Passion: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Tempting Alphas Book 3)

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Passion: A Bad Boy Sports Romance (Tempting Alphas Book 3) Page 7

by Romi Hart

  “Let’s be fair, Krys. You’re a horrible judge of character when it comes to men. Look at your past, the whole reason you wanted a donor.” His words cut deep, made her feel worthless. He’d never been so cold to her before, and tears stung her eyes. But she refused to cry and used the emotion to fuel her wrath.

  “Piss off, Jordan. You have no right to decide my life or tell me who or what I am. You’re my brother by marriage and the father of my child in a test tube.” She saw how it hit him, and she instantly regretted her words, but she wasn’t going to back down. If he was going to play dirty, so would she.

  He crossed his arms and shot daggers at her with his gaze. “Maybe I should pursue more of my rights from that angle, then. I don’t want Amy around Dex. I don’t trust him, and I don’t want her to get hurt when he bows out. I could exercise my right as a father, ask for dual custody. Hell, I could even get full custody from the courts, if I wanted to.”

  “You wouldn’t dare!” Krys felt hollow, as if Jordan had just ripped her heart from her chest and taken her soul along with it.

  “Get your shit together, and I won’t have to.” Jordan strode across the room to stand inches from her, glaring down and dropping his voice to a deadly low volume. “Dex is a user. He’s worse than I ever was about commitment. I can’t control you and what you choose, but I won’t sit by and watch my daughter get fucked over in the process.”

  Defiantly, she jutted her chin out and narrowed her eyes. “You do whatever you think you have to do, Jordan. Take me to court and sue me for custody. No judge is going to see any merit to your case. They’ll see that I raised a daughter with a terminal illness by myself for most of her life, and that she’s incredibly healthy and well adjusted. They’ll see that I’m stable and that you travel and can’t be with her all the time.”

  “I have Kylie, too.”

  “And she didn’t sign up to take over my role as Amy’s mother.” She spoke through clenched teeth to keep her voice down. “Now, you can accept that I’m doing this, whether you like it or not, and you can be happy for me, or you can fight it the whole way. The choice is yours. But I will say this. If you miss your daughter’s party because you’re angry about this or you start some stupid male dominance shit while you’re there, you will face the consequences.”

  Before he could respond, she called for Amy, darting around him to greet her as she came out of the bedroom. “Are we leaving now?” she asked. She glanced back and forth between Krys and Jordan, looking a little concerned, but not enough to have heard the conversation. She likely felt the tension, though, and Krys hated that she had to deal with it. Jordan needed to cool down and stop getting his panties twisted, or he would be the one to disturb the relationship with his daughter.

  “Yes, love, we’re leaving. Give your dad a hug, and grab your things.” She gave Jordan a warning glance, not wanting him to show any aggression or anger while Amy was in the room, especially as he hugged her goodbye. Thankfully, he gave an imperceptible nod and smiled at Amy. The girl grabbed her backpack by the door and followed Krys to the elevator in silence.

  She waited until they were closed inside and then cornered Krys. She should have known that would happen. “I know you and Dad are mad at each other. I don’t know why, but I hope he’s still coming to the party.”

  "Oh, sweetheart, it doesn't matter if we're mad at each other. Your dad wouldn't miss something important to you, like your birthday." She could only hope it wasn't a lie. As long as she was trying to project a happy ending into the universe, she decided to go in for the kill. "Besides, your dad and I are too close to stay mad at each other for long. We'll fix it fast, you watch."

  “Good.” That pacified Amy, and she started humming some tune to herself. It wasn’t one Krys recognized, and she assumed she’d been watching music videos with Jordan or Kylie. At least she was enjoying herself. If Jordan ever did gain custody, Amy would still be happy.

  But the thought made her sick to her stomach, and she couldn’t let herself dwell on it. This would all blow over when Jordan saw she was going to dig her heels in and wouldn’t let him bully her into doing things his way. He had no ground to stand on here, and she would quickly remind him of that if he kept up this poor behavior.

  Chapter 9

  With all the preparations out of the way – décor hung, cake decorated, presents wrapped and placed neatly on a folding table by the front door – Krys felt satisfied with her hard work. Everything looked amazing, and Amy was a ball of excited energy. Krys, though, was filled with anxiety about what was to come when all the guests arrived.

  She didn’t know who she wanted to arrive first – Dex or Jordan. She feared Jordan being here when Dex arrived and trying to bully Dex into leaving, but she also didn’t want Dex here first because Jordan might get territorial about Dex being here for his daughter before he was. Kylie had called and promised they would both be there, even if she had to bring Jordan on a leash, so that wasn’t an issue. And Dex had just texted an hour ago to confirm that he was coming.

  Maybe they wouldn’t come until at least a few other guests were here. That would make everything a little less awkward, and there was less likely to be any drama.

  That hope was promptly squashed when the doorbell rang thirty minutes before the party was supposed to start. Of course, Amy was elated to have early arrivals and rushed to the door to answer it. Close behind her, Krys held her breath, terrified to find out who had come so early. To her relief, it was just Ginny's mother, Elise, wearing an apologetic look and holding a pretty gift wrapped box.

  “I’m so sorry, but Ginny’s sick and can’t make the party. But she insisted I bring the present,” Elise told them. “She really wanted to be here,” she added, looking at Amy.

  Though she was obviously disappointed, Krys took pride in her daughter’s graciousness. “That’s okay. And thank you for the present. Tell Ginny hi for me and to feel better.”

  “I will, thank you. And if she’s feeling better, I’ll have her call you tomorrow so she can say happy birthday herself.” Krys thanked her and stood in the doorway until the elevator opened for her.

  But as she was getting ready to close the door, she stopped, her heart pounding as Dex stepped out of the elevator. He looked edible in a pair of casual jeans and a dark blue t-shirt, and he carried a very small red bag with a pretty pink bow in one hand. He approached her with a mischievous grin, and Krys practically melted under his attention. Consequences be damned, she needed this man in her life, for however long he was willing to stay.

  He bent to kiss her as he swept through the doorway, giving her a wink as he called, “Where’s the birthday girl?”

  Amy slammed into him with a giant bear hug, giggling. “Hi, Dex! I’m glad you came!”

  He looked surprised but pleased, and if Krys hadn’t already been puddled on the floor, she’d be a mess now. She’d always worried that she might fall for someone who didn’t build a good relationship with Amy, and seeing Dex with her daughter and the mutual respect and adoration they shared told her she’d made a good decision.

  How could Jordan ever think otherwise?

  “I had to come. You’re my favorite nine-year-old in the world, and I have this great gift I wanted to give you.” He held up the bag, and Amy snatched it out of his hand to add to the table, beaming at him.

  “Thank you!” she said, turning back to hug him again, and then she was off to the kitchen, probably to stare at the cake some more.

  “Don’t you dare touch that icing!” Krys called after her as Dex wrapped her in an embrace. “Hi, you,” she said.

  “Hello.” He kissed her hard and fast. “Am I too early?”

  It was a loaded question, but he didn’t know that, so Krys just shrugged. “You’re not confined to certain hours for a party, Dex. You’re welcome here whenever you like.” It was true, too. Now that she could see the blossoming relationship between the man in her life and her daughter, she was ready to move past her worries about Amy getti
ng hurt. They could start doing things together now, like a family, even if she wasn’t quite ready to believe that Dex wanted something so complicated.

  As if her thoughts prompted it, the doorbell rang again, and Krys couldn’t imagine it was another parent with a present and apologies. “Have a seat, Dex. I’ll get you something to drink in a minute.” With that, she turned to answer the door, gulping at the dark expression and heavy brow Jordan wore. He gave a curt nod, even as Kylie made a valiant effort to overdramatize her excitement with squeals and hugs and kisses. Krys tried to stay in his line of sight, but she wasn’t tall enough, and Jordan stared right over her shoulder at where Dex had taken a seat on the sofa.

  “Today is for Amy, Jordan,” she said in a voice so quiet she could barely hear herself. “I swear, if you start anything that takes away a bit of her happiness, I’ll call the police and have you arrested.”

  His eyes flicked toward her briefly before focusing on Dex again, the only sign he gave that he’d even heard her. Then, he moved past her and stepped over to Dex, who stood and offered his hand in greeting. “How’s it going, Jordan?”

  “Same as every day,” Jordan responded tightly, shaking hands briefly. He was making an effort, at least, and that was really all Krys could ask for at this point. As he leaned in to kiss Kylie’s cheek when she walked over to them, Amy came barreling into the room and nearly knocked Jordan over with her greeting. “Hey, sweetheart, how’s my nine-year-old?”

  “Do I look older, Dad? Taller, maybe?” she asked, spinning to show off her purple party dress.

  “I think you still look like my little angel, even if you have put on a couple of inches.” He held out a small box, wrapped in gold paper, and Amy kissed his cheek, taking it from him. She turned to Kylie for hello’s and thank you’s before adding the gift to the table.

  “Would anyone like a drink?” Krys asked, hoping to diffuse the awkwardness of the situation.

  Kylie reached into her shoulder bag and pulled out a bottle of sparkling Riesling. “I thought we might toast to new beginnings,” she said with a hopeful smile.

  Krys appreciated the thoughtfulness of her actions and was thrilled when she offered to go in the kitchen to pour, Jordan at her heels. Blowing out a long breath, she told Dex, “I don’t smoke, but I could really use a cig right now to ease the tension.”

  Dex frowned. “I thought you told him about us.”

  “I did. It didn’t go well.” She shook her head. “He’s going to learn to accept that he can’t control my life and make my decisions. And he can’t judge others, either, not without solid ground to stand on.”

  “He doesn’t like me, Krys. He never has.”

  “It’s not just that. I think he’s jealous of any man who might encroach on his standing with Amy, and that’s how he sees you right now. If you’re with me, and we end up living together or married or anything of the sort, you’ll be with Amy full time, and he won’t. So he’d rather pretend to believe you’re a poor role model and that you aren’t safe to be around his daughter.”

  "That's a coward's way out," he growled under his breath as the others came back in the room. It seemed to relieve some of the dissension once they'd toasted, but Krys still found more relief once others started showing up for the party. She had other things to focus on, and Jordan and Dex had other people to talk to, which meant things went much more smoothly.

  Kylie, thankfully, helped play hostess, though they were both a bit exhausted and grateful when it came time to open the presents. As usual, Amy wanted to open the ones from family first, and Krys sucked in a breath when she grabbed Dex’s gift along with hers and Jordan’s. She saw Jordan stiffen from the corner of her eye, but Kylie laid a hand on his arm to calm him. Dex, sitting beside her in another folding chair, reached out and took her hand, squeezing it, and when she glanced at him, she could see pride and emotion overflowing.

  The clothes, spa certificate, and a new tablet for home from Krys thrilled Amy, and she raced over to hug and kiss her mother. She picked up Dex's present next, and Krys went rigid. She wanted desperately to ask what he'd gotten, but she waited as her daughter opened the small box she pulled out of the bag. Gasping, she held up a pretty chain with a pendant on it. "Oh, this necklace is so pretty!" she breathed.

  "That's your birthstone," Dex told her as she came to thank him.

  “Can you put it on me?” she asked eagerly, and Krys had to blink back tears. She didn’t miss the way his fingers trembled as he worked the latch, and this time, she was the one pressing on his thigh in a show of support. She didn’t look over at Jordan, figuring he would be seething and not wanting to ruin her sentimental mood just yet. Besides, Amy was already back to tearing into the other small box that had come from her father.

  “Disneyworld?” The girl’s jaw hung slack as she looked up at Jordan, who nodded with a smug look on his face. “When can we go?”

  “As soon as school’s out for the summer,” he told her.

  “Oh, Daddy, thank you! Thank you! Thank you!” she gushed. “And Kylie, you, too!”

  Krys was shellshocked. She hadn’t known that was coming, and from the look on Kylie’s face, she hadn’t, either. It was wholly inappropriate for a party like this, when friends would be giving her clothes and little trinkets that could never compare to a trip to Disneyworld. Besides, that sort of thing needed to be discussed between parents before promises were made. Under the circumstances, there was no way Krys would agree to Jordan taking Amy out of state for days or even weeks.

  The rest of the party was a blur of cake and ice cream and gifts and loud children. When everyone else had gone, and only Dex, Jordan, and Kylie remained, she plopped down on the couch, covering her eyes with her hand for a moment.

  That was a mistake.

  “What the hell is wrong with you?” Krys’ eyes popped open to find Jordan in Dex’s face. “What makes you think it’s appropriate to give jewelry to a child?”

  "Why wouldn't it be? She's nine, and last I knew, girls appreciate pretty things. It's her birthstone."

  “Yes, set in fucking platinum! That’s something you get for a girlfriend, or your whore, not a small girl, unless you’re some kind of freak.”

  Dex stiffened and clenched his fists at his sides, and Krys glanced through the open bedroom door to make sure Amy was still passed out from exhaustion. She didn’t need to hear any of this. “It’s white gold, asshole. Apparently, you don’t know anything about jewelry. I’m guessing someone else picked out your fiancé’s ring.”

  “I don’t care what the metal is. You shouldn’t be buying jewelry for my daughter!” Jordan shouted. “It’s bad enough you’re fucking her mother.”

  That was enough. Krys shot off the couch and pushed between them, facing Jordan in all her wrath. “First of all, my relationship with Dex, for the millionth time, is none of your business. And as for the necklace, it’s perfectly fine. Don’t you remember the necklace Daddy got me when I was seven? I still have it.”

  “He’s not her father, Krys, so back off,” Jordan hissed through his teeth.

  “No, I won’t back off!” she said, hands on her hips. “When were you planning on telling me about this trip to Disney, by the way? You know you can’t leave the state with her unless I give you a notarized letter.”

  “I just got the details yesterday,” he hissed. “And I don’t have to clear my presents through you.”

  “You do if you’re going to embarrass her less wealthy friends, who can barely afford to buy her an ‘I Love New York’ t-shirt for her birthday! You should have discussed it with me, gotten her something simple for the party, and given that to her in private, Jordan. If you want to talk about what’s appropriate, you have to hold to that standard yourself first!”

  “Since when are you such a self-righteous bitch?” Jordan cried. Dex stepped toward him, fists ready, at the insult.

  But Kylie shoved Jordan back and glared at both of them. “Stop it! Jordan, you’re way out of line. Even
I didn’t know you were going to give her those tickets today. It was a slick move, considering I wrapped the gift certificate in the same paper.”

  Dex scoffed. “Maybe you should let your fiancé know before you decide to flex your bank account in front of everyone next time. And for the record, I bought my eight-year-old niece a necklace just like that for her last birthday. That’s why I thought it would work. If you don’t like it, I won’t stop you from taking it away. That’s your right. But you can explain to her why she can’t have it.”

  Krys stood by, fighting tears at the fresh gashes Jordan’s insult left behind on her heart. Part of her wanted to walk away and go cradle her daughter in her arms, terrified that Jordan would take her away. But part of her wanted to claw at him, tear him down for how he was acting. And at the same time, she knew what it was like to feel overprotective. She’d been so nervous after Amy had been pronounced clear of cancer to let her play with other kids or go anywhere without her.

  But that didn’t justify Jordan’s accusations or hatred toward Dex. That was all jealousy. “She keeps the necklace, Jordan. And when I feel things have settled down, you can take her on your damn trip to Florida.”

  His chest heaving, Jordan shook his head. “You’re making a terrible decision.”

  “Just because it’s not the one you want me to make doesn’t mean it’s wrong. You’d do well to remember that you don’t run the world, Jordan.”

  He said nothing else, just turned to leave, and Kylie mouthed an, I’m sorry, over her shoulder as she followed. Krys appreciated that, knowing that Jordan could be a handful and not expecting Kylie to do more than she already had to help the situation.

  When the door closed, she fell into Dex’s arms, shaking with rage and pain. Jordan was her brother, had been her best friend since long before that, and they had a special sort of relationship, sharing a daughter. She couldn’t believe he would attack her like that, and it cut her to the bone. She needed Dex right now, wanted to lean on him for support.


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