Kiss A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 2)

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Kiss A Highlander: A Scottish Time Travel Romance (A Highlander Across Time Book 2) Page 11

by Rebecca Preston

  "Yes. Good men that we have relied on before. They are trustworthy and will report as they have in the past."

  "Good. Keep on top of it, good work," Bran said and then stopped in the hall. There was a wooden door that went out onto the roof along the turrets. It allowed him and Cameron to get a view of the entire Island.

  Bran walked out in order to get some fresh air, and to cool off after the encounter with Edith. This had become routine for him, needing to cool off after being with the young lass.

  He looked up into the dark gray sky just in time to see a couple of snowflakes falling. That was a sign, winter had now officially set in. These were the first falling snows, light at first and then deep and impenetrable. Usually when the first snows fell, his first thoughts turned to his castle responsibilities of keeping the bridge clear of snow, the animals in the stables warm and fed, and other duties of winter. But instead his thoughts went elsewhere. He thought how good it would be to have a woman warming his bed this winter. One that would not have to sneak off and go back to the scullery. A woman that could stay with him and have everyone know that they were one, it would be his wife. As soon as he thought such a thing, the face of Edith popped into his mind, making him even more frustrated.

  "The first snows," Cameron said coming out onto the roof with Bran.

  Bran was pulled out of his fantasy of Edith.

  "Yes. As you see and could not come any sooner. When the snows grow deep, we will not have to worry about the escaped prisoners. If they try to return, they will freeze out in the elements."

  "Good, then you can finally let go of this obsession of Gabriel Davis," Cameron said hitting him on the back.

  "What? Since when is doing my responsibilities considered a dark obsession? Getting the prisoners back is my job."

  "Yes, as it should be. Those bandits are vile and did horrible things. But you have been spending almost half a day every day trying to track down their whereabouts, much more than any other criminals we have tried to track down."

  "Is that so? That is your observation?" Bran said getting annoyed.

  "Yes, it is my observation. Those bandits are probably already back in Ireland if they did not perish trying to get there. They probably took the man, Gabriel, along with them or killed him," Cameron said.

  "No. I have looked into those eyes and he has a heart for vengeance. If he is alive, he is out there, plotting and I want to be ready."

  Chapter 22

  When the first snows started to fall, Edith felt more relieved than ever. From all the talk within the castle traveling through the winter was hard for those that lived in the area and would be exceptionally hard for those who were outsiders, like her husband. This made her feel better because at least Gabriel would have a hard time trying to get to her, or he would possibly just freeze to death out in the elements. She had no way of knowing if he were still alive or not, but something within her made her think that indeed he was. But at least for now, through a harsh Scottish winter, she would be free to feel somewhat at ease.

  She moved around her room, which she had grown quite comfortable with. Opening the shutters, she saw just how much snow was falling on the castle grounds below. Every day it seemed to be thicker and thicker, and people had been busy pushing the snow in the courtyard, so that work could go about as usual.

  Edith closed the shutters and put two more logs onto the fire and stroked it with the poker. Then she poured herself some wine and felt quite at ease in her new home. It was not so long ago that she didn't even know how to tend to the fire, and now it was second nature to her. Daily visits to the kitchen and to the courtyard we're becoming quite joyful to her especially learning how to cook various foods of the country. All in all, she was simply glad to be rid of Gabriel, but she did miss home and her family.

  Knock. Knock.

  "Lady Collins? It is I, Heigl."

  Edith smiled, happy to have a visitor. She opened the door. Heigl stood there with two maids who carried a tin tub with them.

  "The Lady suggested you would like to have a hot bath?"

  "Yes!" Edith exclaimed before Heigl finished her sentence.

  "Alright then. I must warn you this takes some time. I will let you know when it is ready. Alright, lasses, let's get to work," Heigl said the last part to the two maids with her.

  Together the women piled in. They set the tub directly in front of the fire. More logs were laid on the flame. Edith sat down on the bed and watched the entire process. Several kettle pots were waiting out in the hall and the women brought them in one at a time to hang over the fire. Then they poured buckets of water into them.

  "We shall return with more water," Heigl said.

  "Thank you. I appreciate this so much," Edith said feeling incredibly excited to have a bath instead of just the usual washing in a basin.

  A few minutes later, the women reappeared with more buckets of water. They poured these directly into the tub and then went down for another round. Once they came back up, they poured these last into the tub.

  "Alright. It is time to warm the water. Should be nice and boiling by now," Heigl said.

  She and the other maids used cloth to grab the steaming hot kettles of water from the fire. They poured these into the tub to warm the cold water. Edith thought it was quite ingenious. She untied her braid and began to run a brush through her hair to prepare it for washing.

  "We will leave you to it, my Lady. Here in this basket are herbs for your washing and a cloth," Heigl said.

  "Thank you again," Edith said.

  The women walked out, and Edith locked the door. Then as quickly and eagerly as she could, she pulled off her clothes and stockings. She smelled the herbs for washing, rosemary, and thyme. Perfect.

  "Now, how hot are you?" she dipped a finger in. "Wow. That's actually quite hot and I'm glad for it."

  She slowly stepped into the hot water and sank down into the tub. She had never had a bath in front of a fireplace, and it felt all too luxurious.

  Edith sat in the water for an hour. Her skin wrinkled, but she did not get out until the water was on its way to turning cold. She stepped out and wrapped the blanket around her to dry off.

  Knock. Knock.

  "It's Maria," Maria said through the door. This was commonplace for someone to announce who was on the other end, especially for Edith. She was taught to stay quiet until someone announced who they were because it could always be someone that meant her harm. Therefore, she was taught not to answer until she recognized the voice.

  Edith was excited for a visit from her new friend. She unlocked the door and opened it wide with a smile. There were two young women standing behind Maria. The way they were dressed let Maria know that they were servants.

  "May we come in?"

  "Yes, of course. Oh, Maria thank you so much for the bath. I needed it dearly," Edith said, wrapping the blanket around herself tighter. "I obviously needed it."

  "You are most welcome." Maria smiled. "These are the seamstresses. They have come to take your measurements, so I suppose it is good you haven't quite dressed yet, though you may want to at least put on a dressing gown." She grinned. "I have several winter dresses for you. I want them to be fixed to your figure," Maria said.

  It was then that Edith saw the women were carrying several baskets of sewing threads and things as well as a bundle of dresses.

  "Really? For me? That is so nice, thank you," Edith said. "Just let me put on my robe, I won't be a moment." She slid into the fitted warm robe, or as Maria had called it, a dressing gown. Where at first, she had complained about the constricting nature of the period clothing, over the last few weeks she had grown quite fond of wearing the dresses and under clothing. "Okay, that's better."

  She looked at the fabric of the dresses the seamstresses carried, she could tell that these were varied and fine dresses, some of them were elegant for evening and others were daytime dresses. They were all very intricately patterned and beautiful.

  "I figured it wa
s time to get you some more clothing." Maria smiled again. "With it getting so cold outside, you need lots of layers and thick dresses. But also, this is a bit for me, I could use a girl's night," Maria said turning back to the door and gesturing for someone out in the hall.

  In walked another servant, carrying a tray with bottles and cups as well as some food on it. Maria smiled at Edith.

  "Oh, I absolutely could use a girl's night," Edith said laughing.

  A few moments later both ladies had glasses of strong Scottish whisky in their hands as Edith tried on several dresses and the seamstresses set about tailoring them to her.

  When they were done trying on clothing, the two seamstresses left the two women alone, which Edith was glad for because she was always afraid she was going to let slip something about modern life. Now that they were alone, she could talk about it as much as she wanted.

  "I miss going to dance clubs, and having a girl's night," Edith said.

  "So do I. You know what I really miss, is pizza," Maria said. "We had the best pizza in New York."

  "Yes, you do. Hey, we should try to make pizza in the kitchen. We know how to make bread, there's goat cheese, and smoked meats which isn't exactly pepperoni, but it will do. The only thing we're missing are tomatoes to make tomato sauce, but I think you and I could make do with what we have available," Edith said.

  "Yes, we absolutely should do that. That would be so much fun, and I would enjoy it immensely. Heigl will wonder what the hell we are doing."

  "Oh my God. You should have seen her face when I made a sandwich." Edith laughed which made Maria really laugh as well.

  "A sandwich. I should be making sandwiches as well. I miss the little things."

  "So do I. I miss my family so much, don't you?" Edith said feeling a little sad.

  "I do. Of course, I do, and I miss my life and modern times. I had only just made detective and was on the trip to Scotland when all of this happened to me. I made the trip as a celebration because I had worked so hard to make detective. And then everything I worked for and my family and everything just gone. I feel really bad thinking about my family not knowing what happened to me. They must think I'm dead by now, and I wish I could ease their pain."

  "How do you do it? How do you get on day by day?"

  "That's it exactly. I just take it day by day. I can't dwell on it because there's nothing I can do to fix it. I allow it to make me feel sad and disappointed, but then I let it pass. There's no point in making myself sick with worry and sad. I have a lot to be grateful for here. Plus, we are on the adventure of a lifetime. Think about all the movies we watched and how everyone wants to go back in time. You and I have actually been able to do it and I don't want to take that for granted. I've found the love of my life, which I never would have found if I had not come here. He is everything to me."

  "I can see that. You two are very happy."

  "Do you know what else I miss? Bad television," Maria said not wanting to dwell on the sad parts.

  "Yes. Reality dating shows, the best of bad TV," Edith said.

  Then the two women began to laugh and drink more, having a true girls night eating and drinking as though they were at their favorite restaurant and bar in the city. It was just what Edith needed, and she felt closer to Maria than ever before knowing that Maria was not entirely perfect and did miss the same things that she missed.

  They made plans for this to become a weekly routine for the two women, and it made both of them quite happy. Though they decided they would hang out in Maria's chambers from now on, since it was almost a luxury suite with plenty of room.

  A few nights later, the seamstresses had finished their work and now Edith had many winter dresses to choose from. But this night was to be a special night. It was a winter feast of the winter solstice, and according to Maria it was to be celebrated in grand style. Therefore, Edith chose the best dress she had. It was a deep burgundy dress that thankfully didn't clash with her red hair and looked perfect on her. It cinched tightly at the waist giving her for a hour glass frame. It was low-cut, putting her cleavage on display. She put her hair in braids and pinned them to her head. She was quite excited about this particular party because she had heard many things about it.

  Satisfied with her reflection in the mirror, she walked out of her room and down the corridor. The commotion and music from the great hall reached her ears almost immediately making her smile. This was going to be a fun evening.

  Entering the grand room of the hall, she noticed there were several fires lit. People were dressed in their finest clothes, moving about the room having ale and mead. Edith stood at the entrance taking it all in.

  "You look quite fine this evening, Edith," Bran said behind her.

  She turned and looked up into his gorgeous face. He too was cleaned up quite nicely and had even shaved. He was dressed in a fine tunic with a tartan across his chest diagonally and a nice cravat around his neck. A buttoned fleece jacket completed the outfit. Edith tried not to let her mouth fall open.

  "Thank you. As do you," she said.

  "Oh, there you are, Edith. Shall we enter?" Maria said walking up to them with Cameron at her side. As they stood there, the whole group quieted for the Laird to enter.

  Cameron put his hand in the air, acknowledging their attention. Then he put his arm out and Maria took it and they entered the hall.

  Edith was surprised that Bran did the same thing for her.

  "May I?" he asked.

  "Yes, you may." She took his arm and they walked behind Maria and Cameron to the grand table at the end of the room, the Laird's table.

  "This is a special time, my people. We have made it through some hard times and some hard storms. This winter feast marks the movement of the sun, and we are reminded that we have made it this far. To this Samhain!" Cameron shouted as he picked up his cup of mead.

  "To Samhain!" the crowd shouted as they raised their glasses.

  "Let the winter feast begin!" Cameron said.

  Cheers erupted everywhere.

  Edith noticed just how happy Bran looked. His chest was out proud as he toasted to the winter feast. For the first time, Edith saw the real beauty of the people, their simplicity, and their happiness.

  After the feast tables were moved and the benches were set up in rows.

  "What's going on?" Edith asked Bran.

  "We have the players coming out to entertain us."

  "Yes. The play. Maria said there would be a play."

  "You're going to like it. Sit with me," Bran said.

  Edith smiled. "I would love to."

  Bran sat behind Cameron and Maria with Edith at his side.

  Edith felt the warmth from the enormous man sitting beside her. Even though it was winter outside, it felt very warm inside.

  Suddenly, the music began, as minstrels entered the room, and everyone cheered. Edith was in such a happy mood, enjoying herself immensely. Maria was right, this was unlike anything she would ever experience in her own time, and she needed to enjoy it as much as she could.

  The players came out dressed in costume, and although Edith couldn't understand the thick accents of the Gaelic language, she did understand the movement and body language of the actors and followed along. The play was funny and lighthearted, and everyone was having a good time.

  Edith watched as Maria turned over her shoulder and looked at her and then looked at Bran, and then looked back at Edith. Edith turned bright red, realizing that Maria very much knew her feelings for Bran, simply by the way she had looked at them. It must be very obvious to everyone because Bran usually did not sit with a woman. In that moment she liked being regarded as the woman belonging to Bran. If only she knew once and for all if she was indeed a single woman, then Bran could take her into his arms and make love to her. Was that too much to ask?

  After the play, the festive atmosphere transitioned into dancing and drinking around the fires inside the hall. Edith was still getting used to this style of dance, which was very tradi
tional and involved a lot of hopping around while holding hands. Therefore, she sat or watched from the side of the room, clapping her hands along with the music and drinking into the night.

  At the end of the night, Bran walked her back to her room. She couldn't help but feel like she was on a first date, with the guy dropping her off after taking her to watch a play and to have dinner. It was such a strange feeling, especially because she was a married woman in a different time.

  "Did you enjoy the winter feast?"

  "I really did. Perhaps I had a little too much to drink, but I am having such a good time."

  "So, you are starting to like it here? I mean in this time?"

  "Yes, I actually am. I didn't think it was possible, but it is starting to grow on me."

  "I am glad to hear that," Bran said as they stopped in front of her door. He looked down at her and Edith noticed that his eyes moved directly to her lips.

  It must have been the alcohol because Edith did not take a minute to even think. She put her arms around his neck and reached up on her tiptoes and pressed her lips against his. She couldn't help it anymore, her body was driving her to do this, and there was nothing she could do to stop it.

  Bran put his arms around her, pulling her to him and kissed her back. They were both lost in the moment, kissing with passion and intensity. A soft groan escaped her lips. It was then that Bran moved out of the embrace.

  "You should not have done that. You belong to another man," he said.

  Then he turned and walked away from her. Edith was incredibly frustrated. Even though Gabriel was not part of her life anymore he still had control over her. He was still an obstacle to her happiness, and it was incredibly frustrating. Something had to change, it needed to.

  Chapter 23

  Bran thought he was looking at an angel when he saw Edith in her winter gown. It nearly took his breath away. In that moment he forgot all about her background. This was no longer a woman from a time that he did not understand. She looked like a Scottish princess with her red hair and pale complexion. In the moment he thought that she could be a princess visiting from another clan who had captured his heart. He could not take his eyes off of her and before he knew it, he was standing behind her breathing in her scent and simply wanting to be near her.


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