

  Carter's body twitched with each pulse of his orgasm, one after another. And by the time he was fully drained he was ready to rest his head on my shoulder and take in a series of slow breaths, his cock still buried inside of me. I caressed him tenderly, holding him close and keeping him deep, right where I wanted him.



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