Never Trust a Saint (LOS SANTOS Cartel story #1)

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Never Trust a Saint (LOS SANTOS Cartel story #1) Page 10

by Melissa Jane

  “Cariña,” he began.


  “Look at me.”

  Hearing his voice, the gravelly thickness of it, slightly accented, it still had its affect and I hated him for it.

  “Look. At. Me,” he demanded again. With a clenched jaw and narrowed eyes, I met his gaze.

  “What do you want?”

  “I never lied to you.”

  Was it a plea? A statement? His defense?

  “You used me from the moment I met you. In fact, before that, you were working on ways to manipulate me from the beginning.”

  “That part is true.”

  Four words and they sting like a bitch.

  “You’ve got everything you ever wanted from me. So just leave.” He didn’t move. “Go!”

  “I haven’t got everything,” he replied, eyes narrowed.

  I stared at him, wishing a world of pain on the man who at one time had treated me so gloriously, had been my savior, but now was my own personal devil.

  “Do you ever feel ashamed for what you have done? Do you even feel a thing?”

  He stilled, considering me for a long moment. “I feel a great deal. Unfortunately I have allowed my personal judgement to hinder my business.”

  “Personal? You used sex to manipulate.” I rose from the bed, squaring my shoulders. Hunter’s jaw clenched as he closed the door behind him. “I guess you can add my name to the score card. I suppose you even enjoyed telling me how trusting I am. How I should be careful who I let into my life when all along it was you I needed to avoid. Did I provide a good laugh while I brought your production to life?”

  “You did make it easy.”

  Anger raged through me, my open hand slapping him hard across his cheek. “You fucking asshole,” I seethed, ready to strike again. Jair’s eyes flared with an emotion I couldn’t decipher, his hand clasp tightly around my wrist mid-air before twisting my arm behind my back. I screamed in both frustration and anger as we fell to the bed, him on top of me, his lips grazing my ear.

  “Having you underneath me,” he began in a low whisper, “listening to you scream with my face between your legs, the way your back arches while you come, none of that was manipulation. I fucking loved every part of it, as did you.” His hard cock pressed against my ass and despite the hatred I felt toward this man, I felt that familiar ache. “And I would do it all over again if it meant I could taste your pussy and have you wet for me.”

  “Get off me!”

  “You look so beautiful when I’m moving inside of you.”

  “Please, just get off me.”

  His hand slipped between us and then between my thighs, grazing my pussy. “I intrigue you just as much as you intrigue me. Even in a situation as this…” his finger slid inside and I gasp with both shock and exhilaration, “…you still crave to feel me as much as I do you.”

  “That’s not true,” I lied. Reality came crashing home, blinking the tears from my lashes. “Why have you led me to my death?”

  Lifting his weight, Hunter rolled me onto my back, him straddling my legs. Seeing the anger still radiating from me, he held my hands up above my head. “I haven’t. I have a purpose. A reason for being here. You can look at yourself as bait but the fact is, very soon their eyes won’t be on you.”

  “So why am I here? A distraction?”

  “In a way, yes.” His voice lowered to a rumble. “Keeping you alive is my number one priority, cariña. You will be walking out of this, but understand, I will not rest until this cartel is brought to its knees."

  I looked at him with confusion. “You’re a part of this cartel, why would you destroy it?”

  “I was tact force for the Secret Service, for many years. I’ve worked in bringing down cartels for a long time. This one however, the department won’t touch. And it just so happens this particular one is on top of my kill list. For reasons I cannot divulge. But trust me when I say, they have what’s coming to them. I’ve never met Evan Jacobs, but I have reason to believe he did not have your best interests at heart. I also do not belong to a cartel.”

  “Your tattoo? Of the Virgin Mary?”

  “Merely to assimilate. I’ve been building foundations within the framework for two years waiting for Luis Santos to show his face. He’s my target. You and the promise of a paycheck, a hefty one at that, could well be what I need for him to crawl out from under his rock.”

  “I don’t know how to break into the national security base. I—”

  “Cariña, I don’t expect you to.”

  “What? What am I doing here then?”

  “They know you’ve worked on fraud related cases. They know you’re FBI. They know you can make things happen. You were a potential target before Garcia was killed. He inadvertently made you their target.”

  “What did he have to do with them? I know he wouldn’t have been helping willingly.”

  He looked unconvinced. “Garcia had closed a case years before you had even graduated.”

  “When he and Evan Jacobs were partners?”

  “Correct. That case was nicknamed the Narcotic Triangle.”


  “Like I told you, the standoff between the Baja and Los Santos over the Florez cartel drug money. Three cartels and a whole load of money that simply vanished. It vanished because of one man within the department who was still fresh and keen to impress. Tomas Garcia was dangled the golden carrot. While he was responsible for highlighting the criminals in the case he was also propositioned to make something of it. And he did.”

  “What of Evan Jacobs?”

  “Garcia and Jacobs were partners in solving crime but their allegiances lay with opposing cartels. At the time however, they were none the wiser about each other’s involvement. They were played and played well.”

  “Why is Evan Jacobs suspended?”

  “The Florez money was in off-shore accounts. Cuba. The US has no claim over monies that can’t be proven to have been created through trade on American soil. The bank where it’s held is part owned by the US. Which presents a crossroads. As per old law, no production on US ground equals no claim. New law allows those monies under investigation to be frozen for ten years before being released to authorities, and since the institution is part owned the new law applies. The FBI froze all monies, but before that someone tried to hack the system attempting to defraud the government. After some internal investigation, it was found Jacobs has connections to the Baja cartel. The evidence was minimal. He covered his tracks well. But it was enough to make people in higher places question his allegiance.”

  “He was setting me up?”

  “Yes. The man Ruiz, who you believed me to be was also Baja and was planning on leading you here anyway. It was a naïve attempt at reviving an old agreement where both would profit. Trouble was, I needed a way into this place and when I could see Ruiz not doing a good enough job of protecting you, I took over.”

  “You think you’re doing at better job at protecting me?” I couldn’t disguise my sarcasm.

  “Cariña, I will shoot any man who threatens your life. I know you’re trained in this. I disagree on it being the job for you, but you know how to take on anyone.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me this earlier?”

  “Would you have come?”

  I scoffed at his stupid question. “No!”

  “There’s your answer. I need you, cariña.”

  “But why? Can’t you track down Luis Santos yourself?”

  “He is elusive. Like any lead cartel figure, he keeps himself fairly well hidden away. But I know that this is something that will bring him out of hiding.”

  “And if it doesn’t?”

  “Plan B.”

  An abrupt beeping sounded causing me to jump. Jair released one of my wrists and pulled his cell from the back pocket of his pants.”

  “Yep,” he answered, his eyes trained on mine as he listened. He didn’t say anything to give me the slightest hint of what was being said, jus
t the occasion nonsensical murmur acknowledging the other person. Ending the call he pocketed the cell and reclaimed my wrist, his face edging closer toward mine.

  “Cariña, I have to go.” There was regret in his voice and a part of me wanted him to stay. It was unforgivable what he had done. Tricking me the way he had. Manipulating to make me think he were my protector. Having me abducted over the border to a standoff with the leading Mexican cartel. Yet, he had talked some sense into me even if I didn’t agree with his unorthodox method.

  I watched, feeling the pang between my legs as his tongue darted out to wet his lips. Even after everything he’d done, knowing where he stood in this story, there was now an element of trust that wasn’t there before.

  “I will always have one eye on you, Nina. I promise, as soon as this is over, I will get you out.”

  Nodding in agreement, I let Jair kiss me, his lips igniting that raw passion I felt toward him every time I caught him watching, every time he touched me, and every time he called me Cariña.

  I was putty in his hands.

  And he was my gorgeous sculptor.

  Feeling his hardness grow between my legs, my need for him became evident. Cupping my cheek with his rough hand, he deepened the kiss until I was left groaning, my legs spreading wider to accommodate him. He responded equally until his cell beeped once again. Breaking the kiss with a sigh, his forehead touched mine.

  “I have to go.” Releasing my cheek he rolled off the bed and faced me. “This…” he indicated between us both, “…are you in?”

  “Yes,” I answered without hesitation. I would never have agreed to be a pawn, but something about this man pulled me further into his web.

  “What’s your real name?”

  His lips twitched. “In this place, call me Hunter.”

  He was my hunter and I his prey. I only hoped he would eventually release me.

  Chapter 16

  I woke the next morning to an awful feeling of being watched.

  Ruby Ring stood at the end of the bed, his erection obvious. I didn’t know how long he had been there. I almost didn’t want to know. Pulling the comforter high under my chin, I waited until he finally spoke.

  “Here!” he said throwing a dress on the bed. “As much as I prefer to see your ass peeking out of that shirt, we need to keep this somewhat professional.”

  “Thank you.” I truly was grateful.

  “Don’t be. It’s not gonna stop me taking what I want later. Get dressed.”

  Swallowing hard, I waited for him to close the door behind him, his words of warning sending a terrifying shiver through my body. As much as I wanted to trust Hunter, I didn’t know if he could keep me safe from Ruby Ring. He had killed for me. But where would he draw the line?

  Shortly after Hunter had left the night before, I crawled into bed and wished sleep to claim me, but my fear of all in the house had kept me on edge. Sensing this, Hunter made frequent visits, opening the door to my room every half hour ensuring my safety. The light filtered in from the hall, silhouetting his figure before he was content enough to close the door. For this I was thankful, his night watch adding that extra sense of comfort in a rather hostile environment.

  Somewhat relieved, I changed into the light sundress, grateful for the added length to my modesty but still craving the need for underwear.

  The door opened again but this time, it was the man from the basement who stood at the entry. He openly assessed my new attire. “I prefer the other,” he said in a thick sleazy accent. “Come.”

  Maintaining a wide a berth, I let him lead me through the maze of a house and into the dining room I’d been in the night before. Also, in the room waiting were Hunter, Ruby Ring and one other man I hadn’t seen before.

  Could that be Luis Santos?

  He was mature in age with a hardened look that seemed like he hadn’t smiled in years. Was that the look of a cartel boss?

  The three men sat at one end of the table. Ruby Ring was talking in a hushed voice. Hunter seemed disinterested, fingers drumming on the mahogany wood, his eyes scanning the room until they fell on me. He looked tired, irritated.

  “Ah, here she is,” Ruby Ring obnoxiously announced. “Looking particularly ravishing.”

  I wanted to vomit. Hunter’s jaw clenched.

  “Sit,” came the instruction and it was then I noticed the laptop with the screen open. Taking a seat I waited, not knowing what to do next.

  Ruby Ring sauntered his way down the length of the table, cracking his knuckles.

  “Let’s begin, shall we?” His hand snaked up my neck in what could have been an intimate act, but from him, it was a silent threat.

  “I’ve told you before, I can’t help you.”

  Still with his hand firmly in place, he lowered his mouth to my ear. “I know you and Garcia worked for the Deputy Chief, and I also know that your department of expertise is Criminal Division, Asset Forfeiture and Money Laundering. And guess what? What you’re about to do fits into all of those categories, so I think you can indeed help me.”

  “Even if I could… which I can’t. A sudden wire transfer of presumably a large amount of money will raise eyebrows. A suspicious activity report will be flagging the transaction before the day is out.”

  “A, the money won’t be in the account long enough to raise suspicions and B, its final destination is a non-FATCA agreement account in Singapore. Which means by law the US government will receive no such automated report.”

  He was right.

  He’d done his homework, and every mode of prevention I had up my sleeve was already countered.

  Most countries specializing in off-shore foreign investment accounts had signed a US originated agreement that would put in place an international alert of unauthorized transactions that don’t meet IRS approval. It was designed to stop people like Ruby Ring and Los Santos cartel. Its purpose was to prevent criminal activity. But Singapore was in ‘progress’ talks about them jumping on board, and because of that Ruby Ring may well get away with it.

  “Now, from your account you need to send through a request to the Cuban National Bank for the transfer of funds.”

  My fingers hovered over the keyboard, not wanting to enter my username and password into the department portal. I wasn’t sure how long I could delay the inevitable. Glancing up, I caught the eyes of Hunter who was as stoic as they came, not even a blink revealing what I should do next.

  “No need to stall, hermosa,” Ruby Ring growled, “this will happen whether you cooperate or not. It just comes down to how much pain you can bear.”

  Without saying a word, I entered my username and password and waited with my heart in my throat as the spinning wheel rotated, each second causing a new bead of sweat to form.

  Ruby Ring’s fingers gently stroked my neck in anticipation, but it was more to remind me of his intimidating presence. Despite feeling anxious about wiring crime money, I was starting to grow more concerned that my login was taking so long.

  With sweaty palms and sunken heart, I stared at the window that popped up on screen, in thick red letters sending a fear through me like never before.

  What the hell? I was denied access?

  “Access denied!” Ruby Ring read, his tone clearly pissed. “No games, Hermosa. Enter in the correct details. I don’t have all day.”

  “I did, I promise you.”

  “Do it again.”

  Carefully re-entering the correct combination we again waited with bated breath as the thinking wheel spun. It was taking just as long as the last time and I couldn’t think why. I was still an employee of the agency despite being on forced leave.

  “Fuck!” Ruby Ring bellowed when the same message displayed. In his rage, he knocked over the dining chair opposite before turning his attention back to me. His eyes were of fury, his words filled with loathing. Wrapping his hand around my throat he sent me and the chair careening backward until I landed heavily on the floor, the wooden frame of the chair digging into my back.<
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  Lowering his face to mine, I could stare into his dilated pupils. “Don’t fucking fuck with me!” he seethed.

  “I’m not. I swear to you, both times were correct.”

  Pain assaulted my cheek as he backhanded me, hard and without reservation, sending my body hurtling off the upturned chair. Rolling onto the carpet with the fresh taste of blood in my mouth, I felt his hand wind the length of hair tight until my scalp was screaming. As he pulled my face off the carpet, I saw his feet standing either side of me.

  “I’m telling you the truth, please,” I begged.

  “She’s telling the truth,” an unfamiliar voice confirmed. I couldn’t see, given my position, but I took a wild stab that it was the unidentified man who was in the room with us.

  “What the fuck are you talking about?” Ruby Ring twisted his body to face his colleague and at the same time my hair felt as if it were ripping from my scalp.

  “Here,” unnamed said. Ruby Ring released my hair, much to my relief and hooked his arms through mine lifting me off the ground. Straightening the chair, he forced me to sit back in front of the laptop while he checked the other man’s phone. Remaining silent, he read whatever had been made available to him before a small almost disbelieving smile played on his lips.

  “Well, well, well. Looks like you were telling the truth.” He continued staring at the screen.

  “What’s happened?” I didn’t understand why they would have that sort of information about me.

  “Turns out you’re America’s most wanted.”

  “They’re looking for me?” I couldn’t disguise my excitement.

  “They are, but not because they want to give you a welcome home party.” His words were snide and cruel.

  “What? What do you mean?”

  Without saying another word, he slid the phone across the wooden table until it reached me. Just as Ruby Ring did, I read the article in silence, any hope of resuming my normal life quickly fading.

  What the hell was going on?

  How had it come to this?


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