Shifter Wars Complete Series

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Shifter Wars Complete Series Page 58

by Sarah J. Stone

  "You want what?"

  "I want you. I want you inside of me, right now."

  And that was all he needed to hear. Carter's lips moved along the slope of my neck, the sensation of his lips against my skin driving me wild and causing me to break out in gooseflesh. I moaned as his kiss moved to my collarbone as his hand slipped up my shirt and under my bra. I pulled my short off, the evening air cool against my skin.

  "We're…kind of in the public eye here," I said, looking around at the buildings that surrounded us.

  "I don't give a damn if you don't."

  I didn't.

  We kissed more, the intensity building by the second. Carter reached around and undid my bra, my heaving breasts tumbling out. His mouth latched onto my nipples instantly, licking and sucking them just how I loved. They turned as hard as tiny pebbles in his mouth, my pussy getting wetter by the second.

  I slipped my hands under his shirt and felt the contours of his muscles, a thrill running through me. I felt a strange blend of passion and warmth toward Carter —it was like nothing I'd ever experienced before. We kissed more and more, taking off articles of clothing here and there until I was in nothing but my panties and he was in nothing but his boxer-briefs.

  Almost by instinct, I reached down and grabbed his cock through the fabric of his underwear. Carter let out a sensual, manly moan as my hand took his prick. "Don't stop there," he growled.

  "Wasn't planning on it." I slipped my hand under the waistband and grabbed onto him, his unit heavy and hot in my hand, not to mention as solid as steel. I pulled his underwear down his thick, toned legs and he did the rest of the work by kicking them off his feet and sending them flying. The sight of his boxers launching through the air caused a small smile to form on my lips.

  Dropping to my knees in front of him, I was face-to-face with his massive cock. Starting my stroking him, I looked the massive member in front of me over, wondering how I was going to fit all of it into my mouth. But I wanted to make him feel good, to give him a reason to relax in the middle of what we were both going through.

  Leaning forward slightly, my hand still moving up and down his length, I placed my lips onto the end of his prick. He was hard and dripping for me already, the taste of his pre-come sweet and salty in the best way possible. I dabbed the tip of his dick my tongue, taking in more of his flavor. Carter let out a low moan as I did.

  I opened my mouth and sucked his head in. The feeling of his rounded contours inside of my mouth was heavenly, and I wanted to savor him like the most delicious piece of candy I'd ever had. Carter let out another growl, and I could sense that the animal within was growing more awake by the moment.

  I lolled my tongue around his head, carefully working the curves and shape of him, feeling more of his pre-come onto my palate. I wanted to guzzle him, to drink down every last drop of his cum and make him beg for more. I took sweet pleasure in teasing him, giving him a little bit of a hint of what was to come when I brought more of him into my mouth.

  But Carter didn't want to wait any longer. His hands on the back of my head, he pushed me toward him slowly, his inches disappearing into my mouth by the second. At first I wanted to resist, to make him move at my own pace. But I should've known by now that Carter was the kind of man who liked to me in control. And I was happy to let him.

  Soon, I reached the base of his long, thick cock, my lips pressed against the base of him. My eyes went wide, and I couldn't believe that I'd managed to fit all of him in me. But there he was, resting effortlessly down my throat, my lips forming a tight seal around his sweet skin.

  "There you go," he said. "Take it all."

  I let out an "Mmmm," expression both just how pleased I was to have him in me and to let him enjoy the sensation of vibrations on his prick. Once I held him inside for a time, I moved my mouth down his length, stopping at the curves of his head. I gave him some more lashing with my tongue before going down once more.

  I repeated this process for a time, feeling Carter's cock twitch in my mouth as he moved closer to orgasm. But as delightful as the idea of him spraying into my mouth sounded, I had a better place in mind for his come.

  And so did he.

  Carter reached down and grabbed my upper arm, pulling me abruptly up to my felt. His eyes were narrowed and his expression intense—he was in control, and I loved it. Glancing down, I saw that his cock was glistening and hard, ready to be shoved into me.

  Grabbing my hips, Carter whipped me around. I leaned forward and placed my hands on the concrete wall of the roof and looked out to the city. I knew that there was a very real possibility that we were being watched, and strangely enough, the idea was strangely intriguing.

  But before I had a chance to give the matter too much thought, I felt the pressure of Carter's head against my lips. I was wetter than I'd ever been, and I wiggled my ass on his cock, making it clear just how much I wanted him to take that first, full thrust. With one hand on my hip and the other on his cock, Carter drove into me, filling me full in the way that only he could.

  "Oh, goddamn," I moaned as he entered me.

  "Fuuuck," Carter let out, his voice throaty and raw.

  Once he was fully inside of me, buried down to the hilt, he held fast for a moment. I closed my eyes and focused on the feeling of his cock, the feeling of being split in half by him in the most sensually-unimaginable way possible. Sure, I'd been fucked by Carter before, but something about this time was like nothing else that I'd ever experienced.

  He moved slowly at first, only withdrawing a few inches at a time before driving back into me. Carter gripped hard onto my hips, squeezing the ripe flesh of my curves and caressing them with his fingers. I loved his touch, I loved his warmth, and I loved the feeling of him standing behind me like a glorious god filling me with his pleasure over and over again.

  The pace soon picked up and, still holding me in place, Carter was soon bucking into me at an incredible speed. I moaned and thrashed, my hair whipping around from the impact of him into me. One hand still on my hips, Carter reached forward and took one of my breasts into his grasp, kneading the flesh as he fucked me.

  "Harder, harder," I repeated like some kind of sexual chant.

  But he didn't need my encouragement. By this point, he was penetrating me deeply over and over, his cock filling every bit of my cunt. I could tell by the increasing intensity of his grunts that he was getting closer and closer to an orgasm, and so was I.

  Then it broke loose.

  The orgasm burst through my body, making me feel as though I was about to come apart at the seams. My moans carried down off into the city, disappearing into the night air.

  With a final series of grunts as the orgasm rippled through my body, Carter came hard. I felt the explosion and splash of him finishing inside of me, and the sensation of his come filling my pussy pushed me into a new stratosphere of pleasure. I gripped the concrete of the wall so hard that I felt like I might rip a chunk off with some kind of superhuman strength.

  Soon, Carter's pumping slowed. Giving my ass one last swat, he pulled his cock out and I felt the warm drip of his come down my thigh, the sensation eliciting a naughty, sinful little smile on my lips.

  He collapsed back onto the seat behind him and I joined him moments later. And there we sat for a time, our chests rising and falling as we lay in each other's arms, the moon hanging in the dark above like a silent witness to our delight.



  "You ready?"

  "As ready as I'm gonna be."

  Standing in front of the full-length mirror in the safe house bedroom, I took one last look at my outfit. It was an old-fashioned tux, nothing that I'd normally wear, but appropriate for the setting. This place was going to be old money, and Castille let me know that some hot-shock punk strolling in wearing Tom Ford's latest would be identified as an outsider right away, regardless of what member was vouching for them.

  I patted the inside of my coat, feeling for the gun. I ho
ped that I wouldn't have to use it, but I knew that the odds of this mission going sideways were pretty damn high.

  Alice stood at the entrance of the bedroom. She was dressed in a lilac-colored full-length gown, a slit up the side showing off some very tasty-looking thigh and the top of the dress low-cut enough to put plenty of cleavage on display. She looked as hot as hell, and I had to use every little bit of restraint I had not to jump her right then and there.

  "Keep it in your pants there, secret agent," Alice said, a sexy little smile playing on her lips.

  "Don't have any idea what you're talking about," I said, returning the expression.

  "I can spot a horndog from a mile away, and you're not exactly subtle about what you've got on the brain most of the day."

  "When a girl looks as good as you, can you really blame me?"

  She smiled again and looked away, her expression turning somewhat dour. The reality of the situation was dawning on her, and I couldn't help but agree with the sentiment that was on display.

  "Hey," I said, stepping over to her and placing my hand on her bare shoulder. "It's gonna be fine."

  She flicked those gorgeous eyes up at me. "How do you know that?" she asked. "How do you know we're going to get through this? I mean, even if our cover holds up, we still have to get Salt and rescue everyone and…and…"

  "We're gonna get it done," I said. "It's my job, remember?"

  "And Emily…" she said.

  "We'll get her too. The odds of her being there are good, and if not, we'll get a lead on who's got her. After tonight, this whole slave ring is gonna get brought down to the ground. There won't be a girl captive by the time we've finished the job."

  She nodded slowly, my words seeming to have eased her mind somewhat. But I was putting on a brave face—this mission was going to be hard, to put it lightly. It'd take everything I had to get us through onto the other side in one piece.

  Before I could give the matter any more thought, my phone rang. It was our ride. "Time to go," I said. Alice still seemed apprehensive. Taking her chin into my hand, I gave her a soft, slow kiss. "We've got this."

  The drive through the city was silent. This time, our destination was out east in on Long Island, in one of the ritzier, more exclusive communities. As we rode the packed buildings of the city gave way to the more open spaces of the outskirts, and after a half-hour or so we were in a gated community of Palatial Estates, the yards in front of the massive, old houses seeming to stretch into forever.

  We eventually arrived at the place, an enormous manor-style home that looked as though it'd been plucked right off of some German aristocrat's estate. A handful of limousines were parked in front of the circular driveway that led to the grand steps, and men and women in elegant clothes were stepping out and into the house.

  "Here we are,” I said as the limo pulled up alongside of the rest.

  We got out and ascended the stairs, a giant, ornate fountain behind us in the center of the driveway. The crowd entering the home seemed to be exclusively older men with one, sometimes two, very young, very pretty women. They were dressed expensively and in old-fashioned styles. The women all wore calm faces of compliance, and it was clear that they were purchased girls who'd had time to learn how they were expected to act in public.

  "Name?" one of the burly guards, surely a gorilla, asked.

  "My name is Herbert Walker, here for Anton Castille. And this is my companion, Alice Thorne."

  The guard checked the list on a tablet, nodding when he found our names. "Welcome," he said in a gruff voice. "Please, enter."

  I nodded and the two of us stepped through the large double doors and into a grand entrance hallway. Gold and glass dominated the décor, and marble statues were here and there. A pair of staircases led up to the second and third floors. It was more wealth on display than I'd ever seen in my life. Fifty or so men and their companions were gathered there, talking over the light music that a string quintet in the corner performed.

  "We're in," I said. "That's one part of all this taken care of."

  "You sound a little surprised," Alice said as she looked around the place.

  "I am, kind of." I snatched a pair of champagne flutes off of a passing tray. "Part of me thought Castille would send the word that a couple of interlopers were trying to sneak into the event."

  "And what if he had?"

  "They'd probably be spraying what was left us off of the stairway after the gorillas stomped us into goo."

  "Oh, great," Alice said.

  "But hey, good news is that didn't happen.

  Alice took a nervous sip of her drink. "So, what's the next move?"

  "We keep an eye out for Salt. We've got more than enough to bring him in, not to mention all the rest of these assholes. I've got three squads of Sapiens ready to move in when I give the word. But we need to make sure that everyone who's going to be here is here, and that all the girls they plan to sell are in the house.

  "Got it," Alice said.

  "So, keep an eye out for our man, and try to play it cool."

  "Now, you're a new face!" The voice behind me was clear and magnanimous. I turned and was face-to-face with a bald, older man with a long, silver beard, a pair of young blonde beauties with blank expressions on their faces at his sides.

  "My name's Edgar Sharpe," the man said, extending his hand.

  The man seemed friendly, but had a strange bearing to him, as though he were the sort of man who'd be all smiles and handshakes until you said just the wrong thing, then a switch would flip and he'd be ripping you apart limb-from-limb.

  "Carter Griffen," I said, spitting out the fake name I'd come up with on the car ride over.

  We shook heartily. Alice and the other girls said and did nothing—the women were purely intended as ornaments, and I'd instructed Alice to imitated their "speak only when spoken to" manner of behavior.

  "Bear, I take it?" Edgar asked.

  I sniffed the air. It was a strange scent, something like an old tomb mixed with something astringent mixed with odd spices. I couldn't place it. "Bear," I said. "And…I don't recognize your scent."

  "That's because there's no reason why you would. One of a kind." And he left it at that. "So, you're here on behalf of Castille?"

  "Wow," I said. "Word travels fast."

  "You bet your ass it does. Especially when you've got a five-million-dollar girl on your arm." Edgar then turned his gaze to Alice. "And this is her," he said.

  He extended his hand again, this time in a more gentlemanly way. Keeping up the act, I nodded softly to Alice, letting her know that it was okay to introduce herself.

  "A pleasure," Edgar said, his voice warm and honeyed.

  "Nice to meet you," Alice said in a tone that was almost robotic. "I'm Alice."

  And she didn't say a word more.

  "Very nice," Edgar said, taking a slow loop around Alice and looking her up and down as though she were a car on a showroom floor. "I'd almost say that Castille got his money's worth. Ah, who am I kidding—I'd drop five on a girl like this, easy. And maybe I will tonight; these two are getting a little old-hat, you know?"

  He gestured to the two blondes, who didn't react to the insult in the slightest, their stunning faces remaining blank, aside from the slightest hints of smiles. "Got ‘em last year. I'm not usually a ‘blonde' guy, but I thought it'd be fun to mix it up a little. I'll probably pick up something new tonight and put these broads on maid duty until I get bored with them. You know? Variety is the spice of life."

  I was getting more and more sick to my stomach the longer I talked to this guy. But more than that, I couldn't shake the idea that there was something about him, something that set him apart from the rest of the shifters here.

  Before the conversation had a chance to continue, a low chime sounded through the entrance hall.

  "That's our cue," Edgar said. “Time for this show to get on the road. I swear, I'm like Pavlov's dog at this point—I hear that bell and I get a goddamn boner. Say
, I never asked you—what's your relationship to Castille?"

  "We go way back," I said as we walked through the entrance hallway to another set of double doors. "I'm a contact of his in LA." I chided myself for the lie as soon as it left my mouth—I didn't know a damn thing about that city.

  "Ah, so you're probably tight with the shifter crew down in the Hills?" Edgar asked. "I've got a few buddies down there. You know Jo—"

  Before he could say anything more, however, a pair of guards stopped us at the doors.

  "Humans through the other entrance," one of them said, glowering down at the women at Edgar and my sides.

  "Ah, that's right," Edgar said, impatiently gesturing to his girls to follow the other humans.

  "What's this?" I asked, a tinge of anxiety forming in my gut.

  "Standard practice at these private parties. Gotta make sure the humans are all on the level, you know?"

  I turned to Alice, who was clearly barely masking her fear at being taken from my side. But she knew that she couldn't look too nervous about the idea, or else she just might give the game away.

  "Go ahead," I said, taking a commanding tone. "Get with the others."

  Alice gave a quick nod before heading off with the other human women.

  "After you, friend," Edgar said, gesturing for me to enter through the doors.

  The entrance hall was large, but this new hall made it seem absolutely cramped. It was a massive, open space with ceilings up to the sky and walls lined with columns. A stage was ahead, giving the room a look almost like some kind of old opera hall.

  And on the stage ahead were a dozen or so women, all dressed in lingerie and all stunning in their own ways. The attendees gathered in the center of the room, eyeing the women on display.

  "Come on," Edgar said. "Let's check out the goods."

  He grabbed me by the arm and I noticed right away his incredible strength. I got the impression that if he wanted to toss me across the room, he could do so with very little effort. We arrived in front of the stage and Edgar set to ogling them.


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