Wilder: The Guardian Series

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Wilder: The Guardian Series Page 21

by G. K. DeRosa

  “Sorry about that. I joined this summer basketball team, and I’ve been playing every day. Between that and helping out with Maxi the weeks have flown by.”

  “Okay, I just wanted to make sure you weren’t avoiding me or something.”

  “Maybe just a little bit,” he admitted. “I think this is the longest amount of time that we’ve spent apart, and I figured I should start getting used to being without you. I’ve spent most of my life in love with you without really knowing it, and now I have to try to move on.”

  Brian spoke so nonchalantly, and it made Celeste’s heart hurt. But she knew he was right. “I understand that, and I’m trying to give you your space. It’s just hard because I miss you so much,” Celeste admitted.

  “I miss you too, Cel.”

  Trekking through the tranquil forest with two of her oldest friends, Celeste felt oddly normal. The thick foliage overhead provided a respite from the scorching noon sun, but still the drops of sweat trickled down her back relentlessly. She longed to jump into the refreshing waters of the river ahead.

  “It is such a perfect day for a hike!” said Natalie.

  “Yeah, it really is pretty nice out here,” admitted Brian.

  “So what have you been doing anyway?” she asked.

  “Mostly spending time with Uncle Stellan, like I told you guys. He’s getting older and needed some company. Plus he’s like a Wikipedia on my dad so it’s been really fun hanging out with him and hearing stories about my dad when he was young.”

  “Well, you look great. Been working out?”

  “I’ve been jogging in the mornings and doing some yoga. It’s so peaceful out here, so I started meditating too.”

  “Not a bad way to spend the summer,” she said.

  “Enough about me, what’s going on in Oak Bluffs? Tell me everything!” said Celeste.

  Magnus soared through the air, hovering just below the dense tree line. As powerful as he was, the bright sunlight still bothered him, and he preferred the cover of darkness. Many centuries ago, he had done Fabian a favor and had been awarded an amber amulet that had been spelled to protect him against the sun. No one knew that the necklace hanging around his neck was the source of his day-walking abilities, and he fought to keep it that way. Magnus had been tracking Dani Lynn for the past few hours and had finally been rewarded. Their shared blood had led him right to her. His plan had worked surprisingly well. When he arrived at the house, he immediately sensed that the one he coveted was nearby. He flew in circles around the perimeter of the house until his keen eyesight caught sight of Celeste in the woods.

  Celeste wiggled her toes in the cool water as she reclined along the riverbank. Natalie popped up behind her, startling her from her quiet reverie.

  “Brian’s passed out,” she whispered.

  Celeste looked back up the path and saw Brian stretched out on a blanket, cheeks rosy from the sun, mouth wide open. She smiled, remembering a similar sight last time they went hiking when they were just in grade school.

  “Is everything okay with you two?” Natalie asked, noticing the wistful look that had crossed her face.

  “I’m not sure to be honest. I hope so.”

  “He’s tough, he’ll get over you.”

  “Is it bad that I don’t want him to? I mean of course I want him to be happy, but things have been so strained lately. I feel like I’ve lost my best friend.”

  “I’m sure the weirdness will pass. Once he meets someone it will be much easier. Just like it has been for you – now tell me everything about you and Roman!”

  “It’s been going really well,” she said, unable to hide the huge smile that spread across her face.

  “That’s great! I knew he liked you!”

  “Yeah, but that’s what I’m afraid of. Every time we get close, he pulls away. Everything has been going so well for the past few weeks, I’m just waiting for the other shoe to drop.”

  “Don’t be so negative Celeste! You’re awesome and he’s lucky to have you.”

  “No, I’m lucky to have you,” she said, reaching out to give her friend a hug. “I’ve really missed you!”

  “Me too! Oak Bluffs is no fun with you gone. Brian’s been playing basketball non-stop, Nico’s been holed up in his house, and poor Jessica is distraught over Dani Lynn’s disappearance. Everything’s falling apart without you. When are you coming home?”

  “Soon, I hope. I want to spend some more time with my uncle. But I promise I’ll be home as soon as I can.”

  Suddenly, a wave of frigid water drenched the girls. Confused, they looked all around searching for the origin of the attack. Wiping the water from their eyes and smoothing their hair out of their faces, they saw Brian emerge from underwater just in front of them.

  “How did you get in the river? You were dead asleep a few seconds ago,” said Natalie.

  “I snuck around behind the trees and swam underwater up the river to scare you,” he said, obviously pleased with his clever prank.

  “You are so dead Brian!” said Celeste as she leapt into the water with Natalie right behind her.

  As the three friends packed up their bags for the hike home, Celeste felt her evil radar (so nicknamed by Nico recently) start twitching. She surveyed the peaceful forest around them, but saw nothing. Wishing that Roman or Nico were with them, she glanced around suspiciously and pulled the knife out from her backpack and tucked it into her jeans pocket.

  “Hey why don’t we jog back?” asked Celeste.

  “Jog? But I’m in flip-flops!” complained Natalie.

  “Oh right. Okay, then, let’s just walk quickly to get some cardio in.”

  “Geez, you have become quite the work out nut, haven’t you?” she asked.

  Celeste picked up a few of Natalie’s clothes that had been scattered around the riverbank and hurriedly stuffed them into her bag. Brian shot Celeste a concerned look, but she ignored it and hustled them through the darkening forest and back to the safety of the house.

  “Stellan, I felt something when we were out there,” she whispered as Brian and Natalie changed out of their wet bathing suits.

  Stellan peered over his glasses, dropping the book he had been reading in his study. “What was it?”

  “I’m not sure, but there was something evil watching us. I looked around, but I didn’t see anyone.”

  “It can’t be Dani, she’s been tucked away in the basement all day so that your friends wouldn’t see her. And Roman and Nico took the car into town to buy groceries for dinner,” he said, puzzled.

  “Do you think it could have been Magnus?” she asked.

  “Perhaps, but I don’t see how he could have found us.”

  “I’m going to text Roman to hurry back.”

  “Hey Cel, can I borrow a towel?” bellowed Brian from the bathroom.

  “Sure, I’ll be right there.” Celeste ran over to the linen closet and brought Brian a fresh towel.

  “Are you okay?” he asked. “You seemed a little nervous when we were out in the woods.”

  “I’m fine,” she said, changing the subject. “Roman and Nico are on their way over. They’re going to have dinner with us.”

  “Oh,” Brian said, suddenly despondent.

  “I thought it would be fun if we all got together since I know Nico’s been MIA a lot this summer. Natalie hasn’t seen him for a while, and I haven’t seen them much either.”

  “But you have seen them?”

  “Yes, I have.”

  “Them or Roman?”

  “Both, but look Brian, I want to be honest with you. I don’t want to keep things from you, but I don’t want to hurt you either.”

  “Just tell me the truth Cel.”

  “Yes, I’ve been spending a lot of time with Roman. He’s been coming out to visit me.”

  “So are you two like together now?”

  “Yes,” she said, averting her eyes.

  Roman and Nico arrived moments later with groceries in tow. Roman’s eyes were wild w
ith worry. He immediately looked to Celeste to gauge her emotional state, and she responded with a telling glance confirming she was fine. As she watched him, she thought about how incredible it was to be able to communicate with him without so much as a word. She didn’t think it was possible, but she felt more strongly connected to him every day. Brian entered the room and harshly brought her back to the reality that her friends could be in danger now because of her.

  “Hello there, Brian,” said Nico as he followed Roman in, carrying an armful of groceries.

  “Hey Nico, how’s it going? Let me help you with that.”

  “Great, thank you,” he said handing him some of the bags, “I’m doing well, doing a bit of traveling over the summer and you?”

  “Not too bad, nothing too exciting though.”

  “Where’s Natalie?”

  “Here I am!” she said as she came bounding out of the bathroom and into Nico’s outstretched arms.

  “I’ve missed you beautiful,” he said.

  “Me too! Where have you been for the past few weeks?”

  “I had to go visit some relatives in Chicago unexpectedly – health issues.”

  “So are you and Roman going back to Oak Bluffs tonight too?” questioned Brian.

  Celeste shot Nico a look, hoping he would get the hint. She didn’t want Brian or Natalie knowing the brothers would be staying.

  “Not sure yet. We actually have some friends that live a couple hours away from here so we may pop by for a visit.”

  “Well, you better let me know when you’re back home so we can hang out,” said Natalie.

  “Yes, for sure,” he responded.

  Roman had snuck away from the conversation to get started on dinner and once everyone was chatting comfortably, Celeste joined him.

  “I didn’t know you could cook,” she said as she watched him skillfully chop up some onions.

  “There are many things you don’t know about me, Celeste.”

  “So tell me something I don’t know,” she said, jumping up to sit on the counter next to him.

  “Well, for starters I spent a year traveling through Italy and France learning everything you’d ever want to know about food and wine from master chefs and sommeliers.”

  “Impressive! And this is the first time you’re cooking for me?”

  “I have had other things to worry about lately – you know, like your safety, training you, Magnus, Fabian…”

  She elbowed him flirtatiously. “Okay, point taken. When all of this craziness is over, I want you to tell me everything about you,” she said, leaning into him.

  “That could take an entire lifetime,” he said, his gaze intent on her.

  “I’ve got time,” she said and gave him a gentle kiss.

  “Oh, um, sorry,” said Brian awkwardly. He had walked into the kitchen catching them mid-kiss.

  “No, come in please,” said Celeste, hastily pulling away from Roman. “What’s up?”

  “Your uncle sent me in here to check on the food. He was worried we’d be driving home too late.”

  “Dinner’s almost ready,” said Roman. “Why don’t you two have everyone move into the dining room, and I’ll be out in a minute.”


  “Bye you guys, I’ll miss you!” Celeste stood at the door and waved, watching her friends drive off until the Mustang disappeared in the darkness. As happy as Celeste had been to see Brian and Natalie, she felt an immense relief now that they were gone and safe. She glanced around the yard nervously before shutting the door and locking it.

  “I think Roman and I should do a sweep of the area tonight,” said Nico, getting right down to business.

  “I should go too. I’m the one that can feel their presence,” said Celeste.

  “Yes, your evil radar would certainly come in handy.”

  “No, Celeste, you should stay here with Stellan. We can fly and cover more ground that way,” interjected Roman.

  “Ugh, I never get to go anywhere!”

  “You can let Dani out of the basement. I’m sure she’ll be happy to see you,” said Nico.

  “Right,” she said reluctantly as they flew out the back door. Celeste followed them and stood by the door peering unhappily into the black night.

  “He is simply looking out for your well-being,” admonished Stellan.

  “Yes, I know, but sometimes he treats me like I’m nothing but a fragile human that he needs to keep in a cage to protect.”

  “That’s what happens when you love someone.”

  Celeste couldn’t help but smile.

  “Did you hear that?” she asked nervously. “Someone’s outside.”

  Stellan pushed past Celeste and stepped out to the back porch and found Dani in a sort of trance. Her eyes were glazed over, and she wore a vacant expression on her face. Celeste approached her, but Stellan reached out to stop her.

  “What happened Dani?” asked Stellan.

  Dani turned around, the confused look in her eyes beginning to clear. “I’m not sure,” she said. “I heard your friends’ car drive away so I started to come up the stairs from the basement and then everything went blank.”

  “Did you hear anything or see anyone?” asked Celeste.

  “I have no idea. I remember thinking that I really wanted to come outside so I opened the back door and that was it.”

  “Come on ladies, let’s get back inside,” said Stellan. He ushered them back in, and closing the door he invoked a cloaking spell, uttering, “Vitame nix ingressare.” A purple light glowed momentarily around the whole house and then disappeared.

  When Roman and Nico returned without finding a trace of a vampire, Stellan called everyone into the living room. “I’ve been thinking, and I believe it was Magnus that you felt in the woods earlier today. It would also explain Dani’s loss of memory.”

  “How?” asked Roman.

  “Magnus is Dani’s creator. Having never turned anyone yourselves, perhaps you have forgotten that the creator bond is one of the strongest attachments a vampire can feel.”

  “What is a creator bond exactly?” asked Celeste.

  “When a vampire is made, the creator gives them vast quantities of their own blood. This blood bond allows for the creator and its offspring to be linked forever. Magnus could easily find Dani anywhere in the world because of it. And because Magnus is so old and powerful, he would be able to influence her as well.”

  “I didn’t think vampires could influence other vampires,” said Celeste.

  “Typically they cannot. But Magnus is extremely old and with age comes power. That coupled with the blood bond makes it possible.”

  “So Magnus was here tonight, and he wiped out my memories of seeing him?” asked Dani.

  “Yes, I believe so.”

  “What if he brainwashed Dani into trying to kill one of us?” asked Nico, glancing worriedly at Celeste.

  “It is not entirely impossible,” Stellan responded.

  “But I don’t feel brainwashed,” Dani retorted. “And I swear I wouldn’t hurt any of you.”

  “Unfortunately, it doesn’t matter what you want to do. If he is controlling you there wouldn’t be a thing you could do about it.”

  “I’m going back to the basement, aren’t I?” asked Dani miserably.

  Celeste crawled into bed and let out a huge yawn. She stared up at the ceiling and saw a thin crack in the shape of a V. She wondered if her father had looked at the very same spot when he was here. She closed her eyes and began drifting to sleep when a noise at the door startled her. Instinctively, she grabbed the dagger on her nightstand. The door opened slowly and as every nerve in Celeste’s body tensed, she readied herself to lunge at the intruder.

  “Whoa, it’s me, Roman,” he said as his keen night vision caught sight of the blade.

  “Oh Roman! You scared me to death!” She dropped the dagger and into his waiting arms. “What are you doing here?”

  “I didn’t want you to be alone tonight. Not with Magnus lurk
ing somewhere nearby and possibly controlling Dani.”

  Celeste suddenly became very aware of her thin nighty against Roman’s bare chest and arms around her.

  Noticing her unease Roman tactfully added, “I can sleep on the floor.”

  “No, it’s fine,” she said, getting back under the covers and making room on one side of the bed for him. Uneasily, he lay down next to her on top of the comforter with arms crossed chastely across his chest.

  “Thank you,” she said and moving his stiff arm put her head on his chest and snuggled up against him.

  Chapter 16

  Magnus paced back and forth in the damp, abandoned warehouse that he had settled in since his arrival in Oak Bluffs. It had been pure luck that in hunting Dani he had found Celeste, but finding her with the Constantins and the wizard would make things much more difficult for him. After watching her for a few days from afar, he was certain that this was no ordinary girl and was quite sure that she was the new Guardian. If he could kill her before she came into her full powers, he would succeed in ending an entire bloodline of guardians. He knew he had to make his move soon.


  “I think I had a premonition last night,” said Celeste as she walked into the kitchen.

  “Tell me exactly what happened,” said Roman, rushing over to her.

  “It was Fabian - I think and he was here.”

  “What did you see?” asked Stellan.

  “It’s hard to explain. All I saw were flashes, really.”

  “Just tell us what you remember,” said Stellan soothingly.

  “Well, from how you’ve described Fabian, it seemed like it was him, but he was with someone else too. It wasn’t Magnus, but he kind of looked like him only he was smaller and blonde. He had the same cold, dark eyes though.” Celeste shuddered at the recollection.

  “What else?”

  “They were here in this house and Stellan, you were in the vision too. It was dark outside, and it was raining. I saw a bright flash of light, and my Wilder family key bouncing off the floor. And that’s it.”


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