Passion: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Tempting Alphas Book 3)

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Passion: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Tempting Alphas Book 3) Page 2

by Romi Hart

  “But you’re obviously not together,” he probed, moving even closer.

  Krys could feel the warmth of his body from this close, and she caught the hint of something the cologne didn’t quite cover, that human aroma. And coming from Dex, it was enticing. “Like I said, it’s not what you think. You’ll have to talk to Jordan about all of that.”

  “Maybe I will,” he conceded with a short nod. But then he gave her a mischievous smile, narrowing his eyes. “Or maybe, I’ll just find a way to get under your skin and make you trust me enough to tell me yourself.” His hand fell on her waist, and Krys inhaled sharply at his touch through the jersey, which hadn’t warranted any special attention at all. At the moment, she wished she’d worn something thin and formfitting.

  “We’ll see,” she answered, her voice barely a whisper as she tilted her face up toward his, wondering if he just might kiss her. He stared down at her, his eyes falling to her lips, and Krys held her breath, but nothing happened, and she lost her nerve.

  Stepping out of his immediate field of presence, she ducked her head. “So, you’ll be at the engagement party next weekend?”

  “You better believe it. If I hadn’t planned on it before, I’d come just to take you for a spin on the dance floor.” His voice was a low growl that had her head snapping up to gaze at him. His gray eyes were molten and fiery, and she could sense the way his breathing had changed, faster and harder. She almost wanted to haul him into a dark corner and throw herself at him, but her daughter was there, somewhere. She couldn’t risk being seen acting like that by an eight-year-old, who looked up to her as an example.

  What was she thinking anyway? She’d never been that girl.

  Clearing her throat as if that would clear the naughty thoughts from her head, Krys gave a demure smile. “Well, then, I’ll look forward to seeing you there. If you’ll excuse me, I should find the rest of my crew. My daughter’s going to be tired early after such a big day, and I need to get her home.”

  Something clouded Dex’s expression, but it faded quickly so Krys couldn’t quite read it. “Alright then. Be safe getting home. And don’t forget to add me to your dance card.” He leaned in to kiss her cheek, and her throat closed, blocking her airway and creating a lump of What Could Have Been. Muttering a goodnight, she hurried off before she changed her mind and did something stupid.

  Weaving her way through the rest of the team and their guests, she swept her gaze over the people, seeking out Jordan or Marcus, the two tallest among her friends. In the process, she ran into something waist-high with a grunt, and looked down to find Amy wrapped around her legs. “Mama, I just met Taylor Higgins, and he signed my jersey. See?” She pointed to the shoulder of the jersey and, sure enough, the new young goalie had signed. “That’s three now!”

  Amy was beside herself, and Krys couldn’t help but grin. It didn’t matter that her father and “Uncle” Marcus had produced the other two signatures. It still made the girl happy, and it gave Krys half a mind to have Jordan pass around a new one to all his teammates to sign as a Christmas present. “That’s lovely, sweetheart. Where are Dad and Kylie?”

  “We’re right here,” Kylie giggled as they broke through a group of people. “We just don’t have the agility of someone as small and determined, so we can’t quite keep up.”

  Amy yawned before Krys could respond, and Jordan, whose expression didn’t show nearly as much delight as everyone else’s, asked, “Are you ready to leave?”

  “No!” Amy cried.

  "Yes," Krys countered, patting her on the head. "You've had a big day, and we have an appointment early tomorrow at the hospital." As much as she hated the grave reminders of the past, it was essential to keep up on the tests that would ensure they caught any abnormality that showed cancer might be coming back.

  Looking defeated with her head hanging, Amy nodded, and Krys exchanged a glance with Jordan. His features softened, and he crouched down beside his daughter. “Hey, sweetheart, why don’t we go for ice cream after your appointment? It’ll be fun, and you can have a giant sundae or a triple scoop cone.”

  The girl brightened instantly, and Krys knew she’d done the right thing, moving here. She’d pay Kylie back, somehow, for making it possible. Taking her daughter’s hand, she followed Jordan and Kylie out, insisting on taking a cab so Kylie could drive home with Jordan. She would be fine; she’d been single for a long time. And that wasn’t going to change anytime soon.

  Chapter 3

  Krys blew out a long breath as she assessed herself in the full-length mirror. She hadn't dressed up for an event in a long time, and she'd had to go shopping for a dress. She hadn't brought any formalwear over from Australia, which, in hindsight, was dumb, since Jordan frequently had black tie affairs to which everyone was invited. Of course, she'd also known he would marry Kylie, which should have prompted her to think ahead.

  But she had to admit, the sky blue dress fit her like a glove, showing off the curves she’d convinced herself she lost when she had Amy. Actually, her hips were slightly wider, her breasts fuller, and it made her look pretty damn good for her age, especially with the strappy heels and the way her hair hung in curled tendrils around her face. She thought at first the makeup was overkill, but it looked fantastic on her skin, with the rest of the outfit.

  The engagement party started in an hour, and she needed to get out the door in the next few minutes to avoid a late arrival. For a moment, Krys forgot she was flying solo, nearly panicking over making sure Amy was ready to go. She so rarely had a babysitter that letting her daughter spend the night at a slumber party seemed unreal. Yet, here she was, free to be an adult late into the night, if she wanted, without inconveniencing anyone.

  Smiling at herself one last time, she flipped off the bathroom light, grabbed her small purse and keys, and headed out. Jordan wanted to send a car, but she’d insisted on taking a cab. She didn’t like people waiting for her, and she hated waiting for people even more.

  For some reason, she grew anxious as she neared the venue, fidgeting in the back of the taxi. She tried to remember the last time she’d felt so self-conscious, other than the day of Amy’s ‘conception’. It had to be prom night, and that told her exactly what was in the back of her mind, nagging at her.

  Dex Collier.

  She’d thought about him through the week, more than once, but she had convinced herself he was just being nice and didn’t really care about dancing with her. Or anything else, for that matter. But now, she was eager to see him and nervous he wouldn’t carry the same excitement at the prospect of seeing her. That sort of disappointment had always been a hit to her pride, and she didn’t recover well.

  “You’re a different person now,” she told herself as she walked toward the austere front door, with the imposing archway. “You’re all grown up now. You don’t need anyone else to validate who you are.” Pasting on a smile she hoped would begin to feel real in time, she strode through the entrance with her head held high, into the glamour of the ballroom.

  The overhead lights were dimmed, and the back half of the enormous room was a dance floor, with a DJ booth against the wall. To her right and left were bars, and appetizers made their way around on silver trays held by tuxedoed waiters. The club vibe was strong, and it sent her back ten years, to college, when she frequented dance halls and bars.

  She spotted Jordan with Kylie on his arm, walking away from the bar on the right, and Kylie pointed to her with a smile. The space hadn’t filled yet; it was still early, so she made her way over to them quickly, kissing them both on the cheek. “Well, I’ve said it before, but let’s make it official. Congratulations.”

  Kylie beamed. “Thank you. You look fabulous.”

  Krys shrugged and ducked her head. She’d never taken compliments well. “I try.”

  “You always succeed,” Jordan told her with a chuckle. “Now, go get a drink so you can loosen up.”

  He knew her too well, and she felt that familiar twinge as she glanced from
the corner of her eye at Kylie, making sure his attention wasn’t causing undue stress on her. She didn’t seem to care, and Krys once again marveled at what a great woman Jordan had found. “That’s probably a good idea,” she said, releasing a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “I’ll be back in a moment.”

  She strolled past them and went to the bar, asking for a gin and tonic. The bartender had a heavy hand, and she made a mental note not to drink too fast or too frequently. Turning around, she eyed the dance floor, then the open area in front of her, people watching. She recognized some of her coworkers and a few of Jordan’s teammates already here, but she didn’t know most of the partygoers. Anxiety crawled up her chest, squeezing her lungs, and she walked at a fast clip toward the nearest waiter, grabbing whatever he carried on his plate. She felt less out of place when she had something to do with her hands.

  Jordan and Kylie already had a line of people accosting them with well wishes, so Krys left them alone, finding a place near the dance floor, out of the spotlights, to stand and observe. She'd forgotten how lively people were when there was something to celebrate, even if that celebration only covered having a few drinks to welcome the weekend. For a while, she tuned out all her thoughts, just watching and letting the music seep into her head, as she used to do when she went out with her friends.

  When she finally broke through the haze, the crowd had tripled in size, and she was amazed at just how many people Jordan and Kylie knew. She spotted Reesa and Marcus at the bar, leaning on the far end as they pointed and discussed something intimately. She wondered what topic they found so fascinating and tried to follow their motions to see if she could pick out who they were talking about and why.

  “You look ravishing.”

  The voice behind her made her jump and gasp, and Krys whirled, with wide eyes, finding Dex at her back, a salacious grin on his face. His eyes danced over her, and for the first time all night, she didn’t cower from his gaze. Instead, she stood straighter, let him take her in while she took her time dragging her gaze down his body. He looked like he’d just stepped out of a magazine with his perfectly tailored charcoal suit and the deep green shirt underneath. His hair was combed back but had already started to get a bit unruly, which gave him that boyishly handsome appearance.

  And she didn’t miss the snakeskin cowboy boots, either.

  “You scared the fire out of me!” she accused.

  “Oh, I think there’s plenty of fire left in you. You’re insanely hot, Krys.” He remembered her name. That was a good sign. And he thought she was hot, even if he’d delivered the compliment as a cheesy line.

  “We’ll see how long it is before this flame burns out. Remember, I’m used to turning into a pumpkin by ten o’clock.”

  “Oh, yeah, motherhood.” He shook his head. “Well, tonight, you’re off duty, and you’re about to have the time of your life. Have you danced yet?”

  She shook her head as he reached for her hand. “You’ll be my first American dance partner.” Yes, she was flirting. Yes, she was enjoying it.

  He quirked a brow at her. “I guess I better not disappoint you, then,” he said with a wink. He guided her to the dance floor, and Krys suddenly had second thoughts. She used to dance, but she hadn’t in so long she didn’t know if she remembered how. As the DJ spun away from the song he was playing, she prayed for a slow tune that didn’t require much skill. Instead, he went into a lively swing number, and Krys nearly backed out.

  “Oh, no, you’re not going anywhere. This is my time,” Dex said, his mouth pressed to her ear so she could hear him over the music. He was too close, and she couldn’t turn him down.

  To her surprise, he was good. Professionally good. And that made it easy to follow his lead, even though she didn’t really know the steps. He guided her until she just ceased to care, and she flowed with him, bouncing and jiving and laughing. When the song ended, she almost felt disappointed, but Dex didn’t let her go, pulling her into his arms for the slow dance that followed.

  Krys couldn’t remember the last time she’d been that close to a man, her chest brushing against the hard mass of Dex’s. She felt her nipples harden, her breath still ragged and heavy so the friction of her breasts rubbing her clothes aroused her beyond the usual mild excitement. And the way Dex gazed at her, with open interest, set her loins on fire.

  Trying to literally put those sensations on the back burner, she cleared her throat and tilted her head up to look at him. “Do you still have family in Texas, Dex?”

  He nodded. “My mama and my brother both live in Dallas. My dad passed a few years ago, with a bad heart.”

  “I’m so sorry to hear that,” she told him, remembering what it was like to be separated from a parent. “And you didn’t inherit the problem?”

  Dex chuckled. “Is this a health exam or an attempt to get to know me better?”

  Blushing, Krys shrugged, keeping with his easy, graceful steps. “Just curiosity. I like to know a bit about a man who can dance as well as you. Where did you learn to dance like that?”

  His grin broadened. “I actually competed in high school. I took dance classes per my mama’s demand as a kid. She said I could be a rough, tough man all day long, but I needed to charm the ladies before I could protect them. I loved it, too. Ballroom dancing was fun, and swing was the best. But I found out it wouldn’t get me anywhere. I wouldn’t really make money, and back home, no one really cared about dance. I wasn’t much for American football, either. So, I tried out for the soccer team my sophomore year, and Coach said I was a natural. Things spiraled from there.”

  “Interesting. I guess all the dancing made you lighter on your feet.”

  “Probably.” His hand moved lower on her hip, and it sent a shiver of delight coursing up her spine. “What about you? What’s the story with you and Jordan?”

  This was the tough part. She had to skirt around the truth until he wanted to explain. “We were close in high school. We grew up together, but we were never right for each other.” That was as close to the story as she could get without taking it upon herself to tell his life story. He would share the details with his teammates when he was ready.

  “And the kid?” he asked, raising an eyebrow.

  Something about the way he said it bothered her, but she let it go. After all, she knew she tended to be defensive and overprotective as a mother. “Amy’s the best thing that ever happened to me. She’s my life.”

  “Well, tonight, your life is different. You have all night to be an adult, and I’m going to take advantage of that.” He winked at her, and she had a feeling things were going to take an interesting turn over the course of the night. The music changed again, a fast-paced rap song with a throbbing beat, and still, Dex held her captive, bumping and grinding with a hand on her hip and with as much style as he could waltz.

  She let go, the way she used to when she was younger, and felt the music in her bones. And when it finally ended, she was so winded she had to excuse herself. With a chuckle, she shook her head. “Age takes away more energy than I realized.”

  Dex’s eyes sparkled, and he sighed. “Well, as long as you promise to come back later tonight.” He leaned in close, the way he had last time they met, and spoke into her ear. “I’m far from finished with you.”

  As she walked away, Krys had to admit he affected her strongly. She headed toward Kylie at the side of the big room, finally standing alone as Jordan walked away from her. She air-kissed the guest of honor and instantly felt the tension as Kylie raised an eyebrow. “So, what was that about? Dex Collier?”

  Still breathless, Krys waved off the question, not wanting anything to get uncomfortable. “It was just a dance.”

  “Looked pretty hot from where I was standing.” Kylie’s tone was teasing, but there was an underlying concern Krys knew all too well.

  Her smile faded, and she sighed. “You mean from Jordan’s perspective. I know my stepbrother, Kylie. You don’t need to cover for him.” Kylie ducked her hea
d, and Krys wondered if she’s spoken too harshly. Trying to soften her disposition, she laid a hand on Kylie’s shoulder and assured her, “He’s nice, but I’ve got more at stake than a little partying and hot sex, alright? You can tell Jordan that.”

  With a blush, Kylie tightened her jaw, her gaze narrowing as she looked toward Jordan. Obviously, he’d put her up to this, and she wasn’t happy about it. “I’m not judging at all, Krys. As far as I’m concerned, if you like him, you should go for it.”

  Jordan had three drinks in his hand and was starting to wind his way back over, so Krys spoke quickly. “I know that, love. But I am judging. Dex would make a great tryst if I didn’t come with an attachment. But I’m Amy’s mother first. I’ll have plenty of time in the future to find companionship for myself. Right now, I’m content.” It wasn’t exactly a lie, but she knew Kylie read her from the expression on her face. She did want something more, still longed for the love of her life that she’d given up on finding so long ago.

  Even now, her gaze wandered to where Dex stood, finding him watching her. He held his drink up in salute, and her heart fluttered. She was so caught up she barely heard Kylie’s mumbled warning. “Whatever you think is best, I’m on board. Just don’t let Jordan catch you eyeing Dex with that look. He’ll get them both thrown in a jail cell to cool their heels overnight.”

  Krys averted her gaze and nodded, knowing Kylie was right. She stared at the floor as Jordan joined them, not wanting to give him the opportunity to see the yearning in her eyes. Whatever happened with Dex, it would have to be kept under wraps. And that just made her think, for the first time, that she might have made a mistake moving into Jordan’s world.


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