Kiss A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 2)

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Kiss A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 2) Page 3

by Rebecca Preston

  She was glad that she was in a room and not in the prison cells that they held Gabriel in. Edith stood up and walked to the door, pulling on the latch.

  "What? Locked? Really? I'm locked in, what kind of sick game is this?" she said annoyed. She knocked on the door loudly, but no one responded.

  She moved to the window and looked out over the ocean, below her window the cliffs fell all the way down to the water therefore she couldn't see any other people and definitely not the tourists or the buses. And because of the height of the window there would be no way for her to escape from that direction. If she tried, she would fall to her death into the icy water that was if she didn't perish on the rocks first.

  A few small fishing boats bobbed up and down on the water, but were far out on the horizon. She couldn't see too much detail and she wondered if those were tourist groups taking a nature cruise or village men fishing poor food or the market.

  "I have got to get out of here. This has gone too far," she said walking back and forth inside of the room trying to contain her anger.

  Edith was annoyed that people were wasting her time with this game when she needed to get a head-start away from Gabriel. If she could get back to town and then head to the next major city to book a flight all would be good, and she would be on her way home. She could hide at her parents' house and have the protection of her mother and father. She had it all laid out, now all she needed was them to let her go.

  Edith sat down on the bed, waiting. Then she stood up and walked again. This routine kept on for a while standing up and then sitting down again.

  A few moments later, the lock in the door rattled.

  She sat straight up. The strong man that had found her in the hallway, walked in. Then two guards followed along with another man and a woman. Looking at the man who had found her in the hallway in the sunlight, she saw just how attractive he was. It wasn't just the startling blue gray eyes that she had noticed before, now she was noticing a square jaw with a bit of blond red stubble along the jawline. His thick brows were furrowed together at the moment as he looked at her. She instinctively backed up onto the bed.

  "Look, I don't know what's going on here. I didn't sign up for this package. I'm not a tourist that came on the buses, I came on my own with my husband. I need to escape him and there is no time to explain. How dare you lock me in this room, I need to get out now."

  The group of people all looked at each other. The woman stepped forward.

  "What's your name? My name is Maria," she said.

  "Edith. I don't have time to be part of whatever reenactment play is going on here, Maria. I need to speak with your manager immediately. I need to get on one of those buses back to town while my husband is being held by the guards as some sort of ridiculous escape room renaissance style thing. There is no time to lose."

  "See what I mean," the man that had found her in the hallway said.

  "Edith, this is my husband Cameron MacLeod, and his cousin who found you in the hallway, Bran MacLeod."

  Edith narrowed her eyes, not understanding why they were going through this ridiculous formality of introducing themselves. She didn't care what their names were. She didn't care anything about the game that they wanted her to play in. She expected they were about to hand her some lines to memorize or something. The group once again looked at each other. The woman took a deep breath.

  "Edith, I'm a detective with the New York Police Department," Maria said.

  "Oh, thank God, someone is finally breaking character. I've had enough of this. Look Detective, my husband and I are on our honeymoon. Last night he became a man I didn't know. He hurt me. I'm sure that you can understand the severity of my situation. Right now, your actors have him in that fake dungeon or whatever, and this is my chance to get away from him. I need to get to town and then get to an airport and fly back home to my parents' house. If he finds me, he'll hurt me. I need your help, Detective," Edith said walking toward the woman. She felt completely relieved that this woman was finally breaking character, but also relieved that she was actually a police officer who could help her. That meant everything in this moment and was vital to her survival. She was also glad to hear the American accent, instead of the thick Scottish accent that everyone around her had except for the tourist that were on the bus.

  "Edith, it's not that simple. But I can guarantee you that your husband is being held in the prison and he will not be let go. You're safe for now and can breathe. I'm sorry to hear about your situation. Working at the New York Police Department I had to break up a lot of domestic disturbances and know that they can be life-threatening. I take your situation very seriously and I'm going to help you. These two gentlemen here are going to help as well. But I do need to ask you some questions, and figure this out."

  "Questions? What do you mean? There's nothing to ask. I already told you what I need to happen."

  Maria looked at her husband and the at Bran. "I think that I need to speak to Edith alone."

  "No, absolutely not, I would advise against that, Cameron," Bran said.

  "Bran is right, Maria. Though this woman seems trustworthy now, we do not know anything about this lass. She could be deceiving you and be an assassin."

  "Husband, I assure you this is woman's stuff. Please have a handmaiden send up some poultice and herb so I can see to this woman's injuries. A pot of water to put over the fire, and some mead. I'm sure the both of you want to go down and see to the man this woman says is her husband anyway," Maria said.

  Edith watched as the two men looked at her, and the one she called her husband looked at her with a dashing grin. Then he moved to the fireplace and lit the logs on fire with a candle burning on the mantle.

  "Cousin, are you going to let your wife order you around? This woman could be dangerous," Bran said.

  "I am going to let her order me around, have you learned nothing? And I'm going to allow her to order you around too. Come let's leave these two ladies alone and do as she says and go to check on the prisoner downstairs." Cameron gave his wife Maria a kiss, and then motioned to the guards to follow him.

  Bran exhaled in frustration and followed along leaving the two women alone.

  Edith noticed that the door wasn't locked behind them. Maria moved to the table, pulled out a chair, and sat down.

  "I'm very sorry about all of this. There's a lot that I need to tell you, Edith, but first I want you to tell me exactly how you got here. I assumed that you were at the castle ruins?"

  Chapter 6

  Edith was so confused by everything that was happening. She looked at the young woman, who seem to be the only sane person around the castle. The two men who had been with her, including the one who had trapped her in the corridor seemed to want to continue to play this ridiculous game whatever was going on. But Edith only had one things on her mind, and that was to escape Gabriel and get back to civilization where she could book a flight to America. Only then would she feel safe. But something told her that she was going to have to play along and answer all of these questions in order to get there. So, she settled in, ready to answer whatever questions this American woman had for her.

  "I'm very sorry about all of this. There is a lot that I need to tell you, Edith, but first I want you to tell me exactly how you got here. I assumed that you were at the castle ruins?"

  "Yes, as I said, my husband and I are on our honeymoon and we drove to the castle in his rental car. When we got out, there were a bunch of people, tourists out and about walking around. We didn't do any research on the castle, so we didn't know this whole reenactment thing was going on. I assure you we didn't sign up for any package that includes any kind of reenactment play and dinner or anything like that."

  Edith watched as Maria looked at her concerned.

  "And what happened when you were touring the castle ruins? Where did you go inside the castle specifically?"

  "Well as I said, I was trying to get away from my husband. I assumed I could lose him within the crowds and then
find a tour guide to help me out. I went down a spiral staircase, it was very dark. Then I was in one room and then another, then there was a very small door that I had to crawl through on my hands and knees. On the other side of the door the castle seemed nicer. I assume because this is the area that you guys have cleaned and renovated. The torches hanging from the wall are a nice touch. Then my husband chased me, following me through. But I hid and he ran into some actors, acting like guards and they took him. Then I continued to look again for a tour guide or someone and ran into the man that you call Bran. I struggled with him while he was telling me some weird things, I assumed being in character and I fainted. I woke up here."

  There was a knock at the door. Maria stood up and opened it and a small stout woman with brown hair and smiling eyes entered.

  "Heigl, hello. Come in please."

  "Lady, I got your request. I have brought all the things for you," the woman said carrying a large wooden tray that she set down on the table.

  Edith could see that there were several wooden bowls and tin cups and a glass bottle of some liquid. The elderly woman smiled at Edith, and Edith gave her a slight smile in return. She watched as the woman filled an iron tea kettle with water and then swung it over the fire. Then she went through the room, wiping it down with a wet cloth and lighting more candles.

  "Will that be all, my Lady?" the woman asked.

  "Yes, Heigl thank you very much. This is Edith and she is my guest. If she is in need of anything, I will have her ask for you by name," Maria said.

  "Oh, um hello, Heigl…" Edith said confused.

  Heigl bowed her head to her. "It is a pleasure, lass. Anything you need. Are you hungry?"

  Just then Edith realized that she was indeed hungry. She and Gabriel were going to eat a real breakfast after the castle visit and that never happened of course.

  "Actually I am. If you don't mind."

  "Of course not. I just put some meat and potato pies on the fire and should be done by now. I will bring some to you." Heigl smiled.

  "Thank you," Edith said.

  Heigl nodded to both women and then walked out closing the door behind them.

  "I'm very impressed by all the actors and how everyone is staying in character. Except for you of course, telling me you're a New York detective, thank you for telling me that. I thought I was going crazy for a moment or having a bad dream that I couldn't wake from."

  "Believe me, I understand more than you know," Maria said pouring liquid from the glass bottle into the two cups. She handed one to Edith. "Here, drink this. It is like a very strong wine and helps to calm the nerves."

  "Thanks, I can use a drink." Edith took the cup and took a strong and long drink, and then started to cough not realizing it would be that strong.

  Maria smiled at her and took a drink of her own cup before moving to the fire and pulling the tea kettle off with a cloth. She poured the water into the bowl with green leaves in it. Then she put the tea kettle back hanging on the iron rod over the fire.

  "I'm sorry you have a husband that is violent. I can tell that he hit you on your cheek and around your eye. This will help with the swelling, so that when you wake up tomorrow your eye isn't swollen shut," Maria said dipping a cloth into the bowl and letting it sit there for a minute before wringing and out and handing it to it is.

  "Thanks, I know that makeup tricks can only go so far."

  "Edith, what I'm about to tell you is going to sound crazy, and you're not going to believe it. But that's okay because you will eventually, even though it won't be right away. But I want you to know that I'm not lying to you. But nor do I expect you to take it in a calm way."

  "Okay, you're starting to scare me. What is it?"

  "I also came through that small door downstairs. It happened almost a year ago now. It seems so long ago. As I mentioned, I'm a detective in the New York Police Department and I was on vacation looking at the castle ruins. But when I came through the door, it shut behind me and I couldn't go back. I was just like you, completely confused by everyone here. The way they dress and talk and act as though it's from another time, like the renaissance faire just like you said. But that's not what it is at all. When I went through that door, I traveled back in time. All of this around you, it's not fake, it's real. You've traveled back in time, just like I did."

  Edith looked at Maria completely confused and shocked that she was still continuing on with this game. She had had enough. She remove the cloth from her eye and stood up. "You know, I thought you were being real with me for a moment, and now you're still carrying on whatever charade this is. I'm sick of this. As I already told you about my husband, I don't have a lot of time to lose. I need to get out of here. I don't need your games."

  "I know what you mean. But I can prove it to you. Heigl will be back with your food any minute. At least eat and rest, because when I prove it to you, you are going to be really shocked."

  "How are you going to prove it to me?"

  "You will see."

  Chapter 7

  Bran walked alongside his cousin Cameron, through the castle labyrinth of corridors and stairs, making their way to the dungeons.

  "What is it cousin? You seem more frustrated by this one small woman than anything?" Cameron asked Bran.

  "I am frustrated. It Grieves me greatly that there is a security risk to the castle that I can do nothing about," Bran said with a bit of anger on his breath.

  "Security risk? That small lass in there?" Cameron said.

  "Not the lass, though it is possible that she could be an assassin," Bran said.

  "That is what you said about Maria, who turned out not to be an assassin and is now my wife. I believe if she wanted to kill me, she would have done so in my sleep long ago."

  "And yet you still do not know anything about her."

  " Watch it, cousin, it is my wife you speak of."

  "I say as I find. That is what you have me here for. But the security risk I speak of is not the pretty redhead in that room, it is the door itself. I cannot wrap my head around whatever magical properties this door has, but one thing is for certain, it allows outsiders in. Not only does it allow them to gain access to the castle, but the access is in a very vulnerable area. It is down in the dungeons, the catacombs where anyone could enter and release the prisoners. Then we would have prisoners over running the castle. I do not like it one bit. I believe that I should have guards watching that door at all times now. I want to create a new post. What say you of that?"

  "I do not feel that people from another time pose a risk to the castle. If anything, they come through and are greatly confused. Let me think on it," Cameron said. "Not to mention that I believe the door is only opened by the spirit of a witch, how many guards would want to take up that post?"

  "They will do what I say, and what you say," Bran said.

  "You think she's pretty?" Cameron asked.

  Bran stopped in his tracks. "What?"

  "The redheaded petite woman you have as prisoner. You said that she was pretty. Have you taken a liking to her?"

  "Aye, she is bonny, anyone can see that, but I have no interest in these temptress from another time," Bran said continuing to walk. "Especially not one that belongs to another man."

  "Let us go see about this other man, then…" Cameron said.

  "Guards!" Bran shouted as they approached the dungeon doors.

  The guards unlocked the doors, and Bran and Cameron pulled their plaid over their nose and mouth to stop from breathing in the horrid stench of the prison.

  "Where is the new man who caught today?" Bran asked the guard.

  The guard led them deep down the row of prison bars to a section where a group of Irish bandits had been held. They had been caught pillaging a nearby village, killing and stealing. Their fate was not a good one, they had been awaiting transfer to a vast prison where they would live out their lives. For now, they would be kept at the castle.

  "Who are you? What is going on here? I demand that you op
en these bars. I am going to sue the hell out of you and whatever tour group you are with. I don't know who you think I am, but I didn't pay extra from some sort of extreme medieval experience. I am here with my wife and she is somewhere out there, you are going to be in big trouble," the man shouted.

  Bran could only assume that this was the man that Edith said was her husband. By the way he was dressed in modern clothes, it was obvious that he had come through the magic portal as well. Bran looked at Cameron.

  "What are you called?" Cameron asked.

  "What am I called? My name is Gabriel Davis. Look it up and you will see that I'm not on your list of clients or people who brought tickets for whatever this is. Do it now and let me go. These conditions that you have down here are way beyond any type of amusement park setting. You will be closed down immediately for filthy conditions. I will go all the way to the American embassy in Edinburg if I have to. This entire operation will be shut down!" Gabriel shouted.

  "What are you doing here, Gabriel Davis. How did you get here?" Bran asked.

  "How did I get here? I drove here with my wife in my car. It's parked outside the castle in the parking lot with everyone else."

  "Car?" Bran said.

  Cameron whispered in Bran's ear, "It is a contraption from that time that is like a horse-drawn cart, so my wife tells me."

  "This man has lost his wits. He thinks he's from a place called America. Listen to his accent," one of the Irish bandits shouted.

  Then they all begin to laugh together.


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