Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles)

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Return of the Matka-Zem (The Sorain Chronicles) Page 23

by Chanley, Deborah

  "Over my dead body," Valencia hissed with venom. The thought of the tower as a prison made her ill. Instead of the Keeper, she would have the Torpek demanding her favors. She clinched her fists in determination. "I'll be damned if I'm getting trapped in another cage."

  "The more time we have, the better our escape." Alana smiled at Parth. "Let us plan our departure while you enjoy the festivities."

  Chapter 12

  Thane traveled throughout the night and all the next day, pushing himself to his limits in order to reach Kifo, the city of the Mlinzi. At a leisurely pace, it would have taken days to cross the distance between Kota Emas to Kifo but Thane traveled it in less than two. He borrowed a horse from a nearby farm and raced over the Gryell Plains until the animal could no longer carry him. The ferry across the Obodobo River only gave him a short reprieve before he rushed through the dense forest of the Bymers Wilds. He doubted the creatures that roamed the deadly woods even noticed his passing. When he finally reached Kifo, Thane was exhausted.

  The Gate of Kifo was solid, black iron, eighty feet tall with three enormous spikes, locked into place by gigantic bolts deep into the earth. The design on the vertical gate was a simple spiral that could protrude and spin when under siege. The yearly maintenance on the gate was a daunting task as the Mlinzi released the spiral from its restraints to sharpen the edges and test the mechanics. During the scheduled maintenance, the Mlinzi sent their smallest members into the tunnel that ran inside the courtyard to oil the bolts to prevent the spikes from rusting into place. However, the Gate itself had not raised in over a millennium. There was only one way into Kifo and one way out. Tiny slits cut into the thick granite wall allowed the returning Mlinzi entrance into the city. There were ten in all, each allowing one person to enter at a time. There was no reason to how they opened. Some would open frequently while others were slow and finicky. The Gate Master assisted the incoming warriors into the slots and, once inside, there was no turning back, for the slots only allowed entrance into Kifo. The rear exit at the far left of the city was the only way out of Kifo. Merchants left their wares by the narrow gate, which was only wide enough to allow a single cart to enter, for everything was heavily guarded. Even leaving Kifo, once inside, was not an easy process. Anyone without a letter of consent from the Mlinzi Counsel was kept inside the walls by the rear Gate Master.

  With no rest for the past two days, Thane was tired and irritable when he arrived at the main gate. He was desperate to see the council, but he had one problem. In order to enter Kifo, one had to participate in a cleansing of both body and spirit in a ceremony called a Rensing. Living inside the outer walls of Kifo, a mysterious race called the Metamorfo pampered the incoming Mlinzi and allowed them to express their restrained feelings, while the creatures fed on the strong emotions. This symbiotic relationship with the Metamorfo eliminated the stress of the Mlinzi's travels, and allowed them to express emotions not normally accepted in their society. By using the Rensing, the city's atmosphere was peaceful and relaxed, allowing the Mlinzi to focus on their training.

  The Rensing started whenever someone entered a slot of the main gate. The tiny chamber would fill with a psychotropic gas to evoke a euphoric state in the Mlinzi to allow each to express him or herself freely. Depending on the state of mind of the guardian, it could take up to two days to pass through the Rensing and Thane had no time to waste.

  "Thane, I haven't seen you in months." When the gatekeeper saw him, he lowered the intercom he was speaking into, smiled at him. As Thane drew near, the Gate Master clapped him on the back. The gate man had the build of a blacksmith and the strength to match. The slap on Thane's back almost sent him tumbling to the floor. As was customary, the huge man guided Thane to an available slot in the wall.

  "I need a favor, Druma." Thane pulled the man away from the slot.

  "What is it?" The gatekeeper eyed him with suspicion.

  "I have to see the council immediately and I need to bypass the Rensing." Thane glared into the man's face and saw a slow smile light his wrinkled features. No one knew how old the gatekeeper was but Thane had known him all his life and the man had never aged.

  "Just by asking that, Thane, means you need it more than ever." Druma laughed and pushed him toward the wall. "Why in such a rush? You've always looked forward to the Rensing."

  "I don't have time for it, Druma." Thane shook off the gatekeeper's enormous hand in irritation. "This is about the Matka-Zem."

  "So, this is about a woman?" Druma's laughter was deep as he firmly pushed him towards a slot. "I never thought to see you in a huff over a mere girl, Thane." He gave a slight shrug of his wide shoulders. "But there is always a first time."

  "Valencia is more than just a girl!" Frustration tightened his stomach and Thane automatically placed his hand on the hilt of his sword. "Druma, I have to see the council now."

  "Are you going to fight me, Mlinzi?" Druma lost his jolly smile and stared at Thane through narrowed eyes.

  "I'm sorry, Druma, I'm tired." Thane rubbed his hand over his face with a heavy sigh. Ever since he laid eyes on the confounded woman, he'd fought a losing battle to control his errant emotions. Disturbed by his lack of control, Thane gave up the fight to bypass the Rensing and allowed his shoulders to sag in defeat.

  "All the greater the need to have the Rensing, my friend." With a smile of understanding, Druma once again guided him toward an available slot. "Women can drive a man crazy, regardless of who they are, and you can't face the council in that state of mind."

  Hoping a good cleansing would get the princess out of his head, at lease for a short time, Thane allowed the gatekeeper to lead him to the wall.

  With a hearty laugh, Druma gently shoved him into a waiting slot. "In fact, I'll even send you to Dora. She will ease your desire for this woman . . . at least for a while."

  As soon as the door closed behind him, the tiny chamber filled with a cooling mist. Instinctively, Thane deeply inhaled the lightly fragranced fog to allow the gas to penetrate quickly into his brain. Head spinning, he stumbled into the poorly lit room when the door opened. Flickering flames of candles illuminated a chamber, which held communal ponds. Steam rose from the swirling tide pools, increasing the humidity to stifling hot temperatures. Ghostly shapes removed his dirty clothing and unbraided his long hair. With his mind muddled to a state of barely comprehending his actions, he allowed a ghostly figure to guide him toward the back of the chamber where they kept the private rooms. He glanced around the darkened pools where other Mlinzi bathed, relaxed and released their stress through sexual acts. The drugged mist reduced their inhibitions, freeing them to unwind without thought or worry. The Mlinzi were free with their bodies while in the Rensing, often coupling with each other, regardless of gender, race, or rank.

  Led to an onyx tub in a secluded room, Thane relaxed in the stinging hot water while disembodied hands washed his hair. He closed his eyes while the ghostly hands scrubbed and massaged his tired body. A feathery hand caressed his genitals, causing a groan of desire to escape his lips. As his arousal grew, he watched a shadowy figure slowly move towards him.

  "What do you desire, Thane?" Dora's sensuous voice echoed in his head. In his drug-hazed mind, Thane barely remembered that Dora had the ability to serve as a conduit between two minds. The ghostly figure shimmered before his eyes and took the shape of a naked woman. Thane extended his hand to an image of Valencia and helped her enter the water, enveloping her in his arms. The princess's soft voice whispered into his ear, "Let us into your heart."


  Before the ball, Valencia's father escorted her to the throne and bade her to sit. At first, the yellow flowers turned towards them to protect the Throne, yet they quickly lowered as she drew near. As the partygoers filed in a single line to bow in front of her, the flowers leaned toward, like guard dogs on Earth might do, ready to strike at any form of violence toward her. The partygoers quietly took their places around the huge room, gawking at her from behind veiled faces.
  Golden crystals lit the room, turning the already gold area into a jaundiced yellow. Unseen musicians played a gentle, smoothing tune while the Torpek people waited for the procession to end. Valencia saw no other races present at the ball and slightly shook her head at their exclusion.

  "Raise your hand to commence the ball," said Aeson as he bent forward to whisper in her ear.

  With a little chuckle at her ignorance, she raised her hand. Immediately the room erupted into a deafening roar as the Torpek began talking all at once. She watched the people swirl around the floor like flowing ribbons in a soft breeze. Glancing at her father, she saw a change in his demeanor. The Regent stood proudly at her side with renewed purpose. She reached for his hand and gently squeezed his fingers. Hearing him gasp, she allowed the energy to softly flow into his body before she released his fingers. The musicians quickened their tempo and Valencia found her foot tapping in time with the music. With another glance at her father, she saw his foot tapping, too. When she rose to her feet to ask her father to dance, everyone froze and stared at her. Quickly clearing her throat, she extended her hand to the Regent.

  "Will you dance with me, Father?" Looking into his eyes, she saw a spark of life in their depths.

  "I would be honored." Aeson bowed low and placed her hand on his forearm. He guided her to the center of the room and positioned his hands on her waist. With a nod of his head, the musicians started the song again.

  "I've never danced before." With a hard swallow of uncertainty, she let her father pull her along. Her strapless blue-green chiffon dress swept the floor as her father effortlessly guided her across the room. Others joined them on the floor and soon they were just another couple enjoying the evening.

  "Yes you have, daughter." Aeson smiled and it was clear to her that he held fond memories. "But you were no taller than my knees at the time, and you stood on my feet."

  The Regent's words cause her brain to tingle.

  "I remember that." Valencia smiled softly at him. They swirled around the floor in silence for the rest of the song, as comfortable with each other as father and daughter might be in each other's presence. As the evening progressed, they danced together again. No other males dared approach her, save one. Liam asked for the honor of a dance, but Valencia politely refused. The yellow flowers raised in defense as the arrogant Torpekian pursed his lips at her refusal. With a sour look, Liam bowed his head and retreated to another area of the dance floor.

  "Be careful of that one," Aeson whispered as he handed her a drink.

  When their eyes met, she saw his concern.

  "I need some fresh air." Valencia rose when the music stopped between songs. "Will you walk with me, Father?"

  Without a word, he offered his arm and led her out a secluded door behind the throne and she could see a small garden beyond the door.

  "This area is for your own personal use. No one should enter here without your permission." As Aeson held the door for her, fresh air, mixed with the scent of flowers, filled her nostrils. Her father took her arm and as they strolled through the secluded garden, he led her to the railing that hung over the city, and then turned to face her. She felt closer to the Regent than ever before and she relished having a father again.

  "You must be careful of that one, Valencia," Aeson repeated his warning in a low tone. "He is ambitious. And Uzuri has convinced the council to choose him to be the next Regent."

  "Don't I have a say in this matter?" She frowned at her father's comment. Her heart squeezed in apprehension at the thought of bonding with the Torpek lord. "I wouldn't share a slice of pizza with Liam, much less my Gift." Seeing the sadness on the older man's face, she gave a quiet laugh to ease his sorrow, "But you would warn me against any man. Wouldn't you?"

  "It is a father's right to hate the young men who are after his daughter's hand." Aeson smiled broadly at her. "You're a beautiful woman, Valencia. Any man would be honored to stand by your side, even if you were not the Matka-Zem." The Regent gave a hard laugh, "And I will hate everyone!"

  "Isn't there anyone you would approve of?" She didn't really expect an answer. The protectiveness in his voice lifted the uneasiness in her stomach. With the Regent's acknowledgment of Liam's desire to rule, she was glad she was leaving the city. Yet she would miss this man, who was trying hard to be a good father.

  "Hmm . . . let me think." The Regent pondered her question while he rubbed his chin in thought. He gave her a sly sideways glance before nodding his head. "There was only one man who could handle you as a child. For that, I grew to admire him."

  "I couldn't have been that bad, Father." Valencia giggled uneasily. Had she been such a horrible person that even her own father thought ill of her?

  "Oh yes, you were. You were a spoiled child, my dear. It was my own fault for letting you have your way." The Regent lowered his head in shame and then lowered his voice. "That's why I had to send you away." When he heard her gasp of surprise, Aeson raised his head and Valencia saw the truth in his blue eyes. "It wasn't because of the rebels. They were manageable. Your selfishness made me fear for your own well-being. Naji showed me the errors of my ways and offered a plan to save you." Aeson looked away, ashamed of his deception. "I am sorry for being a poor father, but I didn't know what else to do. Will you ever forgive me, Valencia?"

  "You sent me away because I was a rotten kid?" Tears burned her eyes at the thought. She did not know how to take this news. She knew she was spoiled, but erasing her life and placing her in isolation was a harsh punishment.

  "You needed to learn something that I and this place could not teach." Aeson gripped her shoulders when she started to turn away. "If I had let things continue as they were, you would have become lost in your Gift, just like your mother. I couldn't let that happen."

  "I still might get lost." She looked away from her father, not wanting to show her fear.

  "That depends on who you select as your mate, Valencia." The Regent placed her arm through his and turned so they could both peer over the city. "Still, I will tell you this: Liam is not the man for you." He gave her a tight smile, "Can you at least try to forgive me?"

  She pulled away from him. "I don't agree with your decision to send me away, Father. There had to be other options other than exile to handle a spoiled kid." She shook her head in frustration. "And from what I have seen so far, my absence caused more harm to this planet than good."

  Valencia turned and looked into her father's eyes and saw the beaten man before her. She realized he had sacrificed his own life for hers. With a heavy sigh, she slid her arm through his again and leaned her head against his arm. She realized her father loved her and had been desperate to keep her alive. "You did what you thought was best for me. You just listened to your heart." She smiled, then, letting him know all was forgiven. "So what man would you approve of?"

  "There's only one. His name was Thane and he was the Mlinzi who guarded you as a child. He was the only one brave enough to stand up to your antics and reprimand you on your ill choices without fear of reproach." Aeson's laughter was rich and deep. "Oh, you gave him such a time and you kept him on his toes but he managed to keep you under control. You two were constantly butting heads."

  "We still are." Valencia whispered so softly that her father did not hear. When her father spoke Thane's name, her heart squeezed in apprehension. She wanted the party to end, so she could find the Mlinzi before he did something dimwitted, and knightly. The sooner she left the faster she could stop his madness. Moreover, the sooner they would be together. The thought of Thane taking her in his arms to complete the Kleben made her quiver in anticipation. Her breath became short and her pulse rose at the thought of the Mlinzi's hands upon her.

  "Are you cold, my dear?" Aeson frowned. "Let's go back in."

  "No, you go. I will be there in a minute or two." She needed time to cool the flush on her cheeks before she returned to the public eye.

  "Don't be long, dear."

  Aeson left her standing by the rail.
As she stared at the twinkling lights above, she felt lost. It felt a lifetime ago that she had stared at the different star constellations from Earth after the Keeper's death. Looking at the unfamiliar star system made her feel alone. The truth of her exile was hard to accept. There had to be a better reason than just being a spoiled child. There certainly had been unrest on Sora—and she was beginning to understand why. After she rescued Thane, she wanted to pay a visit to the different realms in an attempt to mend the rift between the races.

  A shuffle of slippers behind her broke into her thoughts and she turn to see Liam lean against a column.

  "What are you doing here? I thought this was my private terrace." Valencia questioned in a hard tone and received a sly smile from the intruder.

  "Oh, you see, Princess, I have connections." Liam drew closer and leaned against the railing.

  "Well, I'll just have to sever those connections." Valencia nodded her head politely and started to move away. "Now, if you'll excuse me."

  "But I don't excuse you, Princess." Liam shot an arm out to block her way. "Why don't you stay with me for a while? It would be nice to get to know each other before our Kleben."

  "How did you come to that conclusion?" Heat rose in her face and she glared at the arrogant man, and spat out her words in anger, "We are not having any Kleben together, Liam."

  Pushing his arm away, she took a step towards the door. Liam swiftly grabbed her arm and brutally yanked her back against the railing before she had time to respond. Jarring pain raced through her spine as she gasped for air. Stars floated before her eyes as her legs briefly turned numb, threatening to collapse beneath her. Dazed from the blow, she tried to escape from his grasp, but Liam wrapped one arm around her waist and roughly pulled her against him.

  "I am your chosen mate, Princess, and it's time we get to know each other better." Liam grabbed a fistful of hair and yanked her head backwards. Before he could plant his lips onto her mouth, Valencia quickly raised a hand and pushed her thumb into his eye. With a howl of pain, he loosened his hold.


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