Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)

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Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) Page 21

by Chanley, Deborah

  "Thank you, Alana." Valencia placed a hand on the door, but before she opened it, she gave an unsteady smile. "I would like you to stay close to me."

  "I wouldn't be anywhere else." With a slight nod from the Mlinzi, she entered the chamber. The domed, octagonal room was mostly bare except for a few tapestries on the walls. Not wanting to appear like a gawking child, she barely raised her eyes to peer at the stained glass dome, which reflected the history of Sora down upon its occupants. Delicately carved into a network of vines surrounding a golden tree, the throne sat upon a high pedestal at the far end of the room. With its bright yellow flowers a living Mort Groc vine twined around its base, preventing all from sitting upon it, save the Matka-Zem.

  Below the throne sat an oval, metallic table. To her astonishment, most of the chairs were empty. Only four men and two women sat at the silver table, with her father at the far end. They stared at her in surprise as Valencia squared her shoulders and strolled leisurely toward them, as if she had done so a hundred times.

  "Valencia dear, why are you here? I thought we were to meet later." Aeson rose to his feet and met her halfway, stopping her approach.

  "And we will, after the council meeting is adjourned." She tucked her hand at his elbow and pulled him gently with her towards the council. "I'm sorry I'm late, I had a heck of a time finding something to wear." She studied each member as she addressed the council. Her father briefly introduced each member before returning to his seat.

  They were all Torpek, tall and fair, except for one stout man named Ambassador Seth Altxor. By his short stature, she assumed the man was from the Ipatx race. The older man had long graying hair that wove into his beard, stubby limbs, and a bulbous nose. His beady black eyes regarded her with interest.

  "Is this the council of Sora?" she asked.

  The members stared at her as if she was a leper. "Where are the other council members?"

  "Why are you here, child?" The woman's voice was smooth, yet Valencia heard the hardness beneath her soft tone. Like all Torpekian, Lady Uzuri Zupan was tall, beautiful, and fair of skin. Yet the coldness in her crystal-blue eyes marred her beauty.

  "I'm the Matka-Zem and I need to learn how my people are being governed." Valencia sat down gracefully near her father's place at the head of the table.

  "Your place is on the throne, my lady." Lord Liam Zupan was strikingly handsome, but his air of arrogance repulsed her. By his smug tone, she knew he expected her to obey without question. His pale eyes swept over her, and his lustful glare sent a shiver of revulsion through her. Wariness tightened her stomach: she wouldn't put her guard down when she was around this Torpek lord.

  "I wouldn't be able to hear a word up there. How can I govern my people if I can't hear anything?" She kept her voice soft, but stressed the word "my" to make it clear she was the one in power. The man's eyes narrowed and his lips twisted into a sneer.

  A muffled chuckle from the Ipatx stopped his retort.

  "Well, let's get on with it, shall we?" The Ipatx tried to contain his laughter with a cough. Clearing his throat, he launched into a topic before the others could voice further objections to her presence.

  Remaining silent, while they expressed their opinions, she listened to the inflections and intonations of their voices, while studying the physical behavior of each person. The topics ranged from basic city functions to how they would deal with the abundance of food now that she had helped the crops flourish. The other Torpeks were shadows of Uzuri, agreeing with whatever position she took without question. Her son occasionally nodded his approval, but his pale eyes hungrily watch Valencia from across the table. Only Seth rebuffed Uzuri's authority. Valencia liked the small, robust man almost instantly. He was loud and opinionated, often slamming a fist on the table in frustration and demanding to hear what Valencia thought throughout their discussions.

  Valencia held her poise and patience, although she wanted to bang her fist on the table alongside Seth. The Keeper had taught her diplomacy since she was a little girl, and now she was thankful for the training. She used all her willpower to stay calm and unbothered by the prejudiced council, who acted as if they owned the Koylu. The council sided mostly with Uzuri, who made it a point to call Valencia a child whenever she could. Although her father was present, it was obvious the woman was in control. 'Until now,' thought Valencia.

  Her father sat there, quiet and brooding. Occasionally, he would look at a member or respond to a question to pretend he was still their leader. However, Valencia saw the beaten man and felt sorry for him. He certainly allowed Uzuri to govern the council and she wondered if the older woman tried to rule Sora too.

  Seth was the only one who stood up to the woman, but being out-numbered, his vote was only symbolic. When they started to discuss the Koylu, Valencia could stomach no more. She could not condone their ruling and was determined to overturn their decision. True to the Mlinzi's information, the council wanted to force the Koylu to give them their harvest, in her name, without any compensation.

  "You will not use my position to rob these people. They will be properly compensated for their produce," she stated firmly as she glared at the members. When she looked at her father for support, he lowered his eyes.

  "We will need to care for you properly, Matka-Zem. It is their duty to provide for you." Liam stared at her from across the table. He tried to smile pleasantly at Valencia but failed. The sweetness in his voice reminded her of Inga.

  "Their duty to me is to prosper, and fear is not a part of that." Valencia felt the spark of energy flutter inside her as her temper grew. "The Koylu are not the Torpek's servants, to be ordered around. From now on, there will be fair trade between the races." She glared at each member in turn, but only one held her gaze. The hatred in Uzuri's crystal blue eyes was unmistakable.

  "Moreover, there will be no slavery on Sora. I want it abolished ASAP." Valencia realized she'd just made her first adversary. The spark inside her grew as she and Uzuri stared at each other. It was a war of wills, and Uzuri was the first to lower her eyes.

  "Child, you can't just stop something that's been around for a hundred years," Uzuri said, addressing her as if speaking to a child.

  "I can and I will, Uzuri. You and I both know a hundred years is just a drop in a bucket in the scheme of things." Valencia disliked the woman just as much as the older woman seemed to detest her. Valencia glanced at her father, who refused to meet her eyes, then turned toward Seth. Pride lit his beady eyes and he wore a wide grin.

  "Seth, can you make a decree? As of this day, no one can own another. All slaves are cleared of their debts and are to be freed. If they continue to work, they will be compensated as employees."

  In her anger, energy sparked around her like a Tesla coil. She felt the roots of her hair stand on end as she glared at each member. Although they tried to hold their poise, they were clearly in awe of her Gift.

  It took more than two hours to discuss everything again, with Valencia dictating her new rules for the Torpek nation. She took comfort in Alana's silent presence when the council argued with her. Some members glanced briefly at the Mlinzi a time or two throughout the proceedings. When the meeting finally adjourned, Liam offered his arm to help her rise, but before she could refuse the arrogant man, Seth pushed the young man aside.

  "Be gone, Liam! As the oldest council member, I claim my right to be with the Matka-Zem."

  They waited until the other members left before she rose to her feet. Valencia stared at her father, who was staring off into space, oblivious to the world around him. With a worried frown, she took a step toward him to comfort him.

  "Don't worry about him, child. There is nothing you can do." Seth firmly grasped her elbow and steered her out of the room.

  "What's wrong with him?" Valencia caught one last glimpse of her father before the heavy golden door closed behind her.

  "Aeson is a broken man, lost in his past and blind to the troubles of the world." The top of Seth's head came just above her
elbow and she had to slow down to match his shorter stride. "I'm glad you came to the council meeting. You did a fine job in there, Princess. But what took you so long to speak up?"

  "I needed to learn what I was up against before I knew how to handle the situation."

  The Ipatx ambassador guided her to an outside garden that had been pruned to perfection. Not a twig was out of place, nor did any leaves litter the ground. The feeling of being caged tightened her stomach again, yet she managed to smile at the Ipatx.

  "You sound like Naji, girl!" Seth boomed so loudly heads turned in their direction. "Personally, I never liked the woman. She always spoke in riddles." He laughed at her sour expression. "But she did teach you well, Matka-Zem. You handled yourself with dignity, and you were diplomatic as well as shrewd." She was about to thank him, but he held up a stubby hand. "Don't thank me yet. You may want to take everything back after we talk."

  "What do you mean?" She eyed him with suspicion as Seth guided her to a bench, tucked away in a corner, to give them privacy.

  "Give me your hand, Valencia." Seth extended his stubby hand, palm up, for her to take. When she timidly placed her hand in his, Seth tightened his finger around hers. To her amazement, she felt a slight pulling sensation travel from her hand to his. "Thank you for sharing your Gift with an old Ipatx, Princess."

  "What?" She tried to pull her hand away but the elder Ipatx just tightened his grip.

  "What do you feel?" Seth asked as he squeezed her hand. She stared into the Ipatxian's eyes with a questioning look. Seth returned her stare with a sly smile.

  "It feels like you're pulling something out of my hand." Her eye grew wide when she realized what was happening. When she tried to free her hand again, Seth willingly released it. "You're absorbing my Gift," she said with fear.

  "Good girl!" Seth laughter was just a hard bark, "Yes, Valencia, I was taking your Gift. You radiate it and your people live for it."

  "I do not fully understand, Seth." She frowned at the Ipatx.

  "This is one reason I was against you being sent away." Seth shook his head in regret. "But the damage is done, so we have to move forward." With a deep breath, the Ipatx proceeded to educate her. "As you know by now, you are the embodiment of Sora but you have no clue what that really means. Am I right?"

  "Yes." Thane had said those exact words, but had never been willing to explain what he meant. Now this man was about to go into detail. She bit her lip in apprehension while Seth stared at her with his brows pulled down in thought.

  "Hmm . . ." Seth pulled on his beard as he peered at her. "I will put it to you bluntly, but please do not take offense at my words. Keep in mind you are first a woman, flesh and blood, with feelings and desires like any other woman on any other world." Valencia saw a small smile form on the Ipatx ambassador's face when she released a sigh of relief, "However, you are far more than just a woman. You are a living power transformer for Sora's energy. When the Batu between you and Sora is completed, you will be able to distribute our planet's life force to reenergize the inhabitants of Sora. Not just to us humanoids, but to all living things. Do you follow me, princess?" Seth paused, as if to see if she comprehended his words.

  "Like what I did to the crops yesterday." Valencia was beginning to understand.

  "Yes, but on a grander scale. Your power did not go around the world as the rumors say, but it did fill the valley with life. After the Buta, you can bring strength to the frail and energize the weak with a simple touch. If you are as strong in your Gift as I think you are, then you will be able to do amazing things. Of course each Matka-Zem has different abilities, but you were very powerful as a child."

  "Can I bring life back to the dying?" She thought of how she had tried to save Thane. "Or heal the sick and wounded?"

  "No, Valencia. You can't stop the nature of things." Seth gave a little laugh. "Death is a part of life, Matka-Zem. However, if someone is seriously wounded, you may be able to send enough energy into that person to sustain him or her long enough to get help."

  "Can I take their energy away?" As she pondered Seth's words, she once again thought of Thane. Was that why he kissed her? To take her energy in order to stay alive?

  "Dear Gods no! You give life not death." Seth affectionately patted her arm as if he were her grandfather. "What I am trying to say is that you radiate Sora's power and can spread it where you see fit. This makes you a commodity, and people will try to use you for their own needs."

  "Like you did when you held my hand to receive my energy." Valencia did not like what she heard. She stared off into space and whispered to herself, "How do I know who to trust when everyone wants something from me?"

  "Not everyone is greedy, Princess, but you should not trust many." Seth took her hand again, but she snatched it away. The old Ipatx smiled and nodded his head. "Most of the Mlinzi can be trusted to protect you and to enforce your rule. They are the ones who hear Sora's call and they have a special connection to you. It is mentioned in our lore that if the Matka-Zem is in dire need, the entire Mlinzi Nation can hear her, but that may be only rumor." The Ipatx shrugged his broad shoulders. "At any rate, their numbers are few and some may have their own agendas, so be wary of them as well. They have been without a strong Matka-Zem for far too long and some have run amuck. Nevertheless, do not become embittered by this, Valencia. If you open your mind and listen to your heart, you will be fine."

  "I have been told that before." She smiled at the Ipatx ambassador.

  "Wise person, that one." Seth laughed and rose to his feet. "I've said enough. Think about my words, Princess. Moreover, be careful. There are those who will do anything to control your Gift."

  "I will. Thank you, Seth." She placed a hand on his shoulder.

  Seth smiled and gave her a bow before heading back into the building. Valencia slowly returned to her suite in deep thought.


  Uzuri leisurely strolled from the throne room and with a flip of her wrist summoned Liam to follow. Anger had swelled inside her when the Matka-Zem joined the council, however she took pride on how she'd been able to smile and speak calmly throughout the meeting. She had instantly taken a dislike to the princess. The girl's beauty out shown even her own striking features, making her feel inferior in her presence. At first, the girl held herself aloof and Uzuri thought she would be easy to manipulate. It didn't take long before she'd realized the girl was watching each person like a hawk searching for its prey.

  When the Matka-Zem took control of the meeting, Uzuri realized her control as a council member was in jeopardy. The princess was young and headstrong. She would have to tame the girl before she ruined everything her family had built. Uzuri had a plan and the means to use it. All she had to do was keep the princess in Kota Emas and bond her to her son.

  "We have to be quick! You must get control of the Matka-Zem." She hissed into her son's ear. Nails digging into Liam's arm, she pulled him along the path. "There will be a celebration for the princess tonight. You must encourage her to select you for the Kleben. Once you are bonded, you will be Regent."

  "I'm confident I can charm the girl. I am pleased she is beautiful. It will make the Kleben most enjoyable," Liam said with a lustful laugh. "She has enough spunk to make the chase enjoyable, but she will be mine in the end."

  "Keep your wits about you, Liam." When she saw lust glaze his eyes, Uzuri slapped him across the face. "This girl is smarter than you think."

  "You may have manipulated Aeson with ease, but not me." Liam rubbed his fire-red cheek with a delicate hand. "I will not be your puppet."

  "No, but you are my son," she ran a finger down his cheek where she'd slapped him, "and you will stand by your family."

  "Yes, Mother, the power of Sora will remain in our family." Liam's smile was evil. "We will continue to rule the planet."

  "We must be quick," she repeated in a hushed tone. "Aeson will regain his strength, now that the Matka-Zem is back. We certainly don't want that old fool to jeopardize our plans."
  "Why worry about him?" Liam gave a hard laugh. "He will die once the Kleben happens and I will gain his strength."

  "Just make sure you woo her, my son. She must not bond with another." Uzuri clasped her arm around Liam's and started to walk them toward the exit.

  "Have no fear, Mother," Liam snickered maliciously. "The Matka-Zem will not refuse me."


  Donna and Parth strolled the city as they made their way toward the library. The city's design was spiral and in tiers. The highest tier was composed of towers, built for the lords of the city, where they dwelled with their fancy technology and slaves. Parth told Donna that many lived their entire lives without leaving the spiral towers.

  The second level, swirling in a loop just below the towers, was where lower-class Torpek strived to become elevated above their stations. All were Torpek and still well-to-do, with their nice homes and shops, possessing just slightly less luxury than the lords of Kota Emas. The lowest tier was where the beggars and slaves mingled among the poor. Very few Torpek walked these streets, and only then for shady dealings that were not performed in the towers.

  The gold-plated city glistened in the twin suns' light. However, Donna saw past the superficial glitter. On Earth, huge cities had their own unique shine, but all had the same back alleys and shady streets. Kota Emas, though on a different world, was no exception. Raised on the streets of San Francisco, Donna saw no difference. When she first saw Kota Emas from afar, dreams of perfection soared in her heart, but reality shattered her illusions. As they made their way towards their destination, she became quiet and solemn and she noticed the Mlinzi glance at her with a hint of concern.

  Once they reached the library, Donna was glad she could lose herself in the search for information. She had a passion for knowledge and it did not deter her when the search through the archives took hours before she finally found what she was looking for. At first, she searched the disks provided by the librarian, but that proved to be fruitless. It was strange how little she found on the Matka-Zems of the past. The archives only spoke of the elegance or beauty of the women, never about how they lived. Placing a hand on the hilt of his sword, Parth convinced the librarian to permit Donna entrance into the written archives, stored in the basements. The written records were ancient and fragile. Some disintegrated with the slightest touch, while others were just moldy and dusty and caused her to cough. With a sigh of relief, she finally found what Valencia had requested.


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