A Secret Sacrifice (Amish Secrets--Book 5)

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A Secret Sacrifice (Amish Secrets--Book 5) Page 1

by J. E. B. Spredemann


  Amish Secrets – Book 5

  J.E.B. Spredemann

  Copyright 2017 by J.E.B. Spredemann

  All incidents and characters in this book are completely fictional and derived by the author’s imagination. Any resemblance to actual incidents and persons living or dead are purely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. No part of this work/book may be copied, transmitted, or stored in any form or by any means, except for brief quotations in printed reviews, without prior written consent from the authors/publisher.

  Disclaimer: The herbal information in this book was derived by the author’s (J.S.) education and experience as a Nutritional Herbologist, but is written for fictional and informational use only. No herbal information in this book is, in any way, meant as a prescription or medical advice. This information has not been approved by the FDA, AMA, or any other government agency. It is your constitutional right to prescribe for yourself, if you choose to do so. The author assumes no responsibility for the treatments in this book, if you should choose to implement them. Therefore, the government requires the recommendation that you see your health care provider if you have any medical concerns/issues.

  Published in Indiana by Blessed Publishing.


  All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version of the Holy Bible, are not copyrighted in the U.S., and may be freely copied and/or quoted.

  Cover design by J.E.B. Spredemann


  (*J. Spredemann)


  Joanna’s Struggle

  Danika’s Journey

  Chloe’s Revelation

  Susanna’s Surprise

  Annie’s Decision

  Abigail’s Triumph

  Brooke’s Quest

  Leah’s Legacy


  Love Impossible*

  Amish by Accident*

  An Unforgivable Secret* - Amish Secrets 1

  A Secret Encounter* - Amish Secrets 2

  A Secret of the Heart* - Amish Secrets 3

  An Undeniable Secret* - Amish Secrets 4

  A Secret Sacrifice - Amish Secrets 5

  Learning to Love – Saul’s Story* (Sequel to Chloe’s Revelation – adult novella)

  A Christmas of Mercy – Amish Girls Holiday

  Englisch on Purpose (Prequel to Amish by Accident)*

  Christmas in Paradise – (Final book in Amish by Accident trilogy)


  Cindy’s Story* – An Amish Fairly Tale Novelette 1

  Rosabelle’s Story* – An Amish Fairly Tale Novelette 2

  COMING 2017 (Lord Willing)

  A Secret of the Soul - Amish Secrets 6

  Unofficial Glossary of Pennsylvania Dutch Words

  Ach – Oh

  Aldi – Girlfriend

  Boppli – Baby

  Bruder – Brother

  Dat, Daed – Dad

  Denki – Thanks

  Der Herr – The Lord

  Die Heilige Schrift – The Holy Script (Sacred Text, Holy Scriptures, German (Luther) Holy Bible)

  Dochder – Daughter

  Dummkopp – Dummy

  Englischer – A non-Amish person

  Ferhoodled – Mixed up, Crazy

  Fraa – Woman, Wife

  Gott – God

  Grossmudder - Grandmother

  Gut – Good

  Jah – Yes

  Kinner – Children

  Kinskinner – Grandchildren

  Lieb (Liebchen) – Love, My Love

  Mamm – Mom

  Nee – No

  Newehocker – Side sitter (wedding attendant)

  Ordnung – Rules of the Amish Community

  Schatzi – Sweetheart

  Vatter – Father

  Authors’ Note

  It should be noted that the Amish/Mennonite people and their communities differ one from another. There are, in fact, no two Amish communities exactly alike. It is this premise on which this book is written. We have taken cautious steps to assure the authenticity of Amish practices and customs. Old Order Amish and New Order Amish may be portrayed in this work of fiction and may differ from some communities.

  We, as Englischers, can learn a lot from the Plain People and their simple way of life. Their hard work, close-knit family life, and concern for others are to be applauded. As the Lord wills, may this special culture continue to be respected and remain so for many centuries to come, and may the light of God’s salvation reach their hearts.


  Zachariah Zook reached for the camouflage backpack adjacent to his thigh.

  “Take cover! Now!” his comrade yelled as he dived behind their temporary fortress.

  Zach’s gaze shot toward where Jones’ voice announced the command. He glanced toward an abandoned building, spotted the enemy, and hastily crawled toward their makeshift sandbag wall, dragging his pack with him. A pop, pop, pop sound told him they were being fired upon.

  He buried his head in the cocoon of his muscled biceps, compliments of growing up on an Amish farm, while sand flew from enemy fire. If only Bishop Hershberger could see me now. He shook his head dispelling thoughts of home.

  Who knew if he’d even make it out of here alive? This was no time to lose his focus. There was a mission to accomplish – sneak in undetected, rescue the civilian refugees, and return home alive. But return to what? Hadn’t he sacrificed everything to come here? When he returned, there wouldn’t be a parade in his honor like there would be for the other soldiers. There would be no loved ones with balloons or signs welcoming him home. Stop it!

  “Farm Boy? You okay?” Jones called.

  Zach ignored his question. He listened in silence until fire from the enemy ceased. Rapid footsteps told him the enemy had moved on. Perhaps they hadn’t been spotted after all. “Do you think they’ll be back?”

  “Most likely, but it looks like they’ve moved on for now. I hear the Humvee coming.” Jones crawled toward him. “Your leg looks like it’s bleeding. Did you get hit?”

  Zachariah looked down. Sure enough, there was a flow of crimson soaking the canvas pant leg at his ankle.

  Jones cursed under his breath. “Quick, let’s bind that up so you don’t bleed to death.”

  To death? He certainly wasn’t ready to die, not with the rift between him and the church.

  “I’m fine. I didn’t even feel anything.” Of course, after surviving a tractor accident, most pain never fazed him. He was no pansy.

  “Nevertheless, it’s our job to look out for each other.” Jones pushed Zach’s pant leg up and winced. He pulled out a bandana from his pants pocket and wrapped it around his ankle tightly. “It looks pretty bad. One of the medics will have to treat it when we get back to the barracks. I don’t have the proper supplies.”

  That was his fault. If they had stayed with the other troops, none of this would have happened and they’d possess whatever supplies they needed. “Sorry, man.”

  “No time for apologies. Here comes Peters. Let’s go.” Jones looked back at him. “Here, put your arm around me. I don’t think you can walk on that.”

  Zach stood up and attempted to put pressure on his wounded leg. Excruciating pain shot through his entire body and he thought he might pass out. He breathed heavily and quickly grasped on to Jones. “I don’t know what I’d do without you. Thanks.” He forced the words through gritted teeth.

  Jones nodded with a frown. “You gonna be okay?”

  “I think so.” A relieved sigh escaped Zach’s lips as the Humvee finally approached, but he didn’t eagerly
anticipate the tongue lashing he was sure to receive from his superior. It wouldn’t be any worse than the bishop’s rebuke, would it?

  Even so, he couldn’t wait to get back home.


  Anticipation twisted Rosanna Keim’s fingers as the twelve passenger van rolled to an abrupt stop. They’d arrived. She sighed as she thought about all the work that lie ahead of her and her family – not that they were strangers to hard work by any means. But Dat, although still strong as an ox, was getting up in years. Would the task before him prove too demanding on his aging body?

  “Come, Rosanna,” Mamm beckoned from the van door.

  Her eyes roamed the vehicle. Was she the only one still inside? Had she been daydreaming that long?

  “Ach, coming, Mamm.” She clutched her book and the canvas bag at her feet and scurried out of the vehicle.

  “And this,” Dat announced, “Is our youngest, Rosanna.”

  She looked up to discover the family they’d be lodging with until their house was suitable to live in. The Zooks.

  “Hello,” she managed. As heat crept up her neck, she felt like her face needed a cool splashing of water from the creek. Meeting strangers always yanked her out of her comfort zone.

  Her father continued, “Rosanna, this is Abram and Elnora, with their kinner, Zachariah, Benjamin, Elijah, Julia, and Loretta.”

  She forced herself to lift her eyes from her shoes and greet their hosts. “Gut to meet you.”

  “This will be your new teacher this year,” Abram Zook gestured her way.

  Rosanna smiled at the two youngest, who would presumably be her scholars. The boys, or young men rather, were surely too old to still be in school.

  Did the oldest son just wink at her or had it been her imagination?

  Elnora Zook stepped forward. “Come, let’s go inside and get y’all settled. I’m sure you’d like to rest from your long journey.” She looked to her sons. “Boys, please bring in the suitcases.”

  Rosanna followed her hostess into their home, but not without first taking a gander at their property. The rolling hills and thick woods surrounding the expansive farm created a thrill unlike any she’d ever known. What would it be like to explore the lush landscape? Were there any hidden caves, like the ones she’d read about before coming here?

  Kentucky was certainly a beautiful state, stomach-churning hills and curves, notwithstanding. She didn’t know how she’d ever get accustomed to driving in them. Fortunately, a horse and buggy traveled at a much slower pace than the fast-moving vehicle she’d emerged from a few moments ago. Perhaps it wouldn’t be as bad as she thought it would.

  “Mary, you and Isaac may use this bedroom.” Elnora walked to a door past the kitchen and whisked it open. “And girls,” she looked to Rosanna and her two sisters, “this is your room.” She opened a door just beyond the room her parents would be sleeping in.

  Rosanna peered inside to see a set of bunk beds and a full-sized bed. The room was simple, but clean.

  “I’ll leave you three to get settled.” Their hostess stepped out of the room and lightly closed the door behind her.

  “You get the bottom, Rosanna,” Frances said, claiming the top bunk as her own. “I wish I was the oldest so I could have the big bed.”

  “Well, you’re not, so too bad,” her sister Margaret teased.

  Rosanna noticed a door on the opposite wall. She knocked on it but didn’t hear anyone on the other side. Should she open it? She pulled the knob gently and smiled in surprise. “Look, we have a bathroom.”

  Both sisters rushed over to peek inside.

  “I bet that door goes to Mamm and Dat’s room. We’ll have to remember to lock both sides when we use it,” Margaret said.

  “It has a shower!” Frances beamed. “This sure beats our outhouse back home. Do you think Dat will put a shower in our new place or will we still have to use a wash tub?”

  “We’ll have to ask him.” Rosanna turned when she heard a knock on the door to their room.

  “Answer that,” Margaret commanded.

  Rosanna walked to the door and pulled it open.

  “Your bags have arrived,” Zachariah wriggled his eyebrows over the top of three suitcases. “Where would you like them?”

  “I’ll take this one.” Rosanna reached for the uppermost suitcase. “You can just set the others down.”

  “Okie dokie. Mamm said to tell you supper should be ready around five.”

  As he set the luggage down, Rosanna’s eyes immediately noticed how his shirt strained over his upper arms. She quickly looked away. “Denki.”

  Zachariah nodded, and then disappeared in short order.

  Rosanna closed the door.

  “He likes you,” Margaret teased.

  Rosanna gasped. “He does not.”

  “I think he does too,” Frances chimed in.

  “Stop it. Both of you,” Rosanna warned.

  “Well, that is why Mamm and Dat wanted to move here, to get us married off,” Margaret snickered.

  “That’s not true.” Rosanna shook her head. “I’m only seventeen and I plan to teach for a long time. I certainly am not looking for a boyfriend.”

  Frances smiled, ignoring her words. “It looks like you’ll be first.”


  Zachariah stared at the ceiling. The tick-tock from his clock didn’t help his insomnia. He reached over and grasped his flashlight and shined it on the clock. Twelve. He should have been asleep for two hours already. Why couldn’t he sleep?

  He knew. It was her.

  For some reason, he hadn’t expected the Keim girls to be pretty. No, not pretty. Rosanna was gorgeous. And since she was to be the new teacher, that meant she was intelligent. And probably kind too. If you worked with children, you had to be kind. He wondered if she had any idea how beautiful she was. She’d probably had boys lined up outside her door in Indiana.

  Supper had been torture. He’d done his best to divert his gaze, but had failed miserably. There was something about her that drew him to her, like a bear drawn to a honeycomb. She had been quiet during the meal, while her sisters chatted about anything and everything. He wondered what she’d been thinking about. Certainly not about him.

  He heaved a sigh and pushed his covers off. He’d never get any sleep at this rate.

  He reached for his pants and pulled the suspenders over his chest. Maybe some fresh air would do him some good. He quietly tiptoed down the stairs and walked out onto the porch. Fortunately, their guest quarters were at the opposite end of the house and they wouldn’t be disturbed by his restlessness.

  The sky was clear tonight with nary a cloud as far as his eyes could see. He stepped out onto the blanket of cool grass, and reveled in the satisfaction this simple activity afforded. Walking barefoot had always been a favorite pastime. Somehow, it managed to clear his head and bring a peace of sorts.

  The wind whirled through the ancient trees surrounding their property and the fresh breeze brought on a slight shiver. Perhaps he should have grabbed his shirt as well. He stepped back onto the porch to avoid the crisp breeze. He moved toward the porch swing then abruptly stopped in his tracks.



  Rosanna had kept silent as she’d watched Zachariah walk in the grass. She hadn’t wished to startle him, but now she could keep silent no more.

  “I couldn’t sleep, so I came out to sit on the porch. I hope I didn’t awaken you.” It was a good thing it wasn’t very bright outside, otherwise he’d have seen her blush. She wasn’t used to seeing young men half dressed.

  “No. I couldn’t sleep either.” He glanced down at his chest. “I guess I’ll just go back inside.”

  “You don’t have to on my account.”

  “You sure?”

  She nodded then realized he probably couldn’t see her. “Jah.”

  He sat on the swing next to her and she did her best to avert her eyes. Zachariah Zook was certainly easy to look at. Too easy.
She briefly wondered if he had an aldi.

  “So, what do you think of Kentucky so far?”

  “Ach, I love it. It’s so schee. Is it like this every night?”

  “Has been lately, but I reckon it’ll be gettin’ cooler as the weather turns. I’m guessing it’s a little warmer here than northern Indiana.”

  “Jah. I think I’ll really like the winters here.”

  “It’s just the right amount of snow for me. Enough to have some fun, but not too much to keep you from goin’ places.”

  “Is there enough for ice skating?” She thought of the exciting times she’d had out on their pond each year when it had frozen over. Her sisters and friends would stay out on the ice for as long as they could stand it, then they’d all make their way to the house to warm up by the fire and sip hot apple cider.

  “Depends. Not every year. It doesn’t always get cold enough for the ponds to freeze.”

  “I see.”

  “Dat and I went to see your farm the other day.” He grimaced. “It looks like it’s going to need a lot of work.”

  That’s not what she wanted to hear. “I have yet to see it. How long has it been vacant for?”

  “About four years now. That’s when the Borntregers moved out. It tends to get pretty wet here, so the mildew has taken over some of the siding. Your vatter may have to replace some walls.”

  “I guess that’s why the price was so low. But there’s nothing hard work and determination can’t fix, no?”

  He nodded. “I think Bishop Hershberger has a frolic planned for next week. We should be able to knock out a lot of the heavy work then. You’ll get to meet everyone at meeting this week. There’ll be a gathering afterwards.”


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