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Sinner Page 9

by Jacqui Rose

  Pulling into the lane, Vaughn cut across the road being careful to keep a couple of cars’ distance from her. It helped that it was raining hard. He doubted the visibility was good enough for her to see him. He only hoped that the traffic would stay busy. But at the main roundabout, she turned left into Ruston Road, driving past the large Plumbase and several derelict warehouses. With no other cars about, Vaughn was forced to slow down, hanging back as he watched Franny pull over.

  Turning off his lights, he frowned. She’d never mentioned knowing anybody living in Woolwich, and he knew most of her and Alfie’s friends and acquaintances.

  Continuing to watch, deeper puzzlement crossed through him as he saw Franny taking out a set of keys from her bag to open the front door of the smart block of flats. Suddenly, he ducked. She was looking his way. Shit. He hoped that she hadn’t seen him. Breathing hard, he waited a couple of moments before he sat back up. Watching and waiting.


  Inside the flat, Franny, having taken off her jacket, unlocked the bedroom door to Bree. She had been going to leave coming to see her until tomorrow afternoon, but with Alfie going off the way he had done, well that had given her a window of opportunity to come and see Mia … Bree.

  ‘Hi, Bree.’

  With her blonde hair scraped back, Bree looked at Franny, relief overwhelming her. She hadn’t known how long it was going to be before Franny decided to come back, especially as she’d let her imagination run away with her. Somewhere between being locked in the bedroom and now, she’d convinced herself that she’d be held there forever, especially with the mood Franny had been in. She hadn’t even got her phone to call, Franny had taken that as well. Simply put, she was at Franny’s mercy.

  ‘You’re back quickly, Fran.’

  Franny stared at Bree. She looked like she’d been crying, which to her was ridiculous. What was there to be upset about? Bree had everything. It was almost as if she was staying at a five-star hotel, and like she’d told her on numerous occasions it wasn’t going to be forever – but as usual, Bree had to make a drama of everything. She narrowed her eyes coldly. ‘Have you got a problem with that because I can turn around and go if you’d prefer?’

  ‘No, no of course not. I’m just surprised, that’s all. You don’t usually come so soon between visits … Thank you.’

  Stern-faced, Franny nodded, not particularly interested in having a long discussion with Bree, but her mood suddenly lifted, and her expression changed, a huge smile spread across her face as she glanced at Mia asleep on the bed. ‘She looks content.’

  ‘She’s been good.’

  With nothing near patience, Franny, still smarting from the argument they’d had before and having been left feeling raw after seeing Alfie, snapped, ‘She’s a baby, of course she’s good. She’s not going to be anything else, is she?’

  Admonished and looking glum, Bree spoke flatly. ‘No, no of course not.’

  Sitting on the edge of the large king-size bed, Franny seemed to pull herself together and with her tone slightly lighter, said, ‘Anyway, I’ve got some good news for you. Alfie’s going to go away.’

  A rush of emotions ran through Bree. It was the strangest of things, but the thought of Alfie leaving somehow upset her. ‘When? Why’s he decided to go all of a sudden?’

  Shrugging, Franny yawned. ‘He hasn’t told me any details, but he hasn’t been himself lately …’ She trailed off, hinting to Bree that she wasn’t in the mood to chat about Alfie.

  ‘Is he all right, Fran?’

  With the tension between the two women always just under the surface, a flicker of annoyance came into Franny’s eyes. ‘Why do you care?’

  ‘Well I don’t hate him if that’s what you mean. He’s never done anything wrong to me, quite the opposite. The only reason I left …’ Bree stopped, feeling Franny’s intense, hostile glare.

  ‘Are you telling me you still have feelings for Alfie?’

  Knowing there was no way she was going to admit the truth to Franny, especially after the earlier conversation, Bree shook her head, emphatically saying, ‘No, Jesus, Fran, not like that anyway. Obviously, I don’t want anything bad to happen to him, but I was just curious.’

  Franny continued to stare but said nothing as she thought about Alfie. Although she’d wanted him to go away, she’d actually felt for him tonight. She’d known he was in a state, but what she’d seen this evening had surprised even her, and it hadn’t made her feel particularly good. Perhaps that’s why she’d needed to come and see Mia … Bree. She’d needed a distraction but sitting here was anything but. Bree looked terrible, and she was hardly what she’d call good company.

  Sighing and glancing down at the Limelight Gala watch Alfie had bought her a couple of months ago, Franny saw it was just past one in the morning. A sudden thought rushed through her mind. Why not? It wouldn’t do any harm now. Not at this time of night anyway, and perhaps it would break the tension between them.

  ‘What do you say to a drive out?’

  Bree’s face lit up. ‘Do you mean it? Really?’

  ‘Yeah, I can’t sit here. I’ve had more laughs at a funeral parlour. We can just drive out along the river. My car’s right outside and it’s got blacked-out back windows, so no one will see you. And then we can come back, but don’t think I’ll make a habit of it … and, Bree, don’t make any stupid moves, understand?’

  The warm feeling Bree had had, suddenly faded. An ominous chill ran through her.

  ‘No, of course I won’t.’

  ‘Okay, then let’s go … Get Mia and hurry up.’

  Outside in the car, the rain was getting heavier and Vaughn was in two minds whether to put his wipers on or not. He didn’t want to risk being seen. Deciding it was probably best to keep the engine turned off, he leant closer to the windscreen. Shit, he wished he could see better. Maybe he should step out of the car to get a clearer view, but he’d have to be careful.

  Reaching for the door handle, Vaughn squinted. There were two people coming from the flats. That one was definitely Franny. But who was the second one? He couldn’t quite make out who she was with.

  As Vaughn watched them jump into Franny’s car, the rain making it difficult for him to see easily, another person who was watching had a much better view. Shannon saw it all.


  ‘Mr Eton, I’m sorry I couldn’t stop him.’ Charlie Eton turned around to see one of his men trying to pull back Alfie Jennings from entering the room. Puzzled, he looked at Alfie, who stood drenched to the skin.

  ‘It’s fine, you can leave us now.’

  ‘Are you sure, Mr Eton, because I can get him out if you like?’

  Charlie, as was his habit, picked up the nearest object – a chair – and threw it in the direction of his henchman. ‘Get the fuck out of my sight before I do something you won’t like!’

  The man scurried away leaving Charlie, red-faced and breathing hard, with Alfie.

  ‘This is a nice surprise, Alf. I take it you’ve come to a decision.’

  Alfie shook his head, hardly able to speak as he stared at Charlie, who stood only in a pair of white faded underpants.

  Pulling on a Ralph Lauren purple velvet tracksuit, Charlie gave a sideward look to Alfie.

  ‘Then to what do I owe the pleasure, because as you told me the last time, my merchandise is a little bit too young for you … You look fucked by the way. Jesus Christ, Alf, what’s going on?’

  Pallid and sweating, Alfie’s voice was strained. ‘You need to tell me the truth, Char. I promise it won’t go further than these two walls. Please, just tell me. I don’t want you hiding anything from me.’

  ‘Alf, calm down. You’re not making sense, mate.’

  Trembling, Alfie stared at Charlie, wiping the sweat and the rain off his face. ‘Just tell me if you’ve got one of these as well.’ He pulled out the letter he’d shown Franny, shoving it into Charlie’s hand.

  Charlie read it, and shrugged. ‘This is a joke. Some muggy prankster.�

  He pushed it back to Alfie, who began to pace.

  ‘It ain’t a joke, I just know it.’

  Still none the wiser, Charlie said, ‘Well who do you think it’s from?’

  Alfie’s face turned into a picture of bemusement. He clutched his head, his whole body tense and strained. His voice shaking, loud and anxious, he said, ‘Are you fucking kidding me? Are you being serious? There’s only one person it could be from, and you know it as well as I do. I know it’s from him, and you’re probably gonna get one too—’

  ‘Alfie mate, it ain’t from him.’ Charlie’s voice held an unusual warmth. ‘Jesus Christ. Look, I know you and me have a lot of agg at the moment over the club, but I don’t want to see you like this. You’re losing it, mate. You need to go home, have a shower and a shave. You’re looking terrible, and I swear, Alf, I don’t know anything about any letters.’

  Ignoring what Charlie had to say, Alfie charged over to him, grabbing hold of his tracksuit top and shaking him hard. ‘Char, you’re lying! I know it!’

  ‘I’m not, and do you know why, mate? Listen to me carefully here. Because they ain’t from him. Now let go of me.’

  Blinking, and with a manic, faraway look in his eye, Alfie nodded, dropping his hold. He began to pace up and down again at the same time as Charlie went over to the large black locker in the corner.

  Opening the top drawer, Charlie pulled out a bag of cocaine, tapping some out on the side before cutting it up finely. He waved a silver toot at Alfie, still speaking gently to him. ‘Here, mate, take some of this – it looks like you need some.’

  Sounding broken, Alfie walked over to where Charlie was standing. ‘Yeah thanks.’ But about to snort a line, Alfie stopped, staring intently at Charlie. ‘You really think it’s not from him?’

  ‘Jesus, Alf, how many times – of course I don’t.’

  A shallow exhalation came from Alfie as he tried to get his breath, shame rushing over him. ‘Cos I’m scared, mate, and I know it’s stupid, but I’m scared.’

  Charlie gave a small but genuine smile. ‘I know you are, but it’ll be fine, Alf … I’m here. It’s going to be fine.’

  And almost to himself, Alfie nodded, the tears falling down his cheeks as he leant his head on Charlie’s shoulder. ‘It’s going to be fine … it’s going to be fine … it’s going to be fine.’

  ‘For fuck’s sake! Jesus Christ!’ Vaughn banged on the horn. Fuck! What the fuck did she think she was doing?

  ‘Get out of the way! Get out of my way!’

  Shannon stood in front of the revving car, smiling a semi-toothless grin at Vaughn. She’d seen Bree come out of the flat and although Bree had been with some woman she didn’t know, she’d made up her mind to go and say hello – after all, at one time they’d known each other pretty well – but when she’d seen Vaughn’s car turning around in the street, the thought of getting a lift back to Soho was more inviting than a quick chat with Bree.

  It was an absolute touch that she’d seen him. The weather was shit plus she’d spent all her money, so she couldn’t even get a night bus back to town.

  She shouted warmly, raising her voice above the pelting rain. ‘What you still doing here, mate? I thought you’d pissed off home?’

  Vaughn stared at Shannon and sighed. He’d no hope of catching Franny up now. She was well and truly gone because of some stupid kid. Shit, as sweet as Shannon was, he’d thought that he’d seen the last of her. He certainly didn’t need to babysit some crackhead … Maybe that was a harsh thing to think. He was being unfair. It wasn’t her fault she’d had the life she did, but that didn’t make it any less of a bitter pill to swallow that for one sweet moment, he’d thought he’d got Franny right where he wanted her.

  But Christ knows, he couldn’t see the kid out in the street in this weather and especially as it seemed she didn’t really have anywhere to go.

  So, with a heavy heart and trying to push down his irritation, Vaughn signalled for Shannon to come around to the passenger side. He shouted back, though not as warmly as she had done. ‘Come on then! Come on if you’re coming! Jesus!’

  Jumping in, wired and smiling, Shannon, soaked to the bone, giggled. ‘I thought it was you. You don’t get many gold-coloured Range Rovers round here. You going back to Soho, mate?’

  Flatly, Vaughn nodded, smelling the distinct, acrid aroma of burnt crack cocaine coming off Shannon’s breath. ‘It looks like I am, doesn’t it?’

  Shannon looked at him oddly, her words slurred from the drugs. ‘You all right? You seem a bit pissed off.’

  ‘I’m fine. I just saw someone I knew. I was hoping to catch up with them, that’s all.’

  Looking out of the window, Shannon absentmindedly murmured, ‘That’s funny.’

  Vaughn scowled as he turned a right, heading towards Blackwall Tunnel. ‘What is?’

  ‘That we both saw someone we knew … not that I’ve seen Bree for ages. One day she just …’

  Vaughn slammed on his brakes, sending Shannon flying forward. He swivelled round in his seat to stare at her. ‘Who? Shannon, who did you say?’

  Nonplussed, Shannon shrugged. ‘Bree. Back there. I saw her just before I saw you.’

  With his mind racing, Vaughn spoke slowly. ‘Shannon, do you know this person’s second name?’

  Looking at Vaughn strangely, Shannon nodded. ‘Of course I do. It’s Dwyer. Bree Dwyer.’


  Back in Soho, it was Vaughn’s turn to hit the whiskey. He knocked it back in one, straightaway pouring himself another drink. He looked at the clock. It was just gone four in the morning but there was no way he could sleep.

  Of all the things he expected, it wasn’t this. He’d never dreamt that Franny was still in contact with Bree because anytime that Bree’s name had come up, Franny had acted in one of two ways: blasé or vitriolic. Yet there she was with keys to what was probably Bree’s front door. But why? Why keep it from him? More to the point, why keep it from Alfie? That’s what he didn’t understand. There was no reason on earth for Franny not to tell Alfie. Bree and Alfie were long over. She didn’t want to be with him because of his lifestyle; even he got that. So why all the hiding? The secrecy?

  Although, there could be another reason why Franny was being suspicious lately. Maybe it wasn’t to do with Bree at all; perhaps they’d just bumped into each other and she was in Woolwich purely for a social visit … Who knew?

  With most people, he’d probably think there was a simple explanation. An innocent one. But this was Franny he was dealing with. And the word innocent could never be linked to her.

  He had been trying to question Shannon some more about Bree, but by the time they’d driven through the tunnel, she was crashed out. A drug-induced nap. He’d even had to carry her inside the club, laying her on the couch opposite the one he’d found Alfie collapsed on, who also seemed to be in a drug-related sleep.

  Feeling the burn from the whiskey, Vaughn heard the door open. He whipped around. It was Franny.

  Wanting to play it cool until he’d worked out exactly what was going on, he said, ‘You’re up early, or haven’t you been to bed yet?’

  Not expecting to find anyone here, Franny was shocked. She’d only come back for some cash. She’d made it her business not to use her bank cards whenever she was in South London in case Alfie saw any statements, but annoyingly, Bree hadn’t told her yesterday that she’d run out of nappies, which meant coming back to get some more money.

  It was a nuisance to have to drive back and forth to Woolwich, but the traffic was light for once, and she had hoped she could get away without anyone seeing her. That’s why she hadn’t gone home to pick up her purse in case Alfie had been there, but now she wouldn’t be able to go in the safe without Vaughn asking her a million questions.

  Tightly, she said, ‘I could say the same about you …’ About to continue, Franny frowned, turning to look at Vaughn directly. ‘Who’s that, and why the hell is she asleep on the couch? Come to think of it, w
hy’s Alfie here too?’

  ‘You tell me, Fran. You seem to be the one who holds all the answers.’

  Not in the mood to have to deal with Vaughn, Franny stepped closer, smelling the whiskey on his breath. ‘I’ll ask you again, who’s that on my couch?’

  ‘A friend.’

  Franny’s voice was hostile. ‘I don’t know what the hell’s been going on, but I don’t want some stray in here. This is a business, Vaughn, and I’m not going to get it shut down because of some underage kid you’ve picked up.’

  Seething, Vaughn knocked back another whiskey. ‘For fuck’s sake, Franny, I haven’t picked her up. Like I say, she’s a friend.’

  ‘Whatever, Vaughn. Just get her out of my club, understand?’

  ‘But it’s not just your club is it? From what I remember, we’re all partners here, with Alfie and I having the lion’s share, so I’ll have who the hell I want here.’

  Having been awake for the past few minutes, Shannon had heard the conversation and with her head still spinning, she sat up blurry-eyed.

  She stared at Franny, recognising her as the woman from outside the flats in Woolwich. She hadn’t liked the look of her then, and although she was very beautiful, she certainly didn’t like her now. Stuck-up cow. Who did she think she was, talking about her like that?

  With a sneer on her face, Shannon, full of confrontation, glowered at Franny. ‘You were that woman out …’

  She stopped as she saw Vaughn shake his head. She didn’t know why, but she did know that he wanted her to keep her mouth shut, and she was more than happy to do it for him, partly because she’d taken an instant dislike to Franny, and partly because Vaughn had called her his friend, and in her entire life she’d never heard anybody call her that.

  Franny stared. ‘I was what woman?’

  Biting her nails, Shannon shrugged. ‘Can’t remember what I was going to say now.’

  Tutting, Franny impatiently turned back to Vaughn. ‘Tell Alfie to call me when he wakes up, and when I come back, I want her gone. Understand?’


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