The Full Ride

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The Full Ride Page 16

by Gavin Atlas

  Adolfo shook his head. “We’ll need more acrobats and more elaborate sets to make up for what we lose. I told you not to put Emil on the posters and the billboards. It’s going to his head.”

  I sighed as I watched Emil wave to the crowd. “But he’s breathtaking.”

  My brother grabbed my shoulder. “Yes. He is. But I’ve tried to bed him numerous times, and he declines my attentions, even though he gives himself to others without hesitation. It would be best if we were rid of his maddening beauty and rid of the whole damn operation.”


  “You can’t keep this going for one boy who is barely twenty. With the money I’ll get from this, I could have any boy in Ibiza or Fire Island or anywhere, and so could you.”

  But I want Emil. I wasn’t going to give up yet.

  After Emil’s final act, I watched him clean the gymnast chalk off his hands, hug excited children, pose for photographs, and sign posters. How could it be my fault that Emil knew he was a star? It wasn’t a fact that could be hidden. As he finished with his last autograph, I saw our two Bulgarian strongmen, the brothers Grigor and Andon. They were another tradition, a tribute to the early circus, and they were another thing Adolfo resented. The two of them approached and put their hands on Emil’s shoulders. Andon raised his eyebrows at him, and the acrobat nodded. Then they were off. I let them get twenty paces ahead and began to follow.

  Despite Emil’s regular rejections of Adolfo and shy detachment from me, he was libidinous with others. There is no overstating his popularity with the men of the circus. I’d learned he often had sex with members of the troupe, sometimes two at a time, in an empty enclosure in the third tent that used to be storage for the petting zoo’s feed before we gave those animals to a theme park in Copenhagen. I’d yearned to watch but felt too ashamed. Now, the possibility of losing the chance forever led me to take action. I puttered around the third tent, pretending to check on costumes and make-up supplies. It was one time to be thankful for the shabbiness of our circus. There were small rips in the tent, and I could see the three men. The strongmen towered over the young acrobat, each about six three with the muscles of titans. They kissed Emil, pawed his hair, and took turns groping his perfect ass.

  Silent as a shadow, I set up a chair on the other side of the feed alcove, angling it so I could see everything without being discovered. By the time I was seated, the strongmen had begun stripping Emil’s bodysuit off. Grigor, bald and nearly hairless except for his underarms and mustache, bent down to kiss Emil on the mouth with a fierce passion that surprised me. Meanwhile, Andon, whom I could tell apart from Grigor only because he kept his face clean shaven, pulled the bodysuit down below Emil’s ass and began kneading the younger man’s cheeks.

  I realized how much of a habit sex in this alcove must be when Andon turned to a storage locker behind him, opened it, and produced condoms and lubricant. I could see there was an ample supply. Did all my performers use this area or just Emil and his partners?

  Emil stepped out of his bodysuit, fully nude, and Grigor began taking off his uniform as well. His erection was large and thick, definitely proportionate for such a big man.

  Andon and Grigor exchanged words in what must have been Bulgarian, and it appeared they’d decided that Grigor would fuck Emil first. Andon handed Grigor a condom with one hand while lubing up Emil’s hole with the other.

  As soon as Grigor had sheathed and lubed his dick, Emil reached up, grabbing Grigor’s biceps and swinging his muscular young legs up so he straddled Grigor’s hips—his ass perfectly lined up for the strongman to push in. Emil let go of Grigor’s arms, only holding on with his legs wrapped tight around Grigor’s waist, just as if he were performing on the slack rope.

  Grigor barely had to use his hand to direct his shaft into Emil’s hole. As Grigor began to pump with undeniable hunger, Emil lay back and now was supine in the air. Andon pulled down his singlet far enough that his own large dick protruded.

  Astonishing. Emil was suspended in midair, supported only by his legs—men in both his ass and mouth. Each time Grigor thrust in, it pushed Emil’s mouth deeper onto Andon’s dick. I was so enthralled by the sight of Emil being taken at both ends, I nearly moaned.

  Emil had so much control over his body and so much experience with being fucked that he was able to thrust back on Grigor’s cock. Back in America I had seen scores of porn videos, but this feat of athleticism was by far the most impressive I’d ever witnessed—not just for the impossible position, but for Emil’s startling ability to take such huge cocks so deeply and effortlessly. From Emil’s fevered moans and grinding, I knew he lived for penetration.

  Then Andon slid his hands farther down Emil’s shoulders, and Grigor grabbed Emil’s thighs, pushing the acrobat’s legs backwards so his ankles were near his shoulders. I thought the last act could never be bested, but this…this was miraculous. Emil folded over, bent in pike position as if he were diving. His ass could not have been more completely and eagerly offered, nor could it be more deeply pierced. Grigor was sunk into Emil to the hilt. Emil’s tremendous flexibility made my own cock so engorged, I had to unzip my pants to relieve the pressure.

  Grigor rammed harder and harder. Emil did his best to keep Andon in his throat, but I could tell his breathing had become labored. He reached behind his head to clasp Andon’s flank in support.

  Grigor gritted his teeth. His body shook as he began to come inside Emil, growling with each wave of his orgasm. Andon pulled out of Emil’s mouth, but kept his hands under Emil to help keep the acrobat impaled by his brother’s dick. After the throes of Grigor’s climax ceased, they gently lowered Emil to the canvas floor.

  As Andon slid a condom onto his dick, Emil caught his breath and kept his legs obediently in the air. In seconds, Andon was as deep inside Emil as his brother had been. After knotting and tossing aside his condom, Grigor now grabbed Emil’s hard cock with one hand and massaged Emil’s chest with the other, occasionally twisting a nipple.

  Andon fucked hard—pistoning so fast he seemed more machine than man. Young Emil took every stroke with apparent ease, even rolling back so far that his ankles were by his ears. I couldn’t believe anyone could take such a furious pounding from such a huge dick, but Emil moaned softly and accepted the punishing rod—little tremors rocking his entire body with every thrust.

  Before long, Andon began to grunt, and then bark, with each huge push from his hips. It was difficult to see under Andon’s powerful abdomen, but Grigor’s jerking of Emil’s dick sped up. Emil’s back arched and he convulsed again and again as his orgasm erupted. At the same time, Andon reached his peak and shouted as he shot deep inside Emil’s ass.

  I had never seen such sexual skill. I knew then I would do whatever I could to entice Emil to bottom for me.

  * * * *

  At the end of the night show, I took Emil aside, daring to put a hand on his shoulder.

  “I want to see the old town of Prague,” I said. “But I hear crazy things about taxis cheating you, so I want to go with someone who knows Europe. Will you accompany me please?”

  His face quirked in a glimmer of amusement. “Perhaps you should take my cousin instead. He speaks Czech. I don’t.”

  I stared at him. “But I want to go with you.”

  He nodded, and we went to his trailer for him to change out of his costume and into street clothes. I walked half a step behind him to watch his ass as his weight shifted from left to right. It was an effort not to yank off his bodysuit and bend him over on the midway.

  I shouldn’t have been watching his walk. As we climbed into the taxi, there was a lust-filled ache in my teeth and shoulders. My eyes felt unfocused, and my breath came shallow. I’d never been alone with Emil. It wasn’t the time for me to be consumed with need for him. I required a clear head to bargain with the handsome aerialist.

  We arrived in Staré Město, the old town, with its churches and red roofs, and walked through the crowds. He stopped in front of an ancient
clock, a famous one, to watch it strike. It was like a mechanical puppet show featuring a figure of death tolling the hour. It was dark and fascinating, but it reminded me of the uncertain fate of my circus. More than once Emil’s hand “happened” to graze mine. Even his barest touch made me inhale and sigh. Soon we sat down inside a busy café. I ordered us wine.

  “I’ve heard you want to leave, Emil. I’d be sorry to see you go. Why must you?”

  “You know I am Roma, yes?”

  “Yes, I did know that.” Roma was apparently a more proper word for gypsies. I’d felt embarrassed not to know that until arriving in Europe. “Have you been experiencing discrimination?”

  “No. But you’re stopping the free shows, and most Roma can’t afford to pay. I don’t want to be part of something that used to embrace my people but now snubs them.”

  The performers already knew we couldn’t perform in the rich countries until all the animals departed, but I explained it again. “In a few years, we may have the money to offer free shows, maybe even more of them.”

  Emil gave me a doubtful look. “That’s not what your brother has said, and I have friends who will get me a place at a circus in Moscow. I have to decide in a week.”

  My heart sank, and I felt desperation seize me. “But this is your family! We all love you!” I bit my lip. I hadn’t meant to say that. I saw his eyes widen.

  “You love me?”

  I looked away. “You know what I mean…of course, I love you. Who couldn’t love you?”

  He looked down as if suddenly shy. What had I done? I didn’t love him in a romantic sense, did I? I’ve only known him for four months. I just loved his beauty, his kindness, his unbelievable skill, his joy in performing, his face, his ass, his scent, his voice, his walk—God, help me, maybe I am in love. I’d never been so smitten.

  Emil blinked, his expression seductive. He put his hand on my leg under the table. “Keep the free shows, Mr. Fiori.”

  “Gianni, please.”

  He gave me a smile. “Gianni. You’re right. This is all the family I have. Literally, too, as my cousins are here. I don’t want to leave, and I won’t if you keep the free shows.” He grasped my hand, sure of my attraction to him. “If there’s something I can do to change your mind, let me know.” He squeezed my hand tight and smiled.

  I thought about our time together all that night in bed. I was not dumb. He’d offered himself to me in exchange for free shows, right? Yes, I’m certain. I couldn’t tell Adolfo. I had to tell Adolfo. No, there had to be some way to convince my brother without mentioning Emil’s…proposal.

  * * * *

  “No, there is no way we can do a free show, Gianni. You know that. Why are you insisting?” Adolfo glared, his arms folded as he sat across from me in my “office” which consisted of a small desk in my trailer and two chairs.

  “I told you. I will pay for it.”

  “And then you will get to have sex with Emil, I take it. He’ll give himself to you in trade?”

  Damn Adolfo. “I’m not discussing what he may have said. He’s planning on leaving for the Russian circus in a few days if I don’t offer him a free show when we hit Bucharest.”

  “There are no secrets in this operation, Gianni. I’ve heard the rumors of what he is willing to do for the free shows.”

  “I need to make Emil stay. And, yes, to be honest, it’s worth spending the money to…to have him at least once. I can pay for the free show by myself if you give me two weeks to move around some assets. Please,” I begged.

  Adolfo raised an eyebrow. “But that’s not fair to me. I get to have him, too.”

  I considered this. Would Emil be willing to give his body to Adolfo when he clearly didn’t like my brother? We were both handsome enough for men nearing forty, but Adolfo’s bitter temperament had etched angry lines in his forehead, making him look forever annoyed. Perhaps Emil would consent if it would result in a free show for the Roma? No, that was too much to ask. “I don’t think that will work.”

  Adolfo narrowed his eyes. “It’s the only way I’ll agree to it, Gianni. I get to fuck him or no deal.”

  * * * *

  As I watched Emil tumble down the corde lisse, his foot stopping his fall at the last moment, I couldn’t will my erection to detumesce. The flexing, twisting, and arching of his body was nearly more than I could bear. He dismounted, waved to the crowd, and jogged out of the way to let a trio of jugglers on unicycles take center stage.

  It was chilly on our last day in Prague, even in the tents. Emil shivered as he applied lotion to his hands. He tried his best to keep his palms from becoming calloused, but I knew it was a battle he wouldn’t win. I tapped him on the shoulder.

  “You were perfect as always, Emil.”

  He blushed. “Thank you, Mr. Fiori.”

  “Gianni, remember?”

  “Sorry, yes.”

  I looked down, feeling unsure of myself. “I’ve had a broker sell some of my stocks, and I wanted to know if you were still willing—” I put my hand over my eyes. I couldn’t ask this.

  Emil looked in both directions to see if anyone was watching us. No one was. “I am willing. More so if it means you will allow a free show.”

  “Emil, I…I am more than fond of you.” I lowered my voice so I could barely be heard over the blaring music in the ring. “I know you are accustomed to men having a tremendous…need to be inside you, but I don’t want to use you. It feels shameful to bribe you to have sex with me.”

  Emil gave me a devilish look. “Think of it this way. I want to please you with my body, Gianni. I want to bring you joy. You want to please me by giving my people some joy. Your brother said a free show costs the circus thousands of euros.”

  “It does.”

  “Then I am more than honored if I am worth that much to you.” He grasped my hand in his. It was warm and strong. “I’m lucky to know a man who thinks so much of me.”

  I frowned. “You mentioned my brother. I have to tell you he insists on having you as well. I can’t—”

  “No. Not even for a free show. Not possible.”

  I nodded and said nothing. I was actually quite happy. I didn’t want my brother’s hands on Emil. But what could I do? “We have Bratislava and Budapest before we reach Bucharest. I don’t know if I can promise a free show with only my own money, but if you could delay your decision to leave, I promise I can raise enough capital on my own soon.”

  Emil pulled me into the shadows, stood on his toes and kissed me with ardor. “I will wait for you.” The gesture stunned me. I could barely breathe. Emil had kissed me. My God.

  That was it. My brother be damned. I was going to hold a free show.

  “Come on,” I said, grabbing his shoulder with urgency. “Before intermission is over, I want you in my trailer.”

  Two minutes later I had him naked on my small bed. I attacked him with kisses to his lips and throat. Emil moaned his appreciation. He possessed a sweet smell of clean perspiration, a light cologne, and talc.

  “Your body is so soft,” I whispered. “So beautiful.”

  In response, he slid down the mattress and took my cock between his lips. I inhaled as he bobbed and sucked in expert fashion. Tingling threads of pleasure rose to my shoulders. He brought me close to my climax, but I pushed him off just in time.

  “Please. May I have your ass?”

  “Yes.” Emil executed a backward roll and finished with his legs in the air, ankles past his ears and his body quivering. I retrieved a small, dusty box of condoms from under the bed. I slicked myself up with my own saliva and slowly pushed myself inside him. I felt so excited to be in him that I had to close my eyes and calm down so as not to come in the first moments.

  He sighed, essentially purring. “You’re nice and big, but not too big. Perfect.”

  That made me smile. I began to thrust, quicker and deeper with each stroke. I muffled Emil’s moans by kissing his mouth, my tongue finding his. The intense pleasure of fucking someone so gorgeou
s had me nailing him harder than I’d ever been able. I couldn’t believe my mad frenzy. I had done cocaine once, and I was ten times more alive and euphoric now.

  Then he arched up, pushing his ass all the way onto my dick at the same time I thrust down, his legs now wrapped around my middle. I could hardly breathe for the ecstasy, hardly see for the sweat. I was in him to the hilt and from his wild writhing beneath me, he couldn’t want it more.

  I came with a howl. Everyone within twenty yards of the trailer would have heard, but I didn’t care. My body convulsed with every spasm. Before my orgasm ended, Emil joined me, shooting onto his face and the cleft of his smooth chest.

  “That was remarkable. Transcendent, even,” I said. “I…I’ve never…Emil, you can’t ever leave.”

  Emil gave a beautiful, lascivious smile as his chest heaved. “I can’t? But why not?”

  I was still buried inside him, still hard as stone. “I can’t give you up. Now that I’ve had you…I can’t not have this again. I will give you everything you want.”

  Emil reached up and caressed my cheek. His face was flushed and his eyes full of happiness. “You don’t need to give me everything I want. But I understand.” He kissed my mouth slowly, then he looked up at me. “Because, Gianni, I want you to have the same.”

  Which Way to Dominance

  When Teddy heard the pickup drive past the main house and stop outside his room, he knew he had only seconds to undress. He threw his book on the bed and tore off everything. He hoped Roy wouldn’t be drunk again, but in the past months everything about him had darkened.

  There was a single knock, and Teddy opened the door, naked.

  “Good,” Roy said, his Stetson askew, revealing a balding head. “Now bend over.” Teddy could smell the liquor on his breath.

  In mere moments Roy was inside him. Teddy tried his best to meet Roy’s thrusts, but he pulled away time and again when the burn became too great.


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