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RuiningTheVicarsDaughterOnePassionTwiceTold Page 4

by Mary Alice Williamson

  “Silly goose.” He gripped her hips and lifted her. His thick cock head flirted with her wet opening. “There is much to experience yet today, and besides, it must end eventually. I’ll need to sleep.”

  She didn’t have time to worry about their eventual parting and the cessation of his wonderful carnal teachings. He thrust into her and didn’t stop until he was fully sheathed.

  She cried out in complete satisfaction. Her thighs trembled while she held him between her legs. The banked energy spiraled tighter. When he withdrew and slammed back into her pussy with enough force the ladder rungs pressed into her back, her reserve broke. Crashing release claimed her with a power so great it stole her breath.

  Adam pulled out, set her on her feet and stepped away, regardless that she sagged against the ladder or whined for his return. “You’re surprising. I never know how you’ll react, but when you do, it’s quite refreshing.” His face lit with a grin. “Most unexpected in a vicar’s daughter.”

  “Is that a compliment, Lord Audley?” Her legs wobbled and barely supported her weight while residual pulses racked her body. It was scandalous how well he’d discovered the hidden secrets of her body.

  “Most definitely.” He shoved a hand through his hair, upsetting the rumpled style. “If more representatives of God were like you, perhaps the church coffers would be full and the pews would be crowded.”

  Patricia raised an eyebrow. “How lovely to know you have a sense of humor, dark though it may be.”

  “I am something of a mystery.” His expression conveyed surprise. “Imagine that.”

  “Indeed.” She tugged at the silken bonds. What would the act be like in a standing position? “Will you release me or do you plan to fuck me on this ladder?” She loved how the vulgar word felt on her lips and sounded in her voice. Consorting with the devil was having a profound effect on her.

  I’ll probably be tossed from the church if word of the indiscretion is found out. The thought brought a smile. At least she’d enjoyed the sin. Multiple times.

  “To hear such talk from your pretty mouth excites me.” Amusement danced in Adam’s eyes. “For this next bit, not only do I plan to untie you, but I plan to fuck you—” His grin was as wide as hers. “—on the chaise, yet in a different way than before.”

  Cold chills traced her spine. Her nipples pebbled into tight buds and her breasts grew heavy with need. She couldn’t wait to feel him inside her. “You’d better make some headway into that plan.” She flicked her gaze to his engorged cock now wet from her juices. “I doubt even you can sustain such impressive equipage.”

  The brief joining she’d enjoyed hadn’t been nearly enough to satisfy her. Would he let her handle his cock, stroke his length, pleasure him as he’d done her?

  “I plan to coax every second from it.” Adam came close again. He pressed his body into hers, skin-to-skin, while he released her wrists with slow, lingering care. “I must say, you’re quite delectable tied to various pieces of my furniture. I’m enjoying the sight.”

  Patricia sighed. He had a capacity for tenderness she doubted even he was aware of.

  Finally, she was allowed to touch him. She melted into his embrace and smoothed her palms over the breadth of his shoulders. Corded muscles went taut under her hands. “And I’m enjoying you.” Easing her fingers down his chest, she tangled them in the sprinkling of coarse dark hair covering his torso. “You were created to sin, Lord Audley, and very much the devil they say.”

  “Does it concern you?”

  “No. I welcome it.”

  “Good.” He caressed her back.

  The light dance of his fingertips along her spine sent delicious shivers through her, but when he cupped her bottom and squeezed, a pulse raced through her cunt. She squeaked. The tender buttocks still tingled with a tiny amount of pain and recalled her mind to the paddling. “Oh.”

  “You won’t soon forget, will you?” He caught her hands in his and held them behind her back. Her hair fell over her shoulder and tickled her bare back. Her breasts thrust against his chest and the hair scraped her sensitive nipples. “I want you to remember this day and to remember everything I gave you, how I made you feel.”

  “Yes.” She nodded and unshed tears crowded her throat. She wasn’t ready for the day to draw to a close. Discovering a new side to her had been startling. Why couldn’t she explore it for longer than mere minutes?

  He narrowed his eyes as if he knew the direction of her thoughts. “Will you go on your knees for the devil’s pleasure?”

  Flutters filled her stomach. I’ll do whatever you ask if only you’ll touch me again. Aloud, she said, “That depends.” She attempted to pull away but he tightened his grip.

  Desire raced through her core. She loved his strength and his voracious appetites. Would that she had the opportunity to match them all. “Will you give me the same consideration?”

  “Have I left you wanting during your visit?” Shadows clouded his eyes, gone before she could wonder why.

  “No, you’ve been perfectly attentive.” This time when she wriggled her hands, he released her. “But first, I’d like to touch your cock.” She shivered at the use of that word. Her time with the baron had thoroughly corrupted her. Never again would she think of a man’s member as anything else.

  “You may play if you’re gentle.” Adam grabbed her hand and pressed it against his hot, hard flesh. “It won’t take much to make me spend.” He encouraged her to wrap her fingers around his twitching shaft. “Stroke it, love, but don’t mangle.”

  For the first time in her life, she touched a man’s cock. She moved her hand along its silky, sticky length, marveling at how soft it felt, yet how hard it seemed. When she brushed her fingers over the head and along the underside, Adam sucked in a quick breath. Patricia grinned. She followed the length down until she cupped his balls and then massaged the fragile skin of his sac. The breath shuddered from him and gave her a sense of power.

  “May I take you into my mouth? I rather think that might be fun for both of us.” Her mouth watered at the thought.

  “Bloody hell.” He urged her hand from his person. Passion darkened his expression and lit his eyes. “I don’t have enough endurance for that right now.”

  She pouted. “Such a shame.” Truly, she had wanted to experience the feel of his cock on her tongue. If he wouldn’t let her taste him, she’d never have the chance again. It was doubtful she’d have the opportunity among the group of missionaries. In truth, the conversation would never turn to such things, and never would the chance for relations make itself known with them. None of them would be like her devil.

  I must enjoy the baron for as long as I can. Now she’d been introduced to carnal pleasures, she knew the craving for more would not dissipate.

  Adam’s chuckle brought her back into the moment. “Your disappointment is priceless and in another situation, it would be adorable.” He tweaked one of her nipples.

  Sensation screamed through her body. She grabbed his hand and put it to an aching breast.

  Amusement sparkled in his gaze as he cupped the mound of flesh and squeezed. “I believe what I have planned will more than make up for the frustration.”

  “Please hurry.” Patricia didn’t care that she sounded beyond needy. She was. All she wanted was his hands on her body and his cock buried deep inside her. “I desire you more than anything at the moment.”

  A grin curved his mouth. “Poor thing. I’m being careless by keeping you waiting. By keeping you wanting.”

  Patricia licked her lips. She might die if he didn’t finish his teasing. “Adam…”

  “It’s amazing how much you need this, isn’t it, when just yesterday, you’d never dreamed of being so used.” While holding her gaze, he pumped a hand along his shaft. His cock lengthened a bit.

  Goose flesh raced over her skin. She couldn’t take her gaze from his member, especially now that he smeared a drop of moisture over its wide head. “Please.” However long he needed her to
beg, she would. That’s how addicted she’d become in such a short time.

  “Much more of this and I might consider locking you away for my pleasure.” He led her across the room to the chaise lounge they’d utilized before tea. Rain no longer rolled down the window glass. Weak sunlight attempted to peek out from the clouds. “Kneel over the chaise with your arse facing me.”

  “You won’t take me the traditional way?” Desire rolled through her insides and excitement climbed her spine, but she dropped to her knees. Anticipatory moisture wet her folds. When would he touch her again?

  “Has anything we’ve shared today been traditional?” He stood behind her, and after dropping his hands onto her shoulders, he urged her upper half across the flat leather furniture.

  “No.” The brass studs in the fabric brushed her taut nipples. The sensations heated her insides. She rubbed her breasts against the leather, relishing the exquisite friction.

  “I find your eagerness refreshing.” He stroked fingers down her spine. “There’s so much you don’t know, so much carnal sinning I long to introduce you to.”

  She didn’t respond as it took every ounce of concentration she possessed not to beg him for more. The sensuous trail of his fingers up and down her back sent shivers of longing through her. When he cupped a buttock, the heat of his hand branded her as his—as if she didn’t already belong to him. She clenched her thighs together as strong pulses rocked her passage.

  Dear heavens, why won’t he cease the torment?

  “You’re trembling.” He smacked her rear and laughed at her squeal. “Do you desire me?”

  Warmth seared along her backside. “Yes.”

  She didn’t have the strength to play his game. He already knew she did. Why prolong the agony for them both? She wriggled her bottom. “For the love of God, please fuck me.” A hiccupping sob left her throat. Where had her desperation come from?

  A rumble of laughter accompanied him gripping her hips and scooting her farther up on the chaise. Her nipples scraped the leather. Intense tingles shot straight into her core. Patricia moaned. As her head and breasts went over the opposite side, she planted her palms on the floor. The cool hardwood took away some of the fire plaguing her. “Adam?”

  “Don’t worry. You’re right where I need you to be.” Adam encouraged her thighs apart and knelt between her legs.

  “And I need to be here.” He shoved into her pussy with no warning—determined and forceful.

  “Oh, my!” This joining felt much different than the last. He filled her passage much more fully. Everywhere his cock touched sent tingling waves of pleasure building up from her core.

  As best she could, Patricia pushed back and met his next thrust. “This feels… wonderful.”

  She gave herself over to each rocking movement of his hips. Every time he slammed inside her, powerful pulses rippled through her. They grew and swelled more quickly than the last time. The slap of his balls against her wet cunt filled the silence in the room, broken by her low moans and his labored breathing. Every thrust pushed her toward the floor. Only her palms on the hardwood kept her from falling.

  And still she needed more.

  “Harder.” Just yesterday she would have been mortified to request relations from a man, let alone demand the way in which he delivered, but she’d lived a lifetime since then. He’d completely changed her as a woman. “Faster. Make me fly.”

  His next thrust conveyed his mastery. He accompanied it with a slap to her rear. “Tell me you’ll remember me.”

  She couldn’t concentrate for all the pleasurable sensations crashing through her. “I will.”

  Adam pulled out only to slam back into her pussy so hard she nearly hit release. “The next man you’re with will never make you feel the things I have.” When he withdrew, he spanked her.

  Sharp, pain-tipped pleasure rushed in her breasts and pussy. “You are unparalleled.”

  Patricia whimpered. She wiggled her hips. The brass grommets in the leather rubbed her swollen nubbin. Contractions fluttered through her core. “Dear God, I won’t forget you. Just finish me.”

  He slowed his penetration. Each thrust drew out the torture. “I want you to dream of me.” He smacked her arse and then gripped her hips with bruising force. She welcomed his mark. “When you pleasure yourself, I want you to think of me, imagine my cock pounding your cunt.” He followed the command with the action, no longer gentle. “Pretend it’s my mouth eating your pussy, my tongue licking the cream from your folds.”

  His next drive propelled her to the edge of glory. “Promise me, damn it. I need to hear you say it.” Ragged emotion graveled his command.

  Why was he so desperate?

  Openly sobbing from the need for release, Patricia nodded. Her hair tumbled around her shoulders and pooled on the floor while the trembling in her core grew more intense. Desire heated her blood. Lust rocked every part of her. She existed only for him in that one moment. “I will, I promise. It will always be you in my memories.”

  As if she could ever forget him—the man who’d opened her life to new possibilities.

  “You bloody well better.” Adam reached around her hips to her sex. He rubbed his fingers over her swollen button. “Let me see you spend, Patricia. One last time.”

  His touch on her nubbin, combined with his powerful thrusts, hurtled her into the dark void of bliss. “Adam…” Consuming waves crashed through her body, full of fire and ice, combined until she couldn’t remember her name, couldn’t feel her limbs, couldn’t fight the violent shaking.

  Frantic pulses filled her core and sucked greedily at his cock in a desperate bid to keep him joined with her. But in the end, she simply wasn’t strong enough to hold him and survive the needs of her body. Patricia relaxed. She sagged into the leather chaise.

  He pushed once more and his cock pulsed deep inside. The warmth of his seed spread through her core. Seconds later, he collapsed on top of her, his breathing harsh in her ear and his arms around her.

  Exhausted, she enjoyed the press of his weight against her back while her heartbeat returned to normal. She’d told the truth. He’d imprinted himself upon her memory, her body, so much that it would be a long time indeed before she stopped thinking about him. Biting her lip to hold back the need to cry from the imminent loss, she stirred.

  Immediately, Adam lifted, severing their connection. “I should, ah, gather our clothes. You’ll want to return home now the rain has stopped.”

  “Yes.” She returned to an upright position, sitting on the chaise until strength returned to her legs. Her buttocks ached, but she refused to stand for fear the pain would ebb. It was all she had left of him. “Thank you for the lovely afternoon, Lord Audley.”

  It was good she’d leave tomorrow as the thought of accidentally running into him in town, knowing they’d never be together again in such a way, would be too trying.

  He shucked into his breeches, but kept his gaze averted. “You’re most welcome, Miss Westing.”

  She frowned. Their intimacy was gone.

  Adam gestured toward the settee where he’d piled her clothes. “Have a pleasant journey, and best of luck with your future endeavors.” He said nothing else, merely opened the door, strode into the hall and closed the door behind him.

  Patricia’s shoulders slumped. Her throat tightened. “Goodbye, Adam.” How could she survive never seeing him—sharing pleasure with him—again?

  The End


  Other Shameless Selections Now Available

  Lord Danver’s Indiscretion

  by Mary Alice Williamson

  Lord Danver’s Indiscretion—A Servant’s Tale

  by Shellee Smythe

  or buy the two stories together

  Lord Danver’s Indiscretion—One Passion, Twice Told

  Lady Trayhurn’s Transgression

  by Mary Alice Williamson

  Lady Trayhurn’s Transgression—A Servant’s Tale

  by Shellee Smythe

p; or buy the two stories together

  Lady Trayhurn’s Transgression—One Passion, Twice Told


  Other Shameless Selections Coming Soon

  December 2012

  The Huntmaster’s Conquest

  by Mary Alice Williamson

  The Huntmaster’s Conquest—The Next Meet

  by Shellee Smythe

  or buy the two stories together

  The Huntmaster’s Conquest—One Passion, Twice Told

  January 2013

  Pleasure at the Captain’s Hands

  by Mary Alice Williamson

  Pleasure at the Captain’s Hands—A Servant’s Tale

  by Shellee Smythe

  or buy the two stories together

  Pleasure at the Captain’s Hands—One Passion, Twice Told


  Thank you for purchasing this Sybarite Seductions publication. For other available titles, please visit our website at For questions or more information, contact us at [email protected].




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