Elizabeth and the Thunder of Dragons: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (RH Fated Alpha Book 6)

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Elizabeth and the Thunder of Dragons: A Reverse Harem Paranormal Romance (RH Fated Alpha Book 6) Page 15

by Ava Mason

  He nodded. “He has her.”


  “Why do you think?” His threw up his hands, angry. “He wants me! He wants to trot me in like a dog, to show the pack that I’m under his control.”


  “Because I helped you, Liz. Because I was with you when they found you. Because I stood up to the pack for you.” He clasped my cheeks. “Because he didn’t even know how much I loved you and it shocked him. Because I loved you and he hated you. And because you escaped. So I was all he had left to punish.”

  “Aaron.” I was crying now, because he’d been punished for me. “I’m so sorry. I just, I can’t… I’m just so sorry.” I fell into him crying, feeling so horrible for leaving him to deal with everything. Feeling horrible that I’d found happiness and that he’d been suffering this whole time. I was a horrible person and I didn’t deserve his love or pity. He held me, wiping at his own tears but letting me cry against him. “I don’t know what to do now.” I pulled back. “Do you love Olivia?”

  He ran his hands over his face in a frustrated gesture. “I don’t even know anymore. But it doesn’t matter. I have to go for her.”

  “Is that where you were going when we showed up?”

  He nodded. “I have to, Lizzy. We both know what he’s capable of and I can’t leave her there with him.”

  “Of course we can’t leave her there. But we’ll go, together. I know you don’t know my team, but they’re strong and capable. And I’m capable. We’ll make things right. I’ll make things right. And then we’ll figure this out, together. You and me.”

  He looked away. “You can’t solve everything, Lizzy.”

  “But, I can try. That’s why I’m here, I’m here to make things right.”

  “Maybe it’s not your wrong to make right.”

  I clasped his hand. “Look at me, Aaron.”

  He hesitantly looked into my eyes and I could see the fire in his. The anger. And shame and guilt hit me like a force. “I’m sorry, Aaron.”

  “I don’t know if I can share you with them.” He blurted it out, like a confession.

  I nodded. “I understand. We can work through this. I know it.”

  He shook his head. “I don’t know if we can.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because I want you, by yourself. I don’t… I don’t understand how it would even work, but it doesn’t matter. Ever since I was a teenager, I dreamed it’d be you and me, we’d have a family together. I’d support you in the pack. We would’ve been so good together; we could’ve been so happy.”

  “And we can still have that.”

  “Would you give them up? For me?”

  I shook my head. “You can’t ask that of me. Not with everything we’ve been through.”

  “And you love them? All of them?”

  I nodded. “I love all of you. And I hate to say it because it makes me feel weak, that I couldn’t stay strong for you. But I can’t lie to you. The truth is I love all of you. I don’t regret how things turned out. They’ve done nothing but sacrificed and loved me. And they deserve not only my love but my loyalty. I love them, too.”

  He didn’t say anything but tears were starting to stream down his face again. I wiped them away, feeling terrible.

  “Aaron, please don’t cry. We can work this out. I swear. Let’s just get through what we need to get through, and then we’ll figure things out. I promise.”

  “Just… Please. Just stay with me. Tonight. Out here, on the dock. Pretend it’s just you and me. Just for tonight. Please.”

  “Of course.”

  He rubbed his eyes. “I’m just… I’m just so tired. I’m always tired. Please, just… I need to sleep. And then we’ll talk about it later.”

  I nodded and, pulling my legs out of the water, I lay down. The dock was hard but I was so exhausted I didn’t even care. He lay next to me and pulled me into his arms. His thumb traced my cheek and he stared into my eyes.

  It felt so good to be next to him again, to feel his arms around me, to see that he was still alive. And even though I was so conflicted, that I knew I was hurting him by loving my other guys, I just knew that we could work this out. I made a promise to myself that I would do whatever it took to make that happen.

  His thumb slowly moved down to my lips and I looked into his eyes. He looked at me with such love and devotion and my heart began to hammer in my chest. Then he gripped my chin, leaned towards me and kissed me.

  His kiss was soft and sweet and filled with such love, I couldn’t help but give in to it. To lean into him. To open myself up to him and give him my whole heart in return. Then he pulled back and held me close. “You have no idea what this means that you’re here with me tonight, Lizzy.”

  “I’m glad I came back when we did. I’m so glad you’re okay.”

  I love you, Lizzy. I always have. I think I always will.”

  “I will always love you, too, Aaron.”

  Then I fell asleep, warm and safe and loved in his arms.

  When I woke the next morning, the air was already sticky and warm and the sound of cicadas was loud. I looked around me; Aaron was gone. I stretched and got up, working out the kinks in my neck. I certainly hoped that Aaron was making breakfast; I was starving.

  I walked back into the house and was immediately hit by the smell of eggs and bacon.

  “You hungry, babe?”

  I could see Easton in the dining room, setting out plates. Suddenly, I was swarmed with Aaron’s younger brothers and sisters. He had six siblings: four brothers and two sisters. They’d grown so much since I’d last seen them. The youngest was only four, and she clung to my legs tightly. I gave everyone hugs and kisses, then leaned down to look into her face.

  “Kailah, when did you get so big?” The rest scampered off to bug Avery and Christian in the kitchen.

  She giggled. “I’m already four.”

  “You are? I thought you were two.”

  “Nope.” She shook her head proudly. “I grewed up.”

  “I see that.”

  “Do you like bacon?”

  I nodded. “I love bacon.”

  “Me, too.” She smiled, and I saw that one of her teeth was missing.

  “You have a missing tooth?” I pulled her dark brown hair behind her ear.

  “I told you! I’m all growed up!”

  I laughed. “You sure are.”

  She laughed, then ran off towards Easton. “Eastie, give me another piggyback ride.”

  I laughed, loving that she was calling him Eastie already. Then I saw Aaron’s mom watching me from the other side of the room. Born in Mexico, her brown skin was where Aaron and David had inherited their dark looks. She held her hands tight in front of her and her face was filled with apprehension.

  I approached her, waving. “Hi, Serena.”

  “Elizabeth. You look well.”

  “I’m pretty good.”

  “I’m sorry we took your place. If I’d have known you were coming back I would’ve cleaned…”

  I waved my hand, dismissing her concern. “I didn’t even notice.”

  “Listen,” she fidgeted her hands nervously. “I just want to say… I wanted to say that I was sorry about your parents.” Her face looked like she was afraid that I was going to yell at her; she’d obviously been tormented by this for a while. “I didn’t know he would…” Her voice caught. “I didn’t know.”

  I pulled her into my arms and held her. “I know you didn’t do anything.”

  “I’m just so sorry. You can’t know how bad I’ve felt about all this.”

  “I know.” I wasn’t going to tell her it was okay, but she didn’t need to carry the weight of her husband. “We’ve both been through enough. Don’t blame yourself for what he did.”

  She nodded, pulling herself away and wiping her tears. “Thank you.”

  I nodded.

  She looked beyond me. “Is Aaron coming in? I know he likes to sleep outside sometimes.”

  I frowned. “He wasn’t out there. I woke up alone.”

  Her face paled. “Are you sure?”

  I nodded. “Why? Where is he?”

  She turned abruptly, and ran to the front door, jerking it open. She looked up the driveway, then yelled out. “Shayne!”

  Shayne came out of the kitchen, a piece of bacon in his hand. “What? What’s wrong?”

  “The Jeep. It’s gone.”

  Shayne came running towards us.

  “What does that mean?” I had a strong feeling what it meant, but I had to hear it from them.

  Easton, still holding the silverware, Hunter, Avery and Christian, all came towards the door. Christian had two kids hugging his legs.

  Shayne stared out the door for a moment, as if he couldn’t believe what Serena had said without witnessing it with his own eyes. Then he turned to us, his face withdrawn and angry.

  “What?” Shit, this was killing me.

  “He left. He was determined to do it last night, but I thought we’d talked him out of it. I thought that with you showing up that it would’ve deterred him, made him wait…”

  I grabbed Serena’s arms. “Tell me.”

  Shayne put his hand on my arm. “He’s gone for Olivia.”


  “Come on… I know a place we can go.” Shayne threw the bacon in his hand to Kailah, who took it and shoved it into her mouth, even though he’d already taken a bite out of it. “Serena, you stay here with the kids, turn off the stove.” She looked torn, like she wanted to go with him but he shook his head. “I’ll bring him back safe, I promise. Even if it means outing me to the pack.”

  She finally nodded, then unhooked the kids at Christian’s legs. “Come on kids, who wants pancakes?” She smiled, but I could see the sheer terror in her eyes. She was so brave; she had to be. For her kids.

  Easton gave her the silverware and we all ran towards the cars. Hunter had the keys in his hands, and we jumped in. But Shayne came up to our window, looking at me. “I’ll show you somewhere safe you can check, better than where you’ve been camped out. And then I’ll leave you there to go to Garrett. He’ll listen to me.”

  I nodded, then Hunter turned on the SUV while we waited for Shayne. He backed his truck out of the driveway, then peeled out into the road like a madman.

  We followed him closely, even though he was going crazy fast, and my ears popped as we drove into lower elevation. My heart pounded and my stomach was queasy. I gripped the door handle, nearly ripping it off, as we careened around corners. We finally came to a halt, sliding off the side of the road. We were inches from a tree and I couldn’t open my door so I jumped over the armrest and climbed into Hunter’s lap but I got stuck in between him and the wheel. He slammed his seat back and pushed me forward.

  I didn’t stop to thank him as I ran after Shayne, who was already running into the woods. He threw off his clothes, shifting, and I followed him.

  “Damnit!” I heard Easton curse, but Avery spoke.

  “Just let her go. We’ll catch up.”

  Shayne was fast, but I easily kept up with him. I could smell that both Aaron and David had been here often; they must’ve used it as a vantage point to spy on their dad. Finally, Shayne came to a grassy hill, stopping. He growled and shifted back into his human form.

  I caught up to him, shifting as I arrived. There was just enough of a clearing to see Garrett’s backyard and to my fucking dismay, there was a huge crowd there. It was only freaking eight o’clock in the morning!

  They were all crowded in a circle, surrounding two wolves. Both beautiful and graceful, with one having a reddish tint to his fur.

  Aaron and Garrett, they were already fighting. Aaron was tired, he was panting and barely standing on his feet.

  But Garrett… Garrett was jogging around him, with enough energy to take on the world.

  I heard the rest of the guys catch up with us and Avery pressed against my back, holding my clothes.

  Blood marred Aaron’s beautiful fur and he walked with a limp but his body stood proud.

  And in that second, I knew that Aaron left because he felt like this wrong, what his dad had done to Olivia, was his battle to fight. He’d said it wasn’t my battle, and he was right. Garrett took Olivia to get back at Aaron, and Aaron had to defend her. He showed up for the woman who had lived with him the past year, for his family who was living in hiding because of that asshole. He came to protect the people he loved.

  It was right. It was honorable.

  And in that moment, I hated him for it.

  “Shit. We’re too late.” Shayne began to pace, glancing at the fight. “I’m too fucking late. I gotta go.” He began to run towards his truck.

  Hunter grabbed his arm. “No, wait.”

  Aaron suddenly jumped forward, springing off of his feet to attack his dad. His form was graceful and strong, just like always. Aaron had always been a beautiful wolf. He pushed his dad onto his back and grabbed onto his neck. He squeezed it tight and elation and pride overcame me. I always knew that Aaron was strong enough. Garrett tried pushing him off by his hind legs but Aaron’s hold over him was too strong.

  Then a girl emerged from the crowd screaming and waving a knife. She was someone I didn’t recognize.

  “No!” I sprung forward in anticipation that she would hurt him. Distracted, Aaron’s hold on his dad slipped. Garrett yanked out from Aaron’s paws and flung himself forward onto Aaron, grabbing him by the neck.

  “Noo!” I screamed out, and jumped forward, sliding down the grassy slope towards the fence.

  Hands and arms wrapped around my stomach and clamped over my mouth. I struggled against them, throwing myself out of the hold over me and ran forward, screaming. Fur erupted everywhere, my wolf was snarling and scrambling for control. Suddenly, I was thrown to the ground. Bodies crashed against me, weighing me down. Hands pushed and held my arms and chest to the ground.

  “Let me go!” My voice was frantic and mangled. Angry. Devastated. Desperate.

  Guilt and rage tore through my body.

  Overwhelming agony.

  I scrambled against the ground, digging my fingers into the dirt and pine needles, trying to climb out from under the weight on my body. I had to get to him. To save him. To stop Garrett from killing someone else I loved. Breaking my nails and tearing my skin to get to him. My necklace melted into my chest, charring my skin in a searing white blast. “No! Stop!” My voice came out thick and sluggish, angry and torn. I grabbed onto a clump of grass, tearing the roots from the ground in my desperation to slide out from the wall of men I was under.

  I finally broke out and my wolf magic moved over me, then spurted to a stop as concern and worry blasted me. My clan’s emotions, their apprehension for me. It was overwhelming. They tackled me to the ground again, this time grabbing onto my arms, my legs, my torso.

  Tears streamed down my face and my vision was blurry. I didn’t care that anyone could hear me screaming, that my cries were tearing into the air. I had to save him.

  “Lizzy.” Shayne’s voice cut through my agony.

  “No!” I slashed my head back and forth, angry that I couldn’t move. “Tell them, Shayne. Tell them to let me go to him.”

  I stopped and looked up, panting, with tears running down my face, to beg him. I didn’t care that I was his Alpha. I would beg him if that’s what it took to save Aaron. “Please, Shayne. Please. Do you want him to die? Don’t let him…” I took in a large sucking breath. “Please don’t let him die.”

  Shayne’s face was filled with agony, too, and tears streamed down his face, but he shook his head.

  “No, Shayne. No.” My voice was firm.

  “It’s too late, Lizzy.”

  “It’s not.” I could feel my desperation. I was falling over a cliff, unable to stop myself. My feelings sucked me under. “You’re lying. It’s not too late.”

  He grabbed my chin, forcing me to look into his eyes. He was on his knees, and the wet pine needles and mud soaked
into his skin. “He’s gone. You can’t save him.”

  “NO.” I growled. “You don’t understand. I can save him. You don’t understand.” I knew my powers would save him, would bring him back to life.

  “It’s too late.” Easton’s voice broke through the ringing in my ears. I turned towards him, growling.

  “Don’t say that.” I knew he was lying. They were all lying. They just didn’t want me to risk my life for his. But I didn’t care. Everything was my fault. He wouldn’t have gone if I had been back earlier. Even if I’d trusted him enough to tell him over the phone, or to show up before now. “He’s my responsibility. So was Olivia. I should’ve been in there, not him.”

  Suddenly my wolf emerged, snarling and angry. She took over my body and I shifted in jerking, breaking movements. White magic burst from my chest, throwing Easton, Hunter and Avery, from my body. I heard them slam against the trees and I only glanced back for a moment to make sure they were okay. Shayne was staring at me in shock, his mouth open in awe.

  Christian reached out to stop me but I slipped out from under his arms and raced through the trees towards Aaron. I had to save him. To bring him back to life. He didn’t deserve to be deserted, not when I could help him.

  I could smell Aaron’s blood from here, whether in reality or in my mind, I wasn’t sure. It smelled warm and rich, coppery and loving. Like my dad’s blood when he died. I followed the fence, looking for a weak place in the chain links to slip under. I blocked out the emotions from my clan; they were feeling agony and pain, too. I blocked out their cries and the way that they were scrambling towards me. Even Shayne had shifted and was racing towards me. But I sprinted hard, my eyes continually scanning the fence for a place to enter.

  Finally, I saw a spot, a place where a small animal had already gone through. I raced towards it and pushed under the fence. It gave easily and I scrambled under it. Suddenly, arms grabbed around my waist, pulling me back. I growled, digging my claws in the ground to slide under the fence. But Avery’s feet dug into the ground around me, his arms too tight against me.

  I snapped my teeth. I didn’t want to hurt him. But he had to let me go. I saw that the rest of my clan were catching up. I had to get under the fence before they got here. I abruptly stopped fighting against Avery and he pulled me into his arms.


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